AnalysisArchitecture.hs revision 959d773197e47fd9313355442755fb134e483b9e
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : static analysis of CASL architectural specifications
Copyright : (c) Maciek Makowski, Warsaw University, C. Maeder 2004-2006
Mihai Codescu, DFKI GmbH Bremen 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (via imports)
Static analysis of CASL architectural specifications
Follows the extended static semantics sketched in Chap. III:5.6
of the CASL Reference Manual.
module Static.AnalysisArchitecture
( anaArchSpec
, anaUnitSpec
, anaRefSpec
) where
import Driver.Options
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Coerce
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.ArchDiagram
import Static.AnalysisStructured
import Syntax.Print_AS_Architecture ()
import Syntax.AS_Architecture
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.Amalgamate
import Common.DocUtils
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph (Node)
import Control.Monad(foldM)
-- | Analyse an architectural specification
-- @
-- @
anaArchSpec :: LogicGraph -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -- ^ should only the structure be analysed?
-> ExtStUnitCtx -- ^ for visibility levels
-> ARCH_SPEC -> Result (Node, [DiagNodeSig],Diag,RefSig, DGraph, ARCH_SPEC)
{- ^ returns 1. the architectural signature of given ARCH-SPEC
2. development graph resulting from structured specs within the arch
spec and 3. ARCH_SPEC after possible conversions -}
anaArchSpec lgraph dg opts sharedCtx archSp = case archSp of
Basic_arch_spec udd uexpr pos ->
do (rNodes, uctx, dg', udd') <-
anaUnitDeclDefns lgraph dg opts sharedCtx udd
(nodes, usig, diag'', dg'', uexpr') <-
anaUnitExpression lgraph dg' opts uctx $ item uexpr
let nodes' = if length nodes < 2 then [] else nodes
(rN, dg3) = addEdgesToNodeRT dg'' rNodes usig "ArchSpec"
--trace (show $ edges$ diagGraph $ diag'') $
return (rN, nodes', diag'',
BranchRefSig usig $ Just $ BranchStaticContext (ctx uctx),
dg3, Basic_arch_spec udd'
(replaceAnnoted uexpr' uexpr) pos)
Group_arch_spec asp _ -> anaArchSpec lgraph dg opts sharedCtx (item asp)
Arch_spec_name asn@(Token astr pos) -> case lookupGlobalEnvDG asn dg of
Just (ArchEntry asig@(BranchRefSig (UnitSig nsList resNs) _)) ->
case nsList of
[] -> do
let (rN, dg') = addNodeRefRT dg $ show asn
return (rN, [], snd sharedCtx, asig, dg', archSp)
_ -> do
(dnsigs, diag')<- foldM (\(l,d) ns -> do
(dns, d')<- extendDiagramIncl lgraph d [] ns "Arch Sig"
return (dns:l, d'))
([], snd sharedCtx) $ reverse nsList
(dns, diag'') <-
extendDiagramIncl lgraph diag' dnsigs resNs "arch sig"
let (rN, dg') = addNodeRefRT dg $ show asn
return (rN, dns:dnsigs, diag'', asig, dg', archSp)
_ -> fatal_error (astr ++
" is not an architectural specification") pos
-- | Analyse a list of unit declarations and definitions
anaUnitDeclDefns :: LogicGraph -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -> ExtStUnitCtx -> [Annoted UNIT_DECL_DEFN]
-> Result ([Node], ExtStUnitCtx, DGraph, [Annoted UNIT_DECL_DEFN])
{- ^ returns 1. extended static unit context 2. possibly modified
development graph 3. possibly modified list of unit declarations and
definitions -}
anaUnitDeclDefns lgraph dg opts sharedCtx =
anaUnitDeclDefns' lgraph dg opts sharedCtx []
anaUnitDeclDefns' :: LogicGraph -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -> ExtStUnitCtx -> [Node] -> [Annoted UNIT_DECL_DEFN]
-> Result ([Node], ExtStUnitCtx, DGraph, [Annoted UNIT_DECL_DEFN])
anaUnitDeclDefns' lgraph dg opts uctx rNodes uds = case uds of
udd : udds -> do
(rNodes1, uctx', dg', udd') <- --trace (show $ item udd)$
anaUnitDeclDefn lgraph dg opts uctx (item udd)
(rNodes2, uctx'', dg'', udds') <- --trace (show $ edges $ dgBody dg') $
anaUnitDeclDefns' lgraph dg' opts uctx' (rNodes1++rNodes) udds
return (rNodes2, uctx'', dg'', replaceAnnoted udd' udd : udds')
[] -> return (rNodes, uctx, dg, [])
alreadyDefinedUnit :: SIMPLE_ID -> String
alreadyDefinedUnit u = "Unit " ++ tokStr u ++ " already declared/defined"
-- | Create a node that represents a union of signatures
nodeSigUnion :: LogicGraph -> DGraph -> [MaybeNode] -> DGOrigin
-> Result (NodeSig, DGraph)
nodeSigUnion lgraph dg nodeSigs orig = --trace (show $ length nodeSigs) $
