ProveSPASS.hs revision ad69cb3627839ed3d33f13d71c81378b65a24b35
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz{- |
e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168Jens ElknerModule : $Header$
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzDescription : Interface for the SPASS theorem prover.
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzCopyright : (c) Rene Wagner, Klaus Luettich, Rainer Grabbe,
98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861Corneliu-Claudiu Prodescu Uni Bremen 2005-2006
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzMaintainer :
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzStability : provisional
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzPortability : needs POSIX
1b353d403dbdb365ae93a568f32b3ebf5698cab5Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzInterface for the SPASS theorem prover, uses GUI.GenericATP.
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzSee <> for details on SPASS.
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz-}
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz{-
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz - check if the theorem is used in the proof;
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maeder if not, the theory is inconsistent;
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maeder mark goal as proved and emmit a warning...
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz - Implement a consistency checker based on GUI
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz-}
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzmodule SoftFOL.ProveSPASS (spassProver,
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz spassProveGUI,
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz spassProveCMDLautomatic,
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maeder spassProveCMDLautomaticBatch) where
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport Logic.Prover
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederimport SoftFOL.Sign
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport SoftFOL.Translate
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maederimport SoftFOL.ProverState
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maederimport ChildProcess as CP
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport ProcessClasses
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport HTk
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport GUI.GenericATP
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport GUI.GenericATPState
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport Proofs.BatchProcessing
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport qualified Common.Result as Result
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport Common.ProofTree
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport Common.Utils (splitOn)
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maederimport qualified Control.Exception as Exception
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maederimport System.Exit
4442a735444b0696aa5d81e78023a570f17d3a31Christian Maederimport Text.Regex
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport Data.List
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport Data.Maybe
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulzimport Data.Time (TimeOfDay(..),midnight -- only in ghc-6.6.1: ,parseTime
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz )
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maeder-- * Prover implementation
4442a735444b0696aa5d81e78023a570f17d3a31Christian Maeder
4d82cd7c26bfde17669c8bcb3986d62ef0e47d05Christian Maeder{- |
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz The Prover implementation.
4442a735444b0696aa5d81e78023a570f17d3a31Christian Maeder
4442a735444b0696aa5d81e78023a570f17d3a31Christian Maeder Implemented are: a prover GUI, and both commandline prover interfaces.
4442a735444b0696aa5d81e78023a570f17d3a31Christian Maeder-}
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzspassProver :: Prover Sign Sentence SoftFOLMorphism () ProofTree
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst SchulzspassProver = (mkProverTemplate "SPASS" () spassProveGUI)
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz { proveCMDLautomatic = Just spassProveCMDLautomatic
75f241761ba1566fbec547ae45d276683e5a8e80Ewaryst Schulz , proveCMDLautomaticBatch = Just spassProveCMDLautomaticBatch }
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
24ec53d5bdce82359ca637fc98a17b3023dbd1a5Eugen Kuksa-- * Main prover functions
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz-- ** Utility functions
75f241761ba1566fbec547ae45d276683e5a8e80Ewaryst Schulz
f0a8cb240fea2ac6868275be657f48f4470d9932Ewaryst Schulz{- |
75f241761ba1566fbec547ae45d276683e5a8e80Ewaryst Schulz Record for prover specific functions. This is used by both GUI and command
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder line interface.
atpFun :: String -- ^ theory name
-> ATPFunctions Sign Sentence SoftFOLMorphism ProofTree SoftFOLProverState
atpFun thName = ATPFunctions
{ initialProverState = spassProverState,
atpTransSenName = transSenName,
atpInsertSentence = insertSentenceGen,
goalOutput = showDFGProblem thName,
proverHelpText = "\n",
fileExtensions = FileExtensions{problemOutput = ".dfg",
proverOutput = ".spass",
theoryConfiguration = ".spcf"},
runProver = runSpass,
createProverOptions = createSpassOptions }
{- |
Parses a given default tactic script into a
'GUI.GenericATPState.ATPTactic_script' if possible. Otherwise a default
SPASS tactic script is returned.
parseSpassTactic_script :: Tactic_script
-> ATPTactic_script
parseSpassTactic_script =
parseTactic_script batchTimeLimit ["-Stdin", "-DocProof"]
-- ** GUI
{- |
Invokes the generic prover GUI. SPASS specific functions are omitted by
data type ATPFunctions.
spassProveGUI :: String -- ^ theory name
-> Theory Sign Sentence ProofTree -- ^ theory consisting of a
-- 'SPASS.Sign.Sign' and a list of Named 'SPASS.Sign.Sentence'
-> [FreeDefMorphism SPTerm SoftFOLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO([Proof_status ProofTree]) -- ^ proof status for each goal
spassProveGUI thName th freedefs =
genericATPgui (atpFun thName) True (prover_name spassProver) thName th
freedefs emptyProofTree
-- ** command line functions
{- |
Implementation of 'Logic.Prover.proveCMDLautomatic' which provides an
automatic command line interface for a single goal.
