Prove.hs revision 8a5c05062ef501bf725a86a370a5145a198e81fd
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Interface for the SPASS theorem prover.
Copyright : (c) Rene Wagner, Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2005-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
Interface for the SPASS theorem prover.
See <> for details on SPASS.
- window opens too small on linux; why? ... maybe fixed
- keep focus of listboxes if updated (also relevant for
in GUI.ProofManagement)
- check if the theorem is used in the proof;
if not, the theory is inconsistent;
mark goal as proved and emmit a warning...
- Implement a consistency checker based on GUI
module SPASS.Prove (spassProver) where
import Logic.Prover
import SPASS.Sign
import SPASS.Conversions
import SPASS.ProveHelp
import SPASS.Translate
import SPASS.Print (genSPASSProblem)
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import Common.ProofUtils
import Common.PrettyPrint
import ChildProcess
import ProcessClasses
import Text.Regex
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.IORef
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent
import GHC.Read
import System
import System.IO.Error
import HTk
import SpinButton
import Messages
import TextDisplay
import Separator
import XSelection
import Space
import GUI.HTkUtils
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
-- debugging
import Debug.Trace
-- * Prover implementation
{- |
The Prover implementation. First runs the batch prover (with graphical
feedback), then starts the GUI prover.
spassProver :: Prover Sign Sentence ()
spassProver =
Prover { prover_name = "SPASS",
prover_sublogic = "SPASS",
prove = spassProveGUI
-- * Shared data structures and assorted utility functions
{- |
Represents a prover configuration used when proving a goal.
data SPASSConfig = SPASSConfig {
-- | time limit in seconds passed
-- to SPASS via -TimeLimit. Default will be used if Nothing.
timeLimit :: Maybe Int,
-- | True if timelimit exceed during last prover run
timeLimitExceeded :: Bool,
-- | extra options passed verbatimely to SPASS.
-- -DocProof, -Stdin, and -TimeLimit will be overridden.
extraOpts :: [String]
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
{- |
Creates an empty SPASSConfig. Default time limit and no extra options.
emptyConfig :: SPASSConfig
emptyConfig = SPASSConfig {timeLimit = Nothing,
timeLimitExceeded = False,
extraOpts = []}
{- |
Utility function to set the time limit of a SPASSConfig.
For values <= 0 a default value is used.
setTimeLimit :: Int -> SPASSConfig -> SPASSConfig
setTimeLimit n c = if n > 0 then c{timeLimit = Just n}
else c{timeLimit = Nothing}
{- |
Utility function to set the extra options of a SPASSConfig.
setExtraOpts :: [String] -> SPASSConfig -> SPASSConfig
setExtraOpts opts c = c{extraOpts = opts}
{- |
Represents the general return value of a prover run.
data SpassProverRetval
-- | SPASS completed successfully
= SpassSuccess
-- | SPASS did not terminate before the time limit exceeded
| SpassTLimitExceeded
-- | an error occured while running SPASS
| SpassError String
deriving (Eq, Show)
{- |
Checks whether a SpassProverRetval indicates that the time limit was
isTimeLimitExceeded :: SpassProverRetval -> Bool
isTimeLimitExceeded SpassTLimitExceeded = True
isTimeLimitExceeded _ = False
{- |
Represents the result of a prover run.
(Proof_status, full output)
type SPASSResult = (Proof_status (), [String])
openResult :: String -> SPASSResult
openResult n = (openSPASSProof_status n,[])
openSPASSProof_status :: String -> Proof_status ()
openSPASSProof_status n =
((openProof_status n (prover_name spassProver))::Proof_status ())
{proofTree = ()}
-- * GUI Prover
-- ** Constants
{- |
Default time limit for the GUI mode prover in seconds.
guiDefaultTimeLimit :: Int
guiDefaultTimeLimit = 10
-- ** Data Structures
{- |
We need to store one SPASSConfig per goal.
type SPASSConfigsMap = Map.Map SPIdentifier SPASSConfig
{- |
Adjusts the configuration associated to a goal by applying the supplied
function or inserts a new emptyConfig with the function applied if there's
no configuration associated yet.
Uses Map.member, Map.adjust, and Map.insert for the corresponding tasks
adjustOrSetConfig :: (SPASSConfig -> SPASSConfig)
-- ^ function to be applied against the current
-- configuration or a new emptyConfig
-> SPIdentifier -- ^ name of the goal
-> SPASSConfigsMap -- ^ current SPASSConfigsMap
-> SPASSConfigsMap
-- ^ resulting SPASSConfigsMap with the changes applied
adjustOrSetConfig f k m = if (Map.member k m)
then Map.adjust f k m
else Map.insert k (f emptyConfig) m
{- |
Performs a lookup on the ConfigsMap. Returns the config for the goal or an
empty config if none is set yet.
getConfig :: SPIdentifier -> SPASSConfigsMap -> SPASSConfig
getConfig spid m = if (isJust lookupId)
then fromJust lookupId
else emptyConfig
lookupId = Map.lookup spid m
{- |
Store one result per goal.
type SPASSResultsMap = Map.Map SPIdentifier SPASSResult
{- |
Map to SPASS compliant identifiers
type SPASSGoalNameMap = Map.Map String String
{- |
Represents the global state of the prover GUI.
data State = State { -- | currently selected goal or Nothing
currentGoal :: Maybe SPIdentifier,
-- | theory to work on
theory :: Theory Sign Sentence (),
-- | stores the prover configurations for each goal
configsMap :: SPASSConfigsMap,
-- | stores the results retrieved by running
-- SPASS for each goal
resultsMap :: SPASSResultsMap,
-- | stores a mapping to SPASS compliant
-- identifiers for all goals
namesMap :: SPASSGoalNameMap,
-- | list of all goals
goalsList :: [AS_Anno.Named SPTerm],
-- | logical part without theorems
initialLogicalPart :: SPLogicalPart,
batchModeIsRunning :: Bool,
mainDestroyed :: Bool
data ThreadState = TSt { batchId :: Maybe Concurrent.ThreadId
, batchStopped :: Bool
initialThreadState :: ThreadState
initialThreadState = TSt { batchId = Nothing
, batchStopped = False}
{- |
Creates an initial State around a Theory.
initialState :: Theory Sign Sentence () -> SPASS.Prove.State
initialState th =
State {currentGoal = Nothing,
theory = th,
configsMap = Map.fromList (map (\ g -> (AS_Anno.senName g,
emptyConfig)) goals),
resultsMap = Map.fromList $
map (\ g -> let gName = AS_Anno.senName g
in (gName,openResult gName)) goals,
namesMap = collectNameMapping nSens oSens',
goalsList = goals,
initialLogicalPart = foldl insertSentence
(signToSPLogicalPart sign)
(reverse axioms),
batchModeIsRunning = False,
mainDestroyed = False
where Theory sign oSens = th
oSens' = toNamedList oSens
nSens = prepareSenNames transSenName oSens'
(axioms, goals) = partition AS_Anno.isAxiom nSens
-- ** Defining the view
{- |
Colors used by the GUI to indicate the status of a goal.
data ProofStatusColour
-- | Proved
= Green
-- | Proved, but theory is inconsitent
| Brown
-- | Disproved
| Red
-- | Open
| Black
-- | Running
| Blue
deriving (Bounded,Enum,Show)
{- |
Generates a ('ProofStatusColour', 'String') tuple representing a Proved proof
statusProved :: (ProofStatusColour, String)
statusProved = (Green, "Proved")
statusProvedButInconsistent :: (ProofStatusColour, String)
statusProvedButInconsistent = (Brown, "Proved (Theory inconsistent!)")
{- |
Generates a ('ProofStatusColour', 'String') tuple representing a Disproved
proof status.
statusDisproved :: (ProofStatusColour, String)
statusDisproved = (Red, "Disproved")
{- |
Generates a ('ProofStatusColour', 'String') tuple representing a Open proof
statusOpen :: (ProofStatusColour, String)
statusOpen = (Black, "Open")
{- |
Generates a ('ProofStatusColour', 'String') tuple representing a Open proof
status in case the time limit has been exceeded.
statusOpenTExceeded :: (ProofStatusColour, String)
statusOpenTExceeded = (Black, "Open (Time is up!)")
{- |
Generates a ('ProofStatusColour', 'String') tuple representing a Running proof
statusRunning :: (ProofStatusColour, String)
statusRunning = (Blue, "Running")
{- |
Converts a 'Proof_status' into a ('ProofStatusColour', 'String') tuple to be
displayed by the GUI.
toGuiStatus :: SPASSConfig -- ^ current prover configuration
-> (Proof_status a) -- ^ status to convert
-> (ProofStatusColour, String)
toGuiStatus cf st = case goalStatus st of
Proved -> if goalUsedInProof st
then statusProved
else statusProvedButInconsistent
Disproved -> statusDisproved
_ -> if timeLimitExceeded cf
then statusOpenTExceeded
else statusOpen
{-| stores widgets of an options frame and the frame itself -}
data OpFrame = OpFrame { of_Frame :: Frame
, of_timeSpinner :: SpinButton
, of_timeEntry :: Entry Int
, of_optionsEntry :: Entry String
filterOpenGoals :: SPASSResultsMap -> SPASSResultsMap
filterOpenGoals = Map.filter isOpenGoal
where isOpenGoal (st,_) = case goalStatus st of
Open -> True
_ -> False
{- |
Generates a list of 'GUI.HTkUtils.LBGoalView' representations of all goals
from a 'SPASS.Prove.State'.
goalsView :: SPASS.Prove.State -- ^ current global prover state
-> [LBGoalView] -- ^ resulting ['LBGoalView'] list
goalsView s = map (\ g ->
let res = Map.lookup g (resultsMap s)
statind = maybe LBIndicatorOpen
(indicatorFromProof_status . fst)
LBGoalView {statIndicator = statind,
goalDescription = g})
(map AS_Anno.senName (goalsList s))
-- ** GUI Implementation
-- *** Utility Functions
{- |
Retrieves the value of the time limit 'Entry'. Ignores invalid input.
