MathServParsing.hs revision d21f82adbfafab92bcceb1234315ea2bfbbf7514
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Functions for parsing MathServ output as a MathServResponse
Copyright : (c) Rainer Grabbe, DFKI GmbH
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : unknown
Functions for parsing MathServ output into a MathServResponse structure.
module SoftFOL.MathServParsing
( callMathServ
, parseMathServOut
, MathServServices(..)
, MathServOperationTypes(..)
, MathServCall(..)
, MathServResponse(..)
, MWFoAtpResult(..)
, MWFormalProof(..)
, MWStatus(..)
, FoAtpStatus(..)
, SolvedStatus(..)
, UnsolvedStatus(..)
, MWCalculus(..)
, MWTimeResource(..)
) where
import Common.Utils (getEnvSave, readMaybe)
import Text.XML.Light
import Network.HTTP
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time (TimeOfDay, timeToTimeOfDay)
-- * Datatypes for MathServ services
data ServerAddr = ServerAddr
{ serverName :: String
, portNumber :: Int }
instance Show ServerAddr where
showsPrec _ sAdd =
(serverName sAdd ++) . showChar ':' . shows (portNumber sAdd)
instance Read ServerAddr where
readsPrec _ s = let (n,portRest) = span (/= ':') s
(portS,rest) = if null portRest
then ("", "")
else span isDigit $ tail portRest
portN = fromMaybe 8080 $ readMaybe portS
in [(ServerAddr { serverName = n, portNumber = portN },
defaultServer :: ServerAddr
defaultServer = ServerAddr
{ serverName = ""
, portNumber = 8080 }
{- |
Record type for all needed data to do a MathServ call.
data MathServCall = MathServCall {
-- | Selected MathServ service
mathServService :: MathServServices,
-- | Selected MathServ operation
mathServOperation :: MathServOperationTypes,
-- | Problem to prove in TPTP format
problem :: String,
-- | Time limit
proverTimeLimit :: Int,
-- | Extra options
extraOptions :: Maybe String
{- |
MathServ services to select.
data MathServServices =
-- | Broker service
-- | Vampire service
| VampireService
deriving Show
{- |
MathServ operation to select. These are only common types and will be
translated into correct MathServOperations.
data MathServOperationTypes =
-- | stands for ProveProblemOpt
-- | stands for ProveProblemChoice
| ProblemChoice
-- | stands for ProveTPTPProblem or ProveTPTPProblemWithOptions
| TPTPProblem
-- | stands for ProveProblem
| Problem
deriving Show
{- |
A MathServ response structure to be filled by parsing all rdf-objects
returned by MathServ.
data MathServResponse =
MathServResponse { foAtpResult :: Either String MWFoAtpResult,
timeResource :: MWTimeResource
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data MWFoAtpResult =
MWFoAtpResult { proof :: MWFormalProof,
outputStr :: String,
systemStatus :: MWStatus,
systemStr :: String,
time :: MWTimeResource
-- defined, but not needed?
-- timeRes :: MWTimeResource,
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data MWFormalProof =
TstpCnfRefutation { formalProof :: String,
proofOf :: MWProvingProblem,
calculus :: MWCalculus,
axioms :: String
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
emptyMWFormalProof :: MWFormalProof
emptyMWFormalProof = TstpCnfRefutation
{ formalProof = ""
, proofOf = UnknownProvingProblem
, calculus = UnknownCalc
, axioms = "" }
data MWStatus =
MWStatus { solved :: Bool,
foAtpStatus :: FoAtpStatus
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
--- data MWStatus = MWStatus Bool SystemStatus deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data FoAtpStatus =
Solved SolvedStatus
| Unsolved UnsolvedStatus
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show,Read)
data SolvedStatus =
| CounterSatisfiable
| CounterTheorem
| Equivalent
| NoConsequence
| Satisfiable
| TautologousConclusion
| Tautology
| Theorem
| Unsatisfiable
| UnsatisfiableConclusion
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show,Read)
data UnsolvedStatus =
| GaveUp
| InputError
| MemoryOut
| ResourceOut
| Timeout
| Unknown
| NoStatus
