InterActiveTesting.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Logic independent retrieval functionality
Copyright : (c) Immanuel Normann, Uni Bremen 2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module Main where
import Search.SPASS.FormulaWrapper (wrapTerm,SpassConst)
import Search.SPASS.UnWrap (readDFGFormulae)
import Search.Common.Normalization (normalize)
import Search.Common.Data hiding (parameter,role)
import Search.SPASS.ByteString
import Data.List as L
import Data.Set as S
import Data.Map as M hiding ((!))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Search.Utils.SetMap as SM --(fromListSetValues)
import Search.Utils.List
import Database.HaskellDB
import Database.HaskellDB.DriverAPI
import Database.HaskellDB.HDBRec
import Search.DB.Connection
--import Search.DB.FormulaDB.Profile as P
import Search.DB.FormulaDB.Short_profile as SP
import SoftFOL.Sign --(SPTerm,)
--import Search.DB.FormulaDB.Skel_to_theory as ST
import Search.DB.FormulaDB.Theory as T
import MD5
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents)
dir = "/home/immanuel/dfg/dfg-problems/alg_1"
dfgFile = "alg_1__t9_alg_1.dfg"
--dfgFile = "mod_1__t13_mod_1.dfg"
-- todo: SenType -> Role in ShortProfile
main = do args <- getArgs
case args of
("-db":dir:file:_) -> searchDFG True dir file >> return ()
(dir:file:_) -> searchDFG False dir file >> return ()
_ -> error "invalid arguments! It should be one of:\nsearch <dir> <file>"
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
-- * SPASS specific
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
searchDFG :: Bool -> DirPath -> FileName -> IO [[LongInclusionTuple SPIdentifier]]
searchDFG toDB = search toDB readAxiomsAndTheorems
readAxiomsAndTheorems :: DirPath -> FileName -> IO [Triple SpassConst SPIdentifier]
readAxiomsAndTheorems dir file =
do fs <- readDFGFormulae (dir ++ "/" ++ file) -- fs :: [DFGFormula]
return $ ( toSProfile fs)
type DFGFormula = (SPTerm, LineNr, Search.Common.Data.Role)
-- type ShortProfile p = (Skel, [p], LineNr, SenType)
toSProfile :: (SPTerm, LineNr, Search.Common.Data.Role)
-> Triple SpassConst SPIdentifier
toSProfile (spterm,line,role) = (formula,line,role')
where formula = wrapTerm spterm
--skel' = md5s $ Str $ show $ skel
role' = if role == Axiom then "axiom" else "theorem"
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
-- * Principle Functions
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
--test = search' "/home/immanuel/dfg/dfg-problems/alg_1" "alg_1__t9_alg_1.dfg"
--test' "/home/immanuel/dfg/dfg-problems/abcmiz_0" "abcmiz_0__t10_abcmiz_0.dfg"
-- "/home/immanuel/dfg/dfg-problems/bvfunc26" "bvfunc26__t22_bvfunc26.dfg"
test' dir file =
do triples <- readAxiomsAndTheorems dir file -- (formula,line,role') [ShortProfile p]
(axioms,theorems) <- return $ L.partition isAxiom $ normalizeAndCleanUp triples
--tIds <- targetIds $ getSkel axioms -- [Int]
tIdSets <- mapM readTheoryIds $ getSkel axioms
return $ (H tIdSets, S.size tIdSets)
search :: (Show p, Show c, Ord p, Ord c, Read p) =>
-> (DirPath -> TheoryName -> IO [Triple c p])
-> DirPath
-> TheoryName
-> IO [[LongInclusionTuple p]]
search toDB getSourceProfiles dir file =
do triples <- getSourceProfiles dir file -- (formula,line,role') [ShortProfile p]
(axioms,theorems) <- return $ L.partition isAxiom $ normalizeAndCleanUp triples
skels <- return $ getSkel axioms
tIds <- theoryIdsIntersection skels
theoryIdNamePairs <- idToName tIds
mapM (matchOne toDB skels axioms theorems file) theoryIdNamePairs
idToName :: [TargetId] -> IO [(TargetId,TheoryName)]
idToName theoryIds =
let q = do t <- table theory -- the query
restrict (_in (t!T.tid) ( constant theoryIds))
project (T.tid << t!T.tid # << t!