do sigUnion@(G_sign lid sigU ind) <- gsigManyUnion lgraph
$ map getMaybeSig nodeSigs
let nodeContents = newNodeLab emptyNodeName orig
$ noSensGTheory lid sigU ind
node = getNewNodeDG dg
dg' = insNodeDG (node, nodeContents) dg
inslink dgres nsig = do
dgv <- dgres
case nsig of
EmptyNode _ -> dgres
JustNode (NodeSig n sig) -> do
incl <- ginclusion lgraph sig sigUnion
return $ insLEdgeNubDG
(n, node, globDefLink incl SeeTarget) dgv
dg'' <- foldl inslink (return dg') nodeSigs
return (NodeSig node sigUnion, dg'')
-- | Analyse unit declaration or definition
anaUnitDeclDefn :: LogicGraph -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -> ExtStUnitCtx -> UNIT_DECL_DEFN
-> Result ([Node], ExtStUnitCtx, DGraph, UNIT_DECL_DEFN)
{- ^ returns 1. extended static unit context 2. possibly modified
development graph 3. possibly modified UNIT_DECL_DEFN -}
anaUnitDeclDefn lgraph dg opts uctx@(buc, _) udd = case udd of
Unit_decl un@(Token ustr unpos) usp uts pos -> do
(dns, diag', dg', uts') <-
anaUnitImported lgraph dg opts uctx pos uts
let impSig = toMaybeNode dns
(rNs, nodes, mDiag, rsig, dg0, usp') <-
anaRefSpec lgraph dg' opts impSig un (buc, diag') usp
let dg'' = --trace (show $ edges $ dgBody dg0)$
updateNodeNameRT dg0 (head rNs) $ show un
let diag = case mDiag of
Just d -> d
Nothing -> diag' -- check!
-- aici trebuie sa reunesc diag cu diag'!!!
-- insertBasedUnit lgraph dg'' nodes diag usig uctx dns un
-- $ Unit_decl un usp' uts' pos
let ud' = Unit_decl un usp' uts' pos
case rsig of
ComponentRefSig _ -> error $
"component refinement forbidden in arch spec: unit"
++ show un
_ -> do
_usig@(UnitSig argSigs resultSig) <- getUnitSigFromRef rsig
if Map.member un buc
then plain_error (rNs,uctx, dg'', ud') (alreadyDefinedUnit un) unpos
else do
(resultSig', dg''') <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg''
(JustNode resultSig:[impSig]) DGImports
(basedParUSig, diag''') <- if null argSigs then do
(dn', diag'') <- extendDiagramIncl lgraph diag
(case dns of
JustDiagNode dn -> [dn]
_ -> []) resultSig' ustr
return (Based_unit_sig dn' rsig, diag'')
-- here compare resultSig' and rsig
else if length nodes < 2 then
return (Based_par_unit_sig dns $
mkRefSigFromUnit $
UnitSig argSigs resultSig', diag)
return (Based_lambda_unit_sig nodes $
mkRefSigFromUnit $
UnitSig argSigs resultSig, diag)
-- here i need to return a different refinement signature
-- unitsig argsigs resultsig before refinement
-- and after refinement i introduce an unnamed component
-- this happens in all cases
return (rNs, (Map.insert un basedParUSig buc, diag'''),
dg''', ud')
Unit_defn un uexp poss -> do
(nodes, usig, diag, dg', uexp') <-
anaUnitExpression lgraph dg opts uctx uexp
let ud' = Unit_defn un uexp' poss
(n, dg'') = addNodeRT dg' usig $ show un
{- it's sufficient to check that un is not mapped in buc, we
don't need to convert the ExtStUnitCtx to StUnitCtx as the
domain will be preserved -}
if Map.member un buc then
plain_error ([n], uctx, dg', ud') (alreadyDefinedUnit un) $ tokPos un
else case usig of
{- we can use Map.insert as there are no mappings for
un in ps and bs (otherwise there would have been a
mapping in (ctx uctx)) -}
UnitSig args _ -> --trace ("defn:"++show nodes)$
if null args then
case nodes of
[dn] -> do
let bsig = Based_unit_sig dn $
mkBotSigFromUnit usig
return ([n],(Map.insert un bsig buc, diag),
dg'', ud')
_ -> error "anaUnitDeclDefn"
if length nodes < 2 then
error "anaUnitDeclDefn:lambda expression"
return ([n], (Map.insert un
(Based_lambda_unit_sig nodes $
mkBotSigFromUnit usig)
buc, diag), dg'', ud')
-- | Analyse unit refs
anaUnitRef :: LogicGraph -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -> ExtStUnitCtx -> UNIT_REF
-> Result ((UNIT_NAME, RefSig), DGraph, UNIT_REF)
{- ^ returns 1. extended static unit context 2. possibly modified
development graph 3. possibly modified UNIT_DECL_DEFN -}
-- this was definitely wrong in the original function!
-- %%%%%%%%%%%%
-- no need for ExtStUnitCtx, just pair (un, rsig)
-- %%%%%%%%%%%
anaUnitRef lgraph dg opts
_uctx@(_ggbuc, _diag')
(Unit_ref un@(Token _ustr _unpos) usp pos) = do
-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-- here: check if impSig is needed
-- check if ComponentRefSig is handled correctly.
-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
curl <- lookupCurrentLogic "UNIT_REF" lgraph
--let dns = EmptyDiagNode curl
let impSig = EmptyNode curl
(_, _,_,rsig, dg'', usp') <- anaRefSpec lgraph dg opts impSig un
emptyExtStUnitCtx usp
-- check if this is enough !!!!!!
-- no sharing
let ud' = Unit_ref un usp' pos
return ((un, rsig), dg'', ud')
-- -- | Analyse unit refs
-- anaUnitRef :: LogicGraph -> DGraph
-- -> HetcatsOpts -> ExtStUnitCtx -> UNIT_REF
-- -> Result (ExtStUnitCtx, DGraph, UNIT_REF)
-- {- ^ returns 1. extended static unit context 2. possibly modified
-- development graph 3. possibly modified UNIT_DECL_DEFN -}
-- -- unit declaration
-- anaUnitRef lgraph dg opts
-- uctx@(buc, _) (Unit_ref un usp pos) =
-- do (dns, diag', dg', _) <-
-- anaUnitImported lgraph dg opts uctx pos []
-- let impSig = toMaybeNode dns
-- (nodes, diag'', usig, dg'', usp') <-
-- anaRefSpec lgraph dg' opts impSig (emptyStBasedUnitCtx, diag') usp
-- let diag = case diag'' of
-- Just d -> d
-- Nothing -> emptyDiag
-- -- aici trebuie sa reunesc diag si diag'!!!
-- insertBasedUnit lgraph dg'' nodes diag usig (buc, diag') dns un
-- $ Unit_ref un usp' pos
-- | Analyse unit imports
anaUnitImported :: LogicGraph -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -> ExtStUnitCtx -> Range -> [Annoted UNIT_TERM]
-> Result (MaybeDiagNode, Diag, DGraph, [Annoted UNIT_TERM])
anaUnitImported lgraph dg opts uctx@(_, diag) poss terms =
case terms of
[] -> do
curl <- lookupCurrentLogic "UnitImported" lgraph
return (EmptyDiagNode curl, diag, dg, [])
_ -> do
(dnsigs, diag', dg', terms') <-
anaUnitImported' lgraph dg opts uctx terms
(sig, dg'') <- --trace (show $ map (JustNode . getSigFromDiag) dnsigs)$
nodeSigUnion lgraph dg'
(map (JustNode . getSigFromDiag) dnsigs) DGImports
-- check amalgamability conditions
{- let incl s = propagateErrors (ginclusion lgraph (getSig
(getSigFromDiag s)) (getSig sig)) -}
let pos = getPosUnitImported poss
sink <- inclusionSink lgraph dnsigs sig
() <- assertAmalgamability opts pos diag' sink
(dnsig, diag'') <- extendDiagramIncl lgraph diag' dnsigs
sig $ showDoc terms ""
return (JustDiagNode dnsig, diag'', dg'', terms')
anaUnitImported' :: LogicGraph -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -> ExtStUnitCtx -> [Annoted UNIT_TERM]
-> Result ([DiagNodeSig], Diag, DGraph, [Annoted UNIT_TERM])
anaUnitImported' lgraph dg opts uctx@(buc, diag) ts = case ts of
[] -> return ([], diag, dg, [])
ut : uts -> do
(dnsig, diag', dg', ut') <- --trace (show ut)$
anaUnitTerm lgraph dg opts uctx (item ut)
(dnsigs, diag'', dg'', uts') <- --trace (show dnsig)$
anaUnitImported' lgraph dg' opts (buc, diag') uts
return (dnsig : dnsigs, diag'', dg'', replaceAnnoted ut' ut : uts')
-- | Analyse an unit expression
anaUnitExpression :: LogicGraph -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -> ExtStUnitCtx -> UNIT_EXPRESSION
-> Result ([DiagNodeSig], UnitSig, Diag, DGraph, UNIT_EXPRESSION)
anaUnitExpression lgraph dg opts uctx@(buc, diag)
uexp@(Unit_expression ubs ut poss) = case ubs of
[] -> do
(dnsig@(Diag_node_sig _ ns'), diag', dg', ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph dg opts uctx (item ut)
--trace ("in exp: "++ show dnsig) $
return ([dnsig], UnitSig [] ns', diag', dg',
Unit_expression [] (replaceAnnoted ut' ut) poss)
_ -> do
(args, dg', ubs') <-
anaUnitBindings lgraph dg opts uctx ubs
-- (resnsig, _dg'') <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg'
-- (map (JustNode . snd) args) DGFormalParams
-- build the extended diagram and new based unit context
let dexp = showDoc uexp ""
insNodes diag0 [] buc0 = return ([], diag0, buc0)
insNodes diag0 ((un, nsig) : args0) buc0 =
do (dnsig, diag') <- extendDiagramIncl lgraph diag0 []
nsig dexp
{- we made sure in anaUnitBindings that there's no
mapping for un in buc so we can just use
Map.insert -}
let rsig = BranchRefSig (UnitSig [] nsig) Nothing
buc' = Map.insert un (Based_unit_sig dnsig rsig) buc0
(dnsigs, diag'', buc'') <- insNodes diag' args0 buc'
return (dnsig : dnsigs, diag'', buc'')
