Prove.hs revision f04e8f3ff56405901be968fd4c6e9769239f1a9b
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Interface for the SPASS theorem prover.
Copyright : (c) Rene Wagner, Klaus L�ttich, Rainer Grabbe,
Uni Bremen 2005-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
Interface for the SPASS theorem prover, uses GUI.GenericATP.
See <> for details on SPASS.
- check if the theorem is used in the proof;
if not, the theory is inconsistent;
mark goal as proved and emmit a warning...
- Implement a consistency checker based on GUI
module SoftFOL.Prove (spassProver,
spassProveCMDLautomaticBatch) where
import Logic.Prover
import SoftFOL.Sign
import SoftFOL.ProveHelp
import SoftFOL.Translate
import SoftFOL.ProverState
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Common.Result as Result
import ChildProcess
import ProcessClasses
import Text.Regex
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time (TimeOfDay(..),midnight -- only in ghc-6.6.1: ,parseTime
-- import System.Locale
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import System
import HTk
import GUI.GenericATP
import GUI.GenericATPState
import Proofs.BatchProcessing
import Common.Utils (splitOn)
-- * Prover implementation
{- |
The Prover implementation.
Implemented are: a prover GUI, and both commandline prover interfaces.
spassProver :: Prover Sign Sentence () ATP_ProofTree
spassProver = emptyProverTemplate
{ prover_name = "SPASS",
prover_sublogic = (),
proveGUI = Just spassProveGUI,
proveCMDLautomatic = Just spassProveCMDLautomatic,
proveCMDLautomaticBatch = Just spassProveCMDLautomaticBatch
-- * Main prover functions
-- ** Utility functions
{- |
Record for prover specific functions. This is used by both GUI and command
line interface.
atpFun :: String -- ^ theory name
-> ATPFunctions Sign Sentence ATP_ProofTree SoftFOLProverState
atpFun thName = ATPFunctions
{ initialProverState = spassProverState,
atpTransSenName = transSenName,
atpInsertSentence = insertSentenceGen,
goalOutput = showDFGProblem thName,
proverHelpText = spassHelpText,
fileExtensions = FileExtensions{problemOutput = ".dfg",
proverOutput = ".spass",
theoryConfiguration = ".spcf"},
runProver = runSpass,
createProverOptions = createSpassOptions }
{- |
Parses a given default tactic script into a
'GUI.GenericATPState.ATPTactic_script' if possible. Otherwise a default
SPASS tactic script is returned.
parseSpassTactic_script :: Tactic_script
-> ATPTactic_script
parseSpassTactic_script =
parseTactic_script batchTimeLimit ["-Stdin", "-DocProof"]
-- ** GUI
{- |
Invokes the generic prover GUI. SPASS specific functions are omitted by
data type ATPFunctions.
spassProveGUI :: String -- ^ theory name
-> Theory Sign Sentence ATP_ProofTree -- ^ theory consisting of a
-- 'SPASS.Sign.Sign' and a list of Named 'SPASS.Sign.Sentence'
-> IO([Proof_status ATP_ProofTree]) -- ^ proof status for each goal
spassProveGUI thName th =
genericATPgui (atpFun thName) True (prover_name spassProver) thName th
$ ATP_ProofTree ""
-- ** command line functions
{- |
Implementation of 'Logic.Prover.proveCMDLautomatic' which provides an
automatic command line interface for a single goal.
SPASS specific functions are omitted by data type ATPFunctions.
spassProveCMDLautomatic ::
String -- ^ theory name
-> Tactic_script -- ^ default tactic script
-> Theory Sign Sentence ATP_ProofTree -- ^ theory consisting of a
-- signature and a list of Named sentence
-> IO (Result.Result ([Proof_status ATP_ProofTree]))
-- ^ Proof status for goals and lemmas
spassProveCMDLautomatic thName defTS th =
genericCMDLautomatic (atpFun thName) (prover_name spassProver) thName
(parseSpassTactic_script defTS) th (ATP_ProofTree "")
{- |
Implementation of 'Logic.Prover.proveCMDLautomaticBatch' which provides an
automatic command line interface to the SPASS prover.
