MathServParsing.hs revision f04e8f3ff56405901be968fd4c6e9769239f1a9b
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Functions for parsing MathServ output into a MathServResponse structure.
Copyright : (c) Rainer Grabbe
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
Functions for parsing MathServ output into a MathServResponse structure.
module SoftFOL.MathServParsing where
import SoftFOL.MathServCommunication
import Common.Utils (getEnvSave)
import Network.URI
import Network.Service
import Org.Xmlsoap.Schemas.Soap.Envelope as ENV
import Text.Regex
import Text.XML.HXT.Aliases
import Text.XML.HXT.Parser hiding (when)
import Text.XML.HXT.XPath
import Data.Char (toUpper,isDigit)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time (TimeOfDay,timeToTimeOfDay)
import GHC.Read
-- * Datatypes for MathServ services
data ServerAddr = ServerAddr {
serverName :: String,
portNumber :: Int
instance Show ServerAddr where
showsPrec _ sAdd =
(serverName sAdd++) . showChar ':' . (shows $ portNumber sAdd)
instance Read ServerAddr where
readsPrec _ s = let (n,portRest) = span (/=':') s
(port,rest) = if null portRest
then ("","")
else span isDigit $ tail portRest
portN = if null port
then 8080
else either (const 8080) id
(readEither port)
in [(ServerAddr {serverName = n,
portNumber = portN },
defaultServer :: ServerAddr
defaultServer = ServerAddr {
serverName = "",
portNumber = 8080
{- |
Record type for all needed data to do a MathServ call.
data MathServCall = MathServCall {
-- | Selected MathServ service
mathServService :: MathServServices,
-- | Selected MathServ operation
mathServOperation :: MathServOperationTypes,
-- | Problem to prove in TPTP format
problem :: String,
-- | Time limit
proverTimeLimit :: Int,
-- | Extra options
extraOptions :: Maybe String
{- |
MathServ services to select.
data MathServServices =
-- | Broker service
-- | Vampire service
| VampireService
deriving (Show)
{- |
MathServ operation to select. These are only common types and will be
translated into correct MathServOperations.
data MathServOperationTypes =
-- | stands for ProveProblemOpt
-- | stands for ProveProblemChoice
| ProblemChoice
-- | stands for ProveTPTPProblem or ProveTPTPProblemWithOptions
| TPTPProblem
-- | stands for ProveProblem
| Problem
{- |
A MathServ response structure to be filled by parsing all rdf-objects
returned by MathServ.
data MathServResponse =
MathServResponse { foAtpResult :: Either String MWFoAtpResult,
timeResource :: MWTimeResource
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data MWFoAtpResult =
MWFoAtpResult { proof :: MWFormalProof,
resultFor :: MWProvingProblem,
outputStr :: String,
saturation :: String,
systemStatus :: MWStatus,
systemStr :: String,
time :: MWTimeResource
-- defined, but not needed?
-- timeRes :: MWTimeResource,
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data MWFormalProof =
TstpCnfRefutation { formalProof :: String,
proofOf :: MWProvingProblem,
calculus :: MWCalculus,
axioms :: String
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data MWStatus =
MWStatus { solved :: Bool,
foAtpStatus :: FoAtpStatus
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
--- data MWStatus = MWStatus Bool SystemStatus deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data FoAtpStatus =
Solved SolvedStatus
| Unsolved UnsolvedStatus
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show,Read)
data SolvedStatus =
| CounterSatisfiable
| CounterTheorem
| Equivalent
| NoConsequence
| Satisfiable
| TautologousConclusion
| Tautology
| Theorem
| Unsatisfiable
| UnsatisfiableConclusion
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show,Read)
data UnsolvedStatus =
| GaveUp
| InputError
| MemoryOut
| ResourceOut
| Timeout
| Unknown
| NoStatus
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show,Read)
data MWProvingProblem =
| UnknownProvingProblem
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data MWCalculus =
| OmegaNDCalculus
| EpResCalc
| SpassResCalc
| StandardRes
| OtterCalc
| VampireResCalc
| ZenonCalc
| UnknownCalc
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
data MWTimeResource =
MWTimeResource { cpuTime :: TimeOfDay,
wallClockTime :: TimeOfDay
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- ** functions for handling with MathServ services
{- |
To check whether the selected MathServ operation is known and can be executed
by the selected MathServ service. It returns the resulting SOAP operation.
