ProveMathServ.hs revision e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168
{- |
Module : ./SoftFOL/ProveMathServ.hs
Description : Interface for the MathServe broker.
Copyright : (c) Rene Wagner, Klaus Luettich, Rainer Grabbe,
Uni Bremen 2005-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
Interface for the MathServe broker which calls different ATP systems,
uses GUI.GenericATP.
To do:
- check why an internal error during batch mode running does not invoke
an error window. Also the proving won't stop.
module SoftFOL.ProveMathServ
( mathServBroker
, mathServBrokerCMDLautomaticBatch
) where
import Logic.Prover
import SoftFOL.Sign
import SoftFOL.Translate
import SoftFOL.MathServMapping
import SoftFOL.MathServParsing
import SoftFOL.ProverState
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Common.Result as Result
import Common.ProofTree
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import GUI.GenericATP
import Interfaces.GenericATPState
import Proofs.BatchProcessing
-- * Prover implementation
{- |
The Prover implementation. First runs the batch prover (with graphical
feedback), then starts the GUI prover.
mathServBroker :: Prover Sign Sentence SoftFOLMorphism () ProofTree
mathServBroker = (mkProverTemplate brokerName () mathServBrokerGUI)
{ proveCMDLautomaticBatch = Just mathServBrokerCMDLautomaticBatch }
mathServHelpText :: String
mathServHelpText =
"No help for MathServ available.\n"
-- * Main prover functions
-- ** Utility functions
{- |
Record for prover specific functions. This is used by both GUI and command
line interface.
atpFun :: String -- ^ theory name
-> ATPFunctions Sign Sentence SoftFOLMorphism ProofTree SoftFOLProverState
atpFun thName = ATPFunctions
{ initialProverState = spassProverState,
atpTransSenName = transSenName,
atpInsertSentence = insertSentenceGen,
goalOutput = showTPTPProblem thName,
proverHelpText = mathServHelpText,
fileExtensions = FileExtensions {problemOutput = ".tptp",
proverOutput = ".spass",
theoryConfiguration = ".spcf"},
runProver = runMSBroker,
createProverOptions = extraOpts}
-- ** GUI
{- |
Invokes the generic prover GUI. SoftFOL specific functions are omitted by
data type ATPFunctions.
mathServBrokerGUI :: String -- ^ theory name
-> Theory Sign Sentence ProofTree
{- ^ theory consisting of a SoftFOL.Sign.Sign
and a list of Named SoftFOL.Sign.Sentence -}
-> [FreeDefMorphism SPTerm SoftFOLMorphism]
-- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO [ProofStatus ProofTree]
-- ^ proof status for each goal
mathServBrokerGUI thName th freedefs =
genericATPgui (atpFun thName) False (proverName mathServBroker) thName th
freedefs emptyProofTree
-- ** command line function
{- |
Implementation of 'Logic.Prover.proveCMDLautomaticBatch' which provides an
automatic command line interface to the MathServe Broker.
MathServ specific functions are omitted by data type ATPFunctions.
mathServBrokerCMDLautomaticBatch ::
Bool -- ^ True means include proved theorems
-> Bool -- ^ True means save problem file
-> Concurrent.MVar (Result.Result [ProofStatus ProofTree])
-- ^ used to store the result of the batch run
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> TacticScript -- ^ default tactic script
-> Theory Sign Sentence ProofTree {- ^ theory consisting of a
'SoftFOL.Sign.Sign' and a list of Named 'SoftFOL.Sign.Sentence' -}
-> [FreeDefMorphism SPTerm SoftFOLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO (Concurrent.ThreadId, Concurrent.MVar ())
{- ^ fst: identifier of the batch thread for killing it
snd: MVar to wait for the end of the thread -}
mathServBrokerCMDLautomaticBatch inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch resultMVar
thName defTS th freedefs =
genericCMDLautomaticBatch (atpFun thName) inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch
resultMVar (proverName mathServBroker) thName
(parseTacticScript batchTimeLimit [] defTS) th freedefs emptyProofTree
{- |
Runs the MathServ broker and returns GUI proof status and prover
configuration with proof status and complete prover output.
runMSBroker :: SoftFOLProverState
{- ^ logical part containing the input Sign and axioms and possibly
goals that have been proved earlier as additional axioms -}
-> GenericConfig ProofTree -- ^ configuration to use
-> Bool -- ^ True means save TPTP file
-> String -- ^ name of the theory in the DevGraph
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal to prove
-> IO (ATPRetval, GenericConfig ProofTree)
-- ^ (retval, configuration with proof status and complete output)
runMSBroker sps cfg saveTPTP thName nGoal =
Exception.catch (do
prob <- showTPTPProblem thName sps nGoal $ extraOpts cfg
++ ['[' : brokerName ++ "]"]
when saveTPTP
(writeFile (thName ++ '_' : AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal ++ ".tptp") prob)
mathServOut <- callMathServ
MathServCall {mathServService = Broker,
mathServOperation = ProblemOpt,
problem = prob,
proverTimeLimit = configTimeLimit cfg,
extraOptions = Nothing}
msResponse <- parseMathServOut mathServOut
return (mapMathServResponse (getAxioms sps) msResponse cfg nGoal $
proverName mathServBroker))
$ excepToATPResult (proverName mathServBroker) $ AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal