ProveHyperHyper.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
0N/A{- |
0N/AModule : $Header$
0N/ADescription : Interface to the theorem prover e-krhyper in CASC-mode.
0N/ACopyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, Uni Bremen 2010
0N/ALicense : GPLv2 or higher
157N/AMaintainer :
0N/AStability : provisional
0N/APortability : needs POSIX
0N/ACheck out
0N/Afor details. For the ease of maintenance we are using e-krhyper in
157N/Aits CASC-mode, aka tptp-input. It works for single input files and
0N/Amodule SoftFOL.ProveHyperHyper (hyperProver, hyperConsChecker)
0N/A where
0N/Aimport Logic.Prover
0N/Aimport Common.ProofTree
0N/Aimport qualified Common.Result as Result
0N/Aimport Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
0N/Aimport Common.SZSOntology
0N/Aimport Common.Timing
0N/Aimport SoftFOL.Sign
0N/Aimport SoftFOL.Translate
0N/Aimport SoftFOL.ProverState
0N/Aimport GUI.GenericATP
0N/Aimport Proofs.BatchProcessing
0N/Aimport Interfaces.GenericATPState
0N/Aimport System.IO
0N/Aimport System.Process
0N/Aimport System.Directory
0N/Aimport Control.Monad (when)
0N/Aimport qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent
0N/Aimport Data.Char
0N/Aimport Data.List
0N/Aimport Data.Maybe
0N/Aimport Data.Time.LocalTime (TimeOfDay, midnight)
0N/Aimport Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..), getCurrentTime)
0N/A-- Prover
0N/A{- | The Prover implementation. -}
0N/AhyperProver :: Prover Sign Sentence SoftFOLMorphism () ProofTree
0N/AhyperProver = mkAutomaticProver "ekrhyper" () hyperGUI hyperCMDLautomaticBatch
0N/A{- |
0N/A Record for prover specific functions. This is used by both GUI and command
0N/A line interface.
0N/AatpFun :: String -- ^ theory name
-> ATPFunctions Sign Sentence SoftFOLMorphism ProofTree SoftFOLProverState
atpFun thName = ATPFunctions
{ initialProverState = spassProverState
, atpTransSenName = transSenName
, atpInsertSentence = insertSentenceGen
, goalOutput = showTPTPProblem thName
, proverHelpText = "for more information visit " ++
, fileExtensions = FileExtensions
{ problemOutput = ".tptp"
, proverOutput = ".hyper"
, theoryConfiguration = ".hypcf" }
, runProver = runHyper
, createProverOptions = extraOpts }
{- |
Invokes the generic prover GUI.
hyperGUI :: String -- ^ theory name
-> Theory Sign Sentence ProofTree
-- ^ theory consisting of a SoftFOL.Sign.Sign
-- and a list of Named SoftFOL.Sign.Sentence
-> [FreeDefMorphism SPTerm SoftFOLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO([ProofStatus ProofTree]) -- ^ proof status for each goal
hyperGUI thName th freedefs =
genericATPgui (atpFun thName) True (proverName hyperProver) thName th
freedefs emptyProofTree
{- |
Implementation of 'Logic.Prover.proveCMDLautomaticBatch' which provides an
automatic command line interface to the prover.
hyperCMDLautomaticBatch ::
Bool -- ^ True means include proved theorems
-> Bool -- ^ True means save problem file
-> Concurrent.MVar (Result.Result [ProofStatus ProofTree])
-- ^ used to store the result of the batch run
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> TacticScript -- ^ default tactic script
-> Theory Sign Sentence ProofTree -- ^ theory consisting of a
-- 'SoftFOL.Sign.Sign' and a list of Named 'SoftFOL.Sign.Sentence'
-> [FreeDefMorphism SPTerm SoftFOLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO (Concurrent.ThreadId,Concurrent.MVar ())
-- ^ fst: identifier of the batch thread for killing it
-- snd: MVar to wait for the end of the thread
hyperCMDLautomaticBatch inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch resultMVar
thName defTS th freedefs =
genericCMDLautomaticBatch (atpFun thName) inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch
resultMVar (proverName hyperProver) thName
(parseTacticScript batchTimeLimit [] defTS) th freedefs emptyProofTree
prelTxt :: String -> String
prelTxt t =
"% only print essential output\n" ++
"#(set_verbosity(1)).\n\n" ++
"% assume all input to be in tptp-syntax\n" ++
"#(set_parameter(input_type, 2)).\n\n" ++