(pardnsigs, diag'', buc') <- insNodes diag args buc
(p@(Diag_node_sig _ pnsig), diag''', dg''', ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph dg' opts (buc', diag'') (item ut)
-- check amalgamability conditions
let pos = getPosUnitExpression uexp
checkSubSign dnsigs nsup =
all (\ dnsub -> isSubGsign lgraph (getSig $ getSigFromDiag dnsub)
$ getSig nsup) dnsigs
-- check that signatures in pardnsigs are subsignatures of pnsig
if checkSubSign pardnsigs pnsig
do sink <- inclusionSink lgraph (p : pardnsigs) pnsig
() <- assertAmalgamability opts pos diag''' sink
-- add new node to the diagram
--curl <- lookupCurrentLogic "UnitExpression" lgraph
return (p:pardnsigs,
UnitSig (map snd args) pnsig,
diag''', dg''',
Unit_expression ubs' (replaceAnnoted ut' ut) poss)
else -- report an error
("The body signature does not extend the parameter signatures in\n"
++ dexp) pos
{- | Analyse a list of unit bindings. Ensures that the unit names are
not present in extended static unit context and that there are no
duplicates among them. -}
anaUnitBindings :: LogicGraph -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -> ExtStUnitCtx -> [UNIT_BINDING]
-> Result ([(SIMPLE_ID, NodeSig)], DGraph, [UNIT_BINDING])
anaUnitBindings lgraph dg opts uctx@(buc, _) bs = case bs of
[] -> return ([], dg, [])
Unit_binding un@(Token ustr unpos) usp poss : ubs -> do
curl <- lookupCurrentLogic "UNIT_BINDINGS" lgraph
(BranchRefSig _usig@(UnitSig argSigs nsig) _, dg', usp') <-
anaUnitSpec lgraph dg opts (EmptyNode curl) usp
let ub' = Unit_binding un usp' poss
case null argSigs of
False -> plain_error ([], dg', [])
("An argument unit " ++
ustr ++ " must not be parameterized") unpos
_ ->
do (args, dg'', ubs') <- anaUnitBindings lgraph
dg' opts uctx ubs
let args' = (un, nsig) : args
if Map.member un buc
then plain_error (args', dg'', ub' : ubs')
(alreadyDefinedUnit un) unpos
else case lookup un args of
Just _ ->
plain_error (args', dg'', ub' : ubs')
(alreadyDefinedUnit un) unpos
Nothing -> return (args', dg'', ub' : ubs')
-- | Analyse a list of unit terms
anaUnitTerms :: LogicGraph -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -> ExtStUnitCtx -> [Annoted UNIT_TERM]
-> Result ([DiagNodeSig], Diag, DGraph, [Annoted UNIT_TERM])
anaUnitTerms lgraph dg opts uctx@(buc, diag) ts = case ts of
[] -> return ([], diag, dg, [])
ut : uts -> do
(dnsig, diag', dg', ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph dg opts uctx (item ut)
(dnsigs, diag'', dg'', uts') <- anaUnitTerms lgraph
dg' opts (buc, diag') uts
return (dnsig : dnsigs, diag'', dg'', replaceAnnoted ut' ut : uts')
-- | Analyse an unit term
anaUnitTerm :: LogicGraph -> DGraph -> HetcatsOpts -> ExtStUnitCtx
-> UNIT_TERM -> Result (DiagNodeSig, Diag, DGraph, UNIT_TERM)
anaUnitTerm lgraph dg opts uctx@(buc, diag) utrm =
let pos = getPosUnitTerm utrm
utStr = showDoc utrm ""
in case utrm of
Unit_reduction ut restr -> do
let orig = DGRestriction $ Restricted restr
(p, diag1, dg1, ut') <- --trace ("before:"++(show $ edges $ dgBody dg)) $
anaUnitTerm lgraph dg opts uctx (item ut)
curl <- lookupCurrentLogic "UnitTerm" lgraph
(incl, msigma) <- --trace ("p:" ++ show p) $
anaRestriction lgraph (emptyG_sign curl)
(getSig (getSigFromDiag p)) opts restr
(q@(Diag_node_sig qn _), diag', dg') <-
extendDiagramWithMorphismRev pos lgraph diag1 dg1 p incl utStr
case msigma of
Nothing ->
{- the renaming morphism is just identity, so
there's no need to extend the diagram -}
--trace (show $ edges $ dgBody dg') $
return (q, diag', dg',
Unit_reduction (replaceAnnoted ut' ut) restr)
Just sigma ->
-- check amalgamability conditions
let sink = [(qn, sigma)]
() <- assertAmalgamability opts pos diag' sink
(q', diag'', dg'') <- extendDiagramWithMorphism pos
lgraph diag' dg' q sigma utStr orig
--trace (show $ edges $ dgBody dg'') $
return (q', diag'', dg'',
(replaceAnnoted ut' ut) restr)
Unit_translation ut ren -> do
(dnsig@(Diag_node_sig p _), diag1, dg1, ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph dg opts uctx (item ut)
-- EmptyNode $ error ... should be replaced with local env!
