Normalization.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
- minimal scope
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Formula Normalization
Copyright : (c) Immanuel Normann, Uni Bremen 2007
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module Search.Common.Normalization where
import Data.List
import Search.Utils.List
import Search.Common.Data
import Control.Monad.State
-- nur f�r den Abschnitt indexing n�tig, sollte vielleicht in eine Extradatai ausgelagert werden:
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Search.Common.BooleanRing (brForm)
import Search.Common.ACINormalization
data ScopeLabel a = Scope Int a deriving (Eq,Ord)
type MaxScope = Int
type ScopeId = Int
type ActualScope = Int
instance (Show a) => Show (ScopeLabel a) where
show (Scope n a) = show a ++ show n
{- +++++++++++++++++++++++ check well formedness +++++++++++++++++++++++ -}
checkWellFormedness ::(Show c,Show v,Eq c,Eq v,Ord v) => Formula (Constant c) v -> Formula (Constant c) v
checkWellFormedness (Var v fs) = Var v fs
checkWellFormedness (Const c fs) =
let passWithArrity n = if (length fs) == n
then Const c (map checkWellFormedness fs)
else error (show (Const c fs) ++
" has " ++ show (length fs) ++
" arguments, but it is only defined for " ++
show n ++ " arguments")
in case c of TrueAtom -> passWithArrity 0
Not -> passWithArrity 1
Imp -> passWithArrity 2
Eqv -> passWithArrity 2
Xor -> passWithArrity 2
_ -> Const c (map checkWellFormedness fs)
checkWellFormedness (Binder q vars f) = Binder q vars (checkWellFormedness f)
{- +++++++++++++++++++++++ remove true and false atoms +++++++++++++++++++++++ -}
true :: Formula (Constant c) v
true = Const TrueAtom []
false :: Formula (Constant c) v
false = Const FalseAtom []
elemTrueFalse :: (Eq c,Eq v,Ord v) => Formula (Constant c) v -> Formula (Constant c) v
elemTrueFalse (Var v fs) = (Var v fs)
elemTrueFalse (Const Not [f]) =
case (elemTrueFalse f)
of (Const TrueAtom []) -> false
(Const FalseAtom []) -> true
f' -> Const Not [f']
elemTrueFalse (Const Imp fs) =
case map elemTrueFalse fs
of [Const TrueAtom [],f] -> f
[Const FalseAtom [],_] -> true
[_,Const TrueAtom []] -> true
[f,Const FalseAtom []] -> Const Not [f]
fs' -> Const Imp fs'
elemTrueFalse (Const Eqv fs) =
case map elemTrueFalse fs
of [Const TrueAtom [],f] -> f
[Const FalseAtom [],f] -> Const Not [f]
[f,Const TrueAtom []] -> f
[f,Const FalseAtom []] -> Const Not [f]
fs' -> Const Eqv fs'
elemTrueFalse (Const Xor fs) =
case map elemTrueFalse fs
of [Const TrueAtom [],f] -> Const Not [f]
[Const FalseAtom [],f] -> f
[f,Const TrueAtom []] -> Const Not [f]
[f,Const FalseAtom []] -> f
fs' -> Const Xor fs'
elemTrueFalse (Const Or fs) =
let fs' = map elemTrueFalse fs
in if elem true fs'
then true
else case filter (/=false) fs'
of [] -> false -- i.e. every component of fs was false so (Const Or fs) is false
[f] -> f -- Or with a single argument f is interpreted as f itself!!
ffs -> (Const Or ffs)
elemTrueFalse (Const And fs) =
let fs' = map elemTrueFalse fs
in if elem false fs'
then false
else case filter (/=true) fs'
of [] -> true -- i.e. every component of fs was false so (Const Or fs) is false
[f] -> f -- And with a single argument f is interpreted as f itself!!
