ACStandardization.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Normalization w.r.t. associativity and commutativity
Copyright : (c) Immanuel Normann, Uni Bremen 2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module Search.Common.ACStandardization where
import Search.Utils.List (updateListAndGetIndex)
type Arity = Int
type AC = Bool
data Symbol l v p = Logical l Arity AC
| Parameter p Arity AC
| Variable v Arity AC
| Lambda l Arity deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
type State l v p = (([v], [p]), [Symbol l Int Int], [Symbol l v p])
acStandardize :: (Eq v, Ord l) =>
[Symbol l v p] -> ([Symbol l Int Int], [[Symbol l v p]])
acStandardize termStr = (acSkeleton,acParametrizations)
where initMorph = ([],[])
initPrefix = []
initSuffix = termStr
finalStates = pd [(initMorph,initPrefix,initSuffix)]
((_,acSkeleton,_):_) = finalStates
third (_,_,p) = p
acParametrizations = map third finalStates
pd states = case (head states)
of (_,_,[]) -> states
_ -> pd $ prun $ dist states
prun :: (Ord l) => [State l v p] -> [State l v p]
prun (s:states) = prun' [s] states
where prun' minStates [] = minStates
prun' (ms:minStates) (s:states) =
let compStates (_,(p:_),_) (_,(q:_),_) = compare p q
in case compStates ms s
of LT -> prun' (ms:minStates) states
EQ -> prun' (s:ms:minStates) states
GT -> prun' [s] states
dist :: (Eq v) => [State l v p] -> [State l v p]
dist states = concatMap dist1 states -- nub
where dist1 (morph,prefix,suffix) =
[succState (morph,prefix,suffix') | suffix' <- acPermuteSuffix suffix]
succState :: (Eq v) => State l v p -> State l v p
succState (morph,prefix,s:suffix) = (morph',(s':prefix),suffix)
where (morph',s') = updateMorph morph s
updateMorph :: (Eq v) =>
([v], [p]) -> Symbol l v p -> (([v], [p]), Symbol l Int Int)
updateMorph (vlst,plst) s =
case s
of (Lambda l ar) -> ((vlst,plst),(Lambda l ar))
(Logical l ar ac) -> ((vlst,plst),(Logical l ar ac))
(Parameter p ar ac) -> ((vlst,p:plst),
(Parameter ((length plst) + 1) ar ac))
(Variable v ar ac) -> ((vlst',plst),(Variable i ar ac))
where (vlst',i) = updateListAndGetIndex v vlst
acPermuteSuffix :: [Symbol l v p] -> [[Symbol l v p]]
acPermuteSuffix [] = error "ac permutation requiers a non-empty list"
acPermuteSuffix suffix = if (isAC $ head suffix) then suffixes else [suffix]
where (args,rest) = subterms suffix
suffixes = map (((head suffix):) . (++rest)) (rotate args)
rotate :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
rotate lst = map concat $ map (per lst) [1..(length lst)]
where per lst n = ys++xs where (xs,ys) = splitAt n lst
subterms :: [Symbol l v p] -> ([[Symbol l v p]], [Symbol l v p])
subterms lst = (reverse fss,bs)
where (fss,bs) = sublists (arity $ head lst) ([],tail lst)
sublists n (fs,bs) = (fs',bs')
where (fs',bs') = if n>=1 then sublists (n-1) (f:fs,bs'') else (fs,bs)
(f,bs'') = subterm bs
subterm :: [Symbol l v p] -> ([Symbol l v p], [Symbol l v p])
subterm lst = ((reverse front),back)
where (front,back) = sublist 0 ([],lst)
sublist k (ms,n:ns) =
if k>=0
then sublist ((arity n)+k-1) (n:ms,ns)
else (ms,n:ns)
arity s = case s
of (Lambda _ ar) -> ar
(Logical _ ar _) -> ar
(Parameter _ ar _) -> ar
(Variable _ ar _) -> ar
isAC s = case s
of (Lambda _ _) -> False
(Logical _ _ ac) -> ac
(Parameter _ _ ac) -> ac
(Variable _ _ ac) -> ac
{- test
lst = [3,2,0,1,0,2,3,0,0,0,2,0,0,2,0,0,8,9,0]
{- todo:
move this to Search.Common.Normalization.hs
implement fromList
data Formula c v = Const c [Formula c v] | Var v [Formula c v]
| Binder c [v] (Formula c v) deriving (Eq,Ord)
data Constant c = TrueAtom | FalseAtom | Not | And | Or | Imp | Eqv | Xor | Equal
| All | Some | LogicDependent c deriving (Eq,Ord)
data ScopeLabel a = Scope Int a deriving (Eq,Ord)
toList :: (Eq c) =>
Formula (Constant c) (ScopeLabel p) -> [Symbol (Constant c) (ScopeLabel p) p]
toList (Binder c vs f) = ((Lambda c (length vs)):(map toList' vs))++(toList f)
where toList' v = (Variable v 0 False)
-- problem: arity of var in binding positioin unknown! Assume arity 0 i.e. FOL.
toList (Const c args) = (Logical c (length args) ac):(concatMap toList args)
where ac = elem c [And,Or,Eqv,Xor,Equal]
toList (Var (Scope n v) args) =
case n of 0 -> (Parameter v (length args) False):(concatMap toList args)
_ -> (Variable (Scope n v) (length args) False):(concatMap toList args)