Keywords.hs revision c2e192ace9ef7cfb0e59563f1b24477b2b65cff3
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : String constants for CASL keywords to be used for parsing
and printing
Copyright : Dominik Dietrich, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
String constants for keywords to be used for parsing and reduce expressions
module Reduce.Keywords where
-- commands
algebraicS :: String
algebraicS = "algebraic"
antisymmetricS :: String
antisymmetricS = "antisymmetric"
arrayS :: String
arrayS = "array"
clearS :: String
clearS = "clear"
byeS :: String
byeS = "bye"
clearrulesS :: String
clearrulesS = "clearrules"
commentS :: String
commentS = "comment"
contS :: String
contS = "cont"
decomposeS :: String
decomposeS = "decompose"
defineS :: String
defineS = "define"
dependS :: String
dependS = "depends"
displayS :: String
displayS = "display"
edS :: String
edS = "ed"
editdefS :: String
editdefS = "editdef"
endS :: String
endS = "end"
evenS :: String
evenS = "even"
factorS :: String
factorS = "factor"
forS :: String
forS = "for"
forallS :: String
forallS = "forall"
foreachS :: String
foreachS = "foreach"
goS :: String
goS = "go"
gotoS :: String
gotoS = "goto"
ifS :: String
ifS = "if"
inS :: String
inS = "in"
indexS :: String
indexS = "index"
infixS :: String
infixS = "infix"
inputS :: String
inputS = "input"
integerS :: String
integerS = "integer"
korderS :: String
korderS = "korder"
letS :: String
letS = "let"
linearS :: String
linearS = "linear"
lispS :: String
lispS = "lisp"
listargpS :: String
listargpS = "lispargp"
loadS :: String
loadS = "load"
loadpackageS :: String
loadpackageS = "loadpackage"
massS :: String
massS = "mass"
matchS :: String
matchS = "match"
matrixS :: String
matrixS = "matrix"
mshellS :: String
mshellS = "mshell"
nodependS :: String
nodependS = "nodepend"
noncomS :: String
noncomS = "nocom"
nonzeroS :: String
nonzeroS = "nonzero"
nospurS :: String
nospurS = "nospur"
oddS :: String
oddS = "odd"
offS :: String
offS = "off"
onS :: String
onS = "on"
operatorS :: String
operatorS = "operator"
orderS :: String
orderS = "order"
outS :: String
outS = "out"
pauseS :: String
pauseS = "pause"
precedenceS :: String
precedenceS = "precedence"
printprecisionS :: String
printprecisionS = "printprecision"
procedureS :: String
procedureS ="procedure"
quitS :: String
quitS = "quit"
realS :: String
realS = "real"
remfacS :: String
remfacS = "remfac"
remindS :: String
remindS = "remind"
retryS :: String
retryS = "retry"
returnS :: String
returnS = "return"
saveasS :: String
saveasS = "saveas"
scalarS :: String
scalarS = "scalar"
setmodS :: String
setmodS = "setmod"
shareS :: String
shareS = "share"
showtimeS :: String
showtimeS = "showtime"
shutS :: String
shutS = "shut"
spurS :: String
spurS = "spur"
symbolicS :: String
symbolicS = "symbolic"
symmetricS :: String
symmetricS = "symmetric"
vecdimS :: String
vecdimS = "vecdim"
vectorS :: String
vectorS = "vector"
wheightS :: String
wheightS = "wheight"
writeS :: String
writeS = "write"
wtlevelS :: String
wtlevelS = "wtlevel"
commandKeywords :: [String]