getValueSafe :: Int -- ^ default time limt
-> Entry Int -- ^ time limit 'Entry'
-> IO Int -- ^ user-requested time limit or default in case of a parse error
getValueSafe defaultTimeLimit timeEntry =
Exception.catchJust Exception.userErrors ((getValue timeEntry) :: IO Int)
(\ s -> trace ("Warning: Error "++show s++" was ignored")
(return defaultTimeLimit))
{- |
Text displayed by the batch mode window.
batchInfoText :: Int -- ^ batch time limt
-> Int -- ^ total number of goals
-> Int -- ^ number of that have been processed
-> String
batchInfoText tl gTotal gDone =
let totalSecs = (gTotal - gDone) * tl
(remMins,secs) = divMod totalSecs 60
(hours,mins) = divMod remMins 60
"Batch mode runnig\n"++
show gDone ++ "/" ++ show gTotal ++ " goals processed.\n" ++
"At most "++show hours++"h "++show mins++"m "++show secs++"s remaining."
-- *** Callbacks
{- |
Called every time a goal has been processed in the batch mode gui.
goalProcessed :: IORef SPASS.Prove.State
-- ^ IORef pointing to the backing State data structure
-> Int -- ^ batch time limit
-- -> String -- ^ extra options
-> Int -- ^ total number of goals
-> Label -- ^ info label
-> Int -- ^ number of goals processed so far
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal that has just been processed
-> (SpassProverRetval, SPASSResult)
-> IO Bool
goalProcessed stateRef tLimit numGoals label
processedGoalsSoFar nGoal (retval, res) = do
s <- readIORef stateRef
let s' = s{resultsMap = Map.insert (AS_Anno.senName nGoal)
res (resultsMap s),
configsMap = adjustOrSetConfig
(\ c -> c{timeLimitExceeded =
isTimeLimitExceeded retval,
timeLimit = Just tLimit})
(AS_Anno.senName nGoal)
(configsMap s)}
writeIORef stateRef s'
let notReady = numGoals - processedGoalsSoFar > 0
label # text (if notReady
then (batchInfoText tLimit numGoals processedGoalsSoFar)
else "Batch mode finished\n\n")
return notReady
{- |
Updates the display of the status of the current goal.
updateDisplay :: SPASS.Prove.State -- ^ current global prover state
-> Bool -- ^ set to 'True' if you want the 'ListBox' to be updated
-> ListBox String -- ^ 'ListBox' displaying the status of all goals (see 'goalsView')
-> Label -- ^ 'Label' displaying the status of the currently selected goal (see 'toGuiStatus')
-> Entry Int -- ^ 'Entry' containing the time limit of the current goal
-> Entry String -- ^ 'Entry' containing the extra options
-> ListBox String -- ^ 'ListBox' displaying all axioms used to prove a goal (if any)
-> IO ()
updateDisplay st updateLb goalsLb statusLabel timeEntry optionsEntry axiomsLb = do
when updateLb
(populateGoalsListBox goalsLb (goalsView st))
maybe (return ())
(\ go ->
let mprfst = Map.lookup go (resultsMap st)
cf = Map.findWithDefault
(error "updateDisplay: configsMap \
\was not initialised!!")
go (configsMap st)
t' = maybe guiDefaultTimeLimit id (timeLimit cf)
opts' = unwords (extraOpts cf)
(color, label) = maybe statusOpen
((toGuiStatus cf) . fst)
usedAxs = maybe [] (usedAxioms . fst) mprfst
in do
statusLabel # text label
statusLabel # foreground (show color)
timeEntry # HTk.value t'
optionsEntry # HTk.value opts'
axiomsLb # HTk.value (usedAxs::[String])
return ())
(currentGoal st)
newOptionsFrame :: Container par =>
par -- ^ the parent container
-> (Entry Int -> Spin -> IO a)
-- ^ Function called by pressing one spin button
-> IO OpFrame
newOptionsFrame con updateFn = do
right <- newFrame con []
spacer <- newLabel right [text " "]
grid spacer [GridPos (0,1), Sticky W, Sticky W]
l1 <- newLabel right [text "Options:"]
grid l1 [GridPos (0,0), Columnspan 2, Sticky W]
l2 <- newLabel right [text "TimeLimit"]
grid l2 [GridPos (1,1), Sticky W]
(timeEntry :: Entry Int) <- newEntry right [width 18,
HTk.value guiDefaultTimeLimit]
grid timeEntry [GridPos (3,1), Sticky W]
timeSpinner <- newSpinButton right (updateFn timeEntry) []
grid timeSpinner [GridPos (3,1), Sticky E]
l3 <- newLabel right [text "Extra Options:"]
grid l3 [GridPos (1,2), Sticky W]
(optionsEntry :: Entry String) <- newEntry right [width 37]
grid optionsEntry [GridPos (1,3), Columnspan 3, Sticky W]
return $ OpFrame { of_Frame = right
, of_timeSpinner = timeSpinner
, of_timeEntry = timeEntry
, of_optionsEntry = optionsEntry}
-- *** Main GUI
{- |
Invokes the prover GUI. First runs the batch prover on all goals,
then drops the user into a detailed GUI.