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show,Read)
data MWProvingProblem =
| TstpProblem
| UnknownProvingProblem
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data MWCalculus =
| OmegaNDCalculus
| EpResCalc
| SpassResCalc
| StandardRes
| OtterCalc
| VampireResCalc
| ZenonCalc
| UnknownCalc
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
data MWTimeResource =
MWTimeResource { cpuTime :: TimeOfDay,
wallClockTime :: TimeOfDay
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
toCData :: String -> CData
toCData s = blank_cdata { cdData = s }
mkProveProblemElem :: MathServCall -- ^ needed data to do a MathServ call
-> Element -- ^ resulting XML element
mkProveProblemElem call = let extOpt = extraOptions call in
unode ("Prove" ++ show (mathServOperation call)
++ if isJust extOpt then "WithOptions" else "")
([ unode "in0" $ toCData $ problem call
, unode "in1" $ toCData $ show $ proverTimeLimit call]
++ case extOpt of
Nothing -> []
Just o2 -> [unode "in2" $ toCData o2])
-- ** functions for handling with soap
soapenvS :: String
soapenvS = "soapenv"
bodyS :: String
bodyS = "Body"
soapEnvQName :: String -> QName
soapEnvQName s = (unqual s) { qPrefix = Just soapenvS }
xmlnsQName :: String -> QName
xmlnsQName s = (unqual s) { qPrefix = Just "xmlns" }
envUri :: String
envUri = ""
bodyQ :: QName
bodyQ = (soapEnvQName bodyS) { qURI = Just envUri }
mkEnvelope :: Element -> Element
mkEnvelope = add_attrs
[ Attr (unqual "encodingStyle") ""
, Attr (xmlnsQName "xsd") ""
, Attr (xmlnsQName soapenvS) envUri
] . node (soapEnvQName "Envelope")
mkSoapRequest :: MathServCall -> ServerAddr -> Request_String
mkSoapRequest call serverPort =
let b = showElement $ mkEnvelope $ node bodyQ $ mkProveProblemElem call
r0 = postRequest $ "http://" ++ show serverPort ++ "/axis/services/"
++ show (mathServService call)
r1 = insertHeader (HdrCustom "SOAPAction") "" r0 { rqBody = b }
r2 = replaceHeader HdrUserAgent "hets" r1
r3 = replaceHeader HdrContentLength (show $ length b) r2
in insertHeader HdrContentType "text/xml" r3
testQnameSuffix :: String -> QName -> Bool
testQnameSuffix s q = let l = qName q in
isNothing (qPrefix q) && isPrefixOf "Prove" l && isSuffixOf s l
unpackSoapEnvelope :: Either String String -> Either String String
unpackSoapEnvelope rsp = case rsp of
Left s -> Left s
Right r -> case parseXMLDoc r of
Nothing -> Left $ "server returned illegal xml\n" ++ r
Just x -> case filterElementName (== bodyQ) x of
Nothing -> Left $ "no soap Body found\n" ++ ppElement x
Just b -> case filterElementName (testQnameSuffix "Response") b of
Nothing -> Left $ "no Prove Response found\n" ++ ppElement b
Just t -> case filterElementName (testQnameSuffix "Return") t of
Nothing -> Left $ "no Prove Return value found\n" ++ ppElement t
Just v -> case map cdData . onlyText $ elContent v of
[] -> Left $ "no returned content found\n" ++ ppElement v
ts -> Right $ concat ts
-- ** functions for handling with MathServ services
{- |
Sends a problem in TPTP format to MathServ using a given time limit.
Either MathServ output is returned or a simple error message (no XML).
callMathServ :: MathServCall -- ^ needed data to do a MathServ call
-> IO (Either String String )
-- ^ Left (SOAP error) or Right (MathServ output or error message)
callMathServ call =
serverPort <- getEnvSave defaultServer "HETS_MATHSERVE" readMaybe
let r = mkSoapRequest call serverPort
res <- simpleHTTP r
return $ case res of
Left mErr -> Left $ show mErr
Right resp -> unpackSoapEnvelope $ Right $ rspBody resp
isMWnode :: String -> QName -> Bool
isMWnode s q = qName q == s && qPrefix q == Just "mw"
getElementText :: Element -> String
getElementText = concatMap cdData . onlyText . elContent
getElemText :: String -> Element -> String
getElemText s = maybe "" getElementText . filterElementName (isMWnode s)
{- |
Full parsing of RDF-objects returned by MathServ and putting the results
into a MathServResponse data-structure.
