ProveHelp.hs revision da955132262baab309a50fdffe228c9efe68251d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : SPASS help information for the GUI prover.
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Rene Wagner, Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
Only one String constant carrying the Help information of SPASS.
Maybe it will be replaced by reading an external file.
module SoftFOL.ProveHelp where
spassHelpText :: String
spassHelpText =
"If you want to add your own options for controlling SPASS make sure you \n"++
"start with -Auto=0. This switches off the automatic selection of rules\n\n"++
"The following text is a quotation from: \n"++
" \"SPASS Version 2.0\" by Christoph Weidenbach\n"++
" (This document is part of the SPASS-2.1 source distribution)\n\n"++
"Each reference listed here refers to this document!\n\n"++
"Literal Quotation (p. 48 and 49):\n\n"++
" The options discussed here apply to SPASS Versions 2.0. Options can be \n"++
"set to integer values. For boolean options 0 means falsity and 1 means \n"++
"truth. For example, the option -IMPm=1 enables the inference rule merging\n"++
"paramodulation which can be abbreviated by -IMPm whereas -IMPm=0 disables\n"++
"the inference rule.\n"++
"\nA.1. Control\n\n"++
" Auto Automatic Mode, after a problem analysis, \n"++
" all options are set automatically.\n"++
" FullRed Full Reduction, Section 3. If full reduction is enabled,\n"++
" the overall SPASS loop corresponds to the loop presented\n"++
" in Table 1, if the option is disabled, it corresponds to\n"++
" the lazy reduction loop presented in Table 3.\n"++
" BoundMode Bound Mode selects the mode for resource controlled\n"++
" generation of the search space, Section 3. \n"++
" If set to 1 clauses are weight restricted, if set to \n"++
" 2 clauses are depth restricted. \n"++
" BoundStart Bound Start determines the start value for resource \n"++
" restriction, Section 3.\n"++
" BoundLoops Bound Loops determines the number of resource \n"++
" restricted main-loop iterations.\n"++
"\nA.2. Inference Rules\n\n"++
" ISoR Sort Constraint Resolution, Definition 4.3.\n"++
" IEmS Empty Sort, Definition 4.4.\n"++
" IEqR Equality Resolution, Definition 4.7.\n"++
" IERR Reflexivity Resolution, Definition 4.7.\n"++
" ISpL Superposition Left, Definition 4.8.\n"++
" IOPm Ordered Paramodulation, Definition 4.8 and Definition 4.9.\n"++
" ISPm (Standard) Paramodulation, Definition 4.8 and Definition 4.9.\n"++
" ISpR Superposition Right, Definition 4.9.\n"++
" IOFc Ordered Factoring, Definition 4.10.\n"++
" ISFc (Standard) Factoring, Definition 4.10.\n"++
" IEqF Equality Factoring, Definition 4.11.\n"++
" IMPm Merging Paramodulation, Definition 4.12.\n"++
" IORe Ordered Resolution, Definition 4.13.\n"++
" ISRe (Standard) Resolution, Definition 4.13.\n"++
" IOHy Ordered Hyper Resolution, Definition 4.14.\n"++
" ISHy (Standard) Hyper Resolution, Definition 4.14.\n"++
" Splits Splitting, Definition 4.25. The option determines the \n"++
" number of splitting applications where any negative \n"++
" number means that splitting is not restricted.\n"++
"\nA.3. Reduction Rules\n\n"++
" RSSi Sort Simplification, Definition 4.5.\n"++
" RSST Static Soft Typing, Definition 4.6.\n"++
" RObv Trivial Literal Elimination, Definition 4.15.\n"++
" RFSub Forward Subsumption Deletion, Definition 4.16, Table 5.\n"++
" RBSub Backward Subsumption Deletion, Definition 4.16, Table 6.\n"++
" RCon Condensation, Definition 4.17.\n"++
" RTaut Tautology Deletion, Definition 4.18. If the option is set\n"++
" to 1 only syntactic tautologies are eliminated. If it is\n"++
" set to 2, semantic tautologies are deleted as well.\n"++
" RUnC Unit Conflict, Definition 4.19.\n"++
" RTer Terminator, Definition 4.19, where the value of the option\n"++
" determines the number of non-unit clause occurrences in \n"++
" the searched refutation.\n"++
" RFMMR Forward Matching Replacement Resolution, Definition 4.20,\n"++
" Table 5.\n"++
" RBMMR Backward Matching Replacement Resolution, Definition 4.20,\n"++
" Table 6.\n"++
" RFRew Forward Rewriting, Definition 4.21 and Definition 4.22, Table 5.\n"++
" RBRew Backward Rewriting, Definition 4.21, Table 6.\n"++
" RAED Assignment Equation Deletion, Definition 4.24. If set to 2,\n"++
" it is assumed that any model has a non-trivial domain and\n"++
" the corresponding eliminations are performed.\n"