spassProveGUI :: String -- ^ theory name
-> Theory Sign Sentence () -- ^ theory consisting of a SPASS.Sign.Sign and a list of Named SPASS.Sign.Sentence
-> IO([Proof_status ()]) -- ^ proof status for each goal
spassProveGUI thName th = do
-- create initial backing data structure
let initState = initialState th
stateRef <- newIORef initState
batchTLimit <- getBatchTimeLimit
-- main window
main <- createToplevel [text $ thName ++ " - SPASS Prover"]
-- VBox for the whole window
b <- newVBox main []
pack b [Expand On, Fill Both]
-- HBox for the upper part (goals on the left, options/results on the right)
b2 <- newHBox b []
pack b2 [Expand On, Fill Both]
-- left frame (goals)
left <- newFrame b2 []
pack left [Expand On, Fill Both]
b3 <- newVBox left []
pack b3 [Expand On, Fill Both]
l0 <- newLabel b3 [text "Goals:"]
pack l0 [Anchor NorthWest]
lbFrame <- newFrame b3 []
pack lbFrame [Expand On, Fill Both]
lb <- newListBox lbFrame [bg "white",exportSelection False,
selectMode Single, height 15] :: IO (ListBox String)
populateGoalsListBox lb (goalsView initState)
pack lb [Expand On, Side AtLeft, Fill Both]
sb <- newScrollBar lbFrame []
pack sb [Expand On, Side AtRight, Fill Y]
lb # scrollbar Vertical sb
-- right frame (options/results)
OpFrame { of_Frame = right
, of_timeSpinner = timeSpinner
, of_timeEntry = timeEntry
, of_optionsEntry = optionsEntry}
<- newOptionsFrame b2
(\ timeEntry sp -> synchronize main
s <- readIORef stateRef
maybe noGoalSelected
(\ goal ->
curEntTL <- getValueSafe guiDefaultTimeLimit timeEntry
let sEnt = s {configsMap =
(setTimeLimit curEntTL)
goal (configsMap s)}
cfg = getConfig goal (configsMap sEnt)
t = timeLimit cfg
t' = (case sp of
Up -> maybe (guiDefaultTimeLimit + 10)
_ -> maybe (guiDefaultTimeLimit - 10)
(\ t1 -> t1-10)
s' = sEnt {configsMap =
(setTimeLimit t')
goal (configsMap sEnt)}
writeIORef stateRef s'
timeEntry # HTk.value
(maybe guiDefaultTimeLimit
(timeLimit $ getConfig goal $
configsMap s'))
(currentGoal s)))
pack right [Expand On, Fill Both, Anchor NorthWest]
proveButton <- newButton right [text "Prove"]
grid proveButton [GridPos (2,4), Columnspan 2, Sticky E]
saveDFGButton <- newButton right [text "Save DFG File"]
grid saveDFGButton [GridPos (2,4),Columnspan 2,Sticky W]
l4 <- newLabel right [text "Results:"]
grid l4 [GridPos (0,5), Columnspan 2, Sticky W]
l5 <- newLabel right [text "Status"]
grid l5 [GridPos (1,6), Sticky W]
statusLabel <- newLabel right [text " -- "]
grid statusLabel [GridPos (2,6), Columnspan 2, Sticky W]
l6 <- newLabel right [text "Used Axioms"]
grid l6 [GridPos (1,7), Sticky NW]
axiomsFrame <- newFrame right []
grid axiomsFrame [GridPos (2,7), Columnspan 2]
axiomsLb <- newListBox axiomsFrame [HTk.value $ ([]::[String]),
bg "white",exportSelection False,
selectMode Browse,
height 6, width 20] :: IO (ListBox String)
pack axiomsLb [Side AtLeft, Fill Y]
axiomsSb <- newScrollBar axiomsFrame []
pack axiomsSb [Side AtRight, Fill Y]
axiomsLb # scrollbar Vertical axiomsSb
detailsButton <- newButton right [text "Show Details"]
grid detailsButton [GridPos (2,8), Columnspan 2, Sticky E]
-- separator
sp1 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp1 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
newHSeparator b
sp2 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp2 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
-- batch mode frame
batch <- newFrame b []
pack batch [Expand Off, Fill X]
batchTitle <- newLabel batch [text "SPASS Batch Mode:"]
pack batchTitle [Side AtTop]
batchLeft <- newVBox batch []
pack batchLeft [Expand On, Fill X, Side AtLeft]
batchBtnBox <- newHBox batchLeft []
pack batchBtnBox [Expand On, Fill X, Side AtLeft]
stopBatchButton <- newButton batchBtnBox [text "Stop"]
pack stopBatchButton []
runBatchButton <- newButton batchBtnBox [text "Run"]
pack runBatchButton []
batchSpacer <- newSpace batchLeft (pp 150) [orient Horizontal]
pack batchSpacer [Side AtLeft]
batchStatusLabel <- newLabel batchLeft [text "\n\n"]
pack batchStatusLabel []
OpFrame { of_Frame = batchRight
, of_timeSpinner = batchTimeSpinner
, of_timeEntry = batchTimeEntry
, of_optionsEntry = batchOptionsEntry}
<- newOptionsFrame batch
(\ tEntry sp -> synchronize main
curEntTL <- getValueSafe batchTLimit tEntry
let t' = case sp of
Up -> curEntTL+10
_ -> max batchTLimit (curEntTL-10)
tEntry # HTk.value t'
pack batchRight [Expand On, Fill X, Anchor NorthWest,Side AtRight]
batchTimeEntry # HTk.value batchTLimit
-- separator 2
sp1_2 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp1_2 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
