AnalysisArchitecture.hs revision 3c5c7e3fbc88e305dfb8a017757da84b2565d919
{- |
Module : ./Static/AnalysisArchitecture.hs
Description : static analysis of CASL architectural specifications
Copyright : (c) Maciek Makowski, Warsaw University, C. Maeder 2004-2006
Mihai Codescu, DFKI GmbH Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (via imports)
Static analysis of CASL architectural specifications
Follows the extended static semantics sketched in Chap. III:5.6
of the CASL Reference Manual.
module Static.AnalysisArchitecture
( anaArchSpec
, anaUnitSpec
, anaRefSpec
) where
import Driver.Options
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Coerce
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.ArchDiagram
import Static.AnalysisStructured
import Syntax.Print_AS_Architecture ()
import Syntax.AS_Architecture
import Syntax.Print_AS_Structured
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Id
import Common.IRI
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Common.Amalgamate
import Common.Doc
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph (Node, lab)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad (foldM)
first :: (a, b, c) -> a
first (a, _, _) = a
second :: (a, b, c) -> b
second (_, b, _) = b
third :: (a, b, c) -> c
third (_, _, c) = c
{- | Analyse an architectural specification
@ -}
anaArchSpec :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -- ^ should only the structure be analysed?
-> ExpOverrides
-> ExtStUnitCtx -- ^ for visibility levels
-> Maybe Node
-> ARCH_SPEC -> Result ([DiagNodeSig], Maybe DiagNodeSig,
Diag, RefSig, DGraph, ARCH_SPEC)
{- ^ returns 1. the architectural signature of given ARCH-SPEC
2. development graph resulting from structured specs within the arch
spec and 3. ARCH_SPEC after possible conversions -}
anaArchSpec lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo sharedCtx nP archSp = case archSp of
Basic_arch_spec udd uexpr pos ->
do (branchMap, uctx, dg', udd') <-
anaUnitDeclDefns lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo sharedCtx udd
(nodes, usig, diag'', dg'', uexpr') <-
anaUnitExpression lgraph libEnv ln dg' opts eo uctx $ item uexpr
let (nodes', maybeRes) = case nodes of
[] -> ([], Nothing) -- don't think its possible
[x] -> ([], Just x)
_ -> (nodes, Nothing)
rNodes = map refSource $ Map.elems branchMap
(rN, dg3) =
case nP of
Nothing -> let
(n, dgI) = addNodeRT dg'' usig "ArchSpec"
in (n, addEdgesToNodeRT dgI rNodes n)
Just x -> (x, addEdgesToNodeRT dg' rNodes x)
rP = NPBranch rN branchMap
return (nodes', maybeRes, diag'',
BranchRefSig rP (usig, Just $ BranchStaticContext (ctx uctx)),
dg3, Basic_arch_spec udd'
(replaceAnnoted uexpr' uexpr) pos)
Group_arch_spec asp _ ->
anaArchSpec lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo sharedCtx nP (item asp)
Arch_spec_name un' -> do
asi <- expCurieR (globalAnnos dg) eo un'
case lookupGlobalEnvDG asi dg of
Just (ArchOrRefEntry True asig@(BranchRefSig
(NPBranch n f) (UnitSig nsList resNs _, _))) -> do
let (rN, dg', asig') =
case nP of
Nothing -> let
(dg0, g) = copySubTree dg n Nothing
n0 = Map.findWithDefault (error "copy") n g
(r1, d1) = (n0, dg0) -- TODO: this is not needed
a1 = setPointerInRef asig (NPBranch r1 $ (mapRTNodes g) f)
in (r1, d1, a1)
Just x -> let
(dg0, g) = copySubTree dg n Nothing
n0 = Map.findWithDefault (error "copy") n g
d1 = addRefEdgeRT dg0 x n0
a1 = setPointerInRef asig (NPBranch rN $ (mapRTNodes g) f)
in (x, d1, a1)
case nsList of
[] ->
return ([], Nothing, snd sharedCtx, asig', dg', archSp)
_ -> do
(dnsigs, diag') <- foldM (\ (l, d) ns -> do
(dns, d') <- extendDiagramIncl lgraph d [] ns "Arch Sig"
return (dns : l, d'))
([], snd sharedCtx) $ reverse nsList
(dns, diag'') <-
extendDiagramIncl lgraph diag' dnsigs resNs "arch sig"
return (dns : dnsigs, Nothing, diag'', asig', dg', archSp)
_ -> notFoundError "architectural specification" asi
-- | Analyse a list of unit declarations and definitions
anaUnitDeclDefns :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides
-> ExtStUnitCtx -> [Annoted UNIT_DECL_DEFN]
-> Result (Map.Map IRI RTPointer, ExtStUnitCtx,
DGraph, [Annoted UNIT_DECL_DEFN])
{- ^ returns 1. extended static unit context 2. possibly modified
development graph 3. possibly modified list of unit declarations and
definitions -}
anaUnitDeclDefns lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo sharedCtx =
anaUnitDeclDefns' lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo sharedCtx Map.empty
anaUnitDeclDefns' :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides
-> ExtStUnitCtx -> Map.Map IRI RTPointer
-> [Annoted UNIT_DECL_DEFN]
-> Result (Map.Map IRI RTPointer, ExtStUnitCtx,
DGraph, [Annoted UNIT_DECL_DEFN])
anaUnitDeclDefns' lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx rNodes uds = case uds of
udd : udds -> do
(rNodes1, uctx', dg', udd') <-
anaUnitDeclDefn lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx (item udd)
(rNodes2, uctx'', dg'', udds') <- anaUnitDeclDefns' lgraph libEnv ln dg' opts eo
uctx' (Map.union rNodes1 rNodes) udds
return (rNodes2, uctx'', dg'', replaceAnnoted udd' udd : udds')
[] -> return (rNodes, uctx, dg, [])
alreadyDefinedUnit :: IRI -> String
alreadyDefinedUnit u =
"Unit " ++ iriToStringUnsecure u ++ " already declared/defined"
-- | Create a node that represents a union of signatures
nodeSigUnion :: LogicGraph -> DGraph -> [MaybeNode] -> DGOrigin -> SPEC_NAME
-> Result (NodeSig, DGraph)
nodeSigUnion lgraph dg nodeSigs orig sname =
do sigUnion@(G_sign lid sigU ind) <- gsigManyUnion lgraph
$ map getMaybeSig nodeSigs
let unionName = makeName $ addSuffixToIRI "_union" sname
nodeContents = newNodeLab
(unionName{extIndex = 1})
$ noSensGTheory lid sigU ind