gMorph <- anaRenaming lgraph
(EmptyNode $ error "Static.AnalysisArchitecture")
(getSig (getSigFromDiag dnsig)) opts ren
let sink = [(p, gMorph)]
-- check amalamability conditions
() <- assertAmalgamability opts pos diag1 sink
(dnsig', diag', dg') <- extendDiagramWithMorphism pos lgraph
diag1 dg1 dnsig gMorph utStr
(DGTranslation $ Renamed ren)
return (dnsig', diag', dg', Unit_translation
(replaceAnnoted ut' ut) ren)
Amalgamation uts poss -> do
(dnsigs, diag1, dg', uts') <-
anaUnitTerms lgraph dg opts uctx uts
-- compute sigma
(sig, dg'') <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg'
(map (JustNode . getSigFromDiag) dnsigs) DGUnion
-- check amalgamability conditions
sink <- inclusionSink lgraph dnsigs sig
() <- assertAmalgamability opts poss diag1 sink
(q, diag') <- extendDiagramIncl lgraph diag1 dnsigs
sig utStr
return (q, diag', dg'', Amalgamation uts' poss)
Local_unit udds ut poss -> do
(_, uctx', dg1, udds') <-
anaUnitDeclDefns' lgraph dg opts uctx [] udds
(dnsig, diag', dg', ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph dg1 opts uctx' (item ut)
return (dnsig, diag', dg',
Local_unit udds' (replaceAnnoted ut' ut) poss)
Unit_appl un fargus _ -> do
let ustr = tokStr un
argStr = showDoc fargus ""
case --trace ("lookup:" ++ show un)$ trace (show $ buc Map.! un) $
Map.lookup un buc of
Just (Based_unit_sig dnsig _rsig) -> case fargus of
[] -> --trace ("in appl:" ++ show dnsig) $
return (dnsig, diag, dg, utrm)
_ -> -- arguments have been given for a parameterless unit
plain_error (dnsig, diag, dg, utrm)
(ustr ++ " is a parameterless unit, "
++ "but arguments have been given: " ++ argStr) pos
Just (Based_par_unit_sig pI
(BranchRefSig (UnitSig argSigs resultSig) _)) ->
do (sigF, dg') <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg
(toMaybeNode pI : map JustNode argSigs) DGFormalParams
(morphSigs, dg'', diagA) <-
anaFitArgUnits lgraph dg' opts
uctx utrm pos argSigs fargus
let first (e, _, _) = e
second (_, e, _) = e
third (_, _, e) = e
(sigA, dg''') <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg''
(toMaybeNode pI : map (JustNode . second) morphSigs)
-- compute morphA (\sigma^A)
G_sign lidI sigI _ <- return (getMaybeSig (toMaybeNode pI))
let idI = mkG_morphism lidI (ext_ide sigI)
morphA <- homogeneousMorManyUnion
$ idI : map first morphSigs
-- compute sigMorExt (\sigma^A(\Delta))
(_, gSigMorExt) <- extendMorphism (getSig sigF)
(getSig resultSig) (getSig sigA) morphA
-- check amalgamability conditions
let sigMorExt = gEmbed gSigMorExt
pIL = case pI of
JustDiagNode dn -> [dn]
_ -> []
sink <- inclusionSink lgraph (pIL ++
map third morphSigs) sigA
() <- assertAmalgamability opts pos diagA sink
(qB@(Diag_node_sig nqB _), diag') <-
extendDiagramIncl lgraph diagA pIL resultSig ""
-- insert nodes p^F_i and appropriate edges to the diagram
let ins diag0 dg0 [] = return (diag0, dg0)
ins diag0 dg0 ((morph, _, targetNode) : morphNodes) =
do (dnsig, diag1, dg1) <-
extendDiagramWithMorphismRev pos lgraph diag0
dg0 targetNode (gEmbed morph) argStr
diag'' <- insInclusionEdges lgraph diag1 [dnsig]
ins diag'' dg1 morphNodes
(diag'', dg4) <- ins diag' dg''' morphSigs
-- check amalgamability conditions
(sigR, dg5) <- extendDGraph dg4 resultSig
sigMorExt DGExtension
incSink <- inclusionSink lgraph (map third morphSigs) sigR
let sink' = (nqB, sigMorExt) : incSink
assertAmalgamability opts pos diag'' sink'
-- for lambda applications below
-- the node qB is not added, but only the edge from r
(q, diag''') <- extendDiagram diag'' qB
sigMorExt sigR utStr
diag4 <- insInclusionEdges lgraph diag'''
(map third morphSigs) q
return (q, diag4, dg5, utrm)
Just (Based_lambda_unit_sig nodes
(BranchRefSig (UnitSig argSigs resultSig) _)) ->
case nodes of
[] -> error "error in lambda expression"
r:fs ->
do (sigF, dg') <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg
(map JustNode argSigs) DGFormalParams
(morphSigs, dg'', diagA) <-
anaFitArgUnits lgraph dg' opts
uctx utrm pos argSigs fargus
