Intersection.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $EmptyHeader$
Description : <optional short description entry>
Copyright : (c) <Authors or Affiliations>
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer : <email>
Stability : unstable | experimental | provisional | stable | frozen
Portability : portable | non-portable (<reason>)
<optional description>
module Search.Common.Intersection where
import Search.Utils.SetMap (maybeUnion)
import Data.List (elemIndex,nub,sort)
import Data.Set (fromList,toList, difference)
import Data.Map (unions)
import Search.Common.Data
import Search.Common.Select (constructRenaming)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.Indep (indep)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (mkUGraph,Node,Edge)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree
type Intersection f s p = ([Profile f s p],Renaming p)
data MinRenaming f s p =
MinRen {profile :: Profile f s p,
renaming :: Renaming p,
linePair :: (LineNr,LineNr)} deriving (Show,Eq)
intersect :: (Eq s, Eq f,Ord s, Ord f,Ord p, Read p, Show p) =>
(FilePath -> IO ([Profile f s p]))
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> IO (Intersection f s p)
intersect readFromFile t1 t2 =
do p1 <- readFromFile t1
p2 <- readFromFile t2
return (theoryIntersection p1 p2)
theoryIntersection :: (Eq s, Eq f,Read p,Ord s, Ord f, Ord p)
=> [Profile f s p]
-> [Profile f s p]
-> Intersection f s p
theoryIntersection ps1 ps2 = (intersection,renaming')
where mappings = takeJust [minTrans p1 p2 | p1 <- ps1, p2 <- ps2]
compatibles = [(v1,v2) | v1 <- mappings, v2 <- mappings,
compatible (renaming v1) (renaming v2)]
nodes = [0..((length mappings)-1)]
toId v = case elemIndex v mappings of (Just i) -> i
toEdges (v1,v2) = (toId v1, toId v2)
maxClique = findMaximumClique nodes (map toEdges compatibles)
minRenaming = map (mappings!!) maxClique
renaming' = unions (map renaming minRenaming)
intersection = sort $ nub $ map profile minRenaming
compatible :: (Ord p) => Renaming p -> Renaming p -> Bool
compatible r1 r2 =
case maybeUnion r1 r2
of (Just _) -> True
Nothing -> False
match :: (Eq s,Ord p, Read p) => Profile f s p -> Profile f s p -> Maybe (MinRenaming f s p)
match p1 p2 =
if skeleton p1 /= skeleton p2
then Nothing
else case constructRenaming (parameter p1) (parameter p2)
of (Just renaming) -> Just (MinRen p1 renaming (lineNr p1,lineNr p2))
_ -> Nothing
minTrans :: (Eq s,Read p, Ord p) =>
Profile f s p
-> Profile f s p
-> Maybe (MinRenaming f s p)
minTrans p1 p2 =
case match p1 p2
of (Just r) -> if bijective r then Just r else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
bijective :: MinRenaming f s p -> Bool
bijective _ = True -- tmp!!!
takeJust :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
takeJust ((Just x):xs) = x:(takeJust xs)
takeJust (Nothing:xs) = takeJust xs
takeJust [] = []
graph theoretic functions
findMaximumClique :: [Node] -> [Edge] -> [Node]
findMaximumClique nodes edges = indep dualGraph
where dualGraph = mkUGraph nodes (mkDualEdges nodes edges)::Gr () ()
mkDualEdges nodes edges = toList $ difference (fromList allEdges) (fromList edges)
where allEdges = [(n1,n2) | n1 <- nodes, n2 <- nodes]