commandKeywords = [algebraicS, antisymmetricS, arrayS, byeS, clearS, clearrulesS, commentS, contS, decomposeS, defineS, dependS, displayS, edS, editdefS, endS, evenS, factorS, forS, forallS, foreachS, goS, gotoS, ifS, inS, indexS, infixS, inputS, integerS, korderS, letS, linearS, lispS, listargpS, loadS, loadpackageS, massS, matchS, matrixS, mshellS, nodependS, noncomS, nonzeroS, nospurS, oddS, offS, onS, operatorS, orderS, outS, pauseS, precedenceS, printprecisionS, procedureS, quitS, realS, remfacS, remindS, retryS, returnS, saveasS, scalarS, setmodS, shareS, showtimeS, shutS, spurS, symbolicS, symmetricS, vecdimS, vectorS, wheightS, writeS, wtlevelS]
-- boolean operators
evenpS :: String
evenpS = "even"
fixpS :: String
fixpS = "fixp"
freeofS :: String
freeofS = "freeof"
numberpS :: String
numberpS = "numperp"
ordpS :: String
ordpS = "ordp"
primepS :: String
primepS = "primep"
booleanKeywords :: [String]
booleanKeywords = [evenpS, fixpS, freeofS, numberpS, ordpS, primepS]
-- infix operators
sym_assignS :: String
sym_assignS = ":="
sym_equalS :: String
sym_equalS = "="
sym_lessS :: String
sym_lessS = "<"
sym_greaterS :: String
sym_greaterS = ">"
sym_geqS :: String
sym_geqS = ">="
sym_leqS :: String
sym_leqS = "<="
sym_plusS :: String
sym_plusS = "+"
sym_minusS :: String
sym_minusS = "-"
sym_expS :: String
sym_expS = "^"
sym_divS :: String
sym_divS = "/"
sym_expmulS :: String
sym_expmulS = "**"
orS :: String
orS = "or"
andS :: String
andS = "and"
memberS :: String
memberS = "member"
memqS :: String
memqS = "memq"
equalS :: String
equalS = "equal"
neqS :: String
neqS = "neq"
eqS :: String
eqS = "eq"
geqS :: String
geqS = "geq"
greaterpS :: String
greaterpS = "greaterp"
leqS :: String
leqS = "leq"
lesspS :: String
lesspS = "lessp"
plusS :: String
plusS = "plus"
differenceS :: String
differenceS = "difference"
minusS :: String
minusS = "minus"
timesS :: String
timesS = "times"
quotientS :: String
quotientS = "quotient"
exptS :: String
exptS = "expt"
consS :: String
consS = "cons"
infixKeywords :: [String]
infixKeywords = [sym_assignS, sym_equalS, sym_lessS, sym_greaterS, sym_geqS, sym_leqS, sym_plusS, sym_minusS, sym_expS, sym_divS, sym_expmulS, sym_expS, orS, andS, memberS, memqS, equalS, neqS, eqS, geqS, greaterpS, leqS, lesspS, plusS, differenceS, minusS, timesS, quotientS, exptS, consS]
-- numerical operators
absS :: String
absS = "abs"
acosS :: String
acosS = "acos"
acoshS :: String
acoshS = "acosh"
acothS :: String
acothS = "actoh"
acscS :: String
acscS = "acsc"
acschS :: String
acschS = "acsch"
asecS :: String
asecS = "asec"
asechS :: String
asechS = "asech"
asinS :: String
asinS = "asin"
asinhS :: String
asinhS = "asinh"
atanS :: String
atanS = "atan"
atanhS :: String
atanhS = "atanh"
atan2S :: String
atan2S = "atan2"
cosS :: String
cosS = "cos"
coshS :: String
coshS = "cosh"
cotS :: String
cotS = "cot"
cothS :: String
cothS = "coth"
cscS :: String
cscS = "csc"
cschS :: String
cschS = "csch"
expS :: String
expS = "exp"
factorialS :: String
factorialS = "factorial"
fixS :: String
fixS = "fix"
floorS :: String
floorS = "floor"
hypotS :: String
hypotS = "hypot"
lnS :: String
lnS = "ln"
logS :: String
logS = "log"
logbS :: String
logbS = "logb"
log10S :: String
log10S = "log10"
nextprimeS ::String
nextprimeS = "nextprime"
roundS :: String
roundS = "round"
secS :: String
secS = "sec"
sechS :: String
sechS = "sech"