recToTuple rec = (id,name)
where (RecCons id (RecCons name _)) = rec RecNil
recsToMap recs = recToTuple recs
in do recs <- myQuery q
return $ recsToMap recs
-- type LongInclusionTuple p = (TheoryName, TheoryName, Renaming p, LineMap, [LineNr])
matchOne :: (Read p,Ord p,Show p) => Bool -> [Skel] -> [ShortProfile p] -> [ShortProfile p]
-> TheoryName -> (TheoryId,TheoryName)
-> IO [LongInclusionTuple p]
matchOne toDB skels sAxioms sTheorems sTheoryName (tTheoryId,tTheoryName) =
let toIncTuple (st,tt,ps,lm,lines) = (st,tt,ps,lm,length lines)
in do putStrLn tTheoryName
targetProfiles <- getProfilesFromDB tTheoryId skels
morphs <- return $ theoryInterpretation sAxioms targetProfiles
longIncTuples <- return ( (inclusionTuple sTheoryName tTheoryName
targetProfiles sTheorems)
if toDB
then do multiInsertInclusion $ ( toIncTuple longIncTuples)
return longIncTuples
else return longIncTuples
toProfile2 (skel, ps, lineNr, _) = (skel, (ps, lineNr))
type TargetId = Int
data Hide x = H x
targetIds :: [Skel] -> IO [TargetId]
targetIds skels =
do targetIdMatrix <- mapM readTheoryIds skels
return $ S.toList $ foldr1 S.intersection $
L.sortBy compSetSize targetIdMatrix
compSetSize :: Set Int -> Set Int -> Ordering -- for descending sortBy !!!
compSetSize s1 s2 = compare (S.size s2) (S.size s1)
-- skel: "000014d104f7cccb8a8bf6471f220f0a"
skel_cache_file = "/home/immanuel/dfg/skel-cache"
writeClassifiedTheoryIdSet :: Skel -> IO ()--TheoryIds
writeSkelCache :: IO ()
writeSkelCache =
do (_:_:skels) <- getDirectoryContents "/home/immanuel/dfg/cache"
writeFile skel_cache_file "skelCache = ["
mapM writeClassifiedTheoryIdSet skels
appendFile skel_cache_file "]"
writeClassifiedTheoryIdSet skel =
let classify tids = if S.size tids < 2000
then TIds (skel,(True,(S.size tids,tids)))
else TIds (skel,(False,(S.size tids,(complement tids))))
in do putStrLn skel
tids <- readTheoryIds skel
appendFile skel_cache_file (" " ++ (show $ classify tids) ++ ",\n")
readTheoryIds :: Skel -> IO (Set Int)
readTheoryIds skel = readFile ("/home/immanuel/dfg/cache/" ++ skel) >>= return . readIntSet
readIntSet str = (read str)::S.Set Int
allTids = S.fromList [1..41758]
complement :: Set Int -> Set Int
complement = S.difference allTids
data TheoryIds = TIds (Skel,(Bool,(Int,(Set Int)))) deriving Show
s16 = "00070b01ff9f0d8635d47dab235f8f8f"
s5101 = "0009fa10450577924b70d4978e5bf4ef"
TIds ("9f389b080cbea52db3851ec2a523464b",(True,(3,fromList [21134,21135,21159]))),
TIds ("fe69886c6b8c727abfed03f1e0c391fd",(True,(2,fromList [21159,36437]))),
*Main> theoryIdsIntersection ["9f389b080cbea52db3851ec2a523464b","fe69886c6b8c727abfed03f1e0c391fd"]
theoryIdsIntersection :: [Skel] -> IO [Int]
theoryIdsIntersection skels =
do bstrs <- mapM readTheorIdByteString skels
return $ fromByteString $ multiply bstrs
--theorIdByteStringIntersection bstrs = multiply bstrs
--readTheorIdByteString :: Skel -> Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString
readTheorIdByteString skel =
readByteString ("/home/immanuel/dfg/bytestring-cache/" ++ skel)
