MathServParsing.hs revision cc011afb0a035501b70e16ed3a578b0cbd9a4649
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Help functions for all automatic theorem provers.
Copyright : (c) Rainer Grabbe
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
Functions for parsing and mapping MathServ output.
To do:
- also parse mw:failure and mw:message
module SPASS.MathServParsing where
import SPASS.MathServCommunication
import Network.URI
import Network.Service
import Org.Xmlsoap.Schemas.Soap.Envelope as ENV
import Text.XML.HXT.Aliases
import Text.XML.HXT.Parser hiding (when)
import Text.XML.HXT.XPath
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
-- * Datatypes for MathServ services
{- |
Record type for all needed data to do a MathServ call.
data MathServCall = MathServCall {
-- | Selected MathServ service
mathServService :: MathServServices,
-- | Selected MathServ operation
mathServOperation :: MathServOperationTypes,
-- | Problem to prove in TPTP format
problem :: String,
-- | Time limit
proverTimeLimit :: Int,
-- | Extra options
extraOptions :: Maybe String
{- |
MathServ services to select.
data MathServServices =
-- | Broker service
-- | Vampire service
| VampireService
deriving (Show)
{- |
MathServ operation to select. These are only common types and will be
translated into correct MathServOperations.
data MathServOperationTypes =
-- | stands for ProveProblemOpt
-- | stands for ProveProblemChoice
| ProblemChoice
-- | stands for ProveTPTPProblem or ProveTPTPProblemWithOptions
| TPTPProblem
-- | stands for ProveProblem
| Problem
{- |
A MathServ response structure to be filled by parsing all rdf-objects
returned by MathServ.
data MathServResponse =
MathServResponse { foAtpResult :: Maybe MWFoAtpResult,
timeResource :: MWTimeResource,
failure :: Maybe String
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- Either String MWFoAtpResult
data MWFoAtpResult =
MWFoAtpResult { proof :: MWFormalProof,
resultFor :: MWProvingProblem,
outputStr :: String,
saturation :: String,
systemStatus :: MWStatus,
systemStr :: String,
time :: MWTimeResource
-- defined, but not needed?
-- timeRes :: MWTimeResource,
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data MWFormalProof =
TstpCnfRefutation { formalProof :: String,
proofOf :: MWProvingProblem,
calculus :: MWCalculus,
axioms :: String
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data MWStatus =
MWStatus { solved :: Bool,
foStatus :: FoStatus
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data FoStatus = -- SystemStatus = Solved SolvedStatus | Unsolved UnsolvedStatus
| CounterSatisfiable
| CounterTheorem
| Equivalent
| NoConsequence
| Satisfiable
| TautologousConclusion
| Tautology
| Theorem
| Unsatisfiable
| UnsatisfiableConclusion
| Assumed
| GaveUp
| InputError
| MemoryOut
| ResourceOut
| Timeout
| Unknown
-- | NoStatus
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show,Read)
data MWProvingProblem =
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data MWCalculus =
| OmegaNDCalculus
| EpResCalc
| SpassResCalc
| StandardRes
| OtterCalc
| VampireResCalc
| ZenonCalc
-- | UnknownCalc
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data MWTimeResource =
MWTimeResource { cpuTime :: Int,
wallClockTime :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- ** functions for handling with MathServ services
{- |
To check whether the selected MathServ operation is known and can be executed
by the selected MathServ service. It returns the resulting SOAP operation.
mkProveProblem :: MathServCall -- ^ needed data to do a MathServ call
-> MathServOperations -- ^ resulting MathServOperations
mkProveProblem call =
case (mathServService call) of
VampireService -> case (mathServOperation call) of
TPTPProblem -> maybe ProveTPTPProblem{in0=(problem call),
in1=(proverTimeLimit call)}
(ProveTPTPProblemWithOptions (problem call)
(proverTimeLimit call))
(extraOptions call)
Problem -> ProveProblem (problem call) (proverTimeLimit call)
_ -> error $ "unknown Operation for service Vampire\n"++
"known operations: ProveProblem, ProveTPTPProblem"
Broker -> case (mathServOperation call) of
ProblemOpt -> ProveProblemOpt (problem call)
(proverTimeLimit call)
ProblemChoice -> ProveProblemChoice (problem call)
(proverTimeLimit call)
_ -> error $ "unknown Operation for service Broker\n"++
"known operations: ProveProblemOpt, ProveProblemChoice"
-- * MathServ Interfacing Code
makeEndPoint :: String -> Maybe HTTPTransport
makeEndPoint uriStr = maybe Nothing
(\ uri -> Just $ HTTPTransport
{ httpEndpoint = uri
, httpSOAPAction = Just nullURI})
(parseURI uriStr)
{- |
Sends a problem in TPTP format to MathServ using a given time limit.