ffs -> (Const And ffs)
elemTrueFalse (Const c fs) = Const c (map elemTrueFalse fs) -- iff c is true, false or a logic dependent constant
elemTrueFalse (Binder c vars f) =
case (elemTrueFalse f)
of (Const TrueAtom []) -> true
(Const FalseAtom []) -> false
f' -> (Binder c vars f')
{- +++++++++++++++++++++++ annotateScope +++++++++++++++++++++++ -}
-- todo: remove vars from binding occurence which do not occur also in the body of a binding expression
-- e.g. (all (a,b) (f a)) -> (all (a) (f a))
annotateScope :: (Eq v,Ord v) => Formula c v -> Formula c (ScopeLabel v)
annotateScope f = fst $ state (0,[])
where (State state) = annotateScopeST f
annotateScopeST :: (Eq v,Ord v) => Formula c v -> State (MaxScope,[(ScopeId,[v])]) (Formula c (ScopeLabel v))
annotateScopeST (Const c ts) =
do nts <- mapM annotateScopeST ts
return (Const c nts)
annotateScopeST (Var v ts) =
do (ms,sl) <- get
nts <- mapM annotateScopeST ts
return (Var (mkScopeLabel (ms,sl) v) nts)
annotateScopeST (Binder c vars body) =
do (ms,sl) <- get
let newMs = ms + 1
newVars = (map (Scope newMs) vars)
newSl = (newMs,vars):sl
in do put (newMs,newSl)
newBody <- (annotateScopeST body)
(newMs6,_) <- get
put (newMs6,sl)
return (Binder c newVars newBody)
mkScopeLabel :: (Eq a) => (MaxScope,[(ScopeId,[a])]) -> a -> ScopeLabel a
mkScopeLabel (_,sl) a = Scope (getActualScope a sl) a
getActualScope :: (Eq var) => var -> [(ScopeId,[var])] -> ActualScope
getActualScope _ [] = 0
getActualScope var ((scopeId,vars):rest) =
if (elem var vars) then scopeId else getActualScope var rest
*Normalization> annotateScope f1
Const "and" [Var (Scope 0 "a") [],Binder "forall" [Scope 1 "a"] (Var (Scope 1 "a") []),Var (Scope 0 "a") [],Binder "forall" [Scope 2 "a"] (Var (Scope 2 "a") [])]
*Normalization> annotateScope f2
Const "and" [Var (Scope 0 "a") [],Binder "forall" [Scope 1 "a"] (Binder "forall" [Scope 2 "a"] (Var (Scope 2 "a") [])),Var (Scope 0 "a") [],Binder "forall" [Scope 3 "a"] (Var (Scope 3 "a") [])]
*Normalization> annotateScope f3
Const "and" [Var (Scope 0 "a") [],Binder "forall" [Scope 1 "a",Scope 1 "b"] (Binder "forall" [Scope 2 "a",Scope 2 "fun"] (Var (Scope 2 "fun") [Var (Scope 2 "a") [],Var (Scope 1 "b") []])),Var (Scope 0 "a") [],Binder "forall" [Scope 3 "a"] (Var (Scope 3 "a") [])]
{- +++++++++++++++++++++++ prenex +++++++++++++++++++++++ -}
prenex :: Formula (Constant c) v -> Formula (Constant c) v
prenex = moveLeftAllSome . pushInwardsNot . elemImpEqvXor
elemImpEqvXor :: Formula (Constant c) v -> Formula (Constant c) v
elemImpEqvXor (Binder b vars body) = Binder b vars (elemImpEqvXor body)
elemImpEqvXor (Const Imp [a,b]) = Const Or [Const Not [elemImpEqvXor a],elemImpEqvXor b]
elemImpEqvXor (Const Eqv [a,b]) = Const And [Const Or [Const Not [elemImpEqvXor a], (elemImpEqvXor b)],
Const Or [Const Not [elemImpEqvXor b], (elemImpEqvXor a)]]
elemImpEqvXor (Const Xor [a,b]) = Const Or [Const And [Const Not [elemImpEqvXor a], (elemImpEqvXor b)],
Const And [Const Not [elemImpEqvXor b], (elemImpEqvXor a)]]
elemImpEqvXor (Const Not [a]) = Const Not [elemImpEqvXor a]
elemImpEqvXor (Const c fs) = Const c (map elemImpEqvXor fs)
elemImpEqvXor (Var v fs) = Var v fs -- no recursive call here, because logical constants can't occur in fs!