let first (e, _, _) = e
second (_, e, _) = e
third (_, _, e) = e
(sigA, dg''') <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg''
(map (JustNode . second) morphSigs)
-- compute morphA (\sigma^A)
morphA <- homogeneousMorManyUnion
$ map first morphSigs
-- compute sigMorExt (\sigma^A(\Delta))
(_, gSigMorExt) <- extendMorphism (getSig sigF)
(getSig resultSig) (getSig sigA) morphA
-- check amalgamability conditions
let sigMorExt = gEmbed gSigMorExt
sink <- inclusionSink lgraph (map third morphSigs) sigA
() <- assertAmalgamability opts pos diagA sink
let eI = zip fs $ map (\x->(first x, third x)) morphSigs
-- insert an edge from f_i to targetNode_i
-- extendDiagramWithEdge does it
-- and then call it for pairs (f_i, targetNode_i)
let ins diag0 dg0 [] = return (diag0, dg0)
ins diag0 dg0 ((fI,(morph, pIA)) : eIS) =
do (diag1, dg1) <-
extendDiagramWithEdge pos lgraph diag0
dg0 fI pIA (gEmbed morph) TEST
ins diag1 dg1 eIS
(diag', dg4) <- ins diagA dg''' eI
-- check amalgamability conditions
(sigR, dg5) <- extendDGraph dg4 resultSig
sigMorExt DGExtension
incSink <- inclusionSink lgraph (map third morphSigs) sigR
assertAmalgamability opts pos diag' incSink
-- -- for lambda applications
-- -- the node qB is not added, but only the edge from r
(q, diag'') <- extendDiagram diag' r
sigMorExt sigR utStr
diag3 <- insInclusionEdges lgraph diag''
(map third morphSigs) q
return (q, diag3, dg5, utrm)
_ -> fatal_error ("Undefined unit " ++ ustr) pos
Group_unit_term ut poss -> do
(dnsig, diag1, dg1, ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph dg opts uctx (item ut)
return (dnsig, diag1, dg1, Group_unit_term (replaceAnnoted ut' ut) poss)
-- | Analyse unit arguments
anaFitArgUnits :: LogicGraph -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -> ExtStUnitCtx -> UNIT_TERM
-- ^ the whole application for diagnostic purposes
-> Range
-- ^ the position of the application (for diagnostic purposes)
-> [NodeSig]
-- ^ the signatures of unit's formal parameters
-> [FIT_ARG_UNIT] -- ^ the arguments for the unit
-> Result ([(G_morphism, NodeSig, DiagNodeSig)], DGraph, Diag)
anaFitArgUnits lgraph dg opts uctx@(buc, diag)
appl pos nodeSigs fArgs = case (nodeSigs, fArgs) of
(nsig : nsigs, fau : faus) -> do
(gmorph, nsig', dnsig, dg1, diag1) <-
anaFitArgUnit lgraph dg opts uctx nsig fau
(morphSigs, dg', diag') <- anaFitArgUnits lgraph dg1 opts
(buc, diag1) appl pos nsigs faus
return ((gmorph, nsig', dnsig) : morphSigs, dg', diag')
([], []) -> return ([], dg, diag)
_ -> plain_error ([], dg, diag)
("non-matching number of arguments given in application\n"
++ showDoc appl "") pos
-- | Analyse unit argument
anaFitArgUnit :: LogicGraph -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -> ExtStUnitCtx -> NodeSig -> FIT_ARG_UNIT
-> Result (G_morphism, NodeSig, DiagNodeSig, DGraph, Diag)
-- ^ returns 1. the signature morphism 2. the target signature of the morphism
-- 3. the diagram node 4. the modified DGraph 5. the modified diagram
anaFitArgUnit lgraph dg opts uctx nsig
(Fit_arg_unit ut symbMap poss) = do
(p, diag', dg', _) <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph dg opts uctx (item ut)
-- compute gMorph (the morphism r|sigma/D(p))
let adj = adjustPos poss
gsigmaS = getSig nsig
gsigmaT = getSig (getSigFromDiag p)
G_sign lidS sigmaS _ <- return gsigmaS
G_sign lidT sigmaT _ <- return gsigmaT
G_symb_map_items_list lid sis <- adj $ homogenizeGM (Logic lidS) symbMap
sigmaT' <- adj $ coerceSign lidT lidS "" sigmaT
mor <- if isStructured opts then return (ext_ide sigmaS)
else do rmap <- adj $ stat_symb_map_items lid sis
rmap' <- adj $ coerceRawSymbolMap lid lidS "" rmap
adj $ ext_induced_from_to_morphism lidS rmap'
sigmaS sigmaT'
let gMorph = mkG_morphism lidS mor
(nsig', dg'') <- extendDGraph dg' nsig (gEmbed gMorph) DGFitSpec
return (gMorph, nsig', p, dg'', diag')
-- | Analyse unit specification
anaUnitSpec :: LogicGraph
-> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -- ^ should only the structure be analysed?