Either MathServ output is returned or a simple error message (no XML).
callMathServ :: MathServCall -- ^ needed data to do a MathServ call
-> IO String -- ^ MathServ output or error message
callMathServ call =
maybe (do
return "Could not start MathServ.")
(\ endPoint -> do
(res::Either SimpleFault MathServOutput)
<- soapCall endPoint $
mkProveProblem call
case res of
Left mErr -> do
return $ show mErr
Right resp -> do
return $ getResponse resp
(makeEndPoint $
(show $ mathServService call))
-- server data
server = ""
port = "8080"
{- |
Full parsing of RDF-objects returned by MathServ and putting the results
into a MathServResponse data-structure.
parseMathServOut :: String -- ^ MathServ output or error messages
-> IO MathServResponse -- ^ parsed rdf-objects in record
parseMathServOut mathServOut = do
mtrees <- parseXML mathServOut
let rdfTree = maybe emptyRoot head mtrees
failStr = getMaybeXText failureXPath rdfTree
return MathServResponse {
failure = failStr,
foAtpResult = if (isJust failStr)
then Nothing
else Just $ parseFoAtpResult rdfTree,
timeResource = parseTimeResource rdfTree }
failureXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='Failure']/"
++ "mw:*[local-name()='message']"
{- |
Parses an XmlTree for a FoAtpResult object on first level. If existing,
all values of such an object are recursively parsed from underlying XmlTree.
All found objects are put into a MWFoAtpResult data structure.
parseFoAtpResult :: XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse (should be MathServ output)
-> MWFoAtpResult -- ^ parsed Result node
parseFoAtpResult rdfTree =
MWFoAtpResult { proof = parseProof nextTree,
resultFor = parseProvingProblem nextTree,
outputStr = getXText outputXPath nextTree,
saturation = getXText saturationXPath nextTree,
systemStatus = parseStatus nextTree,
systemStr = getXText systemXPath nextTree,
time = parseTimeResource $ head $
getXPath timeXPath nextTree }
nextTree = (\xp -> if (null xp) then emptyRoot else head xp) $
getXPath atpResultXPath rdfTree
atpResultXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='FoAtpResult']"
outputXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='output']"
saturationXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='saturation']"
systemXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='system']"
timeXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='time']"
{- |
Parses an XmlTree for a FormalProof object on first level. If existing,
all values of such an object are recursively parsed from underlying XmlTree.
All found objects are put into a MWFormalProof data structure.
parseProof :: XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> MWFormalProof -- ^ parsed Formal Proof node
parseProof rdfTree =
-- to be completed (recognition of used MWFormalProof's name)
TstpCnfRefutation { formalProof = getXText formalProofXPath nextTree,
proofOf = parseProvingProblem nextTree,
calculus = parseCalculus nextTree,
axioms = getXText axiomsXPath nextTree }
nextTree = (\xp -> if (null xp) then emptyRoot else head xp) $
getXPath proofXPath rdfTree
proofXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='proof']/mw:*[1]"
axiomsXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='axioms']"
formalProofXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='formalProof']"
{- |
Parses an XmlTree for a ProvingProblem object on first level.
Currently only TstpFofProblem can be classified. An empty or non-existing
problem object will be classified a TstpFofProblem, too. Other occuring
ProvingProblems will cause an exception.
parseProvingProblem :: XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> MWProvingProblem -- ^ Parsed Proving Problem node
parseProvingProblem rdfTree = TstpFOFProblem
-- !! not correct at the moment
let prob = getAnchor $ getXText problemXPath rdfTree
in case (tillLastDash prob) of
"generated_tstp_fof_problem_" -> TstpFOFProblem
[] -> TstpFOFProblem
_ -> error $
"Could not classify proving problem: " ++ prob
problemXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='proofOf']/attribute::rdf:*"
tillLastDash = reverse . (dropWhile (\ch -> not $ ch == '_'))
. reverse
{- |
Parses an XmlTree for a Calculus object on first level.
Currently seven different Calculus objects can be classified.
