AS.der.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : abstract syntax for Relational Schemes
Copyright : Dominik Luecke, Uni Bremen 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Abstract syntax for Relational Schemes
module RelationalScheme.AS
RSRelType (..)
, RSQualId (..)
, RSRel (..)
, RSRelationships (..)
, RSScheme (..)
, Sentence
, map_rel
, getRels
, getSignature
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import RelationalScheme.Keywords
import RelationalScheme.Sign
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Result
-- DrIFT command
{-! global: GetRange !-}
data RSRelType = RSone_to_one | RSone_to_many | RSmany_to_one | RSmany_to_many
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- first Id is TableId, second is columnId
data RSQualId = RSQualId
table :: Id
, column :: Id
, q_pos :: Range
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data RSRel = RSRel
r_lhs :: [RSQualId]
, r_rhs :: [RSQualId]
, r_type :: RSRelType
, r_pos :: Range
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data RSRelationships = RSRelationships [Annoted RSRel] Range
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data RSScheme = RSScheme RSTables RSRelationships Range
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Sentence = RSRel
-- Pretty printing stuff
instance Pretty RSScheme where
pretty (RSScheme t r _) = pretty t $++$ pretty r
instance Pretty RSRelationships where
pretty (RSRelationships rs _) = if null rs then empty else
keyword rsRelationships $+$ vcat (map pretty rs)
instance Pretty RSRel where
pretty (RSRel i1 i2 tp _) =
let tbl is = case is of
[] -> empty
t : _ -> pretty (table t)
<> brackets (ppWithCommas is)
in fsep [tbl i1, funArrow, tbl i2, keyword (show tp)]
instance Pretty RSQualId where
pretty = pretty . column
instance Show RSRelType where
show r = case r of
RSone_to_one -> rs1to1
RSone_to_many -> rs1tom
RSmany_to_one -> rsmto1
RSmany_to_many -> rsmtom
map_qualId :: RSMorphism -> RSQualId -> Result RSQualId
map_qualId mor qid =
(tid, rid, rn) = case qid of
RSQualId i1 i2 rn1 -> (i1, i2, rn1)
in maybe (fail "map_qualId") return $ do
mtid <- Map.lookup tid $ table_map mor
rmor <- Map.lookup tid $ column_map mor
mrid <- Map.lookup rid $ col_map rmor
return $ RSQualId mtid mrid rn
map_rel :: RSMorphism -> RSRel -> Result RSRel
map_rel mor rel =
(q1, q2, rt, rn) = case rel of
RSRel qe1 qe2 rte rne -> (qe1, qe2, rte, rne)
mq1 <- mapM (map_qualId mor) q1
mq2 <- mapM (map_qualId mor) q2
return $ RSRel mq1 mq2 rt rn
map_arel :: RSMorphism -> (Annoted RSRel) -> Result (Annoted RSRel)
map_arel mor arel =
rel = item arel
(q1, q2, rt, rn) = case rel of
RSRel qe1 qe2 rte rne -> (qe1, qe2, rte, rne)
mq1 <- mapM (map_qualId mor) q1
mq2 <- mapM (map_qualId mor) q2
return $ arel
item = RSRel mq1 mq2 rt rn
map_relships :: RSMorphism -> RSRelationships -> Result RSRelationships
map_relships mor rsh =
(arel, rn) = case rsh of
RSRelationships arel1 rn1 -> (arel1, rn1)
orel <- mapM (map_arel mor) arel
return $ RSRelationships orel rn
-- ^ oo-style getter function for Relations
getRels :: RSScheme -> [Annoted RSRel]
getRels spec = case spec of
RSScheme _ (RSRelationships rels _) _ -> rels
-- ^ oo-style getter function for signatures
getSignature :: RSScheme -> RSTables
getSignature spec = case spec of
RSScheme tb _ _ -> tb