PrintTPTP.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Pretty printing for SPASS signatures in TPTP syntax.
Copyright : (c) Rene Wagner, Rainer Grabbe, Uni Bremen 2005-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : unknown
Pretty printing for SoftFOL signatures in TPTP syntax.
Refer to <>
for the TPTP syntax documentation.
module SoftFOL.PrintTPTP where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import SoftFOL.Sign
import SoftFOL.Conversions
-- | This type class allows pretty printing in TPTP syntax of instantiated data
-- types
class PrintTPTP a where
printTPTP :: a -> Doc
{- |
Helper function. Generates a separating comment line.
separator :: String
separator = '%' : replicate 75 '-'
instance PrintTPTP Sign where
printTPTP = printTPTP . signToSPLogicalPart
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SoftFOL Problem.
instance PrintTPTP SPProblem where
printTPTP p = text separator
$+$ text "% Problem" <+> colon <+> text (identifier p)
$+$ printTPTP (description p)
$+$ vcat (map printTPTP $ settings p)
$+$ text separator
$+$ printTPTP (logicalPart p)
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SoftFOL Logical Part.
instance PrintTPTP SPLogicalPart where
printTPTP lp =
let decls = declarationList lp
validDeclarations = filter (\ decl -> case decl of
SPSubsortDecl {} -> True
SPTermDecl {} -> True
SPSimpleTermDecl _ -> True
_ -> False)
$ (maybe [] id decls)
fs = formulaLists lp
in if null validDeclarations && null fs then
text "fof" <> parens
(text "empty" <> comma <> printTPTP SPOriginAxioms
<> comma <> printTPTP SPTrue) <> dot
else vcat (map (\ (decl, i) ->
text "fof" <>
parens (text ("declaration" ++ show i) <> comma <>
printTPTP SPOriginAxioms <> comma
$+$ printTPTP decl) <> dot)
$ zip validDeclarations [(0::Int)..])
$+$ vcat (map printTPTP fs)
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SoftFOL Declaration.
A subsort declaration will be rewritten as a special SPQuantTerm.
instance PrintTPTP SPDeclaration where
printTPTP decl = case decl of
SPSubsortDecl{sortSymA= sortA, sortSymB= sortB}
-> let subsortVar = spTerms $ genVarList sortA [sortB]
in printTPTP SPQuantTerm
{ quantSym=SPForall,
qFormula=compTerm SPImplies
[ compTerm (spSym sortA) subsortVar
, compTerm (spSym sortB) subsortVar] }
SPTermDecl{termDeclTermList= tlist, termDeclTerm= tt}
-> printTPTP SPQuantTerm{
SPSimpleTermDecl stsym -> printTPTP stsym
pd@(SPPredDecl {}) -> maybe empty printTPTP $ predDecl2Term pd
_ -> empty
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SoftFOL Formula List.
instance PrintTPTP SPFormulaList where
printTPTP l = vcat $ map (printFormula $ originType l) $ formulae l
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SoftFOL Origin Type.
instance PrintTPTP SPOriginType where
printTPTP t = text $ case t of
SPOriginAxioms -> "axiom"
SPOriginConjectures -> "conjecture"
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SoftFOL Formula. Needed since SPFormula is just a
'type SPFormula = Named SPTerm' and thus instanciating PrintTPTP is not
printFormula :: SPOriginType -> SPFormula -> Doc
-- printFormula ot f = printFormulaText ot (senAttr f) (sentence f)
printFormula ot f =
text "fof" <> parens (text (senAttr f) <> comma <> printTPTP ot <> comma
$+$ printTPTP (sentence f)) <> dot
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SoftFOL Term.
