DFGParser.hs revision f04e8f3ff56405901be968fd4c6e9769239f1a9b
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) C. Immanuel Normann and Uni Bremen 2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : i.normann@iu-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
A parser for the SPASS Input Syntax taken from <http://spass.mpi-sb.mpg.de/download/binaries/spass-input-syntax15.pdf >.
In this version the non-terminals /settings, declaration_list, clause_list,/ and /proof_list/ are currentliy not supported.
module SoftFOL.DFGParser where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Prim
import qualified Common.Lexer as Lexer
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as PT
import SoftFOL.Sign
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Common.Lexer as CL
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- * SPASS Language Definition
-- ----------------------------------------------
spassDef :: PT.LanguageDef st
= PT.LanguageDef
{ PT.commentStart = ""--"{*"
, PT.commentEnd = ""--"*}"
, PT.commentLine = "%"
, PT.nestedComments = False
, PT.identStart = alphaNum
, PT.identLetter = alphaNum <|> oneOf "_'"
, PT.opStart = letter -- brauche ich nicht
, PT.opLetter = letter --
, PT.reservedOpNames= []
, PT.reservedNames = ["forall", "exists", "equal", "true", "false", "or", "and", "not", "implies", "implied", "equiv"]
, PT.caseSensitive = True
-- begin helpers ----------------------------------------------------------
lexer :: PT.TokenParser st
lexer = PT.makeTokenParser spassDef
comma :: CharParser st String
comma = PT.comma lexer
dot :: CharParser st String
dot = PT.dot lexer
commaSep1 :: CharParser st a -> GenParser Char st [a]
commaSep1 = PT.commaSep1 lexer
parens :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
parens = PT.parens lexer
squares :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
squares = PT.squares lexer
symbolT :: String -> CharParser st String
symbolT = PT.symbol lexer
natural :: CharParser st Integer
natural = PT.natural lexer
whiteSpace :: CharParser st ()
whiteSpace = PT.whiteSpace lexer
parensDot :: CharParser st a -> GenParser Char st a
parensDot p = parens p << dot
squaresDot :: CharParser st a -> GenParser Char st a
squaresDot p = squares p << dot
text :: GenParser Char st [Char]
text = string "{*" >> (manyTill anyChar (try (string "*}")))
*SPASS.Parser> run text "{* mein Kommentar *}"
" mein Kommentar "
identifierT :: CharParser st String
identifierT = PT.identifier lexer
list_of :: [Char] -> GenParser Char st String
list_of sort = try $ string $ "list_of_" ++ sort
list_of_dot :: [Char] -> GenParser Char st String
list_of_dot sort = list_of (sort ++ ".")
end_of_list :: CharParser st String
end_of_list = symbolT "end_of_list."
oneOfTokens :: [String] -> GenParser Char st String
oneOfTokens ls = choice (map (try . symbolT) ls)
*SPASS.Parser> run (oneOfTokens ["ab","cd"]) "abcd"
mapTokensToData :: [(String, a)] -> GenParser Char st a
mapTokensToData ls = choice (map (try . tokenToData) ls)
where tokenToData (s,t) = symbolT s >> return t
maybeParser :: GenParser tok st a -> GenParser tok st (Maybe a)
maybeParser p = option Nothing (do {r <- p; return (Just r)})
-- end helpers ----------------------------------------------------------
-- ** SPASS Problem
{- |
This is the main function of the module
begin_problem(Unknown).list_of_descriptions.name({* Test *}).author({* me *}).status(satisfiable).description({* nothing CNF generated by FLOTTER V 2.8 *}).end_of_list.list_of_symbols.predicates[(a, 0), (b, 0)].end_of_list.list_of_clauses(axioms, cnf).clause(or(not(a),b),1).clause(or(not(b),not(a)),2).end_of_list.list_of_clauses(conjectures, cnf).end_of_list.list_of_settings(SPASS).{*set_ClauseFormulaRelation((1,axiom0),(2,axiom1)).*}end_of_list.end_problem.
parseSPASS :: GenParser Char st SPProblem
parseSPASS = whiteSpace >> problem
problem :: GenParser Char st SPProblem
problem = do symbolT "begin_problem"
i <- parensDot identifierT
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
dl <- description_list
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
lp <- logical_part
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
s <- settings_list
symbolT "end_problem."
many anyChar
return (SPProblem
{identifier = i,
description = dl,
logicalPart = lp,
settings = s})
-- ** SPASS Desciptions
{- |
A description is mandatory for a SPASS problem. It has to specify at least
a 'name', the name of the 'author', the 'status' (see also 'SPLogState' below),
and a (verbose) description.