newHSeparator b
sp2_2 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp2_2 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
-- global options frame
globalOptsFr <- newFrame b []
pack globalOptsFr [Expand Off, Fill Both]
gOptsTitle <- newLabel globalOptsFr [text "Global Options:"]
pack gOptsTitle [Side AtTop]
inclProvedThsTK <- createTkVariable True
inclProvedThsCheckButton <-
newCheckButton globalOptsFr
[variable inclProvedThsTK,
text ("include preceeding proven therorems"++
" in next proof attempt")]
pack inclProvedThsCheckButton [Side AtLeft]
-- separator 3
sp1_3 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp1_3 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
newHSeparator b
sp2_3 <- newSpace b (cm 0.15) []
pack sp2_3 [Expand Off, Fill X, Side AtBottom]
-- bottom frame (help/save/exit buttons)
bottom <- newFrame b []
pack bottom [Expand Off, Fill Both]
helpButton <- newButton bottom [text "Help"]
grid helpButton [GridPos (0,0)]
saveButton <- newButton bottom [text "Save Prover Configuration"]
grid saveButton [GridPos (1,0)]
exitButton <- newButton bottom [text "Exit Prover"]
grid exitButton [GridPos (2,0)]
pack main [Expand On, Fill Both]
putWinOnTop main
-- IORef for batch thread
threadStateRef <- newIORef initialThreadState
-- events
(selectGoal, _) <- bindSimple lb (ButtonPress (Just 1))
doProve <- clicked proveButton
saveDFG <- clicked saveDFGButton
showDetails <- clicked detailsButton
runBatch <- clicked runBatchButton
stopBatch <- clicked stopBatchButton
help <- clicked helpButton
saveConfiguration <- clicked saveButton
exit <- clicked exitButton
(closeWindow,_) <- bindSimple main Destroy
let goalSpecificWids = [EnW timeEntry, EnW timeSpinner,EnW optionsEntry] ++
map EnW [proveButton,detailsButton,saveDFGButton]
wids = EnW lb : goalSpecificWids ++
[EnW batchTimeEntry, EnW batchTimeSpinner,
EnW batchOptionsEntry,EnW inclProvedThsCheckButton] ++
map EnW [helpButton,saveButton,exitButton,runBatchButton]
disableWids goalSpecificWids
disable stopBatchButton
-- event handlers
((selectGoal >>> do
s <- readIORef stateRef
let oldGoal = currentGoal s
curEntTL <- (getValueSafe guiDefaultTimeLimit timeEntry) :: IO Int
let s' = maybe s
(\ og -> s
{configsMap =
adjustOrSetConfig (setTimeLimit curEntTL)
og (configsMap s)})
sel <- (getSelection lb) :: IO (Maybe [Int])
let s'' = maybe s' (\ sg -> s' {currentGoal =
Just $ AS_Anno.senName
(goalsList s' !! head sg)})
writeIORef stateRef s''
when (isJust sel && not (batchModeIsRunning s''))
(enableWids goalSpecificWids)
when (isJust sel) $ enableWids [EnW detailsButton,EnW saveDFGButton]
updateDisplay s'' False lb statusLabel timeEntry optionsEntry axiomsLb
+> (saveDFG >>> do
rs <- readIORef stateRef
inclProvedThs <- readTkVariable inclProvedThsTK
maybe (return ())
(\ goal -> do
let (nGoal,lp') =
prepareLP (initialLogicalPart rs) rs
goal inclProvedThs
prob <- genSPASSProblem thName lp' (Just nGoal)
createTextSaveDisplay ("SPASS Problem for Goal "++goal)
(showPretty prob "")
$ currentGoal rs
+> (doProve >>> do
rs <- readIORef stateRef
if isNothing $ currentGoal rs
then noGoalSelected
else (do
curEntTL <- (getValueSafe guiDefaultTimeLimit
timeEntry) :: IO Int
inclProvedThs <- readTkVariable inclProvedThsTK
let goal = fromJust $ currentGoal rs
s = rs {configsMap = adjustOrSetConfig
(setTimeLimit curEntTL)
(configsMap rs)}
(nGoal,lp') = prepareLP (initialLogicalPart rs) rs
goal inclProvedThs
extraOptions <- (getValue optionsEntry) :: IO String
let s' = s {configsMap = adjustOrSetConfig
(setExtraOpts (words extraOptions))
(configsMap s)}
statusLabel # text (snd statusRunning)
statusLabel # foreground (show $ fst statusRunning)
disableWids wids
(retval, (res, output)) <-
runSpass lp' (getConfig goal (configsMap s')) thName nGoal
-- check if main is still there
curSt <- readIORef stateRef
if mainDestroyed curSt
then done
else do
enableWids wids
case retval of
SpassError message -> errorMess message
_ -> return ()
let s'' = s'{resultsMap = Map.insert goal (res, output)
(resultsMap s'),
configsMap =
(\ c -> c {timeLimitExceeded =
isTimeLimitExceeded retval})
goal (configsMap s')}
writeIORef stateRef s''
updateDisplay s'' True lb statusLabel timeEntry
optionsEntry axiomsLb
+> (showDetails >>> do
s <- readIORef stateRef
if isNothing $ currentGoal s
then noGoalSelected
else (do
let goal = fromJust $ currentGoal s
let result = Map.lookup goal (resultsMap s)
let output = if isJust result
then snd (fromJust result)
else ["This goal hasn't been run through "++
"the prover yet."]