SPASS specific functions are omitted by data type ATPFunctions.
spassProveCMDLautomaticBatch ::
Bool -- ^ True means include proved theorems
-> Bool -- ^ True means save problem file
-> Concurrent.MVar (Result.Result [Proof_status ATP_ProofTree])
-- ^ used to store the result of the batch run
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> Tactic_script -- ^ default tactic script
-> Theory Sign Sentence ATP_ProofTree -- ^ theory consisting of a
-- 'SoftFOL.Sign.Sign' and a list of Named 'SoftFOL.Sign.Sentence'
-> IO (Concurrent.ThreadId,Concurrent.MVar ())
-- ^ fst: identifier of the batch thread for killing it
-- snd: MVar to wait for the end of the thread
spassProveCMDLautomaticBatch inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch resultMVar
thName defTS th =
genericCMDLautomaticBatch (atpFun thName) inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch
resultMVar (prover_name spassProver) thName
(parseSpassTactic_script defTS) th (ATP_ProofTree "")
-- * SPASS Interfacing Code
{- |
Reads and parses the output of SPASS.
parseSpassOutput :: ChildProcess -- ^ the SPASS process
-> IO (Maybe String, [String], [String], TimeOfDay)
-- ^ (result, used axioms, complete output, used time)
parseSpassOutput spass = parseProtected (parseStart True)
(Nothing, [], [], midnight)
-- check for errors. unfortunately we cannot just read from SPASS until an
-- EOF since readMsg will just wait forever on EOF.
parseProtected f (res, usedAxs, output, tUsed) = do
e <- getToolStatus spass
case e of
-- still running
-> f (res, usedAxs, output, tUsed)
Just (ExitFailure retval)
-- returned error
-> do
_ <- waitForChildProcess spass
return (Nothing, [],
["SPASS returned error: "++(show retval)]
, tUsed)
Just ExitSuccess
-- completed successfully. read remaining output.
-> f (res, usedAxs, output, tUsed)
-- the first line of SPASS output is always empty.
-- the second contains SPASS-START in the usual case
-- and an error message in case of an error
parseStart firstline (res, usedAxs, output, tUsed) = do
line <- readMsg spass
if firstline
-- ignore empty first line
then parseProtected (parseStart False)
(res, usedAxs, output ++ [""], tUsed)
-- check for a potential error
else do
let startMatch = matchRegex re_start line
if isJust startMatch
-- got SPASS-START. continue parsing
then parseProtected parseIt (res, usedAxs, output ++ [line], tUsed)
-- error. abort parsing
else do
e <- waitForChildProcess spass
case e of
ChildTerminated ->
return (Nothing, [], output ++
[line, "", "SPASS has been terminated."]
, tUsed)
ChildExited retval ->
return (Nothing, [], output ++
[line, "", "SPASS returned error: " ++ (show retval)]
, tUsed)
-- actual parsing. tries to read from SPASS until ".*SPASS-STOP.*" matches.
parseIt (res, usedAxs, output, tUsed) = do
line <- readMsg spass
-- replace tabulators with each 8 spaces
let line' = foldr (\ch li -> if ch == '\x9'
then " "++li
else ch:li) "" line
resMatch = matchRegex re_sb line'
res' = maybe res (Just . head) resMatch
usedAxsMatch = matchRegex re_ua line'
usedAxs' = maybe usedAxs (\ uas -> words (uas !! 1)) usedAxsMatch
tUsed' = maybe tUsed calculateTime $ matchRegex re_tu line
if seq (length line) $ isJust (matchRegex re_stop line')
then do
_ <- waitForChildProcess spass
return (res', usedAxs', output ++ [line'], tUsed')
parseProtected parseIt (res', usedAxs', output ++ [line'], tUsed')
-- regular expressions used for parsing
re_start = mkRegex "(.*)SPASS-START(.*)"
re_stop = mkRegex "(.*)SPASS-STOP(.*)"
re_sb = mkRegex "SPASS beiseite: (.*)$"
re_ua = mkRegex "Formulae used in the proof(.*):(.*)$"
re_tu = mkRegex $ "SPASS spent\t([0-9:.]+) "
++ "on the problem.$"
calculateTime str =
if null str then midnight
-- the following line is only nice with ghc-6.6.1
-- (maybe midnight id . parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%k:%M:%S%Q")
parseTimeOfDay $ head str
parseTimeOfDay :: String -> TimeOfDay
parseTimeOfDay str =
case splitOn ':' str of
[h,m,s] -> TimeOfDay { todHour = read h
, todMin = read m
, todSec = realToFrac ((read s)::Double)
_ -> error "SoftFOL.Prove: wrong time format"
{- |
Runs SPASS. SPASS is assumed to reside in PATH.
