AnalysisLibrary.hs revision 4c8d3c5a9e938633f6147b5a595b9b93bfca99e6
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : static analysis of CASL specification libraries
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Static analysis of CASL specification libraries
Follows the verification semantics sketched in Chap. IV:6
of the CASL Reference Manual.
module Static.AnalysisLibrary
( anaLibFileOrGetEnv
, ana_LIB_DEFN
, anaSourceFile
) where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.AnalysisStructured
import Static.AnalysisArchitecture
import Common.AS_Annotation hiding (isAxiom, isDef)
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos
import Common.AnalyseAnnos
import Common.Result
import Common.ResultT
import Common.LibName
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Id
import Driver.Options
import Driver.ReadFn
import Driver.WriteLibDefn
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import System.Directory
import System.Time
-- | parsing and static analysis for files
-- Parameters: logic graph, default logic, file name
anaSourceFile :: LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> FilePath
-> ResultT IO (LIB_NAME, LibEnv)
anaSourceFile lgraph opts libenv fname = ResultT $ do
fname' <- existsAnSource opts {intype = GuessIn} fname
case fname' of
Nothing -> do
return $ fail $ "a file for input '" ++ fname ++ "' not found."
Just file ->
if any (flip isSuffixOf file) [envSuffix, prfSuffix] then
fail $ "a matching source file for '" ++ fname ++ "' not found."
else do
curDir <- getCurrentDirectory
input <- readFile file
mt <- getModificationTime file
-- when switching to ghc 6.6.1 with System.FilePath use:
-- combine curDir file
let absolutePath = if "/" `isPrefixOf` file
then file
else curDir ++ '/':file
putIfVerbose opts 2 $ "Reading file " ++ absolutePath
runResultT $ anaString lgraph opts libenv input absolutePath mt
-- | parsing and static analysis for string (=contents of file)
-- Parameters: logic graph, default logic, contents of file, filename
anaString :: LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> String
-> FilePath -> ClockTime -> ResultT IO (LIB_NAME, LibEnv)
anaString lgraph opts libenv input file mt = do
let Result ds mast = read_LIB_DEFN_M lgraph opts file input mt
case mast of
Just ast@(Lib_defn ln _ _ ans) -> case analysis opts of
Skip -> do
lift $ putIfVerbose opts 1 $
"Skipping static analysis of library " ++ show ln
ga <- liftR $ addGlobalAnnos emptyGlobalAnnos ans
lift $ write_LIB_DEFN ga file opts ast
liftR $ Result ds Nothing
_ -> do
let libstring = show $ getLIB_ID ln
if libstring == libraryS then return ()
else do
if isSuffixOf libstring (rmSuffix file) then return () else
lift $ putIfVerbose opts 1 $
"### file name '" ++ file
++ "' does not match library name '" ++
libstring ++ "'"
lift $ putIfVerbose opts 1 $ "Analyzing library " ++ show ln
(_,ld, _, lenv) <- ana_LIB_DEFN lgraph opts libenv ast
case Map.lookup ln lenv of
Nothing -> error $ "anaString: missing library: " ++ show ln
Just dg -> lift $ do
write_LIB_DEFN (globalAnnos dg) file opts ld
when (hasEnvOut opts)
(writeFileInfo opts ln file ld dg)
return (ln, lenv)
Nothing -> liftR $ Result ds Nothing
-- lookup/read a library
anaLibFile :: LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> LIB_NAME
-> ResultT IO (LIB_NAME, LibEnv)
anaLibFile lgraph opts libenv ln =
let lnstr = show ln in case Map.lookup ln libenv of
Just _ -> do
analyzing opts $ "from " ++ lnstr
return (ln, libenv)
Nothing -> do
putMessageIORes opts 1 $ "Downloading " ++ lnstr ++ " ..."