{- | 'pushInwardsNot' pushes "not" inwards
pushInwardsNot :: Formula (Constant c) v -> Formula (Constant c) v
pushInwardsNot (Const Not [Const Not [f]]) = pushInwardsNot f
pushInwardsNot (Const Not [f]) =
let insertNot x = pushInwardsNot (Const Not [x])
in case f
of (Binder All vars body) -> Binder Some vars (insertNot body)
(Binder Some vars body) -> Binder All vars (insertNot body)
(Binder c vars body) -> error ("undefined binder ") -- ++ show c)
(Const And fs) -> Const Or (map insertNot fs)
(Const Or fs) -> Const And (map insertNot fs)
(Const c fs) -> (Const Not [Const c (map pushInwardsNot fs)]) -- better error for c = Imp, Eqv, Xor?
(Var c fs) -> Const Not [Var c fs]
pushInwardsNot (Const c fs) = Const c (map pushInwardsNot fs)
pushInwardsNot (Var c fs) = Var c fs -- no recursive call here, because logical constants can't occur in fs!
pushInwardsNot (Binder c vars body) = Binder c vars (pushInwardsNot body)
{- | 'moveLeftAllSome' moves all quantifiers outwards yielding the prenexform
moveLeftAllSome :: Formula (Constant c) v -> Formula (Constant c) v -- todo: check this! Does it really work how it should?
moveLeftAllSome (Binder b vs f) = Binder b vs (moveLeftAllSome f)
moveLeftAllSome (Const c fs) = (exQ (Const c (collectF fs')) fs')
where fs' = map moveLeftAllSome fs
exQ :: Formula (Constant c) v -> [Formula (Constant c) v] -> Formula (Constant c) v
exQ f ((Binder b vars body):rest) = Binder b vars (exQ f (body:rest))
exQ f (_:rest) = exQ f rest
exQ f [] = f
collectF :: [Formula (Constant c) v] -> [Formula (Constant c) v]
collectF ((Binder _ _ body):rest) = (collectF [body]) ++ (collectF rest)
collectF (h:rest) = h:(collectF rest)
collectF [] = []
moveLeftAllSome (Var c fs) = Var c fs -- no recursive call here, because quantifiers can't occur in fs!
{- +++++++++++++++++++++++ cnf +++++++++++++++++++++++ -}
cnf :: (Eq c) => Formula (Constant c) v -> Formula (Constant c) v
cnf (Binder b vs body) = Binder b vs (cnf body)
cnf f = cnfBody f
cnfBody :: (Eq c) => Formula (Constant c) v -> Formula (Constant c) v
cnfBody (Var v ts) = (Var v ts)
cnfBody (Const TrueAtom _) = (Const TrueAtom [])
cnfBody (Const FalseAtom _) = (Const FalseAtom [])
cnfBody t = case (termType t)
of CNF -> t
OrAndTree -> cnfBody (Const And (distOr t))
OtherTree -> cnfBody $ makeOrAndTree $ cnfChildren t
where cnfChildren (Const c ts) = (Const c (map cnfBody ts))
cnfChildren f = f
OtherTree -> cnfBody $ makeOrAndTree t
{- | 'makeOrAndTree' assumes as input an and-or-tree formula.
It returns a flattened and-or-tree meaning each child of an and (or) node
is either an or (and) node or a literal
makeOrAndTree :: (Eq c) => Formula (Constant c) v -> Formula (Constant c) v
makeOrAndTree (Const And ts) = (Const And (ands ++ others))
where (ands',others) = partition (equalsConstant And) ts
ands = stripOff ands'
makeOrAndTree (Const Or ts) = (Const Or (ands ++ ors ++ nots))
where (ands,others) = partition (equalsConstant And) ts
(ors',nots) = partition (equalsConstant Or) others
ors = stripOff ors'
makeOrAndTree f = f
stripOff :: [Formula (Constant c) v] -> [Formula (Constant c) v]
stripOff ((Const _ fs1):fs2) = fs1 ++ (stripOff fs2)
stripOff (f:fs2) = f:(stripOff fs2)
stripOff [] = []
equalsConstant :: (Eq c) => (Constant c) -> Formula (Constant c) v -> Bool
equalsConstant c (Const a _) = c == a
equalsConstant _ _ = False
isAtom :: Formula (Constant c) v -> Bool
isAtom (Var _ _) = True
isAtom (Const Equal _) = True
isAtom (Const (LogicDependent _) _) = True -- todo: Is this true??
