ReusedTheorems.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $EmptyHeader$
Description : <optional short description entry>
Copyright : (c) <Authors or Affiliations>
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer : <email>
Stability : unstable | experimental | provisional | stable | frozen
Portability : portable | non-portable (<reason>)
<optional description>
module Main where
import Search.Common.Data as D hiding (parameter,role)
import Data.List as L
import Data.Map as M hiding ((!))
import Database.HaskellDB
import Database.HaskellDB.DriverAPI
import Database.HaskellDB.HDBRec
import Search.DB.Connection
--import Search.DB.FormulaDB.Profile as P
import Search.DB.FormulaDB.Short_profile as SP
import SoftFOL.Sign --(SPTerm,)
--import Search.DB.FormulaDB.Skel_to_theory as ST
import Search.DB.FormulaDB.Theory as T
import Search.DB.FormulaDB.Inclusion as I
import Search.DB.FormulaDB.Sentence
import MD5
import System.Environment (getArgs)
main = do args <- getArgs
case args of
(source:target:renaming':_) ->
let renaming = (read renaming')::D.Renaming SPIdentifier
in do result <- newTheorem (source,target,renaming)
appendFile "/home/immanuel/dfg/log/reused-theorems" $ show $ result
_ -> error "invalid arguments! It should be one of:\n???"
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
-- * Theorem Reuse
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
SET col_name1=expr1 [, col_name2=expr2 ...]
[WHERE where_condition]
[ORDER BY ...]
[LIMIT row_count]
recordTheoremReuse :: (Bool,Bool) -> IO ()
recordTheoremReuse (absolute,relative) = undefined
newTheorems :: IO [Int] -- [(Bool, Bool)]
newTheorems =
do recs <- allInclusions -- [(source,target,renaming)]
mapM newTheorem recs
newTheorem :: (TheoryName, TheoryName, D.Renaming SPIdentifier)
-> IO Int -- (Bool, Bool)
newTheorem (sourceTheory,targetTheory,renaming) = -- theory is intended to be a source theory
let toMd5 (skel,param) = md5s $ Str (skel ++ (show $ apply renaming param))
in do sourceTheoryId <- nameToTid sourceTheory
targetTheoryId <- nameToTid targetTheory
(skel,param) <- getTheoremOfTheory sourceTheoryId
absolute <- absoluteNewTheorem (skel,apply renaming param) -- sourceTheoremMd5
relative <- relativeNewTheorem (skel,param) targetTheoryId
case (sourceTheory == targetTheory, relative, absolute)
of (True,True,True) -> return 1
(True,True,False) -> return 2
(True,False,True) -> return 3 -- should not happen
(True,False,False) -> return 4
(False,True,True) -> return 5
(False,True,False) -> return 6
(False,False,True) -> return 7 -- should not happen
(False,False,False) -> return 8
if absolute
then return 2
else do relative <- relativeNewTheorem (skel,param) targetTheoryId
if relative then return 1 else return 0
relativeNewTheorem :: (TheoryName,[SPIdentifier]) -> Int -> IO Bool
relativeNewTheorem (sourceSkel,sourceParam) targetId =
let q = do t <- table short_profile -- the query
restrict ((t!SP.theory_id) .==. (constant targetId) .&&.
(t!SP.skeleton_md5) .==. (constant sourceSkel))
project (SP.parameter << t!SP.parameter)
recToTuple rec = parameter
where (RecCons parameter _) = rec RecNil
in do recs <- myQuery q -- assumming each theory in SoftFOL-MML as exactly one theorem
return $ not $ L.elem (show sourceParam) $ recToTuple recs
absoluteNewTheorem :: (TheoryName,[SPIdentifier]) -> IO Bool
absoluteNewTheorem (skel,param) = -- representing the source theorem
let sourceTheoremMd5 = md5s $ Str (skel ++ (show $ param))
q = do t <- table sentence
restrict ((t!skel_param_md5) .==. (constant sourceTheoremMd5))
project (skel_param_md5 << t!skel_param_md5)
in do recs <- myQuery q -- tid <-> name is bijective mapping
return $ (recs == [])
apply :: D.Renaming SPIdentifier -> [SPIdentifier] -> [SPIdentifier]
apply renaming param = param'
where param' = (f renaming) param
f renaming param = findWithDefault param param renaming
allInclusions :: IO [(TheoryName,TheoryName,D.Renaming SPIdentifier)]
allInclusions =
let q = do t <- table inclusion
project (I.source << t!I.source # << t! #
I.renaming << t!I.renaming)
recToTuple rec = (source,target,read renaming)
where (RecCons source (RecCons target (RecCons renaming _))) = rec RecNil
in do recs <- myQuery q -- tid <-> name is bijective mapping
return $ recToTuple recs
getTheoremOfTheory :: TheoryId -> IO (Skel,[SPIdentifier])
getTheoremOfTheory theoryId =
let q = do t <- table short_profile -- the query
restrict ((t!SP.theory_id) .==. (constant theoryId) .&&.
(t!SP.role) .==. (constant "conjecture"))
project (SP.skeleton_md5 << t!SP.skeleton_md5 #
SP.parameter << t!SP.parameter)
recToTuple rec = (skel, read parameter)
where (RecCons skel (RecCons parameter _)) = rec RecNil
in do (rec:_) <- myQuery q -- assumming each theory in SoftFOL-MML as exactly one theorem
return $ recToTuple rec
nameToTid :: TheoryName -> IO TheoryId
nameToTid name =
let q = do t <- table theory
restrict ((t! .==. (constant name))
project (T.tid << t!T.tid)
recToTuple rec = tid
where (RecCons tid _) = rec RecNil
in do (rec:_) <- myQuery q -- tid <-> name is bijective mapping
return $ recToTuple rec
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
-- * Database Access
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
type TheoryId = Int
getProfilesDFGFromDB n ss = (getProfilesFromDB n ss)::IO [ShortProfile String]
getProfilesFromDB :: (Read p) => TheoryId -> [Skel] -> IO [ShortProfile p]
getProfilesFromDB tTheoryId skels =
let q = do t <- table short_profile -- the query
restrict ((t!SP.theory_id) .==. (constant tTheoryId) .&&.
(_in (t!SP.skeleton_md5) ( constant skels)))
project (SP.skeleton_md5 << t!SP.skeleton_md5 #
SP.parameter << t!SP.parameter #
SP.line << t!SP.line # SP.role << t!SP.role)
recToTuple rec = (skel, (read parameter) , line, role)
where (RecCons skel (RecCons parameter (RecCons line (RecCons role _)))) =
rec RecNil
in do recs <- myQuery q
return $ recToTuple recs
showq tTheoryId =
do t <- table short_profile -- the query
restrict ((t!SP.theory_id) .==. (constant tTheoryId))
project (SP.skeleton_md5 << t!SP.skeleton_md5 #
SP.parameter << t!SP.parameter #
SP.line << t!SP.line # SP.role << t!SP.role)