res <- anaLibFileOrGetEnv lgraph
(if recurse opts then opts else opts { outtypes = [] })
libenv ln $ libNameToFile opts ln
putMessageIORes opts 1 $ "... loaded " ++ lnstr
return res
-- lookup/read a library
anaLibFileOrGetEnv :: LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv
-> LIB_NAME -> FilePath -> ResultT IO (LIB_NAME, LibEnv)
anaLibFileOrGetEnv lgraph opts libenv libname file = ResultT $ do
let envFile = rmSuffix file ++ envSuffix
recent_envFile <- checkRecentEnv opts envFile file
if recent_envFile
then do
mgc <- readVerbose opts libname envFile
case mgc of
Nothing -> runResultT $ do
lift $ putIfVerbose opts 1 $ "Deleting " ++ envFile
anaSourceFile lgraph opts libenv file
Just (ld, gc) -> do
write_LIB_DEFN (globalAnnos gc) file opts ld
-- get all DGRefs from DGraph
Result ds mEnv <- runResultT $ foldl
( \ ioLibEnv labOfDG -> let node = snd labOfDG in
if isDGRef node then do
let ln = dgn_libname node
p_libEnv <- ioLibEnv
if Map.member ln p_libEnv then
return p_libEnv
else fmap snd $ anaLibFile lgraph
opts p_libEnv ln
else ioLibEnv)
(return $ Map.insert libname gc libenv)
$ labNodesDG gc
return $ Result ds $ fmap
( \ rEnv -> (libname, rEnv)) mEnv
else runResultT $ anaSourceFile lgraph opts libenv file
-- | analyze a LIB_DEFN
-- Parameters: logic graph, default logic, opts, library env, LIB_DEFN
-- call this function as follows:
-- do Result diags res <- runResultT (ana_LIB_DEFN ...)
-- mapM_ (putStrLn . show) diags
ana_LIB_DEFN :: LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> LIB_DEFN
-> ResultT IO (LIB_NAME,LIB_DEFN, DGraph, LibEnv)
ana_LIB_DEFN lgraph opts libenv (Lib_defn ln alibItems pos ans) = do
gannos <- showDiags1 opts $ liftR $ addGlobalAnnos emptyGlobalAnnos ans
dg <- lift $ emptyDGwithMVar
(libItems', dg1, libenv', _) <- foldM ana
([], dg { globalAnnos = gannos }, libenv, lgraph) (map item alibItems)
return (ln, Lib_defn ln
(map (uncurry replaceAnnoted) (zip (reverse libItems') alibItems))
pos ans, dg1, Map.insert ln dg1 libenv')
ana (libItems', dg1, libenv1, lG) libItem =
let newLG = case libItems' of
[] -> lG { currentLogic = defLogic opts }
Logic_decl (Logic_name logTok _) _ : _ ->
lG { currentLogic = tokStr logTok }
_ -> lG
in ResultT (do
Result diags2 res <-
runResultT $ ana_LIB_ITEM newLG opts libenv1 dg1 libItem
runResultT $ showDiags1 opts (liftR (Result diags2 res))
let mRes = case res of
Just (libItem', dg1', libenv1') ->
Just (libItem' : libItems', dg1', libenv1', newLG)
Nothing -> Nothing
if outputToStdout opts then
if hasErrors diags2 then
fail "Stopped due to errors"
else runResultT $ liftR $ Result [] mRes
else runResultT $ liftR $ Result diags2 mRes)
putMessageIORes :: HetcatsOpts -> Int -> String -> ResultT IO ()
putMessageIORes opts i msg =
if outputToStdout opts
then lift $ putIfVerbose opts i msg
else liftR $ message () msg
analyzing :: HetcatsOpts -> String -> ResultT IO ()
analyzing opts msg = putMessageIORes opts 1 $ "Analyzing " ++ msg
alreadyDefined :: String -> String
alreadyDefined str = "Name " ++ str ++ " already defined"
-- | analyze a GENERICITY
ana_GENERICITY :: LogicGraph -> DGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> NodeName
-> GENERICITY -> Result (GENERICITY, GenericitySig, DGraph)
ana_GENERICITY lg dg opts name
gen@(Genericity params@(Params psps) imps@(Imported isps) pos) =
case psps of
[] -> do -- no parameter ...
when (not (null isps))
(plain_error () "Parameterless specifications must not have imports"
l <- lookupCurrentLogic "GENERICITY" lg
return (gen, GenericitySig (EmptyNode l) [] $ EmptyNode l, dg)
_ -> do
(imps', nsigI, dg') <- ana_IMPORTS lg dg opts (extName "I" name) imps
case psps of
[asp] -> do -- one parameter ...
