Parse_AS_Basic.hs revision c2e192ace9ef7cfb0e59563f1b24477b2b65cff3
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Parser for basic specs
Copyright : (c) Dominik Dietrich, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Parser for abstract syntax for reduce computer algebra system
module Reduce.Parse_AS_Basic
import qualified Common.AnnoState as AnnoState
import Common.Id as Id
import Common.Keywords as Keywords
import Common.Lexer as Lexer
import Control.Monad
import Reduce.AS_BASIC_Reduce
import Reduce.Keywords
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-- the basic lexer, test using e.g. runParser identifier 0 "" "asda2_3"
--------------------------- Parser for Expressions --------------------------
-- | parsing of identifiers. an identifier is a letter followed by letters/numbers/_, but not a keyword
identifier :: CharParser st Id.Token
identifier = Lexer.pToken $ Lexer.reserved allKeywords Lexer.scanAnyWords
-- | parser for numbers (both integers and floats) without signs
number :: CharParser st Id.Token
number = Lexer.pToken Lexer.scanFloat
expression :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
expression = do
exp1 <- factor
exps <- many $ liftM2 (,) (Lexer.keySign (string "+" <|> string "-")) factor
if null exps then return exp1
else return $ foldr (\ a b -> (Op (fst a) [b,(snd a)] nullRange)) exp1 exps
-- | parse a product of basic expressions
factor :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
factor = do
exp1 <- expexp
exps <- many $ liftM2 (,) (Lexer.keySign (string "*" <|> string "/")) factor
if null exps then return exp1
else return $ foldr (\ a b -> (Op (fst a) [b,(snd a)] nullRange)) exp1 exps
-- | parse a sequence of exponentiations
expexp :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
expexp = do
exp1 <- expatom
exps <- many $ liftM2 (,) (Lexer.keySign (string "**" <|> string "^")) expexp
if null exps then return exp1
else return $ foldr (\ a b -> (Op (fst a) [b,(snd a)] nullRange)) exp1 exps
-- | parse a basic expression
expatom :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
expatom = do
nr <- number
if (isFloating nr) then return (Double (read (tokStr nr)) (tokPos nr))
else return (Int (read (tokStr nr)) (tokPos nr))
ident <- identifier
return (Var ident)
expr <- expression
return expr
-- | parses a list expression
listexp :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
listexp = do
(Lexer.keySign (string "{"))
elems <- Lexer.separatedBy expression (Lexer.keySign (string ","))
(Lexer.keySign (string "}"))
return (List (fst elems) nullRange)
---------------------------- parser for formulas ----------------------------
-- | parser for atoms
truefalseFormula :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
truefalseFormula =
(lexemeParser (Lexer.keySign (string "true")))
return (Op "True" [] nullRange)
(lexemeParser (Lexer.keySign (string "false")))
return (Op "False" [] nullRange)
-- | parser for predicates
predFormula :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
predFormula =
exp1 <- expression
op <- (Lexer.keySign (try (string "<=") <|> try (string ">=") <|> try (string "=") <|> try (string "<") <|> try (string ">")))
exp2 <- expression
return (Op op [exp1,exp2] nullRange)
atomicFormula :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
atomicFormula = truefalseFormula <|> predFormula <|> parenFormula
-- | parser for formulas
aFormula :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
aFormula = (try negFormula) <|> impOrFormula
-- | parser for symbols followed by whitechars
lexemeParser :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
lexemeParser p1 = do
res <- p1
return res
negFormula :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
negFormula = do
(lexemeParser (Lexer.keySign (string "not")))
