Conversions.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Functions to convert to internal SP* data structures.
Copyright : (c) Rene Wagner, Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : unknown
Functions to convert to internal SP* data structures.
module SPASS.Conversions where
import Control.Exception
import System.Time
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.AS_Annotation
import SPASS.Sign
{- |
Converts a Sign to an initial (no axioms or goals) SPLogicalPart.
signToSPLogicalPart :: Sign -> SPLogicalPart
signToSPLogicalPart s =
assert (checkArities s)
(SPLogicalPart {symbolList = sList,
declarationList = decList,
formulaLists = []})
sList = if Rel.null (sortRel s) && Map.null (funcMap s) &&
Map.null (predMap s) && Map.null (sortMap s)
then Nothing
else Just emptySymbolList
{ functions =
map (\(f, ts) ->
SPSignSym {sym = f,
arity = length (fst (head
(Set.toList ts)))})
(Map.toList (funcMap s)),
predicates =
map (\(p, ts) ->
SPSignSym {sym = p,
arity = length (head
(Set.toList ts))})
(Map.toList (predMap s)),
sorts = map SPSimpleSignSym $ Map.keys $ sortMap s }
decList = if (singleSorted s &&
(null . Map.elems . sortMap) s ) then []
else subsortDecl ++ termDecl ++ predDecl ++ genDecl
subsortDecl = map (\(a, b) -> SPSubsortDecl {sortSymA = a, sortSymB = b})
(Rel.toList (Rel.transReduce (sortRel s)))
termDecl = concatMap termDecls (Map.toList (funcMap s))
termDecls (fsym, tset) = map (toFDecl fsym) (Set.toList tset)
toFDecl fsym (args, ret) =
if null args
then SPSimpleTermDecl
(SPComplexTerm {symbol = SPCustomSymbol ret,
arguments = [SPSimpleTerm
(SPCustomSymbol fsym)]})
else SPTermDecl {
termDeclTermList =
map (\(t, i) -> SPComplexTerm {symbol = SPCustomSymbol t,
arguments = [SPSimpleTerm
(SPCustomSymbol ('X' : (show i)))]})
(zip args [(1::Int)..]),
termDeclTerm = SPComplexTerm {symbol = SPCustomSymbol ret,
arguments =
[SPComplexTerm {symbol = SPCustomSymbol fsym,
arguments = map
(SPSimpleTerm . SPCustomSymbol . ('X':) . show . snd)
(zip args [(1::Int)..])}]}}
predDecl = concatMap predDecls (Map.toList (predMap s))
predDecls (p, tset) = concatMap (toPDecl p) (Set.toList tset)
toPDecl p t
| null t = []
| otherwise = [SPPredDecl {predSym = p, sortSyms = t}]
genDecl = map (\(ssym, Just gen) -> SPGenDecl {sortSym = ssym,
freelyGenerated = freely gen,
funcList = byFunctions gen})
(filter (isJust . snd) (Map.toList (sortMap s)))
{- |
Inserts a Named Sentence (axiom or goal) into an SPLogicalPart.
insertSentence :: SPLogicalPart -> Named Sentence -> SPLogicalPart
insertSentence lp nSen = lp {formulaLists = fLists'}
insertFormula oType x [] =
[SPFormulaList {originType= oType, formulae= [x]}]
insertFormula oType x (l:ls) =
if originType l == oType
then l{formulae= x:(formulae l)}:ls
else l:(insertFormula oType x ls)
fLists' = if isAxiom nSen
then insertFormula SPOriginAxioms nSen fLists
else insertFormula SPOriginConjectures nSen fLists
fLists = formulaLists lp
{- |
Generate a SPASS problem with time stamp while maybe adding a goal.
genSPASSProblem :: String -> SPLogicalPart
-> Maybe (Named SPTerm) -> IO SPProblem
genSPASSProblem thName lp m_nGoal =
do d <- getClockTime
return $ problem $ show d
problem sd = SPProblem
{identifier = "hets_exported",
description = SPDescription
{name = thName++
(maybe ""
(\ nGoal -> '_':senName nGoal)
author = "hets",
SPASS.Sign.version = Nothing,
logic = Nothing,
status = SPStateUnknown,
desc = "",
date = Just sd},
logicalPart = maybe lp (insertSentence lp) m_nGoal,
settings = []}