Other objects (also empty or non-existing ones) will cause an exception.
parseCalculus :: XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> MWCalculus -- ^ parsed Calculus node
parseCalculus rdfTree = case calc of
"AProsNDCalculus" -> AprosNDCalculus
"OmegaNDCalculus" -> OmegaNDCalculus
"ep_res_calc" -> EpResCalc
"spass_res_calc" -> SpassResCalc
"otter_calc" -> OtterCalc
"vampire_res_calc" -> VampireResCalc
"zenon_calc" -> ZenonCalc
"standard_res" -> StandardRes
[] -> StandardRes
_ -> error $ "Could not classify calculus: " ++ calc
calculusXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='calculus']/attribute::rdf:*"
calc = (getAnchor $ getXText calculusXPath rdfTree)
{- |
Parses an XmlTree for a Status object on first level.
Currently 18 different Status objects can be classified.
Other objects (also empty or non-existing ones) will cause an exception.
The status is differentiated into solved unsolved by the object itself.
parseStatus :: XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> MWStatus -- ^ parsed Status node
parseStatus rdfTree = case statusStr of
"CounterEquivalent" -> MWStatus { solved = True,
foStatus = CounterEquivalent }
"CounterSatisfiable" -> MWStatus { solved = True,
foStatus = CounterSatisfiable }
"CounterTheorem" -> MWStatus { solved = True,
foStatus = CounterTheorem }
"Equivalent" -> MWStatus { solved = True,
foStatus = Equivalent }
"NoConsequence" -> MWStatus { solved = True,
foStatus = NoConsequence }
"Satisfiable" -> MWStatus { solved = True,
foStatus = Satisfiable }
"TautologousConclusion" -> MWStatus { solved = True,
foStatus = TautologousConclusion }
"Tautology" -> MWStatus { solved = True,
foStatus = Tautology }
"Theorem" -> MWStatus { solved = True,
foStatus = Theorem }
"Unsatisfiable" -> MWStatus { solved = True,
foStatus = Unsatisfiable }
"UnsatisfiableConclusion" -> MWStatus { solved = True,
foStatus = UnsatisfiableConclusion }
"Assumed" -> MWStatus { solved = False,
foStatus = Assumed }
"GaveUp" -> MWStatus { solved = False,
foStatus = GaveUp }
"InputError" -> MWStatus { solved = False,
foStatus = InputError }
"MemoryOut" -> MWStatus { solved = False,
foStatus = MemoryOut }
"ResourceOut" -> MWStatus { solved = False,
foStatus = ResourceOut }
"Timeout" -> MWStatus { solved = False,
foStatus = Timeout }
"Unknown" -> MWStatus { solved = False,
foStatus = Unknown }
_ -> error $ "Could not classify status of proof: "
++ statusStr
statusXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='status']/attribute::rdf:*"
statusStr = (getAnchor $ getXText statusXPath rdfTree)
{- |
Parses an XmlTree for a TimeResource object on first level. If existing,
cpuTime and wallClockTime are parsed and returned in MWTimeResource record.
parseTimeResource :: XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> MWTimeResource -- ^ parsed time resource with
-- cpuTime and wallClockTime
parseTimeResource rdfTree =
MWTimeResource {
cpuTime = read cpuTimeString,
wallClockTime = read wallClockTimeString }
cpuTimeString = getXText cpuTimeXPath rdfTree
wallClockTimeString = getXText wallClockTimeXPath rdfTree
timeResXPath = "/mw:*[local-name()='TimeResource']/"
cpuTimeXPath = timeResXPath ++ "/mw:*[local-name()='cpuTime']"
wallClockTimeXPath =
timeResXPath ++ "/mw:*[local-name()='wallClockTime']"
{- |
Removes first part of string until '#' (including '#').
getAnchor :: String -- ^ in-string
-> String -- ^ part of string after first occurence of '#'
getAnchor s =
let s' = dropWhile (\ch -> not $ ch == '#') s
in case s' of
[] -> s'
_ -> tail s'
{- |
This helper function awaits an XPath to an element that contains another
XText element (or is empty). The content of this XText element will be
getXText :: String -- ^ XPath to element containing one XText element
-> XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> String -- ^ value of XText element
getXText xp rdfTree =
let xptext = xp ++ "/text()"
xmltrees = getXPath xptext rdfTree
in case xmltrees of
[] -> []
xt -> let firstNode = getNode $ head xt
in if isXTextNode firstNode
then (\(XText s) -> s) firstNode
else []
{- |
Same as getXText, but if the element does not exist Nothing will be returned.
Otherwise Just [Text] will be returned.
getMaybeXText :: String -- ^ XPath to element containing one XText element
-> XmlTree -- ^ XML tree to parse
-> Maybe String -- ^ value of XText element
getMaybeXText xp rdfTree =
let xmltrees = getXPath xp rdfTree
in case xmltrees of
[] -> Nothing
_ -> Just $ getXText xp rdfTree