Print.hs revision f3a94a197960e548ecd6520bb768cb0d547457bb
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Rene Wagner, Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : unknown
Pretty printing for SPASS signatures.
Refer to <>
for the SPASS syntax documentation.
module SPASS.Print where
import Maybe
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.PrettyPrint
import SPASS.Sign
import SPASS.Conversions
instance PrintLaTeX Sign where
printLatex0 = printText0
instance PrettyPrint Sign where
printText0 ga = printText0 ga . signToSPLogicalPart
instance PrintLaTeX SPTerm where
printLatex0 = printText0
{- |
Helper function. Generates a '.' as a Doc.
dot :: Doc
dot = char '.'
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Problem.
instance PrettyPrint SPProblem where
printText0 ga p = text "begin_problem" <> parens (text (identifier p)) <> dot
$$ printText0 ga (description p)
$$ printText0 ga (logicalPart p)
$$ text "end_problem."
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Logical Part.
instance PrettyPrint SPLogicalPart where
printText0 ga lp =
(if isJust (symbolList lp) then printText0 ga (fromJust (symbolList lp)) else empty)
$$ (if not $ null (declarationList lp) then printDeclarationList (declarationList lp) else empty)
$$ (if not $ null (formulaLists lp) then printFormulaLists (formulaLists lp) else empty)
printDeclarationList xs = text "list_of_declarations."
$$ foldl (\d x-> d $$ printText0 ga x) empty xs
$$ text "end_of_list."
printFormulaLists = foldl (\d x-> d $$ printText0 ga x) empty
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Symbol List.
instance PrettyPrint SPSymbolList where
printText0 ga sl = text "list_of_symbols."
$$ printSignSymList "functions" (functions sl)
$$ printSignSymList "predicates" (predicates sl)
$$ printSignSymList "sorts" (sorts sl)
$$ printSignSymList "operators" (operators sl)
$$ printSignSymList "quantifiers" (quantifiers sl)
$$ text "end_of_list."
printSignSymList name list =
if not $ null list
then text name <> brackets (foldl (\d x-> if isEmpty d then printText0 ga x else d <> comma $$ printText0 ga x) empty list) <> dot
else empty
Helper function. Creates a Doc from a Signature Symbol.
instance PrettyPrint SPSignSym where
printText0 ga (SPSimpleSignSym s) = text s
printText0 ga ssym = parens (text (sym ssym) <> comma <> int (arity ssym))
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Declaration
instance PrettyPrint SPDeclaration where
printText0 ga d = case d of
SPSubsortDecl {sortSymA= a, sortSymB= b} ->
text "subsort" <> parens (text a <> comma <> text b) <> dot
SPTermDecl {termDeclTermList= l, termDeclTerm= t} ->
printText0 ga (SPQuantTerm {quantSym= SPForall, termTermList= l, termTerm= t}) <> dot
SPSimpleTermDecl t ->
printText0 ga t <> dot
SPPredDecl {predSym= p, sortSyms= slist} ->
printText0 ga (SPComplexTerm {symbol= (SPCustomSymbol "predicate"), arguments= (map (\x-> SPSimpleTerm (SPCustomSymbol x)) (p:slist))}) <> dot
SPGenDecl {sortSym= s, freelyGenerated= freely, funcList= l} ->
text "sort" <+> text s <+> (if freely then text "freely" else empty) <+> text "generated by" <+> brackets (printFuncList l) <> dot
printFuncList = foldl (\fl x-> if isEmpty fl then text x else fl <> comma <> text x) empty
{- |
Creates a Common.Lib.Pretty.Doc from a SPASS Formula List
instance PrettyPrint SPFormulaList where
printText0 ga l = text "list_of_formulae" <> parens (printText0 ga (originType l)) <> dot
$$ printFormulae (formulae l)
$$ text "end_of_list."
printFormulae = foldl (\fl x-> fl $$ printFormula ga x <> dot) empty
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Origin Type
instance PrettyPrint SPOriginType where
printText0 ga t = case t of
SPOriginAxioms -> text "axioms"
SPOriginConjectures -> text "conjectures"
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Formula. Needed since SPFormula is just a
'type SPFormula = Named SPTerm' and thus instanciating PrettyPrint is not
printFormula :: GlobalAnnos-> SPFormula-> Doc
printFormula ga f =
text "formula" <> parens (printText0 ga (sentence f) <> comma <> text (senName f))
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Term.
instance PrettyPrint SPTerm where
printText0 ga t = case t of
SPQuantTerm{quantSym= qsym, termTermList= tlist, termTerm= t} -> printText0 ga qsym <> parens (brackets (printTermList tlist) <> comma <> printText0 ga t)
SPSimpleTerm sym -> printText0 ga sym
SPComplexTerm{symbol= sym, arguments= args} -> printText0 ga sym <> parens (printTermList args)
printTermList = foldl (\tl x-> if isEmpty tl then printText0 ga x else tl <> comma <> (printText0 ga x)) empty
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Quantifier Symbol.
instance PrettyPrint SPQuantSym where
printText0 ga qs = case qs of
SPForall -> text "forall"
SPExists -> text "exists"
SPCustomQuantSym cst -> text cst
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS Symbol.
-- printSymbol :: SPSymbol-> Doc
instance PrettyPrint SPSymbol where
printText0 ga s = case s of
SPEqual -> text "equal"
SPTrue -> text "true"
SPFalse -> text "false"
SPOr -> text "or"
SPAnd -> text "and"
SPNot -> text "not"
SPImplies -> text "implies"
SPImplied -> text "implied"
SPEquiv -> text "equiv"
SPCustomSymbol cst -> text cst
{- |
Creates a Doc from a SPASS description.
instance PrettyPrint SPDescription where
printText0 ga d = text "list_of_descriptions."
$$ text "name" <> parens (spText (name d)) <> dot
$$ text "author" <> parens (spText (author d)) <> dot
$$ (if isJust (version d) then text "version" <> parens (spText (fromJust (version d))) <> dot else empty)
$$ (if isJust (logic d) then text "logic" <> parens (spText (fromJust (logic d))) <> dot else empty)
$$ text "status" <> parens (printText0 ga (status d)) <> dot
$$ text "description" <> parens (spText (desc d)) <> dot
$$ (if isJust (date d) then text "date" <> parens (spText (fromJust (date d))) <> dot else empty)
$$ text "end_of_list."
{- |
Helper function. Wraps a String in "{* *}" as required for some of the
description fields.
spText :: String-> Doc
spText s = text "{* " <> text s <> text " *}"
{- |
Creates a Doc from an 'SPLogState'.
instance PrettyPrint SPLogState where
printText0 ga s = case s of
SPStateSatisfiable -> text "satisfiable"
SPStateUnsatisfiable -> text "unsatisfiable"
SPStateUnknown -> text "unknown"