isAtom _ = False
isLiteral :: Formula (Constant c) v -> Bool
isLiteral (Const Not [f]) = isAtom f
isLiteral f = isAtom f
isClause :: Formula (Constant c) v -> Bool
isClause (Const Or ts) = all isLiteral ts
isClause t = isLiteral t
isCNF :: Formula (Constant c) v -> Bool
isCNF (Const And ts) = all isClause ts
isCNF t = isClause t
distOr :: Formula (Constant c) v -> [Formula (Constant c) v]
distOr (Const Or ((Const And (f:fs1)):fs2)) =
(Const Or (f:fs2)):(distOr (Const Or ((Const And fs1):fs2)))
distOr (Const Or ((Const And []):_)) = []
distOr f = [f]
data TermType = CNF | OrAndTree | OtherTree deriving Show
termType :: Formula (Constant c) v -> TermType
termType (Const Or ((Const And _):_)) = OrAndTree
termType t = if (isCNF t) then CNF else OtherTree
{- +++++++++++++++++++++++ aci normalization +++++++++++++++++++++++ -}
aciFormula (Binder q vars f) = Binder q vars (aciFormula f)
aciFormula prop = aciProp prop -- prop must not contain binder expr as subterms!
-- returns an error if prop has a binder expr as subterm
aciProp prop = (npropToProp symbList) $ ntermToNprop (replace symbList term)
where term = propToTerm prop
(symbList:_) = aciMorphism term
formulaToTerm (Binder _ _ f) = formulaToTerm f
formulaToTerm f = propToTerm f
propToTerm (Const And fs) = Sequence [Symbol (C And),ACI (Set.fromList (map propToTerm fs))]
propToTerm (Const Or fs) = Sequence [Symbol (C Or),ACI (Set.fromList (map propToTerm fs))]
propToTerm (Const Equal fs) = Sequence [Symbol (C Equal),ACI (Set.fromList (map propToTerm fs))] -- und weitere
propToTerm (Const c []) = Symbol (C c)
propToTerm (Const c fs) = Sequence (Symbol (C c): (map propToTerm fs))
propToTerm (Var v []) = Symbol (V v)
propToTerm (Var v fs) = Sequence (Symbol (V v): (map propToTerm fs))
data NTerm = N Int [NTerm] deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
ntermToNprop (Number n) = N n []
ntermToNprop (Sequence [Number n,ACI ts]) = N n (map ntermToNprop (Set.toList ts))
ntermToNprop (Sequence (Number n:ts)) = N n (map ntermToNprop ts)
ntermToNprop t = error ("ntermToNprop can't handle " ++ show t)
npropToProp symbList (N n nts) =
case (symbList!!n)
of (C c) -> Const c (map (npropToProp symbList) nts)
(V v) -> Var v (map (npropToProp symbList) nts)
{- +++++++++++++++++++++++ merge binding +++++++++++++++++++++++ -}
mergeBinding :: Eq c => Formula c v -> Formula c v
mergeBinding (Binder c1 vs1 (Binder c2 vs2 body)) =
if c1 == c2 then mergeBinding (Binder c1 (vs1 ++ vs2) body)
else Binder c1 vs1 (Binder c2 vs2 (mergeBinding body))
mergeBinding (Binder c vs body) = Binder c vs (mergeBinding body)
mergeBinding (Const c fs) = Const c (map mergeBinding fs)
mergeBinding (Var v fs) = Var v fs -- no recursive call here, because binders can't occur in fs!