instance PrintTPTP SPTerm where
printTPTP t = case t of
SPQuantTerm{quantSym= qsym, variableList= tlist, qFormula= tt} -> let
isComplexTerm tm = case tm of
SPComplexTerm _ [] -> False
_ -> True
getVars tm = case tm of
SPComplexTerm _ args ->
if null args then [tm] else concatMap getVars args
_ -> []
cl = filter isComplexTerm tlist
conj = case qsym of
SPExists -> compTerm SPAnd $ cl ++ [tt]
_ -> compTerm SPImplies $ (case cl of
[hd] -> hd
_ -> compTerm SPAnd cl) : [tt]
in printTPTP qsym
<+> brackets (printCommaSeparated $ concatMap getVars tlist)
<+> colon
-- either all variables are simple terms
<+> if null cl then parPrintTPTP tt
-- or there are none simple terms
-- construct premiss for implication out of variableList (Forall)
-- construct conjunction out of variableList (Exists)
parens $ printTPTP conj
SPComplexTerm{symbol= ctsym, arguments= args}
-> printTermList ctsym args
{- |
Creates a Doc from a list of SoftFOL Terms connected by a SoftFOL Symbol.
printTermList :: SPSymbol -> [SPTerm] -> Doc
printTermList symb terms = let
sbd = printTPTP symb
d = if null terms then sbd else sbd <> parens (printCommaSeparated terms)
in case symb of
SPNot -> case terms of
[t] -> sbd <+> parPrintTPTP t
_ -> d
_ -> if elem symb $ SPEqual : binLogOps then
fsep $ prepPunctuate (sbd <> space) $ map parPrintTPTP terms
else d
{- |
Helper function. Generates a comma separated list of SoftFOL Terms as a Doc.
printCommaSeparated :: [SPTerm] -> Doc
printCommaSeparated = sepByCommas . map printTPTP
parPrintTPTP :: SPTerm -> Doc
parPrintTPTP t = (if isUnitary t then id else parens) $ printTPTP t
isUnitary :: SPTerm -> Bool
isUnitary t = case t of
SPComplexTerm{symbol = ctsym, arguments = _ : _ : _} ->
not $ elem ctsym binLogOps
_ -> True
binLogOps :: [SPSymbol]
binLogOps = [SPOr, SPAnd, SPImplies, SPImplied, SPEquiv]
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SoftFOL Quantifier Symbol.
instance PrintTPTP SPQuantSym where
printTPTP qs = text $ case qs of
SPForall -> "!"
SPExists -> "?"
SPCustomQuantSym cst -> show cst
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SoftFOL Symbol.
instance PrintTPTP SPSymbol where
printTPTP s = text $ case s of
SPEqual -> "="
SPTrue -> "$true"
SPFalse -> "$false"
SPOr -> "|"
SPAnd -> "&"
SPNot -> "~"
SPImplies -> "=>"
SPImplied -> "<="
SPEquiv -> "<=>"
SPCustomSymbol cst -> show cst
_ -> showSPSymbol s
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SoftFOL description.
instance PrintTPTP SPDescription where
printTPTP d = spCommentText "Name " (name d)
$+$ spCommentText "Author " (author d)
$+$ maybe empty (spCommentText "Version") (version d)
$+$ maybe empty (spCommentText "Logic ") (logic d)
$+$ text "% Status " <+> colon <+> printTPTP (status d)
$+$ spCommentText "Desc " (desc d)
$+$ maybe empty (spCommentText "Date ") (date d)
{- |
Helper function. Creates a formatted comment output for a description field.
On left side will be displayed the field's name, on right side its content.
spCommentText :: String -> String -> Doc
spCommentText fieldName fieldDesc =
hsep [text "%", text fieldName, colon, text fieldDesc]
{- |
Creates a Doc from an 'SPLogState'.
instance PrintTPTP SPLogState where
printTPTP s = text $ case s of
SPStateSatisfiable -> "satisfiable"
SPStateUnsatisfiable -> "unsatisfiable"
SPStateUnknown -> "unknown"
instance PrintTPTP SPSetting where
printTPTP s = case s of
SPGeneralSettings e ->
hsep [text "% Option ", colon, text $ show e]
SPSettings _ settingText ->
hsep $ (text "% Option " <+> colon) : map printTPTP settingText
instance PrintTPTP SPSettingBody where
printTPTP s = case s of
SPFlag sw v ->
cat [text sw, if null v then empty else parens (ppWithCommas v)]
_ -> empty