sinS :: String
sinS = "sin"
sinhS :: String
sinhS = "sinh"
sqrtS :: String
sqrtS = "sqrt"
tanS :: String
tanS = "tan"
tanhS :: String
tanhS = "tanh"
numericalKeywords :: [String]
numericalKeywords = [absS, acosS, acoshS, acothS, acscS, acschS, asecS, asechS, asinS, asinhS, atanS, atanhS, atan2S, cosS, coshS, cotS, cothS, cscS, cschS, expS, factorialS, fixS, floorS, hypotS, lnS, logS, logbS, log10S, nextprimeS, roundS, secS, sechS, sinS, sinhS, sqrtS, tanS, tanhS]
-- prefix operators
appendS :: String
appendS = "append"
arglengthS :: String
arglengthS =" arglenght"
ceilingS :: String
ceilingS = "ceiling"
coeffS :: String
coeffS = "coeff"
coeffnS :: String
coeffnS = "coeffn"
cofactorS :: String
cofactorS = "cofactor"
conjS :: String
conjS = "conj"
degS :: String
degS = "deg"
denS :: String
denS = "den"
detS :: String
detS = "det"
defS :: String
defS = "def"
dilogS :: String
dilogS = "dilog"
eiS :: String
eiS = "ei"
epsS :: String
epsS = "eps"
erfS :: String
erfS = "erf"
factorizeS :: String
factorizeS = "factorize"
firstS :: String
firstS = "first"
gcdS :: String
gcdS = "gcd"
gS :: String
gS = "g"
impartS :: String
impartS = "impart"
intS :: String
intS = "int"
interpolS :: String
interpolS = "interpol"
lcmS :: String
lcmS = "lcm"
lcofS :: String
lcofS = "lcof"
lengthS :: String
lengthS = "length"
lhsS :: String
lhsS = "lhs"
linelengthS :: String
linelengthS = "linelength"
lltermS :: String
lltermS = "llterm"
mainvarS :: String
mainvarS = "mainvar"
matS :: String
matS = "mat"
mateigenS :: String
mateigenS = "mateigen"
maxS :: String
maxS = "max"
minS :: String
minS = "min"
mkidS :: String
mkidS = "mkid"
nullspaceS :: String
nullspaceS = "nullspace"
numS :: String
numS = "num"
partS :: String
partS = "part"
pfS :: String
pfS = "pf"
precisionS :: String
precisionS = "precision"
prodS :: String
prodS = "prod"
randomS :: String
randomS = "random"
randomnewseedS :: String
randomnewseedS = "randomnewseed"
rankS :: String
rankS = "rank"
rederrS :: String
rederrS = "rederr"
reductS :: String
reductS = "reduct"
remainderS :: String
remainderS = "remainder"
repartS :: String
repartS = "repart"
restS :: String
restS = "rest"
resultantS :: String
resultantS = "resultant"
reverseS :: String
reverseS = "reverse"
rhsS :: String
rhsS = "rhs"
secondS :: String
secondS = "second"
setS :: String
setS = "set"
showrulesS :: String
showrulesS = "showrules"
signS :: String
signS = "sign"
solveS :: String
solveS = "solve"
structrS :: String
structrS = "structr"
subS :: String
subS = "sub"
sumS :: String
sumS = "sum"
thirdS :: String
thirdS = "third"
tpS :: String
tpS = "tp"
traceS :: String
traceS = "trace"
varnameS :: String
varnameS = "varname"
prefixKeywords :: [String]
prefixKeywords = [appendS, arglengthS, ceilingS, coeffS, coeffnS, cofactorS, conjS, degS, denS, detS, defS, dilogS, eiS, epsS, erfS, factorizeS, firstS, gcdS, gS, impartS, intS, interpolS, lcmS, lcofS, lengthS, lhsS, linelengthS, lltermS, mainvarS, matS, mateigenS, maxS, minS, mkidS, nullspaceS, numS, partS, pfS, precisionS, prodS, randomS, randomnewseedS, rankS, rederrS, reductS, remainderS, repartS, restS, resultantS, reverseS, rhsS, secondS, setS, showrulesS, signS, solveS, structrS, subS, sumS, thirdS, tpS, traceS, varnