ReleaseMakefile revision 5f990c66bbf9fdb0fb10a9a69db7b8bcfad6b9fa
# Makefile for a Release
# $Header$
# Author: (c) Klaus L�ttich, Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
# Year: 2004
# This Makefile will compile the hets sources
# note that you'll need the "uni" library residing in ".."
# from
# This makefile is written for GNU make (gmake on solaris, make on linux)
## Some varibles, which control the compilation
INCLUDE_PATH = ghc:hetcats
COMMONLIB_PATH = Common/Lib:Common/Lib/Parsec:Common/ATerm
CLEAN_PATH = Common:Logic:CASL:Syntax:Static:GUI:HasCASL:Haskell:Haskell/Language:CspCASL:ATC:Proofs:Comorphisms:$(INCLUDE_PATH):Haskell/Hatchet
## set ghc imports properly for your system!
DRIFT_ENV = DERIVEPATH='.:ghc:hetcats:/home/linux-bkb/ghc/ghc-latest/lib/ghc-6.0.1/imports'
HC = ghc
PERL = perl
HAPPY = happy
HADDOCK = haddock
HC_FLAGS = -fglasgow-exts
# you need the "uni" library!
HC_PACKAGE = -package-conf ../uni/uni-package.conf -package uni-davinci \
-package uni-server
### Profiling and Warnings (only for debugging)
### Attention every module must be compiled with profiling or the linker
### cannot link the various .o files properly. So after switching on
### Profiling, do an 'gmake clean; gmake'
### If you need Profiling comment out the following line
#HC_PROF = -prof -auto-all
drifted_files = Syntax/AS_Architecture.hs Syntax/AS_Library.hs\
Common/AS_Annotation.hs CASL/AS_Basic_CASL.hs Syntax/AS_Structured.hs \
genrule_header_files = $(wildcard ATC/*.header.hs)
genrule_files = Common/Lib/Graph.hs Common/Id.hs Common/Result.hs \
Common/AS_Annotation.der.hs Common/Named.hs \
Syntax/AS_Structured.der.hs Syntax/AS_Architecture.der.hs \
Common/GlobalAnnotations.hs Syntax/AS_Library.der.hs \
CASL/Sublogic.hs \
CASL/Morphism.hs CASL/Sign.hs CASL/AS_Basic_CASL.der.hs \
HasCASL/Le.hs HasCASL/As.hs HasCASL/Symbol.hs \
HasCASL/Morphism.hs HasCASL/AsToIds.hs \
Static/DevGraph.hs \
Haskell/Hatchet/AnnotatedHsSyn.hs \
Haskell/Hatchet/MultiModuleBasics.hs \
Haskell/Hatchet/HsSyn.hs \
Haskell/Hatchet/Class.hs Haskell/Hatchet/KindInference.hs \
gendrifted_files = ATC/Graph.hs ATC/Id.hs ATC/Result.hs ATC/AS_Annotation.hs \
ATC/Named.hs \
ATC/AS_Library.hs ATC/GlobalAnnotations.hs \
ATC/AS_Structured.hs ATC/AS_Architecture.hs \
ATC/DevGraph.hs \
CASL/ATC_CASL.hs Haskell/ATC_Haskell.hs \
generated_rule_files = $(patsubst %.hs,%.der.hs,$(gendrifted_files))
happy_files = Haskell/Language/Parser.hs Haskell/Hatchet/HsParser.hs
### targets
.PHONY : clean real_clean bin_clean \
clean_genRules genRules
.SECONDARY : %.hs %.d $(generated_rule_files)
all: hets-optimized
hets-opt: hetcats/Version.hs
$(MAKE) distclean
$(MAKE) derivedSources
$(MAKE) hets-optimized
$(HC) --make -O -o hets hets.hs $(HC_OPTS)
derivedSources: $(drifted_files) $(happy_files) hetcats/Version.hs
(cd utils/DrIFT-src; $(HC) --make DrIFT.hs -o ../DrIFT)
(cd utils/GenerateRules; \
$(HC) --make -i../.. -package text GenerateRules.hs -o ../genRules)
$(RM) uni
### ATC DrIFT-rule generation
genRules: $(generated_rule_files) utils/genRules
$(generated_rule_files): $(genrule_files) utils/genRules $(genrule_header_files)
$(foreach file,$(atc_files),$(gen_atc_files))
utils/genRules -r $(rule) -o CASL -h ATC/CASL.header.hs \
utils/genRules -r $(rule) -o HasCASL -h ATC/HasCASL.header.hs \
utils/genRules -r $(rule) -o CspCASL -h ATC/CspCASL.header.hs \
utils/genRules -r $(rule) -o Haskell -h ATC/Haskell.header.hs \
rule = ShATermConvertible
gen_atc_files = if [ -f ATC/$(basename $(basename $(notdir $(file)))).header.hs ]; then \
utils/genRules -r $(rule) -o ATC -h ATC/$(basename $(basename $(notdir $(file)))).header.hs $(file); \
else \
utils/genRules -r $(rule) -o ATC $(file); \
fi ;
atc_files := $(filter-out CASL/% HasCASL/% CspCASL/% Haskell/% ,$(genrule_files))
casl_files := $(filter CASL/% ,$(genrule_files))
hascasl_files := $(filter HasCASL/% ,$(genrule_files))
cspcasl_files := $(filter CspCASL/% ,$(genrule_files))
haskell_files := $(filter Haskell/%,$(genrule_files))
$(RM) $(generated_rule_files)
### clean up
### remove binary
$(RM) hets
### removes *.hi and *.o in all include directories
clean: bin_clean
for p in $(subst :, ,$(CLEAN_PATH)) . ; do \
(cd $$p ; $(RM) *.hi *.o) ; done
### remove files also in own libraries
lib_clean: clean
for p in $(subst :, ,$(COMMONLIB_PATH)) . ; do \
(cd $$p ; $(RM) *.hi *.o) ; done
### additionally removes the files that define the sources-variable
real_clean: lib_clean
### additionally generated files not in CVS tree
distclean: real_clean clean_genRules
$(RM) hetcats/Version.hs
$(RM) $(drifted_files)
$(RM) $(happy_files)
## Preparing the version of HetCATS
hetcats/Version.hs: hetcats/ version_nr
$(PERL) utils/ version_nr < hetcats/ > $@
## two hardcoded dependencies for a correct generation of Version.hs
hetcats/Options.hs hetcats/WriteFn.hs hetcats/ReadFn.hs: hetcats/Version.hs
hets.hs: hetcats/Version.hs
## rules for DrIFT
$(HAPPY) $<
%.hs: %.der.hs utils/DrIFT
$(DRIFT) $(DRIFT_OPTS) $< > $@