node = getNewNodeDG dg
dg' = insNodeDG (node, nodeContents) dg
inslink dgres nsig = do
dgv <- dgres
case nsig of
EmptyNode _ -> dgres
JustNode (NodeSig n sig) -> do
incl <- ginclusion lgraph sig sigUnion
return $ insLEdgeNubDG
(n, node, globDefLink incl SeeTarget) dgv
dg'' <- foldl inslink (return dg') nodeSigs
return (NodeSig node sigUnion, dg'')
-- | Analyse unit declaration or definition
anaUnitDeclDefn :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides
-> ExtStUnitCtx -> UNIT_DECL_DEFN
-> Result (Map.Map IRI RTPointer, ExtStUnitCtx, DGraph, UNIT_DECL_DEFN)
{- ^ returns 1. extended static unit context 2. possibly modified
development graph 3. possibly modified UNIT_DECL_DEFN -}
anaUnitDeclDefn lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx@(buc, _) udd = case udd of
Unit_decl un' usp uts pos -> do
unIRI <- expCurieR (globalAnnos dg) eo un'
let ustr = iriToStringShortUnsecure unIRI
(dns, diag', dg', uts') <-
anaUnitImported lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx pos uts
let impSig = toMaybeNode dns
(nodes, maybeRes, mDiag, rsig', dg0, usp') <-
anaRefSpec True lgraph libEnv ln
dg' opts eo impSig unIRI (buc, diag') Nothing usp
usig@(UnitSig argSigs resultSig unionSig) <- getUnitSigFromRef rsig'
let (n, dg1, rsig0) =
case getPointerFromRef rsig' of
RTNone -> let
(n', d') = addNodeRT dg0 usig ustr
r' = setPointerInRef rsig' (NPUnit n')
in (n', d', r')
_ -> (refSource $ getPointerFromRef rsig', dg0, rsig')
{- is this above needed? when can rsig' have no pointer?
ANSWER: when it's just a unit sig -}
(dg'', rsig) <- case impSig of
EmptyNode _ -> do
(resultSig', dg2) <- case unionSig of
Just x -> nodeSigUnion lgraph dg1
[JustNode x, JustNode resultSig] DGImports unIRI
_ -> return (resultSig, dg1)
return (updateNodeNameRT dg2 n False ustr,
setUnitSigInRef rsig0 $ UnitSig argSigs resultSig' unionSig)
-- S -> T becomes S -> S \cup T
JustNode ns -> do
let dg2 = updateNodeNameRT dg1 n False ustr
-- this changes the name of the node in the RT
(argUnion, dg3) <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg2
(map JustNode argSigs ++ [impSig])
DGImports unIRI
-- union of the arguments with the imports
(resultSig', dg4) <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg3
[JustNode resultSig, JustNode argUnion] DGImports
{- union of the arguments with the result
F : S -> T given M
becomes F : M * S -> S_M \cup S \cup T -}
let dgU = updateSigRT dg4 n $ UnitSig [] resultSig' Nothing
-- now stores S \cup T
usig' = UnitSig (ns : argSigs) resultSig' $ Just argUnion
(newN, dgU') = addNodeRT dgU usig' ""
newP = NPBranch n $ Map.fromList
[(simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId "a", NPUnit newN)]
rUnit = UnitSig argSigs resultSig' $ Just argUnion
rSig = BranchRefSig newP (rUnit, Just $ BranchStaticContext $
Map.insert (simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId "a")
(mkRefSigFromUnit usig')
return (addEdgesToNodeRT dgU' [newN] n, rSig)
-- check the pointer
let diag = fromMaybe diag' mDiag
ud' = Unit_decl unIRI usp' uts' pos
case rsig of
ComponentRefSig _ _ -> error $
"component refinement forbidden in arch spec: unit"
++ ustr
_ ->
if Map.member unIRI buc
then plain_error (Map.empty, uctx, dg'', ud')
(alreadyDefinedUnit unIRI) (iriPos unIRI)
else do
_usigN@(UnitSig argSigsN resultSig' unionSigN) <-
getUnitSigFromRef rsig
(basedParUSig, diag''') <- if null argSigsN then do
(dn', diag'') <- extendDiagramIncl lgraph diag
((case dns of
JustDiagNode dn -> [dn]
_ -> []) ++
(case maybeRes of
Just x -> [x]
_ -> [])) resultSig' ustr
return (Based_unit_sig dn' rsig, diag'')
else if length nodes < 2 then do
-- clarify the pointers here
let rsig'' =
(setUnitSigInRef rsig $
UnitSig argSigsN resultSig' unionSigN)
(NPUnit n)
return (Based_par_unit_sig dns rsig''
, diag)
else do
-- here we handle U : arch spec ASP with ASP parametric
let rsig'' = setPointerInRef
(setUnitSigInRef rsig usig)
(NPUnit n)
return (Based_lambda_unit_sig nodes rsig'',
return (Map.fromList [(unIRI, getPointerFromRef rsig)],
(Map.insert unIRI basedParUSig buc, diag'''),
dg'', ud')
Unit_defn un' uexp poss -> do
un <- expCurieR (globalAnnos dg) eo un'
(nodes, usig, diag, dg'', uexp') <-
anaUnitExpression lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx uexp
let ud' = Unit_defn un uexp' poss
if Map.member un buc then
plain_error (Map.empty, uctx, dg'', ud')
(alreadyDefinedUnit un) $ iriPos un
else case usig of
{- we can use Map.insert as there are no mappings for
un in ps and bs (otherwise there would have been a
mapping in (ctx uctx)) -}
UnitSig args _ _ -> case args of
[] -> case nodes of
[dn] -> do
let bsig = Based_unit_sig dn $
mkBotSigFromUnit usig
return (Map.empty,
(Map.insert un bsig buc, diag),
dg'', ud')
_ -> error "anaUnitDeclDefn"
_ -> case nodes of
_ : _ : _ ->
return (Map.empty , (Map.insert un
(Based_lambda_unit_sig nodes $
mkBotSigFromUnit usig)
buc, diag), dg'', ud')
_ -> error "anaUnitDeclDefn:lambda expression"
-- | Analyse unit refs
anaUnitRef :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides
-> ExtStUnitCtx -> Maybe RTPointer -> UNIT_REF
-> Result ((UNIT_NAME, RefSig), DGraph, UNIT_REF)
{- ^ returns 1. extended static unit context 2. possibly modified
development graph 3. possibly modified UNIT_DECL_DEFN -}
anaUnitRef lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo _uctx@(_ggbuc, _diag') rN
(Unit_ref un' usp pos) = do
un <- expCurieR (globalAnnos dg) eo un'
let n = case rN of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (NPComp f) -> Just $ Map.findWithDefault
(error "component not in map!") un f
Just (NPBranch _ f) -> Just $ Map.findWithDefault
(error "component not in map!") un f
_ -> error "components!"
