CreateDFGDoc.hs revision e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168
{- |
Module : ./SoftFOL/CreateDFGDoc.hs
Description : Generating DFG Doc out of SPASS theories.
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, Uni Bremen 2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-protable(Logic)
Printing a (G_theory CASL _) into a DFG Doc.
module SoftFOL.CreateDFGDoc (printTheoryAsSoftFOL) where
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Coerce
import Static.GTheory
import Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.IRI (IRI)
import Common.ProofUtils
import Common.Result
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.Sublogic
import Comorphisms.CASL2SubCFOL
import Comorphisms.CASL2PCFOL
import Comorphisms.SuleCFOL2SoftFOL
import SoftFOL.Logic_SoftFOL
import SoftFOL.Conversions
import SoftFOL.Translate
import SoftFOL.Sign
import SoftFOL.PrintTPTP
spassConsTimeLimit :: Int
spassConsTimeLimit = 500
printTheoryAsSoftFOL :: IRI
-> Int -- ^ 0 = DFG, 1 = TPTP
-> Bool
{- ^ if True a conjecture false is added otherwise
its a theory without its own conjectures. -}
-> G_theory -> IO (Maybe Doc)
printTheoryAsSoftFOL sn lang checkConsistency
gth@(G_theory lid _ (ExtSign sign _) _ thSens _) =
maybe (return Nothing)
(\ (sign1, sens1) ->
do prob <- genSoftFOLProblem
(spLogicalPart sign1 sens1)
(if checkConsistency
then Just falseConj
else Nothing)
return $ Just $ printOut
prob {settings = [SPSettings
{settingName = SPASS,
settingBody = flags}]})
-- (prob {settings = flags}))
(resultToMaybe (if lessSublogicComor (sublogicOfTh gth) $
Comorphism suleCFOL2SoftFOL
then coerceBasicTheory lid CASL "" (sign, sens)
>>= wrapMapTheory suleCFOL2SoftFOL
else (if lessSublogicComor (sublogicOfTh gth) $ Comorphism idCASL
then coerceBasicTheory lid CASL "" (sign, sens)
>>= wrapMapTheory idCASL
>>= wrapMapTheory defaultCASL2SubCFOL
>>= wrapMapTheory suleCFOL2SoftFOL
else if lessSublogicComor (sublogicOfTh gth) $
Comorphism idCASL_nosub
then coerceBasicTheory lid CASL "" (sign, sens)
>>= wrapMapTheory idCASL_nosub
>>= wrapMapTheory CASL2PCFOL
>>= wrapMapTheory defaultCASL2SubCFOL
>>= wrapMapTheory suleCFOL2SoftFOL
else coerceBasicTheory lid SoftFOL "" (sign, sens))))
printOut = case lang of
0 -> pretty
1 -> printTPTP
_ -> pretty
sens = toNamedList thSens
thName = show sn
spLogicalPart sig sen =
foldl insertSentence
(signToSPLogicalPart sig)
(reverse $
prepareSenNames transSenName sen)
flags = if checkConsistency
then [SPFlag "set_flag" ["TimeLimit", show spassConsTimeLimit]
, SPFlag "set_flag" ["DocProof", "1"]]
else []
falseConj = (makeNamed "inconsistent" falseSen)
{ isAxiom = False }
falseSen = simpTerm SPFalse
max_nosub_SPASS = caslTop { cons_features = emptyMapConsFeature }
max_sub_SPASS = caslTop { sub_features = LocFilSub }
idCASL = mkIdComorphism CASL max_sub_SPASS
idCASL_nosub = mkIdComorphism CASL max_nosub_SPASS