runSpass :: SoftFOLProverState -- ^ logical part containing the input Sign and
-- axioms and possibly goals that have been proved
-- earlier as additional axioms
-> GenericConfig ATP_ProofTree -- ^ configuration to use
-> Bool -- ^ True means save DFG file
-> String -- ^ name of the theory in the DevGraph
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal to prove
-> IO (ATPRetval, GenericConfig ATP_ProofTree)
-- ^ (retval, configuration with proof status and complete output)
runSpass sps cfg saveDFG thName nGoal = do
-- putStrLn ("running 'SPASS" ++ (concatMap (' ':) allOptions) ++ "'")
spass <- newChildProcess "SPASS" [ChildProcess.arguments allOptions]
Exception.catch (runSpassReal spass)
(\ excep -> do
-- kill spass process
destroy spass
_ <- waitForChildProcess spass
excepToATPResult (prover_name spassProver) nGoal excep)
runSpassReal spass = do
-- check if SPASS is running
e <- getToolStatus spass
if isJust e
then return
(ATPError "Could not start SPASS. Is SPASS in your $PATH?",
emptyConfig (prover_name spassProver)
(AS_Anno.senName nGoal) $ ATP_ProofTree "")
else do
prob <- showDFGProblem thName sps nGoal (createSpassOptions cfg)
when saveDFG
(writeFile (thName++'_':AS_Anno.senName nGoal++".dfg") prob)
sendMsg spass prob
(res, usedAxs, output, tUsed) <- parseSpassOutput spass
let (err, retval) = proof_stat res usedAxs extraOptions output
return (err,
cfg{proof_status = retval,
resultOutput = output,
timeUsed = tUsed})
allOptions = ("-Stdin"):(createSpassOptions cfg)
extraOptions = ("-DocProof"):(cleanOptions cfg)
defaultProof_status opts =
(openProof_status (AS_Anno.senName nGoal) (prover_name spassProver) $
ATP_ProofTree "")
{tacticScript = Tactic_script $ show $ ATPTactic_script
{ts_timeLimit = configTimeLimit cfg,
ts_extraOpts = opts} }
proof_stat res usedAxs options out
| isJust res && elem (fromJust res) proved =
(defaultProof_status options)
{ goalStatus = Proved $ if elem (AS_Anno.senName nGoal) usedAxs
then Nothing
else Just False
, usedAxioms = filter (/=(AS_Anno.senName nGoal)) usedAxs
, proofTree = ATP_ProofTree $ spassProof out })
| isJust res && elem (fromJust res) disproved =
(defaultProof_status options) { goalStatus = Disproved } )
| isJust res && elem (fromJust res) timelimit =
(ATPTLimitExceeded, defaultProof_status options)
| isNothing res =
(ATPError "Internal error.", defaultProof_status options)
| otherwise = (ATPSuccess, defaultProof_status options)
proved = ["Proof found."]
disproved = ["Completion found."]
timelimit = ["Ran out of time."]
{- |
Creates a list of all options the SPASS prover runs with.
That includes the defaults -DocProof and -Timelimit.
createSpassOptions :: GenericConfig ATP_ProofTree -> [String]
createSpassOptions cfg =
(cleanOptions cfg) ++ ["-DocProof", "-TimeLimit="
++ (show $ configTimeLimit cfg)]
{- |
Filters extra options and just returns the non standard options.
cleanOptions :: GenericConfig ATP_ProofTree -> [String]
cleanOptions cfg =
filter (\ opt -> not (or (map (flip isPrefixOf opt)
(extraOpts cfg)
filterOptions = ["-DocProof", "-Stdin", "-TimeLimit"]
{- |
Extract proof tree from SPASS output. This will be the String between
"Here is a proof" and "Formulae used in the proof"
spassProof :: [String] -- ^ SPASS output containing proof tree
-> String -- ^ extracted proof tree
spassProof =
unlines . fst . break (isPrefixOf "Formulae used in the proof")
. (\ l -> if null l then l else tail l)
. snd . break (isPrefixOf "Here is a proof with depth")