curl <- lookupCurrentLogic "UNIT_REF" lgraph
let impSig = EmptyNode curl
( _, _, _, rsig, dg'', usp') <-
anaRefSpec True lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo impSig un
emptyExtStUnitCtx n usp
let ud' = Unit_ref un usp' pos
return ((un, rsig), dg'', ud')
-- | Analyse unit imports
anaUnitImported :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides
-> ExtStUnitCtx -> Range -> [Annoted UNIT_TERM]
-> Result (MaybeDiagNode, Diag, DGraph, [Annoted UNIT_TERM])
anaUnitImported lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx@(_, diag) poss terms =
case terms of
[] -> do
curl <- lookupCurrentLogic "UnitImported" lgraph
return (EmptyDiagNode curl, diag, dg, [])
_ -> do
(dnsigs, diag', dg', terms') <-
anaUnitImported' lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx terms
(sig, dg'') <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg'
(map (JustNode . getSigFromDiag) dnsigs) DGImports
(simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId "imports")
let pos = getPosUnitImported poss
sink <- inclusionSink lgraph dnsigs sig
() <- assertAmalgamability opts pos diag' sink ("imports:" ++
foldl (\ x y -> x ++ " " ++ show (prettyLG lgraph y)) "" terms)
(dnsig, diag'') <- extendDiagramIncl lgraph diag' dnsigs sig
. show . sepByCommas $ map (prettyLG lgraph) terms
return (JustDiagNode dnsig, diag'', dg'', terms')
anaUnitImported' :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides
-> ExtStUnitCtx -> [Annoted UNIT_TERM]
-> Result ([DiagNodeSig], Diag, DGraph, [Annoted UNIT_TERM])
anaUnitImported' lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx@(buc, diag) ts = case ts of
[] -> return ([], diag, dg, [])
ut : uts -> do
(dnsig, diag', dg', ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx (item ut)
(dnsigs, diag'', dg'', uts') <-
anaUnitImported' lgraph libEnv ln dg' opts eo (buc, diag') uts
return (dnsig : dnsigs, diag'', dg'', replaceAnnoted ut' ut : uts')
-- | Analyse an unit expression
anaUnitExpression :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides
-> Result ([DiagNodeSig], UnitSig, Diag, DGraph, UNIT_EXPRESSION)
anaUnitExpression lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx@(buc, diag)
uexp@(Unit_expression ubs ut poss) = case ubs of
[] -> do
(dnsig@(Diag_node_sig _ ns'), diag', dg', ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx (item ut)
return ([dnsig], UnitSig [] ns' Nothing, diag', dg',
Unit_expression [] (replaceAnnoted ut' ut) poss)
_ -> do
(args, dg', ubs') <-
anaUnitBindings lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx ubs
let dexp = show $ prettyLG lgraph uexp
insNodes diag0 [] buc0 = return ([], diag0, buc0)
insNodes diag0 ((un, nsig) : args0) buc0 =
do (dnsig, diag') <- extendDiagramIncl lgraph diag0 []
nsig $ show un
{- we made sure in anaUnitBindings that there's no
mapping for un in buc so we can just use
here RTNone actually makes sense -}
let rsig = BranchRefSig RTNone
(UnitSig [] nsig Nothing, Nothing)
buc' = Map.insert un (Based_unit_sig dnsig rsig) buc0
(dnsigs, diag'', buc'') <- insNodes diag' args0 buc'
return (dnsig : dnsigs, diag'', buc'')
(pardnsigs, diag'', buc') <- insNodes diag args buc
(resnsig, _) <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg'
(map (JustNode . snd) args) DGFormalParams
(simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId "union")
(Diag_node_sig nU _, diagI) <-
extendDiagramIncl lgraph diag''
pardnsigs resnsig dexp
{- only add the union to ensure compatibility of
formal parameters
but remove afterwards to be able to check
compatibility of actual parameters: matchDiagram below -}
(p@(Diag_node_sig _ pnsig), diag''', dg''', ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph libEnv ln dg' opts eo (buc', diagI) (item ut)
-- check amalgamability conditions
let pos = getPosUnitExpression uexp
checkSubSign dnsigs nsup =
all (\ dnsub -> isSubGsign lgraph (getSig $ getSigFromDiag dnsub)
$ getSig nsup) dnsigs
-- check that signatures in pardnsigs are subsignatures of pnsig
if checkSubSign pardnsigs pnsig
sink <- inclusionSink lgraph (p : pardnsigs) pnsig
() <-
assertAmalgamability opts pos diag''' sink
("subsignature test for: " ++
show (prettyLG lgraph uexp))
-- add new node to the diagram
let (_, diag4) = matchDiagram nU diag'''
return (p : pardnsigs,
UnitSig (map snd args) pnsig $ Just resnsig,
-- check!
