FormulaWrapper.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias Tristl{- |
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias TristlModule : $Header$
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias TristlDescription : A formula wrapper from formulae defined in SoftFOL.Sign to data Formula defined in Common.Normalization
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias TristlCopyright : (c) Immanuel Normann, Uni Bremen 2007
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias TristlLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias Tristl
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias TristlMaintainer :
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias TristlStability : provisional
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias TristlPortability : portable
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias Tristl-}
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias Tristlmodule Search.SPASS.FormulaWrapper where
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias Tristl
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias Tristl
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias Tristlimport Search.Common.Data
8a0678903b06fbd3c9acf4f4cd137482e1dcd2aaMatthias Tristlimport SoftFOL.Sign
type SpassConst = SPIdentifier
wrapTerm :: SPTerm -> Formula (Constant SpassConst) SPIdentifier
wrapTerm (SPQuantTerm q vars f) = Binder (wrapQConst q) (map wrapVar vars) (wrapTerm f)
wrapTerm (SPComplexTerm SPImplied args) = wrapTerm (SPComplexTerm SPImplies (reverse args)) -- ist das die Semantik von implied?!?
wrapTerm (SPComplexTerm f args) =
case f
of (SPCustomSymbol s) -> Var s (map wrapTerm args)
_ -> Const (wrapConst f) (map wrapTerm args)
wrapTerm (SPSimpleTerm c) =
case c
of (SPCustomSymbol s) -> Var s []
_ -> Const (wrapConst c) []
wrapConst :: SPSymbol -> Constant SpassConst
wrapConst SPEqual = Equal
wrapConst SPTrue = TrueAtom
wrapConst SPFalse = FalseAtom
wrapConst SPOr = Or
wrapConst SPAnd = And
wrapConst SPNot = Not
wrapConst SPImplies = Imp
wrapConst SPEquiv = Eqv
--wrapConst SPXor = Xor
wrapQConst :: SPQuantSym -> Constant SpassConst
wrapQConst SPForall = All
wrapQConst SPExists = Some
wrapQConst (SPCustomQuantSym q) = LogicDependent q
wrapVar :: SPTerm -> SPIdentifier
wrapVar (SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol v)) = v -- only single variable can be bound
wrapVar v = error (show v ++ " is not allowed as bound variable")