MathServMapping.hs revision a14767aeac3e78ed100f5b75e210ba563ee10dba
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Maps a MathServResponse into a prover configuration.
Copyright : (c) Rainer Grabbe
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
Maps a MathServResponse into a GenericConfig structure.
module SoftFOL.MathServMapping where
import Common.Doc -- as Pretty
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import Common.ProofTree
import Logic.Prover
import SoftFOL.MathServParsing
import SoftFOL.ProverState (configTimeLimit)
import SoftFOL.Sign
import Data.Maybe
import GUI.GenericATPState
{- |
Name of the prover if MathServ was called via Broker.
brokerName :: String
brokerName = "MathServe Broker"
{- |
Maps a MathServResponse record into a GenericConfig with Proof_status.
If an error occured, an ATPError with error message instead of result output
will be returned.
mapMathServResponse :: Either String MathServResponse
-- ^ SOAP faultstring or Parsed MathServ data
-> GenericConfig ProofTree -- ^ configuration to use
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal to prove
-> String -- ^ prover name
-> (ATPRetval, GenericConfig ProofTree)
-- ^ (retval, configuration with proof status and
-- complete output)
mapMathServResponse eMsr cfg nGoal prName =
either (\ errStr -> (ATPError errStr,cfg))
(\msr ->
(\failure ->
(ATPError ("MathServe Error: " ++
if (null failure) then [] else head $ lines failure),
cfg { proof_status = defaultProof_status nGoal
(prName ++ " [via MathServe]") (configTimeLimit cfg)
(extraOpts cfg) "",
resultOutput = lines failure,
timeUsed = cpuTime $ timeResource msr }))
(\res -> mapProverResult res (timeResource msr) cfg nGoal prName)
(foAtpResult msr))
{- |
Maps a FoAtpResult record into a GenericConfig with Proof_status.
Result output contains all important informations in a list of Strings.
The function should only be called if there is a FoAtpResult available.
mapProverResult :: MWFoAtpResult -- ^ parsed FoATPResult data
-> MWTimeResource -- ^ global time spent
-> GenericConfig ProofTree -- ^ configuration to use
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal to prove
-> String -- ^ prover name
-> (ATPRetval, GenericConfig ProofTree)
-- ^ (retval, configuration with proof status, complete output)
mapProverResult atpResult timeRes cfg nGoal prName =
let res = mapToGoalStatus $ systemStatus atpResult
output = (lines . show) $
(if (prName == brokerName) then
text "Used prover " <+> colon <+> text
(usedProverName $ systemStr atpResult)
else empty)
$+$ text "Calculus " <+> colon <+>
text (show $ calculus $ proof atpResult)
$+$ text "Spent time " <+> colon <+> (
text "CPU time " <+> equals <+>
text (show $ cpuTime timeRes)
$+$ text "Wall clock time" <+> equals <+>
text (show $ wallClockTime timeRes) )
$+$ text "Prover output" <+> colon $+$
vcat (map text (lines $ unTab $ outputStr atpResult))
$+$ text (replicate 75 '-')
timeout = (foAtpStatus $ systemStatus atpResult) == Unsolved Timeout
-- get real prover name if Broker was used
prName' = if (prName == brokerName)
then (usedProverName $ systemStr atpResult)
++ " [via "++brokerName++"]"
else prName ++ " [via MathServe]"
usedAxs = if (null $ axioms $ proof atpResult)
then [AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal]
else words $ axioms $ proof atpResult
(atpErr, retval) = proof_stat nGoal res usedAxs timeout $
defaultProof_status nGoal prName'
(configTimeLimit cfg)
(extraOpts cfg)
(formalProof $ proof atpResult)
in (atpErr,
cfg { proof_status = retval,
resultOutput = output,
timeUsed = cpuTime timeRes })
-- replace tabulators with each 8 spaces
unTab = foldr (\ch li ->
if ch == '\x9' then " "++li
else ch:li) ""
{- |
Maps the status message from MathServ results to GoalStatus.
RegExp are used.
mapToGoalStatus :: MWStatus -- ^ goal status
-> GoalStatus -- ^ final parsed goal status
mapToGoalStatus stat = case (foAtpStatus stat) of
Solved Theorem -> Proved Nothing
Solved CounterSatisfiable -> Disproved
_ -> Open
{- |
Gets the prover name from MathServResponse and extracts the name only
(without version number). If the name's empty, prover name is "unknown".
usedProverName :: String -- ^ Prover name from MathServResponse
-> String -- ^ name without version number or unknown
usedProverName pn =
if (null pn) then "unknown"
else (takeWhile (\ch -> not $ ch == '_')) pn
{- |
Default proof status. Contains the goal name, prover name
and the time limit option used by MathServ.
defaultProof_status :: AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal to prove
-> String -- ^ prover name
-> Int -- ^ time limit
-> [String] -- ^ list of used options
-> String -- ^ proof tree (simple text)
-> Proof_status ProofTree
defaultProof_status nGoal prName tl opts pt =
(openProof_status (AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal)
prName (ProofTree pt))
{tacticScript = Tactic_script $ show $ ATPTactic_script
{ts_timeLimit = tl,
ts_extraOpts = opts} }
{- |
Returns the value of a prover run used in GUI (Success or
TLimitExceeded), and the proof_status containing all prove
information available.
proof_stat :: AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal to prove
-> GoalStatus -- ^ Nothing stands for prove error
-> [String] -- ^ Used axioms in the proof
-> Bool -- ^ Timeout status
-> Proof_status ProofTree -- ^ default proof status
-> (ATPRetval, Proof_status ProofTree)
-- ^ General return value of a prover run, used in GUI.
-- Detailed proof status if information is available.
proof_stat nGoal res usedAxs timeOut defaultPrStat
| (res == Proved Nothing) =
(ATPSuccess, defaultPrStat
{ goalStatus = Proved $ if elem (AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal) usedAxs
then Nothing
else Just False
, usedAxioms = filter (/=(AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal)) usedAxs })
| (res == Disproved) =
(ATPSuccess, defaultPrStat { goalStatus = Disproved } )
| timeOut =
defaultPrStat { goalStatus = res })
| otherwise = (ATPSuccess, defaultPrStat { goalStatus = res })