BooleanRing.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Boolean ring normalization. Intended to replace CNF in Common.Normalization
Copyright : (c) Immanuel Normann, Uni Bremen 2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module Search.Common.BooleanRing where
import Search.Common.Data
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
todo: Elimination von: imp, or , eqv, neg
flatten, distr
brForm :: (Show c, Show v, Ord v, Ord c) =>
Formula (Constant c) v -> Formula (Constant c) v
brForm (Binder b vs body) = Binder b vs (brForm body)
brForm f = br -- reduce $ fromAlgebra f
where (Const Xor ands) = reduce $ fromAlgebra f
br = (Const Xor (map reduceAnd ands)) -- todo: this should be already performed in reduce
reduceAnd (Const And xs) = (Const And (L.nub xs))
reduceAnd f = f
fromAlgebra (Var v xs) = (Var v xs)
fromAlgebra (Const Not [x]) = Const Xor [Const TrueAtom [],fromAlgebra x]
fromAlgebra (Const Imp [x,y]) = fromAlgebra (Const Or [(Const Not [x]),y])
fromAlgebra (Const And xs) = Const And (map fromAlgebra xs)
fromAlgebra (Const Or [x]) = fromAlgebra x
fromAlgebra (Const Or (x:y:rest)) =
fromAlgebra (Const Or ((Const Xor [x,y,(Const And [x,y])]):rest))
fromAlgebra (Const Eqv [x,y]) = fromAlgebra (Const Not [Const Xor [x,y]])
fromAlgebra (Const Xor xs) = Const Xor (map fromAlgebra xs)
fromAlgebra (Const TrueAtom []) = Const TrueAtom []
fromAlgebra (Const FalseAtom []) = Const FalseAtom []
fromAlgebra (Const Equal xs) =(Const Equal xs)
fromAlgebra (Binder _ _ _) = error "quantitfier free expression expected"
fromAlgebra f = error ("fromAlgebra: pattern not supported in " ++ show f)
reduce (Var x args) = (Var x args)
reduce (Const TrueAtom _) = (Const TrueAtom [])
reduce (Const FalseAtom _) = (Const FalseAtom [])
reduce (Const Xor [Const TrueAtom []]) = true -- stimmt das so?
reduce (Const Xor [x]) = reduce x -- stimmt das so?
reduce (Const Xor (Const FalseAtom []:rest)) = reduce (Const Xor rest)
reduce (Const Xor args) =
let args1 = L.sort (map reduce args)
reducePairs (x:y:rest) =
if x == y then (reducePairs rest)
else x:(reducePairs (y:rest))
reducePairs xs = xs
in case pull Xor (filter (/=false) (reducePairs args1)) -- try to pull an Xor expression to front
of ((Const Xor args2):rest) -> reduce (Const Xor (args2 ++ rest))
[] -> Const FalseAtom [] -- stimmt das so?
[Const FalseAtom []] -> Const FalseAtom [] -- stimmt das so?
[Const TrueAtom []] -> Const TrueAtom [] -- stimmt das so?
args3 -> Const Xor args3
reduce (Const And fs) =
let fs' = L.nub $ L.sort $ map reduce fs
in if elem false fs'
then false
else case pull And (filter (/=true) fs') -- try to pull an And expression to front
of [] -> true -- i.e. every component of fs was false so (Const And fs) is false
[f] -> f -- And with a single argument f is interpreted as f itself!!
((Const And ffs'):ffs) -> reduce (Const And (L.sort (ffs'++ffs)))
ffs -> case pull Xor ffs
of ((Const Xor ffs'):ffs) -> reduce (Const Xor (distAnd ffs' ffs))
_ -> (Const And ffs)
reduce (Const Equal xs) =(Const Equal xs)
reduce x = error ("todo: " ++ show x)
distAnd l1 l2 = map (\x -> Const And (x:l2)) l1
pull op lst = pull' lst []
where pull' [] acc = acc
pull' ((Const op2 xs):ys) acc =
if op == op2
then ((Const op2 xs):ys)++acc
else pull' ys ((Const op2 xs):acc)
pull' (y:ys) acc = pull' ys (y:acc)
-- helpers
true :: Formula (Constant c) v
true = Const TrueAtom []
false :: Formula (Constant c) v
false = Const FalseAtom []
*Common.BooleanRing> t <- getTerm "implies(and(a,b),a)"
(imp (and "a" "b") "a")
*Common.BooleanRing> t
(imp (and "a" "b") "a")
*Common.BooleanRing> fromAlgebra t
(xor (xor true (and "a" "b")) "a" (and (xor true (and "a" "b")) "a"))
*Common.BooleanRing> reduce $ fromAlgebra t
t <- getTerm "xor(a,and(b,b),and(a,true))"
*Common.BooleanRing> t <- getTerm "xor(a,and(b,and(b,b)),and(a,true))"
(xor "a" (and "b" (and "b" "b")) (and "a" true))
*Common.BooleanRing> reduce t
*Common.BooleanRing> t <- getTerm "and(a,and(b,and(b,a)),and(a,true))"
(and "a" (and "b" (and "b" "a")) (and "a" true))
*Common.BooleanRing> reduce t
(and "a" "b")
*Common.BooleanRing> t <- getTerm "xor(a,b,c,b,c,c,a)"
(xor "a" "b" "c" "b" "c" "c" "a")
*Common.BooleanRing> reduce t
(xor "c")
*Common.BooleanRing> t <- getTerm "and(a,xor(b,c,d))"
(and "a" (xor "b" "c" "d"))
*Common.BooleanRing> reduce t
(xor (and "a" "b") (and "a" "c") (and "a" "d"))
*Common.BooleanRing> t <- getTerm "xor(a,a)"
(xor "a" "a")
*Common.BooleanRing> reduce t
*Common.BooleanRing> t <- getTerm "and(a,xor(b,and(a,c,a),xor(a,and(a,a))),and(a,b))"
(and "a" (xor "b" (and "a" "c" "a") (xor "a" (and "a" "a"))) (and "a" "b"))
*Common.BooleanRing> reduce t
(xor (and "a" "b") (and "a" "b" "c"))
*Common.BooleanRing> t <- reduceBTerm "implies(a,b)"
(xor "a" (and "b" "a") true)
*Common.BooleanRing> reduceBTerm "or(a,b,c)"
(xor "c" "b" "a" (and "c" "b" "a") (and "c" "b") (and "c" "a") (and "b" "a"))
*Common.BooleanRing> reduceBTerm "equiv(a,a)"
*Common.BooleanRing> getBTerm "equiv(implies(and(a,b),c),implies(a,implies(b,c)))"
(xor true (xor (xor (xor true (and "a" "b")) "c" (and (xor true (and "a" "b")) "c")) (xor (xor true "a") (xor (xor true "b") "c" (and (xor true "b") "c")) (and (xor true "a") (xor (xor true "b") "c" (and (xor true "b") "c"))))))
*Common.BooleanRing> reduceBTerm "equiv(implies(and(a,b),c),implies(a,implies(b,c)))"