Logic_Reduce.hs revision c2e192ace9ef7cfb0e59563f1b24477b2b65cff3
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Instance of class Logic for Reduce
Copyright : (c) Dominik Dietrich, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : dominik.dietrich@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
Instance of class Logic for the Reduce logic
Also the instances for Syntax and Category.
module Reduce.Logic_Reduce where
import Logic.Logic
import Reduce.Sign
import Reduce.Morphism
import Reduce.AS_BASIC_Reduce
import Reduce.Parse_AS_Basic
import Reduce.Analysis
import Reduce.Tools
import Reduce.Symbol
import Reduce.ATC_Reduce ()
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import ATC.ProofTree ()
import Common.ProofTree
-- | Lid for reduce logic
data Reduce = Reduce deriving Show
instance Language Reduce where
description _ = "Reduce Logic\n"
-- | Instance of Category for Reduce logic
instance Category Sign Morphism where
-- Identity morhpism
ide = idMor
-- Returns the domain of a morphism
dom = source
-- Returns the codomain of a morphism
cod = target
-- check if morphism is inclusion
isInclusion = Map.null . operatorMap
-- tests if the morphism is ok
legal_mor = isLegalMorphism
-- composition of morphisms
composeMorphisms = composeMor
-- | Instance of Sentences for reduce logic
instance Sentences Reduce CMD
Sign Morphism Symbol where
negation Reduce = Just . negateFormula
-- returns the set of symbols --> also operatoren
sym_of Reduce = symOf
-- returns the symbol map --> in map stehen nur änderungen, symbolmap enthält auch ids (hinzufügen aus quellsignatur)
symmap_of Reduce = getSymbolMap
-- returns the name of a symbol --> id
sym_name Reduce = getSymbolName
-- translation of sentences along signature morphism /operatoren umbenennen entsprechend der map
map_sen Reduce = mapSentence
-- there is nothing to leave out
simplify_sen Reduce _ = id
-- | Syntax of Reduce logic
instance Syntax Reduce BASIC_SPEC
parse_basic_spec Reduce = Just basicSpec
parse_symb_items Reduce = Just symbItems
parse_symb_map_items Reduce = Just symbMapItems
-- | Instance of Logic for reduce logc
instance Logic Reduce
() -- Sublogics
BASIC_SPEC -- basic_spec
CMD -- sentences are CAS commands
SYMB_ITEMS -- symb_items
SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -- symb_map_items
Sign -- sign
Morphism -- morphism
Symbol -- symbol
Symbol -- raw_symbol
ProofTree -- proof_tree
stability Reduce = Experimental
empty_proof_tree Reduce = emptyProofTree
-- supplied provers
provers Reduce = []
-- | Static Analysis for reduce logic
instance StaticAnalysis Reduce
BASIC_SPEC -- basic_spec
CMD -- sentence
SYMB_ITEMS -- symb_items
SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -- symb_map_items
Sign -- sign
Morphism -- morphism
Symbol -- symbol
Symbol -- raw_symbol
basic_analysis Reduce = Just basicReduceAnalysis
empty_signature Reduce = emptySig
is_subsig Reduce = isSubSigOf
subsig_inclusion Reduce s = return . inclusionMap s
signature_union Reduce = sigUnion
symbol_to_raw Reduce = symbolToRaw
id_to_raw Reduce = idToRaw
-- matches Reduce = Symbol.matches
-- stat_symb_items Reduce = mkStatSymbItems
-- stat_symb_map_items Reduce = mkStatSymbMapItem
morphism_union Reduce = morphismUnion
-- induced_from_morphism Reduce = inducedFromMorphism
-- induced_from_to_morphism Reduce = inducedFromToMorphism