diag4, dg''',
Unit_expression ubs' (replaceAnnoted ut' ut) poss)
else -- report an error
("The body signature does not extend the parameter signatures in\n"
++ dexp) pos
{- | Analyse a list of unit bindings. Ensures that the unit names are
not present in extended static unit context and that there are no
duplicates among them. -}
anaUnitBindings :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides
-> ExtStUnitCtx -> [UNIT_BINDING]
-> Result ([(IRI, NodeSig)], DGraph, [UNIT_BINDING])
anaUnitBindings lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx@(buc, _) bs = case bs of
[] -> return ([], dg, [])
Unit_binding un' usp poss : ubs -> do
un <- expCurieR (globalAnnos dg) eo un'
let unpos = iriPos un
curl <- lookupCurrentLogic "UNIT_BINDINGS" lgraph
(BranchRefSig _ (UnitSig argSigs nsig _, _), dg', usp') <-
anaUnitSpec lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo
un (EmptyNode curl) Nothing usp
-- TODO: is un OK above? MC: yes, names are unique
let ub' = Unit_binding un usp' poss
case argSigs of
_ : _ -> plain_error ([], dg', [])
("An argument unit "
++ iriToStringUnsecure un
++ " must not be parameterized") unpos
[] ->
do (args, dg'', ubs') <- anaUnitBindings lgraph libEnv ln
dg' opts eo uctx ubs
let args' = (un, nsig) : args
if Map.member un buc
then plain_error (args', dg'', ub' : ubs')
(alreadyDefinedUnit un) unpos
else case lookup un args of
Just _ ->
plain_error (args', dg'', ub' : ubs')
(alreadyDefinedUnit un) unpos
Nothing -> return (args', dg'', ub' : ubs')
-- | Analyse a list of unit terms
anaUnitTerms :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides
-> ExtStUnitCtx -> [Annoted UNIT_TERM]
-> Result ([DiagNodeSig], Diag, DGraph, [Annoted UNIT_TERM])
anaUnitTerms lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx@(buc, diag) ts = case ts of
[] -> return ([], diag, dg, [])
ut : uts -> do
(dnsig, diag', dg', ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx (item ut)
(dnsigs, diag'', dg'', uts') <- anaUnitTerms lgraph libEnv ln
dg' opts eo (buc, diag') uts
return (dnsig : dnsigs, diag'', dg'', replaceAnnoted ut' ut : uts')
-- | Analyse an unit term
anaUnitTerm :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides
-> ExtStUnitCtx -> UNIT_TERM -> Result (DiagNodeSig, Diag, DGraph, UNIT_TERM)
anaUnitTerm lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx@(buc, diag) utrm =
let pos = getPosUnitTerm utrm
utStr = show $ prettyLG lgraph utrm
in case utrm of
Unit_reduction ut restr -> do
let orig = DGRestriction (Restricted restr) Set.empty
(p@(Diag_node_sig iNode _), diag1, dg1, ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx (item ut)
curl <- lookupCurrentLogic "UnitTerm" lgraph
(incl, msigma) <- anaRestriction lgraph (emptyG_sign curl)
(getSig (getSigFromDiag p)) opts restr
let i = addSuffixToNode "_reduction" iNode
(q@(Diag_node_sig qn _), diag', dg') <-
extendDiagramWithMorphismRevHide pos lgraph diag1 dg1 p incl i utStr
case msigma of
Nothing ->
{- the renaming morphism is just identity, so
there's no need to extend the diagram
return (q, diag', dg',
Unit_reduction (replaceAnnoted ut' ut) restr)
Just sigma ->
-- check amalgamability conditions
let sink = [(qn, sigma)]
iN = addSuffixToNode "_amalg_reduct" qn
() <- assertAmalgamability opts pos diag' sink utStr
(q', diag'', dg'') <- extendDiagramWithMorphism pos
lgraph diag' dg' q sigma iN utStr orig
return (q', diag'', dg'',
(replaceAnnoted ut' ut) restr)
Unit_translation ut ren -> do
(dnsig@(Diag_node_sig p _), diag1, dg1, ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx (item ut)
-- EmptyNode $ error ... should be replaced with local env!