SPASS specific functions are omitted by data type ATPFunctions.
spassProveCMDLautomatic ::
String -- ^ theory name
-> Tactic_script -- ^ default tactic script
-> Theory Sign Sentence ProofTree -- ^ theory consisting of a
-- signature and a list of Named sentence
-> [FreeDefMorphism SPTerm SoftFOLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO (Result.Result ([Proof_status ProofTree]))
-- ^ Proof status for goals and lemmas
spassProveCMDLautomatic thName defTS th freedefs =
genericCMDLautomatic (atpFun thName) (prover_name spassProver) thName
(parseSpassTactic_script defTS) th freedefs emptyProofTree
{- |
Implementation of 'Logic.Prover.proveCMDLautomaticBatch' which provides an
automatic command line interface to the SPASS prover.
SPASS specific functions are omitted by data type ATPFunctions.
spassProveCMDLautomaticBatch ::
Bool -- ^ True means include proved theorems
-> Bool -- ^ True means save problem file
-> Concurrent.MVar (Result.Result [Proof_status ProofTree])
-- ^ used to store the result of the batch run
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> Tactic_script -- ^ default tactic script
-> Theory Sign Sentence ProofTree -- ^ theory consisting of a
-- 'SoftFOL.Sign.Sign' and a list of Named 'SoftFOL.Sign.Sentence'
-> [FreeDefMorphism SPTerm SoftFOLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO (Concurrent.ThreadId,Concurrent.MVar ())
-- ^ fst: identifier of the batch thread for killing it
-- snd: MVar to wait for the end of the thread
spassProveCMDLautomaticBatch inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch resultMVar
thName defTS th freedefs =
genericCMDLautomaticBatch (atpFun thName) inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch
resultMVar (prover_name spassProver) thName
(parseSpassTactic_script defTS) th freedefs emptyProofTree
-- * SPASS Interfacing Code
{- |
Reads and parses the output of SPASS.
parseSpassOutput :: ChildProcess -- ^ the SPASS process
-> IO (Maybe String, [String], [String], TimeOfDay)
-- ^ (result, used axioms, complete output, used time)
parseSpassOutput spass = parseProtected (parseStart True)
(Nothing, [], [], midnight)
-- check for errors. unfortunately we cannot just read from SPASS until an
-- EOF since readMsg will just wait forever on EOF.
parseProtected f (res, usedAxs, output, tUsed) = do
e <- getToolStatus spass
case e of
-- still running
-> f (res, usedAxs, output, tUsed)
Just (ExitFailure retval)
-- returned error
-> do
_ <- waitForChildProcess spass
return (Nothing, [],
["SPASS returned error: "++(show retval)]
, tUsed)
Just ExitSuccess
-- completed successfully. read remaining output.
-> f (res, usedAxs, output, tUsed)
-- the first line of SPASS output is always empty.
-- the second contains SPASS-START in the usual case
-- and an error message in case of an error
parseStart firstline (res, usedAxs, output, tUsed) = do
line <- readMsg spass
if firstline
-- ignore empty first line
then parseProtected (parseStart False)
(res, usedAxs, output ++ [""], tUsed)
-- check for a potential error
else do
let startMatch = matchRegex re_start line
if isJust startMatch
-- got SPASS-START. continue parsing
then parseProtected parseIt (res, usedAxs, output ++ [line], tUsed)
-- error. abort parsing
else do
e <- waitForChildProcess spass
case e of
ChildTerminated ->
return (Nothing, [], output ++
[line, "", "SPASS has been terminated."]
, tUsed)
ChildExited retval ->
return (Nothing, [], output ++
[line, "", "SPASS returned error: " ++ (show retval)]
, tUsed)
-- actual parsing. tries to read from SPASS until ".*SPASS-STOP.*" matches.