-> MaybeNode -- ^ the signature of imports
-> UNIT_SPEC -> Result (RefSig, DGraph, UNIT_SPEC)
-- ^ returns 1. unit signature 2. the development graph resulting from
-- structred specs inside the unit spec and 3. a UNIT_SPEC after possible
-- conversions.
anaUnitSpec lgraph dg opts impsig usp = case usp of
Unit_type argSpecs resultSpec poss -> case argSpecs of
[] -> case resultSpec of
Annoted (Spec_inst spn [] _) _ _ _
| case lookupGlobalEnvDG spn dg of
Just (UnitEntry _) -> True
Just (SpecEntry _) -> True
-- without this i get signatures dont compose
Just (RefEntry _) -> True
_ -> False ->
{- if argspecs are empty and resultspec is a name of unit spec
then this should be converted to a Spec_name -}
anaUnitSpec lgraph dg opts impsig (Spec_name spn)
_ -> do -- a trivial unit type
(resultSpec', resultSig, dg') <- anaSpec False lgraph
dg impsig emptyNodeName opts (item resultSpec)
let usig= UnitSig [] resultSig
-- (n,dg'') = addNodeRT dg' usig ""
return (mkRefSigFromUnit usig , dg', Unit_type []
(replaceAnnoted resultSpec' resultSpec) poss)
_ -> do -- a non-trivial unit type
(argSigs, dg1, argSpecs') <- anaArgSpecs lgraph dg opts argSpecs
(sigUnion, dg2) <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg1
(impsig : map JustNode argSigs) DGFormalParams
-- if i have no imports, i can optimize?
-- in that case, an identity morphism is introduced
(resultSpec', resultSig, dg3) <- anaSpec True lgraph
dg2 (JustNode sigUnion)
emptyNodeName opts (item resultSpec)
let usig = UnitSig argSigs resultSig
rsig = mkRefSigFromUnit usig
--(n, dg4) = addNodeRT dg3 usig ""
return (rsig, dg3, Unit_type argSpecs'
(replaceAnnoted resultSpec' resultSpec) poss)
Spec_name usn@(Token ustr pos) -> case lookupGlobalEnvDG usn dg of
Just (UnitEntry usig) -> return (mkRefSigFromUnit usig, dg, usp)
Just (SpecEntry (ExtGenSig _gsig@(GenSig _ args _) nsig) ) ->
--trace (show usn)$
return (mkRefSigFromUnit $ UnitSig args nsig, dg, usp)
Just (RefEntry rsig) -> return (rsig, dg, usp) -- maybe reject components?
_ -> fatal_error (ustr ++ " is not an unit specification") pos
Closed_unit_spec usp' _ -> do
curl <- lookupCurrentLogic "UnitSpec" lgraph
anaUnitSpec lgraph dg opts (EmptyNode curl) usp'
-- | Analyse refinement specification
anaRefSpec :: LogicGraph
-> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -- ^ should only the structure be analysed?
-> MaybeNode -- ^ the signature of imports
-> SPEC_NAME -- for origin
-> ExtStUnitCtx
-> Result ([Node], [DiagNodeSig], Maybe Diag,
RefSig, DGraph, REF_SPEC)
anaRefSpec lgraph dg opts nsig rn sharedCtx rsp =
case rsp of
Unit_spec asp ->
(rsig, dg', asp') <-
anaUnitSpec lgraph dg opts nsig asp
usig <- getUnitSigFromRef rsig
let (n,dg'') = addNodeRT dg' usig ""
return $ ([n], [], Just (snd sharedCtx), rsig, dg'', Unit_spec asp')
Arch_unit_spec asp poss ->
(n, nodes, diag, rsig, dg', asp') <-
anaArchSpec lgraph dg opts sharedCtx $ item asp
return ([n], nodes, Just diag, rsig, dg',
Arch_unit_spec (replaceAnnoted asp' asp) poss)
-- check whether it is indeed correct
-- to ignore the nodes of the
-- lambda expressions, like you do in the following
Compose_ref rslist range ->
(dg', anaSpecs) <- foldM (\(dgr, rList) rsp0 ->do
(_,_,_,rsig', dgr',rsp')<- anaRefSpec lgraph dgr opts nsig
(mkSimpleId $ (show rn) ++ "gen_ref_name" ++
(show $ length rList) )
sharedCtx rsp0
return (dgr', rList ++ [(rsig',rsp')])
) (dg, []) rslist
-- compose signatures in csig
let refSigs = map fst anaSpecs
csig <- foldM refSigComposition (head refSigs) $ tail refSigs
let compRef = Compose_ref (map snd anaSpecs) range
-- here i would have to keep track of the first node inserted
-- and return it as root
-- and in the loop i would have to insert a refinement link
--trace ("Compose - \n"++ show csig) $
usig <- getUnitSigFromRef csig
let (n, dg'') = addNodeRT dg' usig "Composed refinements here"
return ([n], [], Nothing, csig, dg'', compRef)
Component_ref urlist range -> do
(dg', anaRefs, resultMap) <- foldM (\(dgr, rList, cx) uref0 -> do
((n,rs), dgr',uref')<-
anaUnitRef lgraph dgr opts emptyExtStUnitCtx uref0
return (dgr', uref':rList , Map.insert n rs cx)
) (dg, [], Map.empty) urlist
--trace ("Component - \n" ++ show resultMap)$