gMorph <- anaRenaming lgraph
(EmptyNode $ error "Static.AnalysisArchitecture")
(getSig (getSigFromDiag dnsig)) opts ren
let sink = [(p, gMorph)]
iN = addSuffixToNode "_amalg_transl" p
-- check amalamability conditions
() <- assertAmalgamability opts pos diag1 sink utStr
(dnsig', diag', dg') <- extendDiagramWithMorphism pos lgraph
diag1 dg1 dnsig gMorph iN utStr
(DGTranslation $ Renamed ren)
return (dnsig', diag', dg', Unit_translation
(replaceAnnoted ut' ut) ren)
Amalgamation uts poss -> do
(dnsigs, diag1, dg', uts') <-
anaUnitTerms lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx uts
-- compute sigma
(sig, dg'') <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg'
(map (JustNode . getSigFromDiag) dnsigs) DGUnion
(simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId "imports")
-- check amalgamability conditions
sink <- inclusionSink lgraph dnsigs sig
() <- assertAmalgamability opts poss diag1 sink utStr
(q, diag') <- extendDiagramIncl lgraph diag1 dnsigs
sig utStr
return (q, diag', dg'', Amalgamation uts' poss)
Local_unit udds ut poss -> do
(_, uctx', dg1, udds') <-
anaUnitDeclDefns' lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx Map.empty udds
(dnsig, diag', dg', ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph libEnv ln dg1 opts eo uctx' (item ut)
return (dnsig, diag', dg',
Local_unit udds' (replaceAnnoted ut' ut) poss)
Unit_appl un' fargus _ -> do
un <- expCurieR (globalAnnos dg) eo un'
let ustr = iriToStringUnsecure un
argStr = show . sepByCommas $ map (prettyLG lgraph) fargus
case Map.lookup un buc of
Just (Based_unit_sig dnsig _rsig) -> case fargus of
[] -> return (dnsig, diag, dg, utrm)
_ -> plain_error (dnsig, diag, dg, utrm)
(ustr ++ " is a parameterless unit, "
++ "but arguments have been given: " ++ argStr) pos
Just (Based_par_unit_sig pI
(BranchRefSig _ (UnitSig argSigs resultSig _, _))) ->
do (sigF, dg') <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg
(toMaybeNode pI : map JustNode argSigs) DGFormalParams
(simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId ("sigF_"++argStr))
(morphSigs, dg'', diagA) <-
anaFitArgUnits lgraph libEnv ln dg' opts eo
uctx utrm pos argSigs fargus
(sigA, dg''') <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg''
(toMaybeNode pI : map (JustNode . second) morphSigs)
(simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId ("sigA_"++argStr))
-- compute morphA (\sigma^A)
G_sign lidI sigI _ <- return (getMaybeSig (toMaybeNode pI))
let idI = mkG_morphism lidI (ext_ide sigI)
morphA <- homogeneousMorManyUnion
$ idI : map first morphSigs
-- compute sigMorExt (\sigma^A(\Delta))
(_, gSigMorExt) <- extendMorphism True (getSig sigF)
(getSig resultSig) (getSig sigA) morphA
-- check amalgamability conditions
let sigMorExt = gEmbed gSigMorExt
pIL = case pI of
JustDiagNode dn -> [dn]
_ -> []
sink <- inclusionSink lgraph (pIL ++
map third morphSigs) sigA
() <- assertAmalgamability opts pos diagA sink utStr
(qB@(Diag_node_sig nqB _), diag') <-
extendDiagramIncl lgraph diagA pIL resultSig ""
-- insert nodes p^F_i and appropriate edges to the diagram
let ins diag0 dg0 [] = return (diag0, dg0)
ins diag0 dg0 ((fpi, (morph, _, tar)) : morphNodes) =
(diag'', dg2) <-
pos lgraph
diag0 dg0
tar fpi qB
(gEmbed morph)
argStr DGTest
ins diag'' dg2 morphNodes
(diag'', dg4) <- ins diag' dg''' $ zip argSigs morphSigs
-- check amalgamability conditions
let i = addSuffixToIRI ("_amalg_"++argStr) un
(sigR, dg5) <- extendDGraph dg4 resultSig
sigMorExt i DGExtension
-- make the union of sigR with all specs of arguments
let nsigs' = reverse $ map (getSigFromDiag . third) morphSigs
gbigSigma <- gsigManyUnion lgraph $ map getSig
$ sigR : nsigs'
let xIRI = addSuffixToIRI ("_union_"++argStr) un
xName = makeName xIRI
(ns@(NodeSig node _), dg6) = insGSig dg5 xName
DGUnion gbigSigma
insE dgl (NodeSig n gsigma) = do
incl <- ginclusion lgraph gsigma gbigSigma
return $ insLink dgl incl globalDef SeeTarget n node
dg7 <- foldM insE dg6 $ sigR : nsigs'
incSink <- inclusionSink lgraph (map third morphSigs) sigR
let sink' = (nqB, sigMorExt) : incSink
assertAmalgamability opts pos diag'' sink' utStr
{- for lambda applications below
the node qB is not added, but only the edge from r
here we use ns instead of sigR -}
(q, diag''') <- extendDiagram diag'' qB
sigMorExt ns utStr
diag4 <- insInclusionEdges lgraph diag'''
(map third morphSigs) q
return (q, diag4, dg7, utrm)
Just (Based_lambda_unit_sig nodes
(BranchRefSig _ (UnitSig argSigs resultSig _, _))) ->
case nodes of
[] -> error "error in lambda expression"
_r@(Diag_node_sig rn _) : fs ->
do let fnodes = map (\ (Diag_node_sig x _) -> x) fs
(diagC, copyFun) <- copyDiagram lgraph fnodes $ snd uctx
let getCopy x =
x' = Map.findWithDefault (error "getCopy") x copyFun
y = lab (diagGraph diagC) x'
case y of
Nothing -> error "node not found"
Just (DiagNode ns _) -> Diag_node_sig x' ns
r' = getCopy rn
fs' = map getCopy fnodes
(sigF, dg') <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg
(map JustNode argSigs) DGFormalParams
(simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId ("sigF_"++argStr))
(morphSigs, dg'', diagA) <-
anaFitArgUnits lgraph libEnv ln dg' opts eo
(fst uctx, diagC) utrm pos argSigs fargus
(sigA, dg''') <- nodeSigUnion lgraph dg''
(map (JustNode . second) morphSigs)
(simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId ("sigA_"++argStr))
-- compute morphA (\sigma^A)
morphA <- homogeneousMorManyUnion
$ map first morphSigs
{- compute sigMorExt (\sigma^A(\Delta))
but allow sharing between body and parameter -}
(_, gSigMorExt) <- extendMorphism False (getSig sigF)
(getSig resultSig) (getSig sigA) morphA
-- check amalgamability conditions