let detailsText = concatMap ('\n':) output
createTextSaveDisplay ("SPASS Output for Goal "++goal)
(goal ++ ".spass")
(seq (length detailsText) detailsText)
+> (runBatch >>> do
cleanupThread threadStateRef
s <- readIORef stateRef
-- get options for this batch run
curEntTL <- (getValueSafe batchTLimit batchTimeEntry) :: IO Int
let tLimit = if curEntTL > 0 then curEntTL else batchTLimit
batchTimeEntry # HTk.value tLimit
extOpts <- (getValue batchOptionsEntry) :: IO String
writeIORef stateRef (s {batchModeIsRunning = True})
let numGoals = Map.size $ filterOpenGoals $ resultsMap s
if numGoals > 0
then do
batchStatusLabel # text (batchInfoText tLimit numGoals 0)
disableWids wids
enable stopBatchButton
enableWidsUponSelection lb [EnW detailsButton,EnW saveDFGButton]
enable lb
inclProvedThs <- readTkVariable inclProvedThsTK
batchProverId <- Concurrent.forkIO
(do spassProveBatch tLimit extOpts inclProvedThs
(\ gPSF nSen res -> do
cont <- goalProcessed stateRef tLimit numGoals
gPSF nSen res
st <- readIORef stateRef
updateDisplay st True lb statusLabel timeEntry
optionsEntry axiomsLb
when (not cont)
-- putStrLn "Batch ended"
disable stopBatchButton
enableWids wids
enableWidsUponSelection lb goalSpecificWids
writeIORef stateRef
(st {batchModeIsRunning = False})
cleanupThread threadStateRef)
return cont)
thName s
return ())
modifyIORef threadStateRef
(\ ts -> ts{batchId = Just batchProverId})
else do
batchStatusLabel # text ("No further open goals\n\n")
+> (stopBatch >>> do
cleanupThread threadStateRef
modifyIORef threadStateRef (\ s -> s {batchStopped = True})
-- putStrLn "Batch stopped"
disable stopBatchButton
enableWids wids
enableWidsUponSelection lb goalSpecificWids
batchStatusLabel # text "Batch mode stopped\n\n"
st <- readIORef stateRef
writeIORef stateRef
(st {batchModeIsRunning = False})
updateDisplay st True lb statusLabel timeEntry
optionsEntry axiomsLb
+> (help >>> do
createTextDisplay "SPASS Help" spassHelpText [size (80, 30)]
+> (saveConfiguration >>> do
s <- readIORef stateRef
let cfgText = concatMap ((++"\n")) ["Configuration:\n",
show $ configsMap s,
showResMap (resultsMap s)]
createTextSaveDisplay ("SPASS Configuration for Theory " ++ thName)
(thName ++ ".spcf") cfgText
sync ( (exit >>> destroy main)
+> (closeWindow >>> do cleanupThread threadStateRef
modifyIORef stateRef
(\ s -> s{mainDestroyed = True})
destroy main)
s <- readIORef stateRef
let proof_stats = map (\g -> let res = Map.lookup g (resultsMap s)
g' = Map.findWithDefault
(error ("Lookup of name failed: (1) "
++"should not happen \""
g (namesMap s)
pStat = fst $ fromJust res
in if isJust res
then transNames (namesMap s) pStat
else openSPASSProof_status g')
(map AS_Anno.senName $ goalsList s)
return proof_stats
cleanupThread tRef = do
st <- readIORef tRef
-- cleaning up
maybe (return ())
(\ tId -> do
Concurrent.killThread tId
writeIORef tRef initialThreadState)
(batchId st)
noGoalSelected = errorMess "Please select a goal first."
prepareLP iLP s goal inclProvedThs =
let (beforeThis, afterThis) =
splitAt (fromJust $
findIndex (\sen -> AS_Anno.senName sen == goal)
(goalsList s))
(goalsList s)
proved = filter (\sen-> checkGoal (resultsMap s)
(AS_Anno.senName sen)) beforeThis
in if inclProvedThs
then (head afterThis,
foldl (\lp provedGoal ->
insertSentence lp (provedGoal{AS_Anno.isAxiom = True}))
(reverse proved))
else (maybe (error ("SPASS.Prove.prepareLP: Goal "++goal++
" not found!!"))
id (find ((==goal) . AS_Anno.senName) (goalsList s)),
showResMap mp =
'{':(foldr (\ (k,(r,outp)) resF ->
shows k .
