Print.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Pretty printing for SoftFOL problems in DFG.
Copyright : (c) Rene Wagner, C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2005-2007
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Pretty printing for SoftFOL signatures.
Refer to <>
for the SPASS syntax documentation.
module SoftFOL.Print (printFormula) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import SoftFOL.Sign
instance Pretty SFSymbol where
pretty sy = cat [text (show $ sym_ident sy) , pretty (sym_type sy)]
instance Pretty SFSymbType where
pretty st = case st of
SFOpType args res -> sep [text ":" <+> pr args, text "->"
<+> text (show res)]
SFPredType args -> text ":" <+> pr args
SFSortType -> empty
where pr = sep . punctuate (text "* ") . map (text . show)
{- |
Helper function.
endOfListS :: Doc
endOfListS = text "end_of_list."
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Problem.
instance Pretty SPProblem where
pretty p = text "begin_problem" <> parens (text $ identifier p) <> dot
$++$ pretty (description p)
$++$ pretty (logicalPart p)
$++$ printSettings (settings p)
$++$ text "end_problem."
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Logical Part.
instance Pretty SPLogicalPart where
pretty lp = pretty (symbolList lp)
$++$ (case declarationList lp of
Nothing -> empty
Just l -> text "list_of_declarations."
$+$ vcat (map pretty l)
$+$ endOfListS)
$++$ vcat (map pretty $ formulaLists lp)
$++$ vcat (map pretty $ clauseLists lp)
$++$ vcat (map pretty $ proofLists lp)
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Symbol List.
instance Pretty SPSymbolList where
pretty sl = text "list_of_symbols."
$+$ printSignSymList "functions" (functions sl)
$+$ printSignSymList "predicates" (predicates sl)
$+$ (if null $ sorts sl then empty else
text "sorts" <> brackets (ppWithCommas $ sorts sl) <> dot)
$+$ endOfListS
printSignSymList lname list = if null list then empty else
cat [ text lname
, brackets (fsep $ punctuate comma $ map pretty list) <> dot]
{- |
Helper function. Creates a Doc from a Signature Symbol.
instance Pretty SPSignSym where
pretty ssym = case ssym of
SPSimpleSignSym s -> text (show s)
_ -> parens (text (show $ sym ssym) <> comma <+> pretty (arity ssym))
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Declaration
instance Pretty SPDeclaration where
pretty d = case d of
SPSubsortDecl {sortSymA= a, sortSymB= b} ->
text "subsort" <> parens (text (show a) <> comma <+> text (show b))
<> dot
SPTermDecl {termDeclTermList= l, termDeclTerm= t} ->
pretty (SPQuantTerm {quantSym= SPForall, variableList= l, qFormula= t})
<> dot
SPSimpleTermDecl t -> pretty t <> dot
SPPredDecl {predSym= p, sortSyms= slist} ->
pretty (compTerm (spSym $ mkSimpleId "predicate") $ map
(simpTerm . spSym) $ p : slist) <> dot
SPGenDecl {sortSym= s, freelyGenerated= freelygen, funcList= l} ->
text "sort" <+> text (show s)
<+> (if freelygen then text "freely" else empty)
<+> text "generated by"
<+> brackets (fsep $ punctuate comma $ map (text . show) l) <> dot
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Formula List
instance Pretty SPFormulaList where
pretty l = text "list_of_formulae" <> parens (pretty (originType l)) <> dot
$+$ vcat (map printFormula $ formulae l)
$+$ endOfListS
instance Pretty SPClauseList where
pretty l = text "list_of_clauses" <> parens (pretty (coriginType l)
<> comma <+> pretty (clauseType l)) <> dot
$+$ vcat (map printClause $ clauses l)
$+$ endOfListS
instance Pretty SPProofList where
pretty l = text "list_of_proof" <> maybe empty
(parens . (<> printAssocList (plAssocList l)) . pretty) (proofType l)
<> dot
$+$ vcat (map printStep $ step l)
$+$ endOfListS
printAssocList :: SPAssocList -> Doc
printAssocList m = if Map.null m then empty else comma <+>
brackets (fsep $ punctuate comma $ map
( \ (k, v) -> pretty k <> text ":" <> pretty v) $ Map.toList m)
instance Pretty SPKey where
pretty (PKeyTerm t) = pretty t
instance Pretty SPValue where
pretty (PValTerm t) = pretty t
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Origin Type
instance Pretty SPOriginType where
pretty t = text $ case t of
SPOriginAxioms -> "axioms"
SPOriginConjectures -> "conjectures"
instance Pretty SPClauseType where
pretty t = text $ case t of
SPCNF -> "cnf"
SPDNF -> "dnf"