(sp', nsigP, dg'') <- ana_SPEC False lg dg' nsigI name opts (item asp)
return (Genericity (Params [replaceAnnoted sp' asp]) imps' pos,
GenericitySig nsigI [nsigP] $ JustNode nsigP, dg'')
_ -> do -- ... and more parameters
(params',nsigPs,dg'') <-
ana_PARAMS lg dg' nsigI opts (inc name) params
let adj = adjustPos pos
gsigmaP <- adj $ gsigManyUnion lg (map getSig nsigPs)
let (NodeSig node _, dg3) = insGSig dg'' name DGFormalParams gsigmaP
inslink dgl (NodeSig n sigma) = do
incl <- adj $ ginclusion lg sigma gsigmaP
return $ insLink dgl incl GlobalDef SeeTarget n node
dg4 <- foldM inslink dg3 nsigPs
return (Genericity params' imps' pos,
GenericitySig nsigI nsigPs $ JustNode $ NodeSig node gsigmaP, dg4)
ana_PARAMS :: LogicGraph -> DGraph -> MaybeNode
-> HetcatsOpts -> NodeName -> PARAMS
-> Result (PARAMS, [NodeSig], DGraph)
ana_PARAMS lg dg nsigI opts name (Params asps) = do
(sps', pars, dg', _) <- foldM ana ([], [], dg, name) $ map item asps
return (Params (map (uncurry replaceAnnoted)
(zip (reverse sps') asps)),
reverse pars, dg')
ana (sps', pars, dg1, n) sp = do
(sp', par, dg') <- ana_SPEC False lg dg1 nsigI n opts sp
return (sp' : sps', par : pars, dg', inc n)
ana_IMPORTS :: LogicGraph -> DGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> NodeName -> IMPORTED
-> Result (IMPORTED, MaybeNode, DGraph)
ana_IMPORTS lg dg opts name imps@(Imported asps) = do
l <- lookupCurrentLogic "IMPORTS" lg
case asps of
[] -> return (imps, EmptyNode l, dg)
_ -> do
let sp = Union asps nullRange
(Union asps' _, nsig', dg') <-
ana_SPEC False lg dg (EmptyNode l) name opts sp
return (Imported asps', JustNode nsig', dg')
-- ??? emptyExplicit stuff needs to be added here
-- | analyse a LIB_ITEM
ana_LIB_ITEM :: LogicGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> DGraph -> LIB_ITEM
-> ResultT IO (LIB_ITEM, DGraph, LibEnv)
ana_LIB_ITEM lgraph opts libenv dg itm = case itm of
Spec_defn spn gen asp pos -> do
let spstr = tokStr spn
analyzing opts $ "spec " ++ spstr
(gen', GenericitySig imp params allparams, dg') <-
liftR (ana_GENERICITY lgraph dg opts
(extName "P" (makeName spn)) gen)
(sp', body, dg'') <-
liftR (ana_SPEC True lgraph dg'
allparams (makeName spn) opts (item asp))
let libItem' = Spec_defn spn gen' (replaceAnnoted sp' asp) pos
genv = globalEnv dg
if Map.member spn genv
then liftR (plain_error (libItem', dg'', libenv)
(alreadyDefined spstr) pos)
else return
( libItem'
, dg'' { globalEnv = Map.insert spn (SpecEntry
$ ExtGenSig imp params (getMaybeSig allparams) body) genv }
, libenv)
View_defn vn gen vt gsis pos -> do
analyzing opts $ "view " ++ tokStr vn
liftR (ana_VIEW_DEFN lgraph libenv dg opts vn gen vt gsis pos)
Arch_spec_defn asn asp pos -> do
let asstr = tokStr asn
analyzing opts $ "arch spec " ++ asstr
(archSig, dg', asp') <-
liftR (ana_ARCH_SPEC lgraph dg opts (item asp))
let asd' = Arch_spec_defn asn (replaceAnnoted asp' asp) pos
genv = globalEnv dg'
if Map.member asn genv
then liftR (plain_error (asd', dg', libenv)
(alreadyDefined asstr) pos)
else return (asd', dg'
{ globalEnv = Map.insert asn (ArchEntry archSig) genv },
Unit_spec_defn usn usp pos -> do
let usstr = tokStr usn
analyzing opts $ "unit spec " ++ usstr
l <- lookupCurrentLogic "Unit_spec_defn" lgraph
(unitSig, dg', usp') <- liftR (ana_UNIT_SPEC lgraph dg opts
(EmptyNode l) usp)
let usd' = Unit_spec_defn usn usp' pos
genv = globalEnv dg'
if Map.member usn genv
then liftR (plain_error (itm, dg', libenv)
(alreadyDefined usstr) pos)
else return (usd', dg'
{ globalEnv = Map.insert usn (UnitEntry unitSig) genv },
Ref_spec_defn rn _ pos -> do
let rnstr = tokStr rn
analyzing opts $ "refinement "
++ rnstr ++ "\n (refinement analysis not implemented yet)"
let genv = globalEnv dg
