Conversions.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Functions to convert to internal SP* data structures.
Copyright : (c) Rene Wagner, Klaus Luettich, Uni Bremen 2005
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : unknown
Functions to convert to internal SP* data structures.
module SoftFOL.Conversions where
import Control.Exception
import System.Time
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.Utils (number)
import SoftFOL.Sign
{- |
Converts a Sign to an initial (no axioms or goals) SPLogicalPart.
signToSPLogicalPart :: Sign -> SPLogicalPart
signToSPLogicalPart s =
assert (checkArities s)
(emptySPLogicalPart {symbolList = sList,
declarationList = Just decList,
formulaLists = if null decList
then []
else [predArgRestrictions]
sList = if Rel.null (sortRel s) && Map.null (funcMap s) &&
Map.null (predMap s) && Map.null (sortMap s)
then Nothing
else Just emptySymbolList
{ functions =
map (\(f, ts) ->
SPSignSym {sym = f,
arity = length (fst (head
(Set.toList ts)))})
(Map.toList (funcMap s)),
predicates =
map (\(p, ts) ->
SPSignSym {sym = p,
arity = length (head
(Set.toList ts))})
(Map.toList (predMap s)),
sorts = map SPSimpleSignSym $ Map.keys $ sortMap s }
decList = if singleSorted s && null (Map.elems $ sortMap s) then []
else subsortDecl ++ termDecl ++ predDecl ++ genDecl
subsortDecl = map (\(a, b) -> SPSubsortDecl {sortSymA = a, sortSymB = b})
(Rel.toList (Rel.transReduce (sortRel s)))
termDecl = concatMap termDecls (Map.toList (funcMap s))
termDecls (fsym, tset) = map (toFDecl fsym) (Set.toList tset)
toFDecl fsym (args, ret) =
if null args
then SPSimpleTermDecl $ compTerm (spSym ret) [simpTerm $ spSym fsym]
else let
xTerm :: Int -> SPTerm
xTerm i = simpTerm $ mkSPCustomSymbol $ 'X' : show i
in SPTermDecl
{ termDeclTermList =
map (\ (t, i) -> compTerm (spSym t) [xTerm i]) $ number args
, termDeclTerm = compTerm (spSym ret) [compTerm (spSym fsym)
$ map (xTerm . snd) $ number args] }
predArgRestrictions =
SPFormulaList { originType = SPOriginAxioms
, formulae = Map.foldWithKey toArgRestriction []
$ predMap s
toArgRestriction psym tset acc
| Set.null tset = error
"SoftFOL.Conversions.toArgRestriction: empty set"
| Set.size tset == 1 = acc ++
maybe []
((: []) . makeNamed ("arg_restriction_" ++ tokStr psym))
(listToMaybe (toPDecl psym $ head $ Set.toList tset)
>>= predDecl2Term)
| otherwise = acc ++
let argLists = Set.toList tset
in [makeNamed ("arg_restriction_o_" ++ tokStr psym) $
makeTerm psym $
foldl (zipWith (flip (:)))
(map (const []) $ head argLists) argLists]
makeTerm psym tss =
let varList = zipWith const (genVarList psym $ nub $ concat tss) tss
varListTerms = spTerms varList
in if null varList
then error
"SoftFOL.Conversions.makeTerm: no propositional constants"
else SPQuantTerm {
qFormula= compTerm SPImplies
[ compTerm (spSym psym) varListTerms
, foldl1 mkConj $ zipWith
(\ v -> foldl1 mkDisj . map (typedVarTerm v))
varList tss ]}
predDecl = concatMap predDecls $ Map.toList $ predMap s
predDecls (p, tset) = -- assert (Set.size tset == 1)
concatMap (toPDecl p) (Set.toList tset)
toPDecl p t
| null t = []
| otherwise = [SPPredDecl {predSym = p, sortSyms = t}]
genDecl = map (\ (ssym, Just gen) ->
SPGenDecl {sortSym = ssym,
freelyGenerated = freely gen,
funcList = byFunctions gen})
$ filter (isJust . snd) $ Map.toList $ sortMap s
{- |
Inserts a Named Sentence (axiom or goal) into an SPLogicalPart.
insertSentence :: SPLogicalPart -> Named Sentence -> SPLogicalPart
insertSentence lp nSen = lp {formulaLists = fLists'}
insertFormula oType x [] =
[SPFormulaList {originType= oType, formulae= [x]}]
insertFormula oType x (l : ls) =
if originType l == oType
then l{formulae = case formulae l of
[f] | oType == SPOriginConjectures ->
[reName (const "ga_conjunction_of_theorem")
$ mapNamed (const $ mkConj (sentence f) $ sentence x) f]
fs -> x : fs} : ls
else l : insertFormula oType x ls
fLists' = if isAxiom nSen
then insertFormula SPOriginAxioms nSen fLists
else insertFormula SPOriginConjectures nSen fLists
fLists = formulaLists lp
{- |
Generate a SoftFOL problem with time stamp while maybe adding a goal.
genSoftFOLProblem :: String -> SPLogicalPart
-> Maybe (Named SPTerm) -> IO SPProblem
genSoftFOLProblem thName lp m_nGoal =
do d <- getClockTime
return $ problem $ show d
problem sd = SPProblem
{identifier = "hets_exported",
description = SPDescription
{name = thName ++ maybe "" (('_' :) . senAttr) m_nGoal,
author = "hets",
SoftFOL.Sign.version = Nothing,
logic = Nothing,
status = SPStateUnknown,
desc = "",
date = Just sd},
logicalPart = maybe lp (insertSentence lp) m_nGoal,
settings = []}
{- |
generates a variable for each for each symbol in the input list
without symbol overlap
genVarList :: SPIdentifier -> [SPIdentifier] -> [SPIdentifier]
genVarList chSym symList =
let reservSym = chSym:symList
varSource = filter (flip notElem reservSym)
$ map (mkSimpleId . showChar 'Y' . show) [(0::Int) ..]
in take (length symList) varSource
predDecl2Term :: SPDeclaration -> Maybe SPTerm
predDecl2Term pd = case pd of
SPPredDecl {} -> mkPredTerm
_ -> Nothing
where mkPredTerm = let varList = genVarList (predSym pd)
(sortSyms pd)
varListTerms = spTerms varList
in if null varList
then Nothing
else Just
(predSym pd),
foldl1 mkConj $
zipWith typedVarTerm
varList $ sortSyms pd]
{- |
checks if the signature has only overloaded symbols with the same arity
checkArities :: Sign -> Bool
checkArities s =
checkPredArities (predMap s) && checkFuncArities (funcMap s)
checkPredArities :: PredMap -> Bool
checkPredArities = Map.fold checkSet True
where checkSet s bv = bv && not (Set.null s) &&
all (\ x -> length x == length hd) tl
where hd : tl = Set.toList s
checkFuncArities :: FuncMap -> Bool
checkFuncArities = checkPredArities . mapToPredMap
where mapToPredMap = ( fst)