f <- atomicFormula
return (Op "Not" [f] nullRange)
-- | parses a formula within brackets
parenFormula :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
parenFormula = do
f <- aFormula
return f
-- | parser for implications and ors (same precedence)
impOrFormula :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
impOrFormula = do
f1 <- andFormula
opfs <- many $ liftM2 (,) (lexemeParser (Lexer.keySign (string "or" <|> string "impl"))) impOrFormula
if null opfs then return f1
else return $ foldr (\ (a1,a2) b -> case a1 of
"or" -> Op "Or" [b,a2] nullRange
"impl" -> Op "Impl" [b,a2] nullRange
_ -> error "impl or or expected"
) f1 opfs
-- | a parser for and sequence of and formulas
andFormula :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
andFormula = do
f1 <- atomicFormula
opfs <- many $ liftM2 (,) (lexemeParser (Lexer.keySign (string "and"))) atomicFormula
if null opfs then return f1
else return $ foldr (\ a b -> (Op "And" [b,(snd a)] nullRange)) f1 opfs
---------------------------- Parser for Commands ----------------------------
formulaorexpression :: CharParser st EXPRESSION
formulaorexpression = ((try aFormula) <|> expression)
-- | parser for commands
command :: CharParser st CMD
command = do
cmd <- (lexemeParser (Lexer.keySign (try (string "solve")) <|> string "simplify" <|> string "remainder" <|> string "gcd" <|> string "int" <|> string "qelim"))
arg1 <- formulaorexpression
args <- many $ liftM2 (,) (lexemeParser (Lexer.keySign (string ","))) formulaorexpression
return (Cmd cmd (arg1 : (map snd args)))
--------------------------- parser spec entries. ----------------------------
-- | parser for operator declarations: example: operator a,b,c
opItem :: CharParser st OP_ITEM
opItem = do
Lexer.keySign (lexemeParser (string "operator"))
var1 <- identifier
vars <- many $ liftM2 (,) (lexemeParser (Lexer.keySign (string ","))) identifier
return (Op_item (var1:(map snd vars)) nullRange)
-- | Toplevel parser for basic specs
basicSpec :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_SPEC
basicSpec =
fmap Basic_spec (AnnoState.annosParser parseBasicItems)
<|> (Lexer.oBraceT >> Lexer.cBraceT >> return (Basic_spec []))
-- | Parser for basic items
parseBasicItems :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseBasicItems = parseOpDecl <|> parseAxItems
-- | parser for predicate declarations
parseOpDecl :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseOpDecl = fmap Op_decl opItem
-- | parser for Axiom_item
parseAxItems :: AnnoState.AParser st BASIC_ITEMS
parseAxItems = do
cmd <- (AnnoState.allAnnoParser command)
return $ Axiom_item cmd
------------------------ parser for symbol maps etc. ------------------------
-- | parsing a prop symbol
symb :: GenParser Char st SYMB
symb = fmap Symb_id identifier
-- | parsing one symbol or a mapping of one to a second symbol
symbMap :: GenParser Char st SYMB_OR_MAP
symbMap = do
s <- symb
do f <- pToken $ toKey mapsTo
t <- symb
return (Symb_map s t $ tokPos f)
<|> return (Symb s)
-- | Parse a list of comma separated symbols.
symbItems :: GenParser Char st SYMB_ITEMS
symbItems = do
(is, ps) <- symbs
return (Symb_items is $ catRange ps)
-- | parse a comma separated list of symbols
symbs :: GenParser Char st ([SYMB], [Token])
symbs = do
s <- symb
do c <- commaT `followedWith` symb
(is, ps) <- symbs
return (s:is, c:ps)
<|> return ([s], [])
-- | parse a list of symbol mappings
symbMapItems :: GenParser Char st SYMB_MAP_ITEMS
symbMapItems = do
(is, ps) <- symbMaps
return (Symb_map_items is $ catRange ps)
-- | parse a comma separated list of symbol mappings
symbMaps :: GenParser Char st ([SYMB_OR_MAP], [Token])
symbMaps = do
s <- symbMap
do c <- commaT `followedWith` symb
(is, ps) <- symbMaps
return (s:is, c:ps)
<|> return ([s], [])