mkProveProblem :: MathServCall -- ^ needed data to do a MathServ call
-> MathServOperations -- ^ resulting MathServOperations
mkProveProblem call =
case (mathServService call) of
VampireService -> case (mathServOperation call) of
TPTPProblem -> maybe ProveTPTPProblem{in0=(problem call),
in1=(proverTimeLimit call)}
(ProveTPTPProblemWithOptions (problem call)
(proverTimeLimit call))
(extraOptions call)
Problem -> ProveProblem (problem call) (proverTimeLimit call)
_ -> error $ "unknown Operation for service Vampire\n"++
"known operations: ProveProblem, ProveTPTPProblem"
Broker -> case (mathServOperation call) of
ProblemOpt -> ProveProblemOpt (problem call)
(proverTimeLimit call)
ProblemChoice -> ProveProblemChoice (problem call)
(proverTimeLimit call)
_ -> error $ "unknown Operation for service Broker\n"++
"known operations: ProveProblemOpt, ProveProblemChoice"
-- * MathServ Interfacing Code
makeEndPoint :: String -> Maybe HTTPTransport
makeEndPoint uriStr = maybe Nothing
(\ uri -> Just $ HTTPTransport
{ httpEndpoint = uri
, httpSOAPAction = Just nullURI})
(parseURI uriStr)
{- |
Sends a problem in TPTP format to MathServ using a given time limit.
Either MathServ output is returned or a simple error message (no XML).
callMathServ :: MathServCall -- ^ needed data to do a MathServ call
-> IO (Either String String)
-- ^ Left (SOAP error) or Right (MathServ output or error message)
callMathServ call =
serverPort <- getEnvSave defaultServer "HETS_MATHSERVE" readEither
maybe (do
return $ Left $ "MathServe not running!")
(\ endPoint -> do
(res::Either SimpleFault MathServOutput)
<- soapCall endPoint $
mkProveProblem call
case res of
Left mErr -> do
return $ Left $ faultstring mErr
Right resp -> do
return $ Right $ getResponse resp
(makeEndPoint $
"http://"++show serverPort++"/axis/services/"++
(show $ mathServService call))
{- |
Full parsing of RDF-objects returned by MathServ and putting the results
into a MathServResponse data-structure.
parseMathServOut :: Either String String
-- ^ Left (SOAP error) or Right (MathServ output or error message)
-> IO (Either String MathServResponse)
-- ^ parsed rdf-objects in record
parseMathServOut eMathServOut =
case eMathServOut of
Left errStr -> return $
Left ("MathServe/SOAP Error:\n" ++ errStr ++
"\nPlease contact " ++
Right mathServOut -> do
mtrees <- parseXML mathServOut
let rdfTree = maybe emptyRoot head mtrees
failStr = getMaybeXText failureXPath rdfTree
return $ Right (MathServResponse {
foAtpResult = maybe (Right $ parseFoAtpResult rdfTree)
Left failStr
if (isJust failStr)
then Nothing
else Just $ parseFoAtpResult rdfTree,
,timeResource = parseTimeResource rdfTree })
failureXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='Failure']/"
++ "mw:*[local-name()='message']"
{- |
Parses an XmlTree for a FoAtpResult object on first level. If existing,
all values of such an object are recursively parsed from underlying XmlTree.
All found objects are put into a MWFoAtpResult data structure.
parseFoAtpResult :: XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse (should be MathServ output)
-> MWFoAtpResult -- ^ parsed Result node
parseFoAtpResult rdfTree =
MWFoAtpResult { proof = parseProof nextTree,
resultFor = parseProvingProblem nextTree,
outputStr = getXText outputXPath nextTree,
saturation = getXText saturationXPath nextTree,
systemStatus = parseStatus nextTree,
systemStr = getXText systemXPath nextTree,
time = parseTimeResource $ head $
getXPath timeXPath nextTree }
nextTree = (\xp -> if (null xp) then emptyRoot else head xp) $
getXPath atpResultXPath rdfTree
atpResultXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='FoAtpResult']"
outputXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='output']"
saturationXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='saturation']"
systemXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='system']"
timeXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='time']"
{- |
Parses an XmlTree for a FormalProof object on first level. If existing,
all values of such an object are recursively parsed from underlying XmlTree.
All found objects are put into a MWFormalProof data structure.
parseProof :: XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> MWFormalProof -- ^ parsed Formal Proof node
parseProof rdfTree =
-- !! to be completed (recognition of used MWFormalProof's name)
TstpCnfRefutation { formalProof = getXText formalProofXPath nextTree,
proofOf = parseProvingProblem nextTree,
calculus = parseCalculus nextTree,
axioms = getXText axiomsXPath nextTree }
nextTree = (\xp -> if (null xp) then emptyRoot else head xp) $
getXPath proofXPath rdfTree
proofXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='proof']/mw:*[1]"
axiomsXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='axioms']"
formalProofXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='formalProof']"
{- |
Parses an XmlTree for a ProvingProblem object on first level.
