Logic_Rel.hs revision 05a206508bc898f87fe6ab6e069814df3c29d303
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Instance of class Logic for Rel
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, Uni Bremen 2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : luecke@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
Instance of class Logic for RelationalSchemes
module RelationalScheme.Logic_Rel where
import Logic.Logic
import RelationalScheme.AS
import RelationalScheme.Sign
import RelationalScheme.ParseRS
import RelationalScheme.ATC_RelationalScheme
import RelationalScheme.StaticAnalysis
data Rel = Rel deriving (Show)
instance Language Rel where
description _ =
"Simple logic for Relational Schemes"
-- | Instance of Category for Rel
instance Category
Rel -- lid
Sign -- sign
() -- mor
legal_obj Rel _ = False
legal_mor Rel _ = False
-- ^ Instance of Sentences for Rel
instance Sentences Rel Sentence Sign () () where
-- there is nothing to leave out
simplify_sen Rel _ form = form
-- | Syntax of Rel
instance Syntax Rel RSScheme () () where
parse_basic_spec Rel = Just parseRSScheme
parse_symb_items _ = Nothing
parse_symb_map_items _ = Nothing
-- | Instance of Logic for Relational Schemes
instance Logic Rel
() -- Sublogics
RSScheme -- basic_spec
Sentence -- sentence
() -- symb_items
() -- symb_map_items
Sign -- sign
() -- morphism
() -- symbol
() -- raw_symbol
() -- proof_tree
stability Rel = Experimental
-- | Static Analysis for Rel
instance StaticAnalysis Rel
RSScheme -- basic_spec
Sentence -- sentence
() -- symb_items
() -- symb_map_items
Sign -- sign
() -- morphism
() -- symbol
() -- raw_symbol
basic_analysis Rel = Just $ basic_Rel_analysis