let sigMorExt = gEmbed gSigMorExt
sink <- inclusionSink lgraph (map third morphSigs) sigA
() <- assertAmalgamability opts pos diagA sink utStr
let eI = zip fs' $ map (\ (x, _, z) -> (x, z)) morphSigs
{- insert an edge from f_i to targetNode_i
extendDiagramWithEdge does it
and then call it for pairs (f_i, targetNode_i) -}
let ins diag0 dg0 [] = return (diag0, dg0)
ins diag0 dg0 ((fI, (morph, pIA)) : eIS) =
do (diag1, dg1) <-
extendDiagramWithEdge pos lgraph diag0
dg0 fI pIA (gEmbed morph) TEST
ins diag1 dg1 eIS
(diag', dg4) <- ins diagA dg''' eI
-- check amalgamability conditions
let i = addSuffixToIRI ("_amalg_"++argStr) un
(sigR, dg5) <- extendDGraph dg4 resultSig
sigMorExt i DGExtension
incSink <- inclusionSink lgraph (map third morphSigs) sigR
assertAmalgamability opts pos diag' incSink utStr
{- -- for lambda applications
-- the node qB is not added, but only the edge from r -}
(q, diag'') <- extendDiagram diag' r'
sigMorExt sigR utStr
diag3 <- insInclusionEdges lgraph diag''
(map third morphSigs) q
return (q, diag3, dg5, utrm)
_ -> fatal_error ("Undefined unit " ++ ustr) pos
Group_unit_term ut poss -> do
(dnsig, diag1, dg1, ut') <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx (item ut)
return (dnsig, diag1, dg1, Group_unit_term (replaceAnnoted ut' ut) poss)
-- | Analyse unit arguments
anaFitArgUnits :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -> ExpOverrides -> ExtStUnitCtx -> UNIT_TERM
-- ^ the whole application for diagnostic purposes
-> Range
-- ^ the position of the application (for diagnostic purposes)
-> [NodeSig]
-- ^ the signatures of unit's formal parameters
-> [FIT_ARG_UNIT] -- ^ the arguments for the unit
-> Result ([(G_morphism, NodeSig, DiagNodeSig)], DGraph, Diag)
anaFitArgUnits lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx@(buc, diag)
appl pos nodeSigs fArgs = case (nodeSigs, fArgs) of
(nsig : nsigs, fau : faus) -> do
(gmorph, nsig', dnsig, dg1, diag1) <-
anaFitArgUnit lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx nsig fau
(morphSigs, dg', diag') <- anaFitArgUnits lgraph libEnv ln dg1 opts eo
(buc, diag1) appl pos nsigs faus
return ((gmorph, nsig', dnsig) : morphSigs, dg', diag')
([], []) -> return ([], dg, diag)
_ -> plain_error ([], dg, diag)
("non-matching number of arguments given in application\n"
++ show (prettyLG lgraph appl)) pos
-- | Analyse unit argument
anaFitArgUnit :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides
-> ExtStUnitCtx -> NodeSig -> FIT_ARG_UNIT
-> Result (G_morphism, NodeSig, DiagNodeSig, DGraph, Diag)
{- ^ returns 1. the signature morphism 2. the target signature of the morphism
3. the diagram node 4. the modified DGraph 5. the modified diagram -}
anaFitArgUnit lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx nsig
a@(Fit_arg_unit ut symbMap poss) = adjustPos poss $ do
let argStr = show $ prettyLG lgraph a
(p, diag', dg', _) <-
anaUnitTerm lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo uctx (item ut)
let gsigmaS = getSig nsig
gsigmaT = getSig (getSigFromDiag p)
G_sign lidS sigmaS _ <- return gsigmaS
G_sign lidT sigmaT _ <- return gsigmaT
cl <- lookupCurrentLogic "anaFitArgUnit" lgraph
G_symb_map_items_list lid sis <- homogenizeGM cl symbMap
sigmaS' <- coerceSign lidS lid "anaFitArgUnit1" sigmaS
sigmaT' <- coerceSign lidT lid "anaFitArgUnit2" sigmaT
mor <- if isStructured opts then return (ext_ide sigmaS') else do
rmap <- stat_symb_map_items lid (plainSign sigmaS')
(Just $ plainSign sigmaT') sis
ext_induced_from_to_morphism lid rmap sigmaS' sigmaT'
let gMorph = mkG_morphism lid mor
i = addSuffixToNode ("_fit_"++argStr) $ getNode nsig
-- ^ this ensures unique names
(nsig', dg'') <- extendDGraph dg' nsig (gEmbed gMorph) i DGFitSpec
return (gMorph, nsig', p, dg'', diag')
-- | Analyse unit specification
anaUnitSpec :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -- ^ should only the structure be analysed?
-> ExpOverrides -- for expanding CURIEs
-> SPEC_NAME -- the name of the unit spec, for node names
-> MaybeNode -- ^ the signature of imports
-> Maybe RTPointer -- for building refinement trees
-> UNIT_SPEC -> Result (RefSig, DGraph, UNIT_SPEC)
{- ^ returns 1. unit signature 2. the development graph resulting from
structred specs inside the unit spec and 3. a UNIT_SPEC after possible
conversions. -}
anaUnitSpec lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo usName impsig rN usp = case usp of
Unit_type argSpecs resultSpec poss ->
case argSpecs of
[] -> case resultSpec of
Annoted (Spec_inst spn [] _ _) _ _ _
| case lookupGlobalEnvDG (fromMaybe spn
$ expCurie (globalAnnos dg) eo spn) dg of
Just (UnitEntry _) -> True
Just (SpecEntry _) -> True
-- this is needed because there are no REF_NAME in REF_SPEC
Just (ArchOrRefEntry False _) -> True
_ -> False ->
{- if argspecs are empty and resultspec is a name of unit spec
then this should be converted to a Spec_name -}
anaUnitSpec lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo usName impsig rN (Spec_name spn)
_ -> do -- a trivial unit type
(resultSpec', resultSig, dg') <- anaSpec False True lgraph libEnv ln
dg impsig
(makeName usName)
opts eo (item resultSpec) poss
let usig = UnitSig [] resultSig Nothing
return (mkRefSigFromUnit usig , dg', Unit_type []
(replaceAnnoted resultSpec' resultSpec) poss)
_ -> do -- a non-trivial unit type
(argSigs, dg1, argSpecs') <-
anaArgSpecs lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo usName argSpecs
(sigUnion, dg2) <-
case argSigs of
[argSig] -> return (argSig, dg1) -- the optimization mentioned below
_ -> nodeSigUnion lgraph dg1
(impsig : map JustNode argSigs) DGFormalParams usName
{- if i have no imports, i can optimize?