Currently only TstpFofProblem can be classified. An empty or non-existing
problem object will be classified a TstpFofProblem, too. Other occuring
ProvingProblems will cause an exception.
parseProvingProblem :: XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> MWProvingProblem -- ^ Parsed Proving Problem node
parseProvingProblem rdfTree =
let prob = getAnchor $ getXText problemXPath rdfTree
in case (matchRegex (mkRegex "generated_tstp_fof_problem") prob) of
Nothing -> UnknownProvingProblem
_ -> TstpFOFProblem
problemXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='proofOf']/attribute::rdf:*"
{- |
Parses an XmlTree for a Calculus object on first level.
Currently seven different Calculus objects can be classified.
Other objects (also empty or non-existing ones) will cause an exception.
parseCalculus :: XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> MWCalculus -- ^ parsed Calculus node
parseCalculus rdfTree =
either (\_ -> UnknownCalc) id
(readEither (filterUnderline calc) :: Either String MWCalculus)
calculusXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='calculus']/attribute::rdf:*"
calc = (getAnchor $ getXText calculusXPath rdfTree)
{- |
Parses an XmlTree for a Status object on first level.
Currently 18 different Status objects can be classified.
Other objects (also empty or non-existing ones) will cause an exception.
The status is differentiated into solved unsolved by the object itself.
parseStatus :: XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> MWStatus -- ^ parsed Status node
parseStatus rdfTree =
let foAtp =
either (\_ ->
either (error $ "Could not classify status of proof: "
++ statusStr)
(readEither statusStr :: Either String UnsolvedStatus))
((readEither statusStr) :: Either String SolvedStatus)
in MWStatus {solved = case foAtp of
Solved _ -> True
Unsolved _ -> False,
foAtpStatus = foAtp}
statusXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='status']/attribute::rdf:*"
statusStr = (getAnchor $ getXText statusXPath rdfTree)
{- |
Parses an XmlTree for a TimeResource object on first level. If existing,
cpuTime and wallClockTime are parsed and returned in MWTimeResource record.
parseTimeResource :: XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> MWTimeResource -- ^ parsed time resource with
-- cpuTime and wallClockTime
parseTimeResource rdfTree =
MWTimeResource {
cpuTime = prse cpuTimeString,
wallClockTime = prse wallClockTimeString }
prse x = timeToTimeOfDay $ realToFrac
$(((read x)::Double) / 1000)
cpuTimeString = getXText cpuTimeXPath rdfTree
wallClockTimeString = getXText wallClockTimeXPath rdfTree
timeResXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='TimeResource']/"
cpuTimeXPath = timeResXPath ++ "/mw:*[local-name()='cpuTime']"
wallClockTimeXPath =
timeResXPath ++ "/mw:*[local-name()='wallClockTime']"
{- |
Removes first part of string until @#@ (including @#@).
getAnchor :: String -- ^ in-string
-> String -- ^ part of string after first occurence of @#@
getAnchor s =
let s' = dropWhile (\ch -> not $ ch == '#') s
in case s' of
[] -> s'
_ -> tail s'
{- |
This helper function awaits an XPath to an element that contains another
XText element (or is empty). The content of this XText element will be
getXText :: String -- ^ XPath to element containing one XText element
-> XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> String -- ^ value of XText element
getXText xp rdfTree =
let xptext = xp ++ "/text()"
xmltrees = getXPath xptext rdfTree
in case xmltrees of
[] -> []
xt -> let firstNode = getNode $ head xt
in if isXTextNode firstNode
then (\(XText s) -> s) firstNode
else []
{- |
Same as getXText, but if the element does not exist Nothing will be returned.
Otherwise Just /Text/ will be returned.
getMaybeXText :: String -- ^ XPath to element containing one XText element
-> XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> Maybe String -- ^ value of XText element
getMaybeXText xp rdfTree =
let xmltrees = getXPath xp rdfTree
in case xmltrees of
[] -> Nothing
_ -> Just $ getXText xp rdfTree
{- |
Filters @_@ out of a String and uppercases each letter after a @_@.
filterUnderline :: String -- ^ input String
-> String -- ^ un-dashed output String
filterUnderline st = case st of
[] -> []
_ -> case (head st) of
'_' -> if (length st == 1) then []
else filterUnderline $ stringToUpper $ tail st
_ -> if (length st == 1) then st
else (head st) : (filterUnderline $ tail st)
Upcase the first char in a given String
stringToUpper :: String -- ^ input String
-> String -- ^ output String with first letter upcased
stringToUpper str =
if (length str == 1) then [toUpper $ head str]
else (toUpper $ head str) : (tail str)