(++) ":=\n (" .
shows r . (++) ",\n \"" .
(++) (unlines outp) . (++) "\")\n" . resF) id
(Map.toList mp)) "}"
transNames nm pStat =
pStat { goalName = trN $ goalName pStat
, usedAxioms = foldr (fil $ trN $ goalName pStat) [] $
usedAxioms pStat }
where trN x' = Map.findWithDefault
(error ("Lookup of name failed: (2) "++
"should not happen \""++x'++"\""))
x' nm
fil g ax axs =
maybe (trace ("*** SPASS Warning: unknown axiom \""++
ax++"\" omitted from list of used\n"++
" axioms of goal \""++g++"\"")
axs) (:axs) (Map.lookup ax nm)
-- * Non-interactive Batch Prover
-- ** Constants
{- |
Time limit used by the batch mode prover.
batchTimeLimit :: Int
batchTimeLimit = 20
-- ** Utility Functions
{- |
reads ENV-variable HETS_SPASS_BATCH_TIME_LIMIT and if it exists and has an Int-value this value is returned otherwise the value of 'batchTimeLimit' is returned.
getBatchTimeLimit :: IO Int
getBatchTimeLimit = do
is <- Exception.catch (getEnv "HETS_SPASS_BATCH_TIME_LIMIT")
(\e -> case e of
Exception.IOException ie ->
if isDoesNotExistError ie -- == NoSuchThing
then return $ show batchTimeLimit
else Exception.throwIO e
_ -> Exception.throwIO e)
return (either (const batchTimeLimit) id (readEither is))
{- |
Checks whether a goal in the results map is marked as proved.
checkGoal :: SPASSResultsMap -> SPIdentifier -> Bool
checkGoal resMap goal =
isJust g && isProvedStat (fst $ fromJust g)
g = Map.lookup goal resMap
-- ** Implementation
{- |
A non-GUI batch mode prover. Uses default configuration for SPASS.
The list of goals is processed sequentially. Proved goals are inserted
as axioms.
spassProveBatch :: Int -- ^ batch time limit
-> String -- ^ extra options passed
-> Bool -- ^ True means include proved theorems
-> (Int
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm
-> (SpassProverRetval, SPASSResult)
-> IO Bool)
-- ^ called after every prover run.
-- return True if you want the prover to continue.
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> SPASS.Prove.State
-> IO ([Proof_status ()]) -- ^ proof status for each goal
spassProveBatch tLimit extraOptions inclProvedThs f thName st =
batchProve (initialLogicalPart st) 0 [] (goalsList st)
{- do -- putStrLn $ showPretty initialLogicalPart ""
-- read batchTimeLimit from ENV variable if set otherwise use constant
pstl <- {- trace (showPretty initialLogicalPart (show goals)) -}
batchProve (initialLogicalPart st) [] (goalsList st)
-- putStrLn ("Outcome of proofs:\n" ++ unlines (map show pstl) ++ "\n")
return pstl -}
openGoals = filterOpenGoals (resultsMap st)
addToLP g res lp =
if isProvedStat res && inclProvedThs
then insertSentence lp (g{AS_Anno.isAxiom = True})
else lp
batchProve _ _ resDone [] = return (reverse resDone)
batchProve lp goalsProcessedSoFar resDone (g:gs) =
let gName = AS_Anno.senName g
if Map.member gName openGoals
then do
putStrLn $ "Trying to prove goal: " ++ gName
-- putStrLn $ show g
(err, (res, full)) <-
runSpass lp (emptyConfig { timeLimit = Just tLimit
, extraOpts = words extraOptions })
thName g
putStrLn $ "SPASS returned: " ++ (show err)
-- if the batch prover runs in a separate thread
-- that's killed via killThread
-- runSpass will return SpassError. we have to stop the
-- recursion in that case
case err of
SpassError _ -> return ((reverse (res:resDone)) ++
(map (openSPASSProof_status .
AS_Anno.senName) gs))
_ -> do
-- add proved goals as axioms
let lp' = addToLP g res lp
goalsProcessedSoFar' = goalsProcessedSoFar+1
cont <- f goalsProcessedSoFar' g (err, (res, full))
if cont
then batchProve lp' goalsProcessedSoFar' (res:resDone) gs
else return ((reverse (res:resDone)) ++
(map (openSPASSProof_status .
AS_Anno.senName) gs))
else batchProve (addToLP g (fst $
Map.findWithDefault (openResult gName)
gName $ resultsMap st)
goalsProcessedSoFar resDone gs
-- * SPASS Interfacing Code
{- |
Reads and parses the output of SPASS.
parseSpassOutput :: ChildProcess -- ^ the SPASS process
-> IO (Maybe String, [String], [String]) -- ^ (result, used axioms, complete output)
parseSpassOutput spass = parseProtected (parseStart True) (Nothing, [], [])
-- check for errors. unfortunately we cannot just read from SPASS until an
-- EOF since readMsg will just wait forever on EOF.
parseProtected f (res, usedAxs, output) = do
e <- getToolStatus spass
case e of
-- still running
-> f (res, usedAxs, output)
Just (ExitFailure retval)
-- returned error
-> do
_ <- waitForChildProcess spass
return (Nothing, [], ["SPASS returned error: "++(show retval)])
Just ExitSuccess
-- completed successfully. read remaining output.