if Map.member rn genv
then liftR (plain_error (itm, dg, libenv)
(alreadyDefined rnstr)
else return ( itm, dg { globalEnv = Map.insert rn (RefEntry) genv }
, libenv)
Logic_decl (Logic_name logTok _) _ -> do
logNm <- lookupLogic "LOGIC DECLARATION:" (tokStr logTok) lgraph
putMessageIORes opts 1 $ "logic " ++ show logNm
return (itm, dg, libenv)
Download_items ln items _ -> do
-- we take as the default logic for imported libs
-- the global default logic
(ln', libenv') <- anaLibFile lgraph opts libenv ln
if ln == ln' then case Map.lookup ln libenv' of
Nothing -> error $ "Internal error: did not find library " ++
show ln ++ " available: " ++ show (Map.keys libenv')
Just dg' -> do
(genv1, dg1) <-
liftR $ foldM (ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP libenv' ln $ globalEnv dg')
(globalEnv dg, dg) items
gannos'' <- liftR $ globalAnnos dg `mergeGlobalAnnos` globalAnnos dg'
return (itm, dg1
{ globalAnnos = gannos''
, globalEnv = genv1 }, libenv')
else liftR $ fail $ "downloaded library '" ++ show ln'
++ "' does not match library name '" ++ shows ln "'"
-- | analyse genericity and view type and construct gmorphism
ana_VIEW_DEFN :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> DGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> SIMPLE_ID
-> GENERICITY -> VIEW_TYPE -> [G_mapping] -> Range
-> Result (LIB_ITEM, DGraph, LibEnv)
ana_VIEW_DEFN lgraph libenv dg opts vn gen vt gsis pos = do
(gen', GenericitySig imp params allparams, dg') <-
ana_GENERICITY lgraph dg opts (extName "VG" (makeName vn)) gen
(vt', (src@(NodeSig nodeS gsigmaS)
, tar@(NodeSig nodeT gsigmaT@(G_sign lidT _ _))), dg'') <-
ana_VIEW_TYPE lgraph dg' allparams opts (makeName vn) vt
let genv = globalEnv dg''
if Map.member vn genv
then plain_error (View_defn vn gen' vt' gsis pos, dg'', libenv)
(alreadyDefined $ tokStr vn) pos
else do
(gsigmaS', imor) <- gSigCoerce lgraph gsigmaS (Logic lidT)
tmor <- gEmbedComorphism imor gsigmaS
emor <- fmap gEmbed $ ana_Gmaps lgraph opts pos gsigmaS' gsigmaT gsis
gmor <- comp tmor emor
let vsig = ExtViewSig src gmor
$ ExtGenSig imp params (getMaybeSig allparams) tar
return (View_defn vn gen' vt' gsis pos,
(insLink dg'' gmor (GlobalThm LeftOpen None LeftOpen)
(DGLinkView vn) nodeS nodeT)
-- 'LeftOpen' for conserv correct?
{ globalEnv = Map.insert vn (ViewEntry vsig) genv }
, libenv)
-- | analyze a VIEW_TYPE
-- The first three arguments give the global context
-- The AnyLogic is the current logic
-- The NodeSig is the signature of the parameter of the view
-- flag, whether just the structure shall be analysed
ana_VIEW_TYPE :: LogicGraph -> DGraph -> MaybeNode -> HetcatsOpts
-> NodeName -> VIEW_TYPE
-> Result (VIEW_TYPE, (NodeSig, NodeSig), DGraph)
ana_VIEW_TYPE lg dg parSig opts name
(View_type aspSrc aspTar pos) = do
l <- lookupCurrentLogic "VIEW_TYPE" lg
(spSrc', srcNsig, dg') <- adjustPos pos $
ana_SPEC False lg dg (EmptyNode l) (extName "S" name) opts (item aspSrc)
(spTar', tarNsig, dg'') <- adjustPos pos $
ana_SPEC True lg dg' parSig (extName "T" name) opts (item aspTar)
return (View_type (replaceAnnoted spSrc' aspSrc)
(replaceAnnoted spTar' aspTar)
(srcNsig, tarNsig), dg'')
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> GlobalEnv
-> (GlobalEnv, DGraph) -> ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP
-> Result (GlobalEnv, DGraph)
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP libenv ln genv' res itm =
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP1 libenv ln genv' res $ case itm of
Item_name name -> (name, name)
Item_name_map old new _ -> (old, new)
-- | Auxiliary function for not yet implemented features
ana_err :: String -> a
ana_err f = error $ "*** Analysis of " ++ f ++ " is not yet implemented!"