genByteCache :: IO ()
genByteCache =
do (_:_:skels) <- getDirectoryContents "/home/immanuel/dfg/cache"
mapM_ genByteCache1 skels
genByteCache1 :: Skel -> IO ()
genByteCache1 skel =
do putStrLn skel
str <- readFile ("/home/immanuel/dfg/cache/" ++ skel)
writeIntList ("/home/immanuel/dfg/bytestring-cache/" ++ skel) $
S.toAscList $ readIntSet str
genCocache :: Skel -> IO ()
genCocache skel =
do str <- readFile ("/home/immanuel/dfg/cache/" ++ skel)
writeFile ("/home/immanuel/dfg/cocache/" ++ skel)
(show $ S.toList $ complement $ readIntSet str)
theoryIdsFromCocache :: Skel -> IO [Int]
theoryIdsFromCocache skel = readFile ("/home/immanuel/dfg/cocache/" ++ skel) >>=
return . readIntList
where readIntList str = (read str)::[Int]
-- type ShortProfile p = (Skel, [p], LineNr, SenType)
isAxiom (_,_,_,r) = r == "axiom"
getSkel (skel,_,_,_) = skel
getRen (_,ren,_,_) = ren
getLine (_,_,line,_) = line
type Triple c p = (Search.Common.Data.Formula (Constant c) p, LineNr, SenType)
--normalizeAndCleanUp :: (Eq p) => [ShortProfile p] -> [ShortProfile p]
normalizeAndCleanUp :: (Show p, Show c, Ord p, Ord c) =>
[Triple c p] -> [ShortProfile p]
normalizeAndCleanUp triples = normalizeTriple cleanTriples
where isNonTrivial ((Const TrueAtom []),_,_) = False
isNonTrivial _ = True
eqTriples (f1,_,_) (f2,_,_) = f1 == f2
cleanTriples = nubBy eqTriples $ L.filter isNonTrivial triples
normalizeTriple (f,l,r) = (md5s $ Str $ show s,p,l,r)
where (s,p,_) = normalize f
inclusionTuple :: (Eq p,Ord p) =>
TheoryName -- ^ source theory
-> TheoryName -- ^ target theory
-> [ShortProfile p] -- ^ profiles of target sentences
-> [ShortProfile p] -- ^ profiles of source theorems
-> (Renaming p, LineMap) -- ^ profile mapping
-> LongInclusionTuple p -- ^ profiles of reused source theorems
inclusionTuple st tt ts ss (ren,lmap) = (st,tt,ren',lmap',newTheorems)
where newTheorems = lineOf $ reusedTheorems ts ss ren
lineOf (_,_,lNr,_) = lNr
neq a b = a /=b
ren' = M.filterWithKey neq ren
lmap' = M.filterWithKey neq lmap
reusedTheorems :: (Eq p,Ord p) => [ShortProfile p] -> [ShortProfile p] -> Renaming p -> [ShortProfile p]
reusedTheorems tSens sTheorems renaming = L.filter reusedTheorem sTheorems'
where sTheorems' = (translate renaming) sTheorems
neq (s1,p1,_,_) (s2,p2,_,_) = (s1 /= s2) || (p1 /= p2)
reusedTheorem s = all (neq s) tSens
translate :: (Ord p) => Renaming p -> ShortProfile p -> ShortProfile p
translate renaming (skel,param,lnr,role) = (skel,param',lnr,role)
where param' = (f renaming) param
f renaming param = findWithDefault param param renaming
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
-- * Database Access
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
type TheoryId = Int
getProfilesDFGFromDB n ss = (getProfilesFromDB n ss)::IO [ShortProfile String]
getProfilesFromDB :: (Read p) => TheoryId -> [Skel] -> IO [ShortProfile p]
getProfilesFromDB tTheoryId skels =
let q = do t <- table short_profile -- the query
restrict ((t!SP.theory_id) .==. (constant tTheoryId) .&&.