-> f (res, usedAxs, output)
-- the first line of SPASS output it always empty.
-- the second contains SPASS-START in the usual case
-- and an error message in case of an error
parseStart firstline (res, usedAxs, output) = do
line <- readMsg spass
if firstline
-- ignore empty first line
then parseProtected (parseStart False) (res, usedAxs, output ++ [""])
-- check for a potential error
else do
let startMatch = matchRegex re_start line
if isJust startMatch
-- got SPASS-START. continue parsing
then parseProtected parseIt (res, usedAxs, output ++ [line])
-- error. abort parsing
else do
e <- waitForChildProcess spass
case e of
ChildTerminated ->
return (Nothing, [], output ++ [line, "", "SPASS has been terminated."])
ChildExited retval ->
return (Nothing, [], output ++ [line, "", "SPASS returned error: "++(show retval)])
-- actual parsing. tries to read from SPASS until ".*SPASS-STOP.*" matches.
parseIt (res, usedAxs, output) = do
line <- readMsg spass
let resMatch = matchRegex re_sb line
let res' = if isJust resMatch then (Just $ head $ fromJust resMatch) else res
let usedAxsMatch = matchRegex re_ua line
let usedAxs' = if isJust usedAxsMatch then (words $ head $ fromJust usedAxsMatch) else usedAxs
if seq (length line) $ isJust (matchRegex re_stop line)
then do
_ <- waitForChildProcess spass
return (res', usedAxs', output ++ [line])
parseProtected parseIt (res', usedAxs', output ++ [line])
-- regular expressions used for parsing
re_start = mkRegex ".*SPASS-START.*"
re_stop = mkRegex ".*SPASS-STOP.*"
re_sb = mkRegex "SPASS beiseite: (.*)$"
re_ua = mkRegex "Formulae used in the proof.*:(.*)$"
{- |
Runs SPASS. SPASS is assumed to reside in PATH.
runSpass :: SPLogicalPart -- ^ logical part containing the input Sign and axioms and possibly goals that have been proved earlier as additional axioms
-> SPASSConfig -- ^ configuration to use
-> String -- ^ name of the theory in the DevGraph
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal to prove
-> IO (SpassProverRetval, SPASSResult) -- ^ (retval, (proof status, complete output))
runSpass lp cfg thName nGoal = do
putStrLn ("running 'SPASS" ++ (concatMap (' ':) allOptions) ++ "'")
spass <- newChildProcess "SPASS" [ChildProcess.arguments allOptions]
Exception.catch (runSpassReal spass)
(\ excep -> do
-- kill spass process
destroy spass
_ <- waitForChildProcess spass
return (case excep of
-- this is supposed to distinguish "fd ... vanished"
-- errors from other exceptions
Exception.IOException e ->
(SpassError ("Internal error communicating "++
"with SPASS.\n"++show e),
(openResult $ AS_Anno.senName nGoal))
_ -> (SpassError ("Error running SPASS.\n"++show excep),
(openResult $ AS_Anno.senName nGoal))))
runSpassReal spass = do
-- check if SPASS is running
e <- getToolStatus spass
if isJust e
then return
(SpassError "Could not start SPASS. Is SPASS in your $PATH?",
(openResult $ AS_Anno.senName nGoal))
else do
prob <- genSPASSProblem thName lp (Just nGoal)
sendMsg spass (showPretty prob "")
(res, usedAxs, output) <- parseSpassOutput spass
let (err, retval) = proof_status res usedAxs cleanOptions
return (err, (retval, output))
filterOptions = ["-DocProof", "-Stdin", "-TimeLimit"]
cleanOptions = filter (\ opt -> not (or (map (flip isPrefixOf opt)
(extraOpts cfg)
tLimit = if isJust (timeLimit cfg)
then fromJust (timeLimit cfg)
-- this is OK. the batch prover always has the time limit set
else guiDefaultTimeLimit
allOptions = cleanOptions ++ ["-DocProof", "-Stdin", "-TimeLimit=" ++ (show tLimit)]
defaultProof_status opts =
(openSPASSProof_status (AS_Anno.senName nGoal))
{tacticScript = Tactic_script $ concatMap (' ':) opts}
proof_status res usedAxs options
| isJust res && elem (fromJust res) proved =
(defaultProof_status options)
{ goalStatus = Proved
, goalUsedInProof = elem (AS_Anno.senName nGoal) usedAxs
, usedAxioms = filter (/=(AS_Anno.senName nGoal)) usedAxs })
| isJust res && elem (fromJust res) disproved =
(defaultProof_status options) { goalStatus = Disproved } )
| isJust res && elem (fromJust res) timelimit =
(SpassTLimitExceeded, defaultProof_status options)
| isNothing res =
(SpassError "Internal error.", defaultProof_status options)
| otherwise = (SpassSuccess, defaultProof_status options)
proved = ["Proof found."]
disproved = ["Completion found."]
timelimit = ["Ran out of time."]