description_list :: GenParser Char st SPDescription
description_list = do list_of_dot "descriptions"
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
n <- symbolT "name" >> parensDot text
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
a <- symbolT "author" >> parensDot text
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
v <- maybeParser (symbolT "version" >> parensDot text)
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
l <- maybeParser (symbolT "logic" >> parensDot text)
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
s <- symbolT "status" >> parensDot (mapTokensToData
de <- symbolT "description" >> parensDot text
da <- maybeParser (symbolT "date" >> parensDot text)
return (SPDescription
{name = n, author = a, version = v, logic = l,
status = s, desc = de, date = da})
-- SPASS Settings not yet supported
settings_list :: GenParser Char st [SPSetting]
settings_list = do list_of "settings"
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
many $ noneOf[')']
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
string "{*"
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
clr <- try $ clauseFormulaRelation
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
many $ noneOf['}', '*']
string "*}"
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
return [clr]
-- SPASS Clause-Formula Relation
clauseFormulaRelation :: GenParser Char st SPSetting
clauseFormulaRelation =
string "set_ClauseFormulaRelation"
cl <- PT.commaSep lexer clauseFormulaToken
return (SPClauseRelation cl)
clauseFormulaToken :: GenParser Char st SPCRBIND
clauseFormulaToken = do
cl <- many (alphaNum <|> oneOf "_")
form <- many (alphaNum <|> oneOf "_")
return (SPCRBIND
clauseSPR = cl
, formulaSPR = form
-- ** SPASS Logical Parts
{- |
A SPASS logical part consists of a symbol list, a declaration list, and a
set of formula lists. Support for clause lists and proof lists hasn't
been implemented yet.
logical_part :: GenParser Char st SPLogicalPart
logical_part = do sl <- maybeParser symbol_list
--dl <- declaration_list -- braucht man nicht fuer mptp
fs <- many formula_list
cl <- many clause_list -- braucht man nicht fuer mptp
--pl <- many proof_list -- braucht man nicht fuer mptp
return (SPLogicalPart
{symbolList = sl,
declarationList = [],
formulaLists = fs,
clauseLists = cl})
-- proofLists :: [SPProofList]
-- *** Symbol List
{- |
SPASS Symbol List
symbol_list :: GenParser Char st SPSymbolList
symbol_list = do list_of_dot "symbols"
fs <- option [] (signSymFor "functions")
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
ps <- option [] (signSymFor "predicates")
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
ss <- option [] (signSymFor "sorts")
skipMany (oneOf CL.whiteChars)
return (SPSymbolList
{functions = fs,
predicates = ps,
sorts = ss,
operators = [], -- not supported in dfg-syntax version 1.5
quantifiers = []}) -- not supported in dfg-syntax version 1.5
*SPASS.Parser> run symbol_list "list_of_symbols.functions[(f,2), (a,0), (b,0), (c,0)].predicates[(F,2)].end_of_list."
SPSymbolList {functions = [SPSignSym {sym = "f", arity = 2},SPSignSym {sym = "a", arity = 0},SPSignSym {sym = "b", arity = 0},SPSignSym {sym = "c", arity = 0}], predicates = [SPSignSym {sym = "F", arity = 2}], sorts = [], operators = [], quantifiers = []}
signSymFor :: String -> GenParser Char st [SPSignSym]
signSymFor kind = symbolT kind >> squaresDot (commaSep1 $ parens signSym)
signSym :: GenParser Char st SPSignSym
signSym = do s <- identifierT
a <- maybeParser (comma >> natural) -- option Nothing ((do {comma; n <- natural; return (Just n)}))
return (case a
of (Just a) -> SPSignSym {sym = s, arity = fromInteger a}
Nothing -> SPSimpleSignSym s)
--declaration_list, clause_list, proof_list are currently not supported
-- *** Formula List
{- |
SPASS Formula List
formula_list :: GenParser Char st SPFormulaList
formula_list = do list_of "formulae"
ot <- parens (mapTokensToData [("axioms",SPOriginAxioms),
fs <- many (formula (case ot of {SPOriginAxioms -> True; _ -> False}))
return (SPFormulaList { originType = ot,
formulae = fs })
*SPASS.Parser> run formula_list "list_of_formulae(axioms).formula(all([a,b],R(a,b)),bla).end_of_list."
SPFormulaList {originType = SPOriginAxioms, formulae = [NamedSen {senName = "bla", isAxiom = True, isDef = False, sentence = SPQuantTerm {quantSym = SPCustomQuantSym "all", variableList = [SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol "a"),SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol "b")], qFormula = SPComplexTerm {symbol = SPCustomSymbol "R", arguments = [SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol "a"),SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol "b")]}}}]}
*SPASS.Parser> run formula_list "list_of_formulae(axioms).formula(forall([a,b],R(a,b)),bla).end_of_list."
SPFormulaList {originType = SPOriginAxioms, formulae = [NamedSen {senName = "bla", isAxiom = True, isDef = False, sentence = SPQuantTerm {quantSym = SPForall, variableList = [SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol "a"),SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol "b")], qFormula = SPComplexTerm {symbol = SPCustomSymbol "R", arguments = [SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol "a"),SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol "b")]}}}]}
*SPASS.Parser> run formula_list "list_of_formulae(axioms).formula(forall([a,b],equiv(a,b)),bla).end_of_list."