"% To prevent blowing up my memory\n" ++
"#(set_memory_limit(500)).\n\n" ++
"% produce SZS results\n" ++
"#(set_flag(szs_output_flag, true)).\n\n" ++
"% do not use special evaluable symbols\n" ++
"#(clear_builtins).\n\n" ++
"% initial term weight bound, 3 recommended for TPTP-problems\n" ++
"#(set_parameter(max_weight_initial, 3)).\n\n" ++
"% Terminate if out of memory\n" ++
"#(set_parameter(limit_termination_method,0)).\n\n" ++
"% Terminate if out of time\n" ++
"#(set_parameter(timeout_termination_method,0)).\n\n" ++
"% Start timer\n" ++
"#(start_wallclock_timer("++ t ++".0)).\n"
uniteOptions :: [String] -> [String]
uniteOptions opts =
case opts of
[] -> []
a:[] -> a:[]
a:b:cs ->
if ("#(" `isPrefixOf` a && ")." `isSuffixOf` a)
a:(uniteOptions (b:cs))
(a ++ b):(uniteOptions cs)
runTxt :: String
runTxt =
"% start derivation with the input received so far\n" ++
"#(run).\n\n" ++
"% print normal E-KRHyper proof\n" ++
"%#(print_proof).\n\n" ++
"% print result and proof using SZS terminology;\n" ++
"% requires postprocessing with post_szs script for proper legibility\n" ++
runHyper :: SoftFOLProverState
-- ^ logical part containing the input Sign and axioms and possibly
-- goals that have been proved earlier as additional axioms
-> GenericConfig ProofTree -- ^ configuration to use
-> Bool -- ^ True means save TPTP file
-> String -- ^ name of the theory in the DevGraph
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal to prove
-> IO (ATPRetval, GenericConfig ProofTree)
-- ^ (retval, configuration with proof status and complete output)
runHyper sps cfg saveTPTP thName nGoal =
saveFile = thName++'_':AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal
tmpFile = (reverse $ fst $ span (/='/') $ reverse thName) ++
'_':AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal
prelFile = "prelude_" ++ (reverse $ fst $ span (/='/') $ reverse
++ '_':AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal
runFile = "run_" ++ (reverse $ fst $ span (/='/') $ reverse
++ '_':AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal
simpleOptions = uniteOptions $ extraOpts cfg
tl = configTimeLimit cfg
let chk = and $ map (\x ->
"#(" `isPrefixOf` x &&
")." `isSuffixOf` x
) simpleOptions
if chk
prob <- showTPTPProblem thName sps nGoal $ []
when saveTPTP
(writeFile (saveFile ++".tptp") prob)
t <- getCurrentTime
let stpTmpFile = "/tmp/" ++ tmpFile ++ (show $ utctDay t) ++
"-" ++ (show $ utctDayTime t) ++ ".tptp"
stpPrelFile = "/tmp/" ++ prelFile ++ (show $ utctDay t) ++
"-" ++ (show $ utctDayTime t) ++ ".tme"
stpRunFile = "/tmp/" ++ runFile ++ (show $ utctDay t) ++
"-" ++ (show $ utctDayTime t) ++ ".tme"
writeFile stpPrelFile $
((prelTxt $ show tl) ++ "\n" ++ unlines
writeFile stpRunFile $ runTxt
writeFile stpTmpFile $ prob
let command = "ekrh " ++ stpPrelFile ++ " " ++ stpTmpFile ++
" " ++ stpRunFile
t_start <- getHetsTime
(_, stdouth, stderrh, proch) <- runInteractiveCommand command
waitForProcess proch
t_end <- getHetsTime
removeFile stpPrelFile
removeFile stpRunFile
removeFile stpTmpFile
let t_u = diffHetsTime t_end t_start
stdoutC <- hGetContents stdouth
stderrC <- hGetContents stderrh
(pStat, ret) <- examineProof sps cfg stdoutC stderrC nGoal t_u tl
return (pStat, cfg
proofStatus = ret
, resultOutput = lines (stdoutC ++ stderrC)
, timeUsed = usedTime ret
let tScript opts = TacticScript $ show ATPTacticScript
{ tsTimeLimit = configTimeLimit cfg
, tsExtraOpts = opts }
return $
(ATPError "Syntax error in options"
, cfg
{proofStatus =
ProofStatus { goalName = senAttr nGoal
, goalStatus = openGoalStatus
, usedAxioms = []
, usedProver = proverName hyperProver
, proofTree = emptyProofTree
, usedTime = midnight
, tacticScript = tScript $
(\x -> "#" `isPrefixOf` x)$
lines $ (prelTxt $ show tl)
++ runTxt)}
, resultOutput = ["Parse Error"]
, timeUsed = midnight
{- | Mapping type from SZS to Hets -}
data HyperResult = HProved | HDisproved | HTimeout | HError | HMemout
getHyperResult :: [String] -> HyperResult
getHyperResult out = case map (takeWhile isAlpha . dropWhile isSpace)
