SPASSTest.het revision f04e8f3ff56405901be968fd4c6e9769239f1a9b
library SPASSTest
spec Bar =
sorts A < B; C < B;
sorts alone[1],lone[$$]
spec Bar_Ops =
op a : B * B -> alone[1];
a : B * A -> alone[1];
c1,c2,c3 : alone[1];
__+*__ : B * B -> lone[$$];
b1,b2,b3: B
pred PR: alone[1] * B
forall x,y : B
. a(x,y) = c1 when x in A else (c2 when x in C else c3) %(++)%
forall x,y : B
. b1 =
b2 when a(x,y) = (c1 when x in B else c3) else b3
forall x,y : B
. b1 when a(x,y) = c1 else b2 = b2 when a(x,y) = c3 else b3
forall x,y : B
. PR(a(x,y) when true else a(y,x),
b1 when (true <=> false) else b2)
then %implies
forall x : A; y : B
. a(x,y) = c1 %(G1)%
forall x,y : B
. PR(a(x,y),b2) %(G3)%
. false %(is_inconsistent)%
spec Bar_Preds =
preds P1 : A * B;
P1 : alone[1] * A;
__elem__ : A * lone[$$]
spec Bar_union =
Bar_Ops and Bar_Preds
spec Overload_Test =
pred a : A * C
sort a
spec EmptySort =
sort s
then %implies
. exists x:s . x in s %(trivial_non_empty_test)%
spec FreeTest =
free type X ::= X | X1 | e
then %implies
. not X1 = X %(simple_disjoint)%
spec PredicateLogic =
preds A,B,C : ()
. A => B %(ax1)%
. B <=> C %(ax2)%
then %implies
. A => C %(g1)%
spec OverloadTest =
sort A < B; C
free type BC ::= sorts B,C
ops g_in : A -> B;
g_in : B -> BC;
g_in : C -> BC
spec PredOverloadTest =
sorts A ,B < C
pred P : A * A;
P : B * B
. exists x : C . not (x as A) in A %(A_is_proper_subset)%
forall x : C
. (x in A) => not (x in B)
spec PredOverloadTest2 =
sorts A,B < C; A,B < D; w < A; x < B
pred P : C * C;
P : D * D
. exists x : C . not (x as A) in A %(A_is_proper_subset)%
forall x : C
. (x in A) => not (x in B)
spec InconsTest =
{} and PredOverloadTest
then %implies
. false %(inconsistent)%
spec Sokrates =
sort Top
pred Mortal : Top;
Human : Top
op sokrates : Top
forall x : Top
. Human(x) => Mortal(x) %(all_humans_are_mortal)%
. Human(sokrates) %(sokrates_is_a_human)%
then %implies
. Mortal(sokrates) %(sokrates_is_mortal)%
. false %(is_inconsistent)%
then %implies
forall x,y:Top
. Mortal(x) => Human(x) %( )%
spec Inconsistent =
sorts A,B
free type C ::= sorts A,B
sorts ill < A; ill < B
ops a1 : A;
b1 : B
then %implies
. false %(is_inconsistent)%
. not a1 in ill %(a1_in_ill)%
. not b1 in ill %(b1_in_ill)%
. forall x : C . not x in ill %(x_C_in)%
spec GenTest =
sort A,B
generated type Foo ::= sorts A,B | c1
free type List_A ::= cons(A;List_A) | nil
then %implies
forall x : A; l : List_A
. not (cons(x,l) = nil) %(disjoint_constructors)%
. false %(is_inconsistent)%
spec GenTest2 =
sorts A,B
free type Foo ::= sorts A,B | c1
free type Maybe[Foo] ::= sort Foo | Nothing
then %implies
forall x : A; y : B
. not x = c1 %(free1)%
. not x in B %(free2)%
. not c1 = Nothing %(free3)%
. not x = Nothing %(free4)%
. not y = Nothing %(free5)%
. x in Maybe[Foo] %(injection1)%
. y in Maybe[Foo] %(injection2)%
spec GenTest2a =
op a1: A
then %implies
. not a1 in B %(wrong_sort_test)%
. not a1 = c1 %(equal_test5)%
. a1 = c1 %(equal_test5a)%
then %implies
. not (a1 as B) in B %(cast_test1)%
then %implies
. not (a1 : Foo as B) in B %(cast_test2)%
. not (a1 as B) in B %(cast_test3)%
. not def (a1 as B) %(cast_test4)%
spec UniqueExt =
sort s
pred UC : s
op c:s
. UC(c) %(c is in UC)%
. exists! x: s . UC(x) %(only one element in UC)%
then %implies
forall x : s
. UC(x) <=> x = c %(everything in UC is equal to c)%
spec Keywords =
preds False,True: ()
sort s
op status : s
spec Eq_Pred =
sort s
op f1,f2 : s * s -> s
pred __eq__ : s * s;
EQUAL(x,y:s) <=> x = y %(axiom_should_be_removed_1)%
forall x, y,z:s
. x = y <=> y eq x %(axiom_should_be_removed_2)%
. EQUAL(x,z) => z=x %(axiom_should_be_modified_1)% %implied
. EQUAL(x,y) /\ y eq z => x=z %(axiom_should_be_modified_2)% %implied
. f1(x,y) = x when EQUAL(y,x) /\
y eq (x when exists w:s . w eq y
else f2(y,x))
else y %(no predication should be there)%
. not y eq x if not x = y %(short Th)% %implied
. x eq z if EQUAL(x,y) /\ z = y %(short Th)% %implied
. not x eq y if not y = x /\ x = x %(short Th)% %implied
. x eq z if EQUAL(x,y) /\ z = y /\ z = z %(short Th)% %implied
. z=z %(short Th)% %implied
. x=x %(short Th)% %implied
. y=y %(short Th)% %implied
spec small = {}
spec Reserved_Words = sort comp,Foo
then %implies
. false %(inconsistent)%