{- +++++++++++++++++++++++ sort bindings +++++++++++++++++++++++ -}
sortBinding :: (Ord v) => Formula c v -> Formula c v
sortBinding (Binder c vs body) = Binder c (sort vs) (sortBinding body)
sortBinding (Const c fs) = Const c (map sortBinding fs)
sortBinding (Var v fs) = Var v fs
{- +++++++++++++++++++++++ alphaNormalize +++++++++++++++++++++++ -}
data IntVar v = SVar v | NVar Int
instance Show sv => Show (IntVar sv) where
show (SVar v) = show v
show (NVar n) = show n
alphaNormalize :: (Eq v,Ord v) => Formula c (ScopeLabel v) -> (Formula c Int,[v],[ScopeLabel v])
alphaNormalize f = (nf,reverse freeVars,boundVars)
where (nf,(freeVars,boundVars)) = state ([],[])
(State state) = alphaNormalizeST f
alphaNormalizeST :: (Eq v,Ord v) => Formula c (ScopeLabel v) -> State ([v],[ScopeLabel v]) (Formula c Int)
alphaNormalizeST (Const c ts) =
do nts <- mapM alphaNormalizeST ts
return (Const c nts)
alphaNormalizeST (Var v ts) =
do num <- separateSymbols v
nts <- mapM alphaNormalizeST ts
return (Var num nts)
alphaNormalizeST (Binder c vars body) =
do nbody <- alphaNormalizeST body
nvars <- mapM separateSymbols vars
return (Binder c nvars nbody)
--data FBVar v = FreeVar v | BoundVar v deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
separateSymbols :: (Eq s,Ord s) => (ScopeLabel s) -> State ([s],[ScopeLabel s]) Int
separateSymbols symbol =
case symbol
of (Scope 0 v) -> do (freeVars,boundVars) <- get
put (v:freeVars,boundVars)
return 0
(Scope _ _) -> do (freeVars,boundVars) <- get
let (newBoundVars,int) = updateListAndGetIndex symbol boundVars
in do put (freeVars,newBoundVars)
return (int+1)
*Normalization> alphaNormalize $ annotateScope f1
((and 0 (all (1) 1) 0 (all (2) 2)),([a,a],[a1,a2]))
*Normalization> alphaNormalize $ annotateScope f2
((and 0 (all (2) (all (1) 1)) 0 (all (3) 3)),([a,a],[a2,a1,a3]))
*Normalization> alphaNormalize $ annotateScope f3
((and 0 (all (4 3) (all (2 1) (1 2 3))) 0 (all (5) 5)),([a,a],[f2,a2,b1,a1,a3]))
--normalize :: (Eq v,Ord v,Ord c) => Formula (Constant c) v -> (Formula (Constant c) Int,[v],[ScopeLabel v])
--normalize :: (Show c, Show v,Eq v,Ord v,Ord c) => Formula (Constant c) v -> (Skeleton c,[v],String)
normalize f = if (countNodes f > 100) -- && (maxACI f > 8)
then getSkeletonParams ((weakNormalize f),"weak")
else getSkeletonParams ((strongNormalize f),"strong")
where getSkeletonParams ((sceleton,paramaters,_),info) = (sortBinding sceleton,paramaters,info)
weakNormalize = alphaNormalize . mergeBinding . elemTrueFalse . prenex . annotateScope
strongNormalize = alphaNormalize . mergeBinding . maybeAciFormula . cnf . elemTrueFalse . prenex . annotateScope
maybeAciFormula f = if (maxACI f < 8) then (aciFormula f) else f
countNodes (Var _ fs) = 1 + (sum (map countNodes fs))
countNodes (Const _ fs) = 1 + (sum (map countNodes fs))
countNodes (Binder _ vars f) = 1 + (length vars) + (countNodes f)
maxOfArgs :: [Formula (Constant c) v] -> Int
maxOfArgs fs = if null fs then 0 else (maximum (map maxACI fs))
maxACI :: Formula (Constant c) v -> Int
maxACI (Const Or fs) = max (length fs) (maxOfArgs fs)
maxACI (Const And fs) = max (length fs) (maxOfArgs fs)
maxACI (Var _ fs) = (maxOfArgs fs)
maxACI (Const _ fs) = (maxOfArgs fs)
maxACI (Binder _ _ f) = (maxACI f)
{- +++++++++++++++++++++++ Linearisierung abstrakter Formeln +++++++++++++++++++++++ -}
--data Formula c v = Const c [Formula c v] | Var v [Formula c v] | Binder c [v] (Formula c v)
type Link = String -- vorlauefig: hier sollen die zugehoerigen Formelparameter der abstrakten Formel abgelegt werden, sowie ein pointer zu der Theorie und der konkreten Formel darin.
type ArityMap c v = Map.Map Int (SymbolMap c v)
data SymbolMap c v = Branch (Map.Map (SymbolNode c v) (ArityMap c v))
| Leaf (Map.Map (SymbolNode c v) Link) deriving (Show,Ord,Eq)
data SymbolNode c v = C c | V v deriving (Show,Ord,Eq)
type AF c = Formula (Constant c) Int
type TreeOfLAF c v = Map.Map Int (SymbolMap c v)