$ mapMaybe (stripPrefix "% SZS status ") out of
[s] | szsProved s -> HProved
| szsDisproved s -> HDisproved
| szsTimeout s -> HTimeout
| szsMemoryOut s -> HMemout
_ -> HError
{- | examine SZS output -}
examineProof :: SoftFOLProverState
-> GenericConfig ProofTree
-> String
-> String
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm
-> TimeOfDay
-> Int
-> IO (ATPRetval, ProofStatus ProofTree)
examineProof sps cfg stdoutC stderrC nGoal tUsed tl =
tScript opts = TacticScript $ show ATPTacticScript
{ tsTimeLimit = configTimeLimit cfg
, tsExtraOpts = opts }
defaultStatus =
ProofStatus { goalName = senAttr nGoal
, goalStatus = openGoalStatus
, usedAxioms = []
, usedProver = proverName hyperProver
, proofTree = emptyProofTree
, usedTime = tUsed
, tacticScript = tScript $ (filter
(\x -> "#" `isPrefixOf` x) $
lines $ (prelTxt $ show tl) ++ runTxt)}
getAxioms =
fl = formulaLists $ initialLogicalPart sps
fs = concatMap formulae $ filter (\x ->
case originType x of
SPOriginAxioms -> True
_ -> False
) fl
in map AS_Anno.senAttr fs
in case getHyperResult $ lines stdoutC of
HProved -> return (ATPSuccess, defaultStatus
goalStatus = Proved True
, usedAxioms = getAxioms
, proofTree = ProofTree stdoutC
HTimeout -> return (ATPTLimitExceeded, defaultStatus)
HDisproved -> return (ATPSuccess, defaultStatus
goalStatus = Disproved
, usedAxioms = getAxioms
, proofTree = ProofTree stdoutC
HMemout -> return (ATPError ("Out of Memory."
++ "\nOutput was:\n\n" ++
stdoutC ++ stderrC)
, defaultStatus)
HError -> return (ATPError ("Internal Error in ekrhyper."
++ "\nOutput was:\n\n" ++
stdoutC ++ stderrC)
, defaultStatus)
-- Consistency Checker
hyperConsChecker :: ConsChecker Sign Sentence () SoftFOLMorphism ProofTree
hyperConsChecker = (mkConsChecker "ekrhyper" () consCheck)
{ ccNeedsTimer = False }
{- |
Runs the krhyper cons-chcker. The tactic script only contains a string for the
time limit.
runTxtC :: String
runTxtC =
"% start derivation with the input received so far\n" ++
"#(run).\n\n" ++
"% print normal E-KRHyper proof\n" ++
"%#(print_proof).\n\n" ++
"% print result and proof using SZS terminology;\n" ++
"% requires postprocessing with post_szs script for proper legibility\n" ++
"%#(print_szs_proof).\n\n" ++
"% Show the model\n" ++
consCheck :: String
-> TacticScript
-> TheoryMorphism Sign Sentence SoftFOLMorphism ProofTree
-> [FreeDefMorphism SPTerm SoftFOLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO(CCStatus ProofTree)
consCheck thName (TacticScript tl) tm freedefs =
case tTarget tm of
Theory sig nSens ->
saveTPTP = False
proverStateI = spassProverState sig (toNamedList nSens) freedefs
problem = showTPTPProblemM thName proverStateI []
saveFile = reverse $ fst $ span (/= '/') $ reverse thName
tmpFile = (reverse $ fst $ span (/='/') $ reverse thName)
prelFile = "prelude_" ++ (reverse $ fst $ span (/='/') $ reverse
runFile = "run_" ++ (reverse $ fst $ span (/='/') $ reverse
prob <- problem
when saveTPTP
(writeFile (saveFile ++".tptp") prob)
t <- getCurrentTime
let stpTmpFile = "/tmp/" ++ tmpFile ++ (show $ utctDay t) ++
"-" ++ (show $ utctDayTime t) ++ ".tptp"
stpPrelFile = "/tmp/" ++ prelFile ++ (show $ utctDay t) ++
"-" ++ (show $ utctDayTime t) ++ ".tme"
stpRunFile = "/tmp/" ++ runFile ++ (show $ utctDay t) ++
"-" ++ (show $ utctDayTime t) ++ ".tme"
writeFile stpPrelFile $ prelTxt tl
writeFile stpRunFile $ runTxtC
writeFile stpTmpFile $ prob
let command = "ekrh " ++ stpPrelFile ++ " " ++ stpTmpFile ++
" " ++ stpRunFile
t_start <- getHetsTime
(_, stdouth, stderrh, proch) <- runInteractiveCommand command
waitForProcess proch
t_end <- getHetsTime
removeFile stpPrelFile
removeFile stpRunFile
removeFile stpTmpFile
stdoutC <- hGetContents stdouth
stderrC <- hGetContents stderrh
let t_u = diffHetsTime t_end t_start
outstate = CCStatus
{ ccResult = Nothing
, ccProofTree = ProofTree $ stdoutC ++ stderrC
, ccUsedTime = t_u }
case getHyperResult $ lines stdoutC of
HProved -> return outstate
ccResult = Just True
HDisproved -> return outstate
ccResult = Just False
_ -> return outstate