parseIt (res, usedAxs, output, tUsed) = do
line <- readMsg spass
-- replace tabulators with each 8 spaces
let line' = foldr (\ch li -> if ch == '\x9'
then " "++li
else ch:li) "" line
resMatch = matchRegex re_sb line'
res' = maybe res (Just . head) resMatch
usedAxsMatch = matchRegex re_ua line'
usedAxs' = maybe usedAxs (\ uas -> words (uas !! 1)) usedAxsMatch
tUsed' = maybe tUsed calculateTime $ matchRegex re_tu line
if seq (length line) $ isJust (matchRegex re_stop line')
then do
_ <- waitForChildProcess spass
return (res', usedAxs', output ++ [line'], tUsed')
parseProtected parseIt (res', usedAxs', output ++ [line'], tUsed')
-- regular expressions used for parsing
re_start = mkRegex "(.*)SPASS-START(.*)"
re_stop = mkRegex "(.*)SPASS-STOP(.*)"
re_sb = mkRegex "SPASS beiseite: (.*)$"
re_ua = mkRegex "Formulae used in the proof(.*):(.*)$"
re_tu = mkRegex $ "SPASS spent\t([0-9:.]+) "
++ "on the problem.$"
calculateTime str =
if null str then midnight
-- the following line is only nice with ghc-6.6.1
-- (maybe midnight id . parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%k:%M:%S%Q")
parseTimeOfDay $ head str
parseTimeOfDay :: String -> TimeOfDay
parseTimeOfDay str =
case splitOn ':' str of
[h,m,s] -> TimeOfDay { todHour = read h
, todMin = read m
, todSec = realToFrac ((read s)::Double)
_ -> error "SoftFOL.Prove: wrong time format"
{- |
Runs SPASS. SPASS is assumed to reside in PATH.
runSpass :: SoftFOLProverState -- ^ logical part containing the input Sign and
-- axioms and possibly goals that have been proved
-- earlier as additional axioms
-> GenericConfig ProofTree -- ^ configuration to use
-> Bool -- ^ True means save DFG file
-> String -- ^ name of the theory in the DevGraph
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal to prove
-> IO (ATPRetval, GenericConfig ProofTree)
-- ^ (retval, configuration with proof status and complete output)
runSpass sps cfg saveDFG thName nGoal = do
-- putStrLn ("running 'SPASS" ++ (concatMap (' ':) allOptions) ++ "'")
spass <- newChildProcess "SPASS" [CP.arguments allOptions]
Exception.catch (runSpassReal spass)
(\ excep -> do
-- kill spass process
destroy spass
_ <- waitForChildProcess spass
excepToATPResult (prover_name spassProver) nGoal excep)
runSpassReal spass = do
-- check if SPASS is running
e <- getToolStatus spass
if isJust e
then return
(ATPError "Could not start SPASS. Is SPASS in your $PATH?",
emptyConfig (prover_name spassProver)
(AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal) emptyProofTree)
else do
prob <- showDFGProblem thName sps nGoal (createSpassOptions cfg)
when saveDFG
(writeFile (thName++'_':AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal++".dfg") prob)
sendMsg spass prob
(res, usedAxs, output, tUsed) <- parseSpassOutput spass
let (err, retval) = proof_stat res usedAxs extraOptions output
return (err,
cfg{proof_status = retval,
resultOutput = output,
timeUsed = tUsed})
allOptions = ("-Stdin"):(createSpassOptions cfg)
extraOptions = ("-DocProof"):(cleanOptions cfg)
defaultProof_status opts =
(openProof_status (AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal) (prover_name spassProver) $
{tacticScript = Tactic_script $ show $ ATPTactic_script
{ts_timeLimit = configTimeLimit cfg,
ts_extraOpts = opts} }
proof_stat res usedAxs options out
| isJust res && elem (fromJust res) proved =
(defaultProof_status options)
{ goalStatus = Proved $ if elem (AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal) usedAxs
then Nothing
else Just False
, usedAxioms = filter (/=(AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal)) usedAxs
, proofTree = ProofTree $ spassProof out })
| isJust res && elem (fromJust res) disproved =
(defaultProof_status options) { goalStatus = Disproved } )
| isJust res && elem (fromJust res) timelimit =
(ATPTLimitExceeded, defaultProof_status options)
| isNothing res =
(ATPError (unlines ("Internal error.":out)),
defaultProof_status options)
| otherwise = (ATPSuccess, defaultProof_status options)
proved = ["Proof found."]
disproved = ["Completion found."]
timelimit = ["Ran out of time."]
{- |
Creates a list of all options the SPASS prover runs with.
That includes the defaults -DocProof and -Timelimit.
createSpassOptions :: GenericConfig ProofTree -> [String]
createSpassOptions cfg =
(cleanOptions cfg) ++ ["-DocProof", "-TimeLimit="
++ (show $ configTimeLimit cfg)]
{- |
Filters extra options and just returns the non standard options.
cleanOptions :: GenericConfig ProofTree -> [String]
cleanOptions cfg =
filter (\ opt -> not (or (map (flip isPrefixOf opt)
(extraOpts cfg)
filterOptions = ["-DocProof", "-Stdin", "-TimeLimit"]
{- |
Extract proof tree from SPASS output. This will be the String between
"Here is a proof" and "Formulae used in the proof"
spassProof :: [String] -- ^ SPASS output containing proof tree
-> String -- ^ extracted proof tree
spassProof =
unlines . fst . break (isPrefixOf "Formulae used in the proof")
. (\ l -> if null l then l else tail l)
. snd . break (isPrefixOf "Here is a proof with depth")