in that case, an identity morphism is introduced -}
let resName = makeName $ addSuffixToIRI "_res" usName
(resultSpec', resultSig, dg3) <- anaSpec True True lgraph libEnv ln
dg2 (JustNode sigUnion)
(resName {extIndex = 1})
opts eo (item resultSpec) poss
let usig = UnitSig argSigs resultSig $ Just sigUnion
rsig = mkRefSigFromUnit usig
return (rsig, dg3, Unit_type argSpecs'
(replaceAnnoted resultSpec' resultSpec) poss)
Spec_name un' -> do
usn <- expCurieR (globalAnnos dg) eo un'
case lookupGlobalEnvDG usn dg of
Just (UnitEntry usig) -> return (mkRefSigFromUnit usig, dg, usp)
Just (SpecEntry (ExtGenSig _gsig@(GenSig _ args unSig) nsig) ) -> do
let uSig = case unSig of
JustNode n -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
return (mkRefSigFromUnit $ UnitSig args nsig uSig, dg, usp)
Just (ArchOrRefEntry False rsig) ->
case rN of
Nothing -> let
p = getPointerFromRef rsig
(dg', newP) = addSubTree dg Nothing p
in return (setPointerInRef rsig newP , dg', usp)
Just p0 -> let l = refTarget p0 in
case l of
RTLeaf x -> let
p = getPointerFromRef rsig
(dg', p') = addSubTree dg (Just l) p
np' = compPointer (NPUnit x) p'
in return (setPointerInRef rsig np', dg', usp)
RTLeaves leaves -> let
p = getPointerFromRef rsig
in case p of
NPComp _ -> let
(dg', p') = addSubTree dg (Just l) p
np' = compPointer p0 p'
in return (setPointerInRef rsig np', dg', usp)
_ ->
case Map.size leaves of
1 ->
let (_, h@(RTLeaf x)) = head $ Map.toList leaves
(dg', p') = addSubTree dg (Just h) p
np' = compPointer (NPUnit x) p'
in return (setPointerInRef rsig np', dg', usp)
_ -> error "can't compose signatures!"
_ -> notFoundError "unit specification" usn
Closed_unit_spec usp' _ -> do
curl <- lookupCurrentLogic "UnitSpec" lgraph
anaUnitSpec lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo usName (EmptyNode curl) rN usp'
-- | Analyse refinement specification
anaRefSpec ::
Bool -- True is the refinement is source of a refinement
-> LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph
-> HetcatsOpts -- ^ should only the structure be analysed?
-> ExpOverrides
-> MaybeNode -- ^ the signature of imports
-> SPEC_NAME -- for origin
-> ExtStUnitCtx
-> Maybe RTPointer
-> Result ([DiagNodeSig], -- for lambda expressions
Maybe DiagNodeSig, -- for tracing between levels
Maybe Diag, RefSig, DGraph, REF_SPEC)
anaRefSpec src lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo nsig rn sharedCtx nP rsp =
case rsp of
Unit_spec asp ->
let rn' = if src then rn else addSuffixToIRI "_target" rn
(rsig, dg', asp') <-
anaUnitSpec lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo rn' nsig nP asp
case rsig of
BranchRefSig _ _ -> do
usig <- getUnitSigFromRef rsig
let rP = getPointerFromRef rsig
(rsig', dg3) = case rP of
RTNone ->
(n, dg'') = addNodeRT dg' usig (name asp)
r' = setPointerInRef rsig (NPUnit n)
in (r', dg'')
_ -> (rsig, dg')
return ([], Nothing, Just (snd sharedCtx), rsig', dg3, Unit_spec asp')
_ ->
return ([], Nothing, Just (snd sharedCtx), rsig, dg', Unit_spec asp')
Arch_unit_spec asp poss ->
let x = case nP of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just p ->
case refTarget p of
RTLeaf y -> Just y
_ -> error "nyi"
(nodes, maybeRes, diag, rsig, dg', asp') <-
anaArchSpec lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo sharedCtx x $ item asp
return (nodes, maybeRes, Just diag, rsig, dg',
Arch_unit_spec (replaceAnnoted asp' asp) poss)
{- check whether it is indeed correct
to ignore the nodes of the
lambda expressions, like you do in the following -}
Compose_ref rslist range ->
(dg', anaSpecs, _) <- foldM (\ (dgr, rList, rN') rsp0 ->
(_, _, _, rsig', dgr', rsp') <-
anaRefSpec False lgraph libEnv ln dgr opts eo nsig
(simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId $
show rn ++ "gen_ref_name" ++
show (length rList) )
sharedCtx rN' rsp0
return (dgr', rList ++ [(rsig', rsp')],
Just $ getPointerFromRef rsig')
) (dg, [], nP) rslist
-- compose signatures in csig
let refSigs = map fst anaSpecs
csig <- foldM refSigComposition (head refSigs) $ tail refSigs
let compRef = Compose_ref (map snd anaSpecs) range
return ([], Nothing, Nothing, csig, dg', compRef)
Component_ref urlist range -> do
(dg', anaRefs, resultMap, pMap) <-
foldM (\ (dgr, rList, cx, ps) uref0 -> do
((n, rs), dgr', uref') <-
anaUnitRef lgraph libEnv ln dgr opts eo emptyExtStUnitCtx nP uref0
return (dgr', uref' : rList , Map.insert n rs cx,
Map.insert n (getPointerFromRef rs) ps)
) (dg, [], Map.empty, Map.empty) urlist
{- here:
insert a dummy node labeled with the name of the component
insert a refinement link from the dummy node to the
source of refinement -}
return ([], Nothing, Nothing,
ComponentRefSig (NPComp pMap) resultMap, dg',
Component_ref (reverse anaRefs) range)
Refinement beh uspec gMapList rspec range ->
let rn' = if src then addSuffixToIRI "_source" rn
else rn
-- beh will be ignored for now
(_rsig@(BranchRefSig _ (usig, _)), dg', asp') <-
anaUnitSpec lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo rn' nsig nP uspec
(_, _, _, _rsig'@(BranchRefSig n2 (usig', bsig)), dgr', rsp') <-
anaRefSpec False lgraph libEnv ln dg' opts eo nsig rn emptyExtStUnitCtx Nothing rspec
-- here Nothing is fine
case (usig, usig') of
(UnitSig _ls ns _, UnitSig _ls' ns' _) -> do
dg'' <- anaSymbMapRef lgraph dgr' ns ns' gMapList rn
let (s, dg3) = case nP of
Nothing -> addNodeRT dg'' usig (name uspec)
Just p ->
case refTarget p of
RTLeaf x -> (x, dg'')
_ -> error "can't refine to component!"