parseMathServOut :: Either String String
-- ^ Left (SOAP error) or Right (MathServ output or error message)
-> IO (Either String MathServResponse)
-- ^ parsed rdf-objects in record
parseMathServOut = return . parseResponse
parseResponse :: Either String String -> Either String MathServResponse
parseResponse eMathServOut = do
mathServOut <- eMathServOut
case parseXMLDoc mathServOut of
Nothing -> Left "illegal rdf xml tree"
Just rdf -> do
let mr = case parseFailure rdf of
Just str -> Left str
Nothing -> parseResult rdf
t <- parseTimeResource rdf
return MathServResponse
{ foAtpResult = mr
, timeResource = t }
parseFailure :: Element -> Maybe String
parseFailure e = case filterElementName (isMWnode "Failure") e of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just f -> Just $ getElemText "message" f
parseResult :: Element -> Either String MWFoAtpResult
parseResult rdf = case filterElementName (isMWnode "FoAtpResult") rdf of
Nothing -> Left "no FoAtpResult found"
Just e -> do
stat <- parseStatus e
tm <- case filterElementName (isMWnode "time") e of
Nothing -> Left "no time element found"
Just t -> parseTimeResource t
let pr = parseProof e
out = getElemText "output" e
sys = getElemText "system" e
return MWFoAtpResult
{ proof = pr
, outputStr = out
, systemStatus = stat
, systemStr = sys
, time = tm }
parseProof :: Element -> MWFormalProof
parseProof e = case filterElementName
(\ q -> isMWnode "proof" q || isMWnode "saturation" q) e of
Nothing -> emptyMWFormalProof
Just pr -> case filterElementName (\ q -> isMWnode "TstpCnfRefutation" q
|| isMWnode "TstpCnfSaturation" q) pr of
Nothing -> emptyMWFormalProof
Just p -> let
fp0 = getElemText "formalProof" p
fp = if null fp0 then getElemText "formalSaturation" p else fp0
prob = case getProblem p "proofOf" of
UnknownProvingProblem -> getProblem p "saturationOf"
pa -> pa
cal = case filterElementName (isMWnode "calculus") p of
Nothing -> UnknownCalc
Just c -> getCalcAttr c
axs = getElemText "axioms" p
in TstpCnfRefutation
{ formalProof = fp
, proofOf = prob
, calculus = cal
, axioms = axs }
isRdfResource :: QName -> Bool
isRdfResource q = qName q == "resource" && qPrefix q == Just "rdf"
{- |
Removes first part of string until @#@ (including @#@).
getAnchor :: String -- ^ in-string
-> String -- ^ part of string after first occurence of @#@
getAnchor s = case dropWhile (/= '#') s of
[] -> []
_ : r -> r
getRdfResource :: Element -> String
getRdfResource e = case filter (not . null) . map (getAnchor . attrVal)
. filter (isRdfResource . attrKey) $ elAttribs e of
str : _ -> str
_ -> ""
getProblem :: Element -> String -> MWProvingProblem
getProblem e s = case filterElementName (isMWnode s) e of
Nothing -> UnknownProvingProblem
Just po -> getProblemAttr po
getProblemAttr :: Element -> MWProvingProblem
getProblemAttr e = let str = getRdfResource e in
if isPrefixOf "generated_tstp_fof_problem" str then TstpFOFProblem
else if isPrefixOf "TstpProblem" str then TstpProblem
else UnknownProvingProblem
parseStatus :: Element -> Either String MWStatus
parseStatus e = case filterElementName (isMWnode "status") e of
Nothing -> Left "no status found"
Just s -> let str = getRdfResource s in case readMaybe str of
Just sol -> Right $ MWStatus True $ Solved sol
Nothing -> case readMaybe str of
Just usol -> Right $ MWStatus False $ Unsolved usol
Nothing -> Left $ "Could not classify status of proof: " ++ str
elem2Time :: Element -> Either String TimeOfDay
elem2Time e = let s = getElementText e in
case readMaybe s of
Just x -> Right $ timeToTimeOfDay $ realToFrac $ (x :: Double) / 1000
Nothing -> Left $ "cannot read time string: " ++ s
parseTimeResource :: Element -> Either String MWTimeResource
parseTimeResource e = case filterElementName (isMWnode "TimeResource") e of
Nothing -> Left "no time resource found"
Just tr -> do
ct <- case filterElementName (isMWnode "cpuTime") tr of
Nothing -> Left "no cpu time found"
Just t -> elem2Time t
wt <- case filterElementName (isMWnode "wallClockTime") tr of
Nothing -> Left "no wall clock time found"
Just t -> elem2Time t
return MWTimeResource
{ cpuTime = ct
, wallClockTime = wt }
{- |
Filters @_@ out of a String and upcases each letter after a @_@.
filterUnderline :: Bool -- ^ upcase next letter
-> String -- ^ input String
-> String -- ^ un-dashed output String
filterUnderline b st = case st of
[] -> []
h : r -> case h of
'_' -> filterUnderline True r
_ -> (if b then toUpper h else h) : filterUnderline False r
getCalcAttr :: Element -> MWCalculus
getCalcAttr e = let str = filterUnderline True $ getRdfResource e in
case readMaybe str of
Just c -> c
Nothing -> UnknownCalc