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Formula. Needed since SPFormula is just a
'type SPFormula = Named SPTerm' and thus instantiating Pretty is not
printFormula :: SPFormula -> Doc
printFormula f = cat [text "formula", parens (sepByCommas
$ pretty (sentence f) : printSenAttr f) <> dot]
printClause :: SPClause -> Doc
printClause c = cat [text "clause", parens (sepByCommas
$ pretty (sentence c) : printSenAttr c) <> dot]
printSenAttr :: Named a -> [Doc]
printSenAttr c = case senAttr c of
"" -> []
s -> [text s]
instance Pretty NSPClause where
pretty t = case t of
QuanClause vs b -> pretty $ SPQuantTerm (case b of
NSPClauseBody SPCNF _ -> SPForall
NSPClauseBody SPDNF _ -> SPExists) vs (clauseBodyToSPTerm b)
SimpleClause b -> pretty $ clauseBodyToSPTerm b
BriefClause l1 l2 l3 -> fsep
[pretty l1, text "||", pretty l2, text "->", pretty l3]
clauseBodyToSPTerm :: NSPClauseBody -> SPTerm
clauseBodyToSPTerm (NSPClauseBody ct l) = compTerm (case ct of
SPDNF -> SPAnd) $ map litToSPTerm l
litToSPTerm :: SPLiteral -> SPTerm
litToSPTerm (SPLiteral b t) = let s = simpTerm t in
if b then s else compTerm SPNot [s]
instance Pretty TermWsList where
pretty (TWL l b) = fsep (map pretty l) <> if b then text "+" else empty
printStep :: SPProofStep -> Doc
printStep (SPProofStep ref res rul parl asl) = text "step" <> parens
(pretty ref <> comma <+> pretty res <> comma <+> pretty rul <> comma
<+> brackets (ppWithCommas parl) <> printAssocList asl) <> dot
instance Pretty SPReference where
pretty (PRefTerm t) = pretty t
instance Pretty SPResult where
pretty (PResTerm t) = pretty t
instance Pretty SPRuleAppl where
pretty r = case r of
PRuleTerm t -> pretty t
PRuleUser t -> pretty t
instance Pretty SPUserRuleAppl where
pretty r = text $ show r
instance Pretty SPParent where
pretty (PParTerm t) = pretty t
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Term.
instance Pretty SPTerm where
pretty t = case t of
SPQuantTerm{quantSym= qsym, variableList= tlist, qFormula= tt} -> cat
[ pretty qsym
, parens $ brackets (ppWithCommas tlist) <> comma <+> pretty tt]
SPComplexTerm{symbol= ctsym, arguments= args} -> cat
[ pretty ctsym
, if null args then empty else parens $ ppWithCommas args]
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Quantifier Symbol.
instance Pretty SPQuantSym where
pretty qs = text $ case qs of
SPForall -> "forall"
SPExists -> "exists"
SPCustomQuantSym cst -> show cst
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Symbol.
-- printSymbol :: SPSymbol-> Doc
instance Pretty SPSymbol where
pretty = text . showSPSymbol
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS description.
instance Pretty SPDescription where
pretty d =
let sptext str v = text str <> parens (textBraces $ text v) <> dot
mtext str = maybe empty $ sptext str
in text "list_of_descriptions."
$+$ sptext "name" (name d)
$+$ sptext "author" (author d)
$+$ mtext "version" (version d)
$+$ mtext "logic" (logic d)
$+$ text "status" <> parens (pretty $ status d) <> dot
$+$ sptext "description" (desc d)
$+$ mtext "date" (date d)
$+$ endOfListS
{- |
surrounds a doc with "{* *}" as required for some of the
description fields and the settings.
textBraces :: Doc -> Doc
textBraces d = text "{* " <> d <> text " *}"
{- |
Creates a Doc from an 'SPLogState'.
instance Pretty SPLogState where
pretty s = text $ case s of
SPStateSatisfiable -> "satisfiable"
SPStateUnsatisfiable -> "unsatisfiable"
SPStateUnknown -> "unknown"
printSettings :: [SPSetting] -> Doc
printSettings = vcat . map pretty
instance Pretty SPSetting where
pretty (SPGeneralSettings es) =
text "list_of_general_settings."
$+$ vcat (map pretty es)
$+$ endOfListS
pretty (SPSettings label body) =
text "list_of_settings" <> parens (pretty label) <> dot
$+$ textBraces (vcat $ map pretty body)
$+$ endOfListS
instance Pretty SPSettingLabel where
pretty = text . showSettingLabel
instance Pretty SPHypothesis where
pretty (SPHypothesis ls) =
text "hypothesis" <> brackets (ppWithCommas ls) <> dot
instance Pretty SPSettingBody where
pretty (SPFlag sw v) = cat [text sw, parens (ppWithCommas v) <> dot]
pretty (SPClauseRelation cfrList) = cat
[ text "set_ClauseFormulaRelation"
, parens (ppWithCommas cfrList) <> dot]
instance Pretty SPCRBIND where
pretty (SPCRBIND cSPR fSPR) = parens $ text cSPR <> comma <+> text fSPR