SPFormulaList {originType = SPOriginAxioms, formulae = [NamedSen {senName = "bla", isAxiom = True, isDef = False, sentence = SPQuantTerm {quantSym = SPForall, variableList = [SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol "a"),SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol "b")], qFormula = SPComplexTerm {symbol = SPEquiv, arguments = [SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol "a"),SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol "b")]}}}]}
clause_list :: GenParser Char st SPClauseList
clause_list = do list_of "clauses"
ot <-(mapTokensToData [("axioms",SPOriginAxioms),
ct <- (mapTokensToData [("cnf",SPCNF),
fs <- many (clause ct (case ot of {SPOriginAxioms -> True; _ -> False}))
return (SPClauseList { coriginType = ot,
clauseType = ct,
clauses = fs })
run clause_list "list_of_clauses(axioms, cnf). clause(or(not(a),b),1). clause(or(not(b),not(a)),2). end_of_list."
clause :: SPClauseType -> Bool -> GenParser Char st (Named SoftFOL.Sign.NSPClause)
clause ct bool = symbolT "clause"
>> parensDot (do
sen <- clauseFork ct
name <- (option "" (comma >> identifierT))
return (makeNamed name sen) { isAxiom = bool })
-- propagated from 'origin_type' of 'list_of_formulae'
clauseFork :: SPClauseType -> GenParser Char st NSPClause
clauseFork ct =
case ct of
SPCNF -> cnfTerm
SPDNF -> dnfTerm
formula :: Bool -> GenParser Char st (Named SoftFOL.Sign.SPTerm)
formula bool = symbolT "formula"
>> parensDot (do sen <- term
name <- (option "" (comma >> identifierT))
return (makeNamed name sen) { isAxiom = bool })
-- propagated from 'origin_type' of 'list_of_formulae'
-- *** Terms
{- |
quantification :: SPQuantSym -> GenParser Char st SPTerm
quantification s = do (ts',t') <- parens (do ts <- squares (commaSep1 term) -- todo: var binding should allow only simple terms
comma; t <- term
return (ts,t))
return (SPQuantTerm
{quantSym = s,variableList = ts',qFormula = t'})
application :: SPSymbol -> GenParser Char st SPTerm
application s = do ts <- parens (commaSep1 term)
return (SPComplexTerm
{symbol = s, arguments = ts})
constant :: (Monad m) => SPSymbol -> m SPTerm
constant c = return (SPSimpleTerm c)
term :: GenParser Char st SPTerm
term = do s <- identifierT
do {try (quantification (SPCustomQuantSym s))
<|> try (application (SPCustomSymbol s))
<|> (constant (SPCustomSymbol s))}
do q <- mapTokensToData [("forall",SPForall), ("exists",SPExists)]
quantification q
do a <- mapTokensToData [("equal",SPEqual), ("or",SPOr), ("and",SPAnd),("not",SPNot),
("implies",SPImplies), ("implied",SPImplied),("equiv",SPEquiv)]
application a
do c <- mapTokensToData [("true",SPTrue), ("false",SPFalse)]
constant c
cterm :: GenParser Char st SPTerm
cterm = do s <- identifierT
do {try (application (SPCustomSymbol s))
<|> (constant (SPCustomSymbol s))}
do a <- mapTokensToData [("or",SPOr), ("and",SPAnd),("not",SPNot)]
application a
do c <- mapTokensToData [("true",SPTrue), ("false",SPFalse)]
constant c
literal :: GenParser Char st SPLiteral
literal = do mapTokensToData [("true", NSPTrue), ("false", NSPFalse)]
sym <- nfId
return (NSPId sym)
symbolT "not"
sym <- parens $ nfId
return (NSPNotId sym)
cnfTerm :: GenParser Char st NSPClause
cnfTerm = do _ <- symbolT "or"
ts <- parens (commaSep1 literal)
return (NSPCNF ts)
dnfTerm :: GenParser Char st NSPClause
dnfTerm = do _ <- symbolT "and"
ts <- parens (commaSep1 literal)
return (NSPDNF ts)
-- | Any word to token
nfId :: GenParser Char st SPIdentifier
nfId = Lexer.reserved ["not", "or", "and"] Lexer.scanAnyWords
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- * Monad and Functor extensions
-- ----------------------------------------------
bind :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
bind f p q = do { x <- p; y <- q; return (f x y) }
infixl <<
(<<) :: (Monad m) => m a -> m b -> m a
(<<) = bind const
infixr 5 <:>
(<:>) :: (Monad m) => m a -> m [a] -> m [a]
(<:>) = bind (:)
infixr 5 <++>
(<++>) :: (Monad m) => m [a] -> m [a] -> m [a]
(<++>) = bind (++)
run :: Show a => Parser a -> String -> IO ()
run p input
= case (parse p "" input) of
Left err -> do{ putStr "parse error at "
; print err
Right x -> print x