(_in (t!SP.skeleton_md5) ( constant skels)))
project (SP.skeleton_md5 << t!SP.skeleton_md5 #
SP.parameter << t!SP.parameter #
SP.line << t!SP.line # SP.role << t!SP.role)
recToTuple rec = (skel, (read parameter) , line, role)
where (RecCons skel (RecCons parameter (RecCons line (RecCons role _)))) =
rec RecNil
in do recs <- myQuery q
return $ recToTuple recs
showq tTheoryId =
do t <- table short_profile -- the query
restrict ((t!SP.theory_id) .==. (constant tTheoryId))
project (SP.skeleton_md5 << t!SP.skeleton_md5 #
SP.parameter << t!SP.parameter #
SP.line << t!SP.line # SP.role << t!SP.role)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
-- * Matching
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
theoryInterpretation :: (Read p, Ord p) => [ShortProfile p] -> [ShortProfile p]
-> [(Renaming p, LineMap)]
theoryInterpretation sAxioms tProfiles =
case ( (matchList tProfiles) sAxioms)
of [] -> []
matrix -> foldl1 merge (L.sortBy compListLength matrix) -- sort improves speed!
compListLength :: [a] -> [a] -> Ordering
compListLength s1 s2 = compare (L.length s1) (L.length s2)
{- |
merge takes two lists of profile mappings and returns the list of
all profile mappings resulting from a admissible union out of the
Cartesian product of the input lists. A union is of two profile mappings
is admissible iff their renamings are equal on their common domain.
merge :: (Ord p, Read p) => [(Renaming p, LineMap)]
-> [(Renaming p, LineMap)]
-> [(Renaming p, LineMap)]
merge ps1 ps2 = catMaybes [merge' p1 p2 | p1 <- ps1, p2 <- ps2]
where merge' (r1,l1) (r2,l2) =
case maybeUnion r1 r2
of (Just r) -> Just (r, M.union l1 l2)
Nothing -> Nothing
{- |
matchList takes a list of target pairs and a single source pair
and returns a list of renamings together with a line number mapping.
matchList :: (Ord p, Read p) =>
[ShortProfile p] -> ShortProfile p -> [(Renaming p, LineMap)]
matchList targetProfiles sourceProfile =
foldr justInsert [] ( (match sourceProfile) targetProfiles)
where justInsert Nothing lst = lst
justInsert (Just x) lst = x:lst
{- |
match takes two pairs and returns (Just)
a renaming of parameters and a line number association
if the pairs match and Nothing otherwise.
Each pair has a list of parameter as first component
and a line number as second. Each pair represents a formula
whose skeleton is supposed to be identical.
The pairs match iff their parameter do (s. 'constructRenaming').
match :: (Ord p, Read p) => ShortProfile p -> ShortProfile p
-> Maybe (Renaming p, LineMap)
match (s1,p1,l1,_) (s2,p2,l2,_) =
if s1 == s2
then case constructRenaming p1 p2
of (Just renaming) -> Just (renaming, M.singleton l1 l2)
_ -> Nothing
else Nothing
{- |
constructRenaming takes two lists of parameters and returns (Just) a pointwise
mapping between these lists if this is consistently possible.
Otherwise it returns Nothing.
constructRenaming :: (Ord p, Read p) => [p] -> [p] -> Maybe (Renaming p)
constructRenaming lst1 lst2 = SM.fromList $ zip lst1 lst2