Translate.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Functions used by 'Comorphisms.CASL2SPASS' and 'SPASS.Prove'
for the translation into valid SPASS identifiers
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
collection of functions used by Comorphisms.CASL2SPASS and SPASS.Prove
for the translation of CASL identifiers and axiom labels into
valid SPASS identifiers
module SPASS.Translate (reservedWords, transId, transSenName) where
import Data.Char
import Common.Id
import Common.DocUtils
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import SPASS.Sign
import SPASS.Print ()
import SPASS.Utils
import Common.ProofUtils
-- | collect all keywords of SPASS
reservedWords :: Set.Set SPIdentifier
reservedWords = Set.fromList (map ((flip showDoc) "") [SPEqual
, SPTrue
, SPFalse
, SPOr
, SPAnd
, SPNot
, SPImplies
, SPImplied
, SPEquiv] ++
words "date name author status description")
transSenName :: String -> String
transSenName = transId CSort . simpleIdToId . mkSimpleId
transId :: CType -> Id -> SPIdentifier
transId t iden
| checkIdentifier t str =
if Set.member str reservedWords
then changeFirstChar $ "X_"++str
else str
| otherwise = changeFirstChar $
concatMap transToSPChar $
addChar str
where str = changeFirstChar $ substDigits $ show iden
addChar s =
case s of
"" -> error "SPASS.Translate.transId: empty string not allowed"
('_':_) -> case t of
COp _ -> 'o':s
CPred _ -> 'p':s
_ -> error $ "SPASS.Translate.transId: Variables "++
"and Sorts don't start with '_'"
_ -> s
changeFirstChar s =
case s of
"" -> error $ "SPASS.Translate.transId: each identifier "++
"must be non empty here"
(x:xs) -> toValidChar x : xs
toValidChar =
case t of
CVar _ -> toUpper
_ -> toLower
charMap_SP :: Map.Map Char String
charMap_SP = Map.union
(Map.fromList [('\'',"Prime")
,(' ',"_")
transToSPChar :: Char -> SPIdentifier
transToSPChar c
| checkSPChar c = [c]
| otherwise = Map.findWithDefault def c charMap_SP
where def = "Slash_"++ show (ord c)
substDigits :: String -> String
substDigits = concatMap subst
where subst c
| isDigit c = case c of
'0' -> "zero"
'1' -> "one"
'2' -> "two"
'3' -> "three"
'4' -> "four"
'5' -> "five"
'6' -> "six"
'7' -> "seven"
'8' -> "eight"
'9' -> "nine"
_ -> error ("SPASS.Translate.substDigits: unknown digit: \'"
| otherwise = [c]