ProveDarwin.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
0N/A{- |
0N/AModule : $Header$
0N/ADescription : Interface to the TPTP theorem prover via Darwin.
0N/ACopyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2007
0N/ALicense : GPLv2 or higher
157N/AMaintainer :
0N/AStability : provisional
0N/APortability : needs POSIX
0N/AInterface for the Darwin service, uses GUI.GenericATP.
157N/ASee <> for details on SPASS, and
0N/A<> for Darwin.
0N/Amodule SoftFOL.ProveDarwin
0N/A ( darwinProver
0N/A , darwinCMDLautomaticBatch
0N/A , darwinConsChecker
0N/A , ProverBinary (..)
0N/A ) where
0N/A-- preliminary hacks for display of CASL models
0N/Aimport Logic.Prover
0N/Aimport SoftFOL.Sign
0N/Aimport SoftFOL.Translate
0N/Aimport SoftFOL.ProverState
0N/Aimport Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
0N/Aimport qualified Common.Result as Result
0N/Aimport Common.ProofTree
0N/Aimport Common.ProverTools
0N/Aimport Common.SZSOntology
0N/Aimport Common.Utils (basename, writeTempFile)
0N/Aimport Data.Char (isDigit)
0N/Aimport Data.List
0N/Aimport Data.Maybe
0N/Aimport Data.Time (timeToTimeOfDay)
0N/Aimport Data.Time.Clock (secondsToDiffTime)
0N/Aimport Control.Monad (when)
0N/Aimport qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent
0N/Aimport System.Directory
0N/Aimport System.Process
0N/Aimport GUI.GenericATP
0N/Aimport Interfaces.GenericATPState
0N/Aimport Proofs.BatchProcessing
0N/A-- * Prover implementation
0N/Adata ProverBinary = Darwin | EDarwin
0N/AproverBinary :: ProverBinary -> String
0N/AproverBinary b = case b of
0N/A Darwin -> "darwin"
0N/A EDarwin -> "e-darwin"
{- | The Prover implementation. First runs the batch prover (with
graphical feedback), then starts the GUI prover. -}
:: ProverBinary -> Prover Sign Sentence SoftFOLMorphism () ProofTree
darwinProver b = mkAutomaticProver (proverBinary b) () (darwinGUI b)
$ darwinCMDLautomaticBatchAux b
:: ProverBinary -> ConsChecker Sign Sentence () SoftFOLMorphism ProofTree
darwinConsChecker b = (mkConsChecker (proverBinary b) () $ consCheck b)
{ ccNeedsTimer = False }
{- |
Record for prover specific functions. This is used by both GUI and command
line interface.
atpFun :: ProverBinary -- ^ the actual binary
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> ATPFunctions Sign Sentence SoftFOLMorphism ProofTree SoftFOLProverState
atpFun b thName = ATPFunctions
{ initialProverState = spassProverState
, atpTransSenName = transSenName
, atpInsertSentence = insertSentenceGen
, goalOutput = showTPTPProblem thName
, proverHelpText = "no help for darwin available"
, fileExtensions = FileExtensions
{ problemOutput = ".tptp"
, proverOutput = ".spass"
, theoryConfiguration = ".spcf" }
, runProver = runDarwin b
, createProverOptions = extraOpts }
-- ** GUI
{- |
Invokes the generic prover GUI. SPASS specific functions are omitted by
data type ATPFunctions.
:: ProverBinary -- ^ the actual binary
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> Theory Sign Sentence ProofTree
-- ^ theory consisting of a signature and sentences
-> [FreeDefMorphism SPTerm SoftFOLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO [ProofStatus ProofTree] -- ^ proof status for each goal
darwinGUI b thName th freedefs =
genericATPgui (atpFun b thName) True (proverBinary b) thName th
freedefs emptyProofTree
-- ** command line function
{- |
Implementation of 'Logic.Prover.proveCMDLautomaticBatch' which provides an
automatic command line interface to the Darwin prover.
Darwin specific functions are omitted by data type ATPFunctions.
:: Bool -- ^ True means include proved theorems
-> Bool -- ^ True means save problem file
-> Concurrent.MVar (Result.Result [ProofStatus ProofTree])
-- ^ used to store the result of the batch run
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> TacticScript -- ^ default tactic script
-> Theory Sign Sentence ProofTree
-- ^ theory consisting of a signature and sentences
-> [FreeDefMorphism SPTerm SoftFOLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO (Concurrent.ThreadId, Concurrent.MVar ())
-- ^ fst: identifier of the batch thread for killing it
-- snd: MVar to wait for the end of the thread
darwinCMDLautomaticBatch = darwinCMDLautomaticBatchAux Darwin
:: ProverBinary -- ^ the actual binary
-> Bool -- ^ True means include proved theorems
-> Bool -- ^ True means save problem file
-> Concurrent.MVar (Result.Result [ProofStatus ProofTree])
-- ^ used to store the result of the batch run
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> TacticScript -- ^ default tactic script
-> Theory Sign Sentence ProofTree
-- ^ theory consisting of a signature and sentences
-> [FreeDefMorphism SPTerm SoftFOLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO (Concurrent.ThreadId, Concurrent.MVar ())
-- ^ fst: identifier of the batch thread for killing it
-- snd: MVar to wait for the end of the thread
darwinCMDLautomaticBatchAux b inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch resultMVar
thName defTS th freedefs =
genericCMDLautomaticBatch (atpFun b thName) inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch
resultMVar (proverBinary b) thName
(parseTacticScript batchTimeLimit [] defTS) th freedefs emptyProofTree
-- * Main prover functions
{- |
Runs the Darwin service. The tactic script only contains a string for the
time limit.
