soapTest.hs revision f04e8f3ff56405901be968fd4c6e9769239f1a9b
{-# OPTIONS -fth #-}
-- | simple test program that sends a file as soap message to a
-- MathServ Broker and to other Services like Vampire
-- SPASS/tests/soapTest denebola 8080 Broker ProveProblemOpt SPASS/tests/asym.tptp 10
module Main where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import Network.URI
import Network.Service
import Text.XML.HXT.Aliases
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM hiding (when)
import Text.Regex
import Text.XML.Serializer
import Org.Xmlsoap.Schemas.Soap.Envelope as ENV
import Data.Generics2
import Data.Typeable
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Control.Monad (mapM_,when)
data MathServServices =
ProveProblemOpt { in0 :: String
, in1 :: Int}
| ProveProblemChoice { in0 :: String
, in1 :: Int}
| Shutdown
| ProveTPTPProblem { in0 :: String
, in1 :: Int}
| ProveTPTPProblemWithOptions { in0 :: String
, in1 :: Int
, in2 :: String}
| ProveProblem { in0 :: String
, in1 :: Int}
data MathServOutput =
ProveProblemOptResponse {
proveProblemOptReturn :: String }
| ShutdownResponse
| ProveProblemChoiceResponse {
proveProblemChoiceReturn :: String }
| ProveTPTPProblemResponse {
proveTPTPProblemReturn :: String }
| ProveTPTPProblemWithOptionsResponse {
proveTPTPProblemWithOptionsReturn :: String }
| ProveProblemResponse {
proveProblemReturn :: String }
deriving Show
instance XMLNamespace MathServServices
instance XMLNamespace MathServOutput
$(xmlify [''MathServServices] [])
$(xmlify [''MathServOutput] [capFieldsE])
getResponse :: MathServOutput -> String
getResponse mso =
case mso of
ProveProblemOptResponse _ -> proveProblemOptReturn mso
ProveProblemChoiceResponse _ -> proveProblemChoiceReturn mso
ProveTPTPProblemResponse _ -> proveTPTPProblemReturn mso
ProveProblemResponse _ -> proveProblemReturn mso
ProveTPTPProblemWithOptionsResponse _ ->
proveTPTPProblemWithOptionsReturn mso
ShutdownResponse -> "\"no response message expected\"\n"
mkProveProblem :: Maybe String -- ^ extra options
-> String -- ^ Service name
-> String -- ^ SOAP operation name
-> String -> Int -> MathServServices
mkProveProblem mopts service operation =
case service of
"Broker" -> case operation of
"ProveProblemOpt" -> ProveProblemOpt
"ProveProblemChoice" -> ProveProblemChoice
"Shutdown" -> \ _ _ -> Shutdown
_ -> fail $ "unknown Operation for service Broker\n"++
"known operations: ProveProblemOpt, ProveProblemChoice"
| x `elem` services -> singleATP
| otherwise -> fail $ "unknown Service\nknown services: "++
"\"Broker\", "++
concat (intersperse ", " $ map show services)
where singleATP =
case operation of
"ProveTPTPProblem" -> maybe ProveTPTPProblem
(\ opts -> \ x y ->
ProveTPTPProblemWithOptions x y opts)
"ProveProblem" -> ProveProblem
_ -> fail $ "unknown Operation for service \""++service++"\"\n"++
"known operations: ProveProblem, ProveTPTPProblem"
services :: [String]
services = ["EService","SpassService","VampireService","WaldmeisterService",
usage :: String -> IO ()
usage m = do hPutStrLn stderr $
"Usage: soapTest <server-name> <port> <service-name> "++
"<operation> <problem-file> <timeout> [<options>]\n"++
" soapTest --all <server-name> <port> "++
"<problem-file> <timeout>\n"++m
exitWith (ExitFailure 2)
makeEndPoint :: String -> Maybe HTTPTransport
makeEndPoint uriStr = maybe Nothing
(\ uri -> Just $ HTTPTransport
{ httpEndpoint = uri
, httpSOAPAction = Just nullURI})
(parseURI uriStr)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
_ | length args == 5 -> if head args == "--all"
then allServices (tail args)
else usage "too few arguments"
| length args == 6 -> doSoapCall False Nothing args
| length args == 7 -> doSoapCall False (Just $ last args) $ init args
| otherwise -> usage "too few arguments"
allServices :: [String] -> IO ()
allServices args
| length args == 4 =
do putStrLn $ "soapTest: Trying Broker..."
doSoapCall True Nothing
(take 2 args ++ "Broker":"ProveProblemOpt":drop 2 args)
mapM_ doCall services
| otherwise = usage "somthing went wrong with allServices"
where doCall s = do
putStrLn $ "soapTest: Trying Service "++show s++"..."
doSoapCall True Nothing (take 2 args ++ s:"ProveTPTPProblem":
drop 2 args)
putStrLn "----------------\n"
statusRegex :: Regex
statusRegex = mkRegexWithOpts
"\"http://www\\.mathweb\\.org/owl/status\\.owl#([^\"]*)\" ?/>"
False False
cputimeRegex :: Regex
cputimeRegex = mkRegexWithOpts
False False
walltimeRegex :: Regex
walltimeRegex = mkRegexWithOpts
False False
systemRegex :: Regex
systemRegex = mkRegexWithOpts
False False
doSoapCall :: Bool -- ^ True means grep for status
-> Maybe String -> [String] -> IO ()
doSoapCall grepForStatus mopts
(server:port:service:operation:problemFile:timeoutStr:[]) =
do problem <- readFile problemFile
let (timeout :: Int) = read timeoutStr
-- problem = "Egal"
maybe (usage "please give a valid server name and port number")
(\ endPoint -> do
(res::Either SimpleFault MathServOutput)
<- soapCall endPoint $
mkProveProblem mopts service operation problem timeout
case res of
Left errorMes -> putStrLn $ show errorMes
Right resp -> do
writeFile (problemFile++".xml") $ getResponse resp
let xmlCont = getResponse resp
mtrees <- parseXML xmlCont
let xmlStatus = maybe ("no parse")
(const "valid xml")
when grepForStatus ( do
putStrLn ("Status: " ++
(matchRegex statusRegex xmlCont))
putStrLn ("Used Time: CPU: " ++
(matchRegex cputimeRegex xmlCont) ++
"; WallClock: " ++
(matchRegex walltimeRegex xmlCont))
when (service=="Broker")
(putStrLn ("Used ATP system: "++
(matchRegex systemRegex xmlCont)))
putStrLn $ "XMLStatus: "++xmlStatus
putStrLn xmlCont
(makeEndPoint $
where evalRegexResult = maybe ">>not found"
(\ sl -> if null sl
then ">>>not found"
else head sl)
doSoapCall _ _ _ = fail $ "wrong number of arguments:\n" ++
" ./soapTest <server> <port> <service> <problemFile> <timelimit>"