--let (r, dg'') = addNodeRT dg' usig "Composed refinements here"
return ([],[], Nothing, ComponentRefSig resultMap, dg',
Component_ref (reverse anaRefs) range)
Refinement beh uspec gMapList rspec range ->
-- beh will be ignored for now
(BranchRefSig usig _, dg', asp') <-
anaUnitSpec lgraph dg opts nsig uspec
(t, _, _, BranchRefSig usig' bsig, dgr',rsp') <-
anaRefSpec lgraph dg' opts nsig rn emptyExtStUnitCtx rspec
case (usig, usig') of
(UnitSig _ls ns, UnitSig _ls' ns') -> do
dg'' <- anaSymbMapRef dgr' ns ns' gMapList rn
let (s, dg3) = addNodeRT dg'' usig "RefSource"
dg4 = addRefEdgeRT dg3 s (head $ t)
--trace ("Refinement - \n " ++ show usig ++ " " ++ show bsig) $
return ([],[], Nothing, BranchRefSig usig bsig, dg4,
Refinement beh asp' gMapList rsp' range)
anaSymbMapRef :: DGraph -> NodeSig -> NodeSig -> [G_mapping] -> SPEC_NAME ->
Result DGraph
anaSymbMapRef dg' ns ns' symbMap rn = do
let gSigS = getSig ns
nodeS = getNode ns
gSigT = getSig ns'
nodeT = getNode ns'
G_sign lidS sigS _ <- return gSigS
G_sign lidT sigT _ <- return gSigT
G_symb_map_items_list lid sis <- homogenizeGM (Logic lidS) symbMap
sigT' <- coerceSign lidT lidS "" sigT
mor <- do
rmap <- stat_symb_map_items lid sis
rmap' <- coerceRawSymbolMap lid lidS "" rmap
ext_induced_from_to_morphism lidS rmap' sigS sigT'
let g_mor = mkG_morphism lidS mor
-- for now we stay in the homogeneous case
let gm = gEmbed g_mor
linkLabel = DGLink{
dgl_morphism = gm,
dgl_type = globalThm,
dgl_origin = DGLinkRefinement rn,
dglPending = False,
dglName = emptyNodeName,
dgl_id = getNewEdgeId dg'
(_, dg'') = insLEdgeDG (nodeS, nodeT, linkLabel) dg'
return dg''
-- | Analyse a list of argument specifications
anaArgSpecs :: LogicGraph -> DGraph -> HetcatsOpts
-> [Annoted SPEC]
-> Result ([NodeSig], DGraph, [Annoted SPEC])
anaArgSpecs lgraph dg opts args = case args of
[] -> return ([], dg, [])
argSpec : argSpecs -> do
l <- lookupLogic "anaArgSpecs" (currentLogic lgraph) lgraph
(argSpec', argSig, dg') <-
anaSpec False lgraph dg (EmptyNode l) emptyNodeName
opts (item argSpec)
(argSigs, dg'', argSpecs') <-
anaArgSpecs lgraph dg' opts argSpecs
return (argSig : argSigs, dg'', replaceAnnoted argSpec' argSpec
: argSpecs')
{- | Check that given diagram ensures amalgamability along given set
of morphisms -}
assertAmalgamability :: HetcatsOpts -- ^ the program options
-> Range -- ^ the position (for diagnostics)
-> Diag -- ^ the diagram to be checked
-> [(Node, GMorphism)] -- ^ the sink
-> Result ()
assertAmalgamability opts pos diag sink =
do ensAmalg <- homogeneousEnsuresAmalgamability opts pos diag sink
case ensAmalg of
Amalgamates -> return ()
NoAmalgamation msg -> plain_error ()
("Amalgamability is not ensured: " ++ msg) pos
DontKnow msg -> warning () msg pos
-- | Check the amalgamability assuming common logic for whole diagram
homogeneousEnsuresAmalgamability :: HetcatsOpts -- ^ the program options
-> Range -- ^ the position (for diagnostics)
-> Diag -- ^ the diagram to be checked
-> [(Node, GMorphism)] -- ^ the sink
-> Result Amalgamates
homogeneousEnsuresAmalgamability opts pos diag sink = case sink of
[] -> plain_error defaultDontKnow
"homogeneousEnsuresAmalgamability: Empty sink" pos
lab:_ -> do let (_, mor) = lab
sig = cod mor
G_sign lid _ _<- return sig
hDiag <- homogeniseDiagram lid diag
hSink <- homogeniseSink lid sink
ensures_amalgamability lid (caslAmalg opts,
hDiag, hSink, (diagDesc diag))
-- | Get a position within the source file of a UNIT-TERM
getPosUnitTerm :: UNIT_TERM -> Range
getPosUnitTerm ut = case ut of
Unit_reduction _ restr -> case restr of
-- obtain position from RESTRICTION
Hidden _ poss -> poss
Revealed _ poss -> poss
Unit_translation _ (Renaming _ poss) -> poss
Amalgamation _ poss -> poss
Local_unit _ _ poss -> poss
Unit_appl u _ poss -> appRange (tokPos u) poss
Group_unit_term _ poss -> poss
-- | Get a position within the source file of UNIT-IMPORTED
getPosUnitImported :: Range -> Range
getPosUnitImported (Range ps) = Range $ case ps of
[] -> []
_ : qs -> if null qs then ps else qs
-- | Get a position within the source file of UNIT-EXPRESSION
getPosUnitExpression :: UNIT_EXPRESSION -> Range
getPosUnitExpression (Unit_expression _ (Annoted ut _ _ _) poss) =
appRange (getPosUnitTerm ut) poss