:: ProverBinary
-> String
-> TacticScript
-> TheoryMorphism Sign Sentence SoftFOLMorphism ProofTree
-> [FreeDefMorphism SPTerm SoftFOLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO (CCStatus ProofTree)
consCheck b thName (TacticScript tl) tm freedefs = case tTarget tm of
Theory sig nSens -> do
let proverStateI = spassProverState sig (toNamedList nSens) freedefs
extraOptions = "-pc false -pmtptp true -fd true -to " ++ tl
bin = proverBinary b
prob <- showTPTPProblemM thName proverStateI []
(exitCode, out, tUsed) <-
runDarwinProcess bin False extraOptions thName prob
let outState = CCStatus
{ ccResult = Just True
, ccProofTree = ProofTree $ unlines $ exitCode : out
, ccUsedTime = timeToTimeOfDay $ secondsToDiffTime
$ toInteger tUsed }
return $ if szsProved exitCode then outState else
{ ccResult = if szsDisproved exitCode then Just False
else Nothing }
:: String -- ^ binary name
-> Bool -- ^ save problem
-> String -- ^ options
-> String -- ^ filename without extension
-> String -- ^ problem
-> IO (String, [String], Int)
runDarwinProcess bin saveTPTP options tmpFileName prob = do
let tmpFile = basename tmpFileName ++ ".tptp"
when saveTPTP (writeFile tmpFile prob)
noProg <- missingExecutableInPath bin
if noProg then
return (bin ++ " not found. Check your $PATH", [], -1)
else do
temp <- getTemporaryDirectory
timeTmpFile <- writeTempFile prob temp tmpFile
(_, pout, _) <-
readProcessWithExitCode bin (words options ++ [timeTmpFile]) ""
let l = lines pout
(res, _, tUsed) = parseOutput l
removeFile timeTmpFile
return (res, l, tUsed)
:: ProverBinary
-> SoftFOLProverState
-- ^ logical part containing the input Sign and axioms and possibly
-- goals that have been proved earlier as additional axioms
-> GenericConfig ProofTree -- ^ configuration to use
-> Bool -- ^ True means save TPTP file
-> String -- ^ name of the theory in the DevGraph
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal to prove
-> IO (ATPRetval, GenericConfig ProofTree)
-- ^ (retval, configuration with proof status and complete output)
runDarwin b sps cfg saveTPTP thName nGoal = do
let bin = proverBinary b
options = extraOpts cfg
extraOptions = maybe "-pc false"
(("-pc false -to " ++) . show) (timeLimit cfg)
tmpFileName = thName ++ '_' : AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal
prob <- showTPTPProblem thName sps nGoal
$ options ++ ["Requested prover: " ++ bin]
(exitCode, out, tUsed) <-
runDarwinProcess bin saveTPTP extraOptions tmpFileName prob
let ctime = timeToTimeOfDay $ secondsToDiffTime $ toInteger tUsed
(err, retval) = case () of
_ | szsProved exitCode -> (ATPSuccess, provedStatus)
_ | szsDisproved exitCode -> (ATPSuccess, disProvedStatus)
_ | szsTimeout exitCode ->
(ATPTLimitExceeded, defaultProofStatus)
_ | szsStopped exitCode ->
(ATPBatchStopped, defaultProofStatus)
_ -> (ATPError exitCode, defaultProofStatus)
defaultProofStatus =
(AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal) bin emptyProofTree)
{ usedTime = ctime
, tacticScript = TacticScript $ show ATPTacticScript
{tsTimeLimit = configTimeLimit cfg,
tsExtraOpts = options} }
disProvedStatus = defaultProofStatus {goalStatus = Disproved}
provedStatus = defaultProofStatus
{ goalName = AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal
, goalStatus = Proved True
, usedAxioms = getAxioms
, usedProver = bin
, usedTime = timeToTimeOfDay $ secondsToDiffTime $ toInteger tUsed
getAxioms = let
fl = formulaLists $ initialLogicalPart sps
fs = concatMap formulae $ filter isAxiomFormula fl
in map AS_Anno.senAttr fs
return (err, cfg {proofStatus = retval,
resultOutput = out,
timeUsed = ctime })
isAxiomFormula :: SPFormulaList -> Bool
isAxiomFormula fl =
case originType fl of
SPOriginAxioms -> True
_ -> False
getSZSStatusWord :: String -> Maybe String
getSZSStatusWord line = case words
$ fromMaybe (fromMaybe "" $ stripPrefix "% SZS status" line)
$ stripPrefix "SZS status" line of
[] -> Nothing
w : _ -> Just w
parseOutput :: [String] -> (String, Bool, Int)
-- ^ (exit code, status found, used time)
parseOutput = foldl checkLine ("", False, -1) where
checkLine (exCode, stateFound, to) line =
if isPrefixOf "Couldn't find eprover" line
|| isInfixOf "darwin -h for further information" line
-- error by running darwin.
then (line, stateFound, to)
else case getSZSStatusWord line of
Just szsState | not stateFound ->
(szsState, True, to)
_ -> if "CPU Time" `isPrefixOf` line -- get cpu time
then let time = case takeWhile isDigit $ last (words line) of
ds@(_ : _) -> read ds
_ -> to
in (exCode, stateFound, time)
else (exCode, stateFound, to)