UnWrap.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $EmptyHeader$
Description : <optional short description entry>
Copyright : (c) <Authors or Affiliations>
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer : <email>
Stability : unstable | experimental | provisional | stable | frozen
Portability : portable | non-portable (<reason>)
<optional description>
module Search.SPASS.UnWrap where
import Data.List as L (nubBy,partition)
import Data.Set (Set,empty,insert,union,unions,fromList,toList)
import Common.AS_Annotation
import SoftFOL.DFGParser
import SoftFOL.Sign
import SoftFOL.Print (printFormula)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Search.Common.Data
import Search.Common.Normalization --(normalize,Formula,Const,TrueAtom)
import Search.SPASS.FormulaWrapper (wrapTerm,SpassConst)
import Search.DB.Connection (multiInsertProfiles,insertStatistics,ProfileTuple)
type DFGSkeleton = Formula (Constant SpassConst) Int
type DFGFormula = (SPTerm, LineNr, Role)
type DFGParameter = String
-- (lib,theory,lineNr,spterm,skel,pars,role,strength)
type DFGProfile = Profile SPTerm DFGSkeleton DFGParameter
readDFGFormulae :: SourceName -> IO [DFGFormula]
readDFGFormulae file = (readProblem file) >>= (return . getDFGFormulae)
readProblem :: SourceName -> IO SPProblem
readProblem filePath =
do result <- parseFromFile parseSPASS filePath
case result
of Left err -> error $ show err
Right spproblem -> return spproblem
dfgNormalize (lib,theory) (spterm, lineNr, role) =
Profile lib theory lineNr spterm skel pars role strength
where (skel,pars,strength) = normalize $ wrapTerm spterm
getDFGFormulae :: SPProblem -> [DFGFormula]
getDFGFormulae spproblem = concatMap unWrapFormulaList flsts
where (SPProblem _ _ (SPLogicalPart _ _ flsts _ _) _) = spproblem
unWrapFormulaList :: SPFormulaList -> [DFGFormula]
unWrapFormulaList flst = map (toDFGFormula role) (formulae flst)
where role = case originType flst
of SPOriginAxioms -> Axiom
SPOriginConjectures -> Theorem
toDFGFormula :: Role -> Named SPTerm -> (SPTerm, Int, Role)
toDFGFormula role sen = (spterm, lineNr, role)
where spterm = unType $ sentence sen
lineNr = read $ senAttr sen
unType :: SPTerm -> SPTerm
unType (SPSimpleTerm s) = (SPSimpleTerm s)
unType (SPComplexTerm s ts) = (SPComplexTerm s (map unType ts))
unType (SPQuantTerm q vs t) =
let isSyimpleTerm (SPSimpleTerm _) = True
isSyimpleTerm _ = False
in case partition isSyimpleTerm vs
of (vs',[]) -> SPQuantTerm q vs t
(vs',tvs) -> SPQuantTerm q mergedVars (compose q)
where vs'' = unions $ map (vars empty) tvs
mergedVars = toList $ union (fromList vs') vs''
wrapAnd [t] = t
wrapAnd ts = SPComplexTerm SPAnd tvs
compose SPForall = SPComplexTerm SPImplies [wrapAnd tvs, t]
compose SPExists = SPComplexTerm SPAnd (t:tvs)
compose _ = error "don't know how to untype this"
-- vars assumes quantifier free expressions
vars :: Set SPTerm -> SPTerm -> Set SPTerm
vars vs (SPSimpleTerm s) = insert (SPSimpleTerm s) vs
vars vs (SPComplexTerm _ ts) = unions $ (vs : (map (vars empty) ts))
vars _ _ = error "vars is not intended to handle quantified expressions."
f1 = "/home/immanuel/programming/casl/overloading_s1.dfg"
f2 = "/home/immanuel/dfg/query-files/test.dfg"
printDFGFormula (t,_,_) = printFormula $ makeNamed "" t
showTest = do [f] <- readDFGFormulae f2
return $ printDFGFormula f