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP1 :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> GlobalEnv
-> (GlobalEnv, DGraph) -> (SIMPLE_ID, SIMPLE_ID)
-> Result (GlobalEnv, DGraph)
ana_ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP1 libenv ln genv' (genv, dg) (old, new) = do
entry <- maybeToResult nullRange
(tokStr old ++ " not found") (Map.lookup old genv')
case Map.lookup new genv of
Nothing -> return ()
Just _ -> fail (tokStr new ++ " already used")
case entry of
SpecEntry extsig ->
let (dg1,extsig1) = refExtsig libenv ln dg (Just new) extsig
genv1 = Map.insert new (SpecEntry extsig1) genv
in return (genv1,dg1)
ViewEntry vsig ->
let (dg1,vsig1) = refViewsig libenv ln dg vsig
genv1 = Map.insert new (ViewEntry vsig1) genv
in return (genv1,dg1)
ArchEntry _asig -> ana_err "arch spec download"
UnitEntry _usig -> ana_err "unit spec download"
RefEntry -> ana_err "ref spec download"
refNodesig :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> (Maybe SIMPLE_ID, NodeSig)
-> (DGraph, NodeSig)
refNodesig libenv refln dg (name, NodeSig refn sigma@(G_sign lid sig ind)) =
let (ln, n) = getActualParent libenv refln refn
refInfo = newRefInfo ln n
node_contents = newInfoNodeLab (makeMaybeName name) refInfo
$ noSensGTheory lid sig ind
node = getNewNodeDG dg
in case lookupInAllRefNodesDG refInfo dg of
Just existNode -> (dg, NodeSig existNode sigma)
Nothing ->
( addToRefNodesDG node refInfo $ insNodeDG (node, node_contents) dg
, NodeSig node sigma)
{- | get to the actual parent which is not a referenced node, so that
the small chains between nodes in different library can be advoided.
(details see ticket 5)
getActualParent :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> Node -> (LIB_NAME, Node)
getActualParent libenv ln n =
let refLab = labDG (lookupDGraph ln libenv) n in
if isDGRef refLab then
-- recursively goes to parent of the current node, but
-- it actually would only be done once
getActualParent libenv (dgn_libname refLab) (dgn_node refLab)
else (ln, n)
refNodesigs :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> [(Maybe SIMPLE_ID, NodeSig)]
-> (DGraph, [NodeSig])
refNodesigs libenv ln = mapAccumR (refNodesig libenv ln)
refExtsig :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> Maybe SIMPLE_ID -> ExtGenSig
-> (DGraph, ExtGenSig)
refExtsig libenv ln dg name (ExtGenSig imps params gsigmaP body) = let
params' = map (\x -> (Nothing,x)) params
(dg0, body1) = refNodesig libenv ln dg (name, body)
(dg1, params1) = refNodesigs libenv ln dg0 params'
(dg2, imps1) = case imps of
EmptyNode _ -> (dg1, imps)
JustNode ns -> let
(dg3, nns) = refNodesig libenv ln dg1 (Nothing, ns)
in (dg3, JustNode nns)
in (dg2, ExtGenSig imps1 params1 gsigmaP body1)
refViewsig :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> ExtViewSig
-> (DGraph, ExtViewSig)
refViewsig libenv ln dg (ExtViewSig src mor extsig) = let
(_,[src1]) = refNodesigs libenv ln dg [(Nothing, src)]
(dg2, extsig1) = refExtsig libenv ln dg Nothing extsig
in (dg2, ExtViewSig src1 mor extsig1)