dg4 = addRefEdgeRT dg3 s (refSource n2)
return ([], Nothing, Nothing,
BranchRefSig (compPointer (NPUnit s) n2)
(usig, bsig) , dg4,
Refinement beh asp' gMapList rsp' range)
name usp = case usp of
Spec_name x -> iriToStringShortUnsecure x
Unit_type argSpecs resultSpec _ ->
case argSpecs of
[] -> case resultSpec of
Annoted (Spec_inst spn [] _ _) _ _ _ ->
iriToStringShortUnsecure spn
_ -> ""
_ -> ""
_ -> ""
anaSymbMapRef :: LogicGraph -> DGraph -> NodeSig -> NodeSig -> [G_mapping]
-> SPEC_NAME -> Result DGraph
anaSymbMapRef lg dg' ns ns' symbMap rn = do
let gSigS = getSig ns
nodeS = getNode ns
gSigT = getSig ns'
nodeT = getNode ns'
G_sign lidS sigS _ <- return gSigS
G_sign lidT sigT _ <- return gSigT
cl <- lookupCurrentLogic "anaSymbMapRef" lg
G_symb_map_items_list lid sis <- homogenizeGM cl symbMap
sigS' <- coerceSign lidS lid "anaSymbMapRef1" sigS
sigT' <- coerceSign lidT lid "anaSymbMapRef2" sigT
rmap <- stat_symb_map_items lid (plainSign sigS')
(Just $ plainSign sigT') sis
mor <- ext_induced_from_to_morphism lid rmap sigS' sigT'
let gm = gEmbed $ mkG_morphism lid mor
-- for now we stay in the homogeneous case
linkLabel = defDGLink gm globalThm (DGLinkRefinement rn)
(_, dg'') = insLEdgeDG (nodeS, nodeT, linkLabel) dg'
return dg''
addSuffixToNode :: String -> Node -> IRI
addSuffixToNode s n = addSuffixToIRI s $ simpleIdToIRI $ mkSimpleId $
show n
-- | Analyse a list of argument specifications
anaArgSpecs :: LogicGraph -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> HetcatsOpts
-> ExpOverrides -> SPEC_NAME
-> [Annoted SPEC] -> Result ([NodeSig], DGraph, [Annoted SPEC])
anaArgSpecs lgraph libEnv ln dg opts eo usName args = let
anaArgSpecsAux aDG x args' = case args' of
[] -> return ([], aDG, [])
argSpec : argSpecs -> do
l <- lookupLogic "anaArgSpecs " (currentLogic lgraph) lgraph
let sp = item argSpec
xIRI = addSuffixToIRI ("_arg" ++ show x) usName
xName = makeName xIRI
(argSpec', argSig, dg') <-
anaSpec False False -- don't optimize the node out
lgraph libEnv ln aDG (EmptyNode l)
(xName{extIndex = x + 1})
opts eo sp $ getRange sp
(argSigs, dg'', argSpecs') <-
anaArgSpecsAux dg' (x + 1 ::Int) argSpecs
return (argSig : argSigs, dg'', replaceAnnoted argSpec' argSpec
: argSpecs')
in anaArgSpecsAux dg 0 args
{- | Check that given diagram ensures amalgamability along given set
of morphisms -}
:: HetcatsOpts -- ^ the program options
-> Range -- ^ the position (for diagnostics)
-> Diag -- ^ the diagram to be checked
-> [(Node, GMorphism)] -- ^ the sink
-> String -- ^ the unit expr as a string
-> Result ()
assertAmalgamability opts pos diag sink uexp = do
ensAmalg <- homogeneousEnsuresAmalgamability opts pos diag sink
case ensAmalg of
Amalgamates -> return ()
NoAmalgamation msg -> plain_error ()
("Amalgamability is not ensured: " ++ msg ++ "\n for " ++ uexp) pos
DontKnow msg -> warning () msg pos
-- | Check the amalgamability assuming common logic for whole diagram
:: HetcatsOpts -- ^ the program options
-> Range -- ^ the position (for diagnostics)
-> Diag -- ^ the diagram to be checked
-> [(Node, GMorphism)] -- ^ the sink
-> Result Amalgamates
homogeneousEnsuresAmalgamability opts pos diag sink = case sink of
[] -> plain_error defaultDontKnow
"homogeneousEnsuresAmalgamability: Empty sink" pos
lab' : _ -> do
let (_, mor) = lab'
sig = cod mor
G_sign lid _ _ <- return sig
hDiag <- homogeniseDiagram lid diag
hSink <- homogeniseSink lid sink
ensures_amalgamability lid (caslAmalg opts, hDiag, hSink, diagDesc diag)
-- | Get a position within the source file of a UNIT-TERM
getPosUnitTerm :: UNIT_TERM -> Range
getPosUnitTerm ut = case ut of
Unit_reduction _ restr -> case restr of
-- obtain position from RESTRICTION
Hidden _ poss -> poss
Revealed _ poss -> poss
Unit_translation _ (Renaming _ poss) -> poss
Amalgamation _ poss -> poss
Local_unit _ _ poss -> poss
Unit_appl u _ poss -> appRange (iriPos u) poss
Group_unit_term _ poss -> poss
-- | Get a position within the source file of UNIT-IMPORTED
getPosUnitImported :: Range -> Range
getPosUnitImported (Range ps) = Range $ case ps of
[] -> []
_ : qs -> if null qs then ps else qs
-- | Get a position within the source file of UNIT-EXPRESSION
getPosUnitExpression :: UNIT_EXPRESSION -> Range
getPosUnitExpression (Unit_expression _ (Annoted ut _ _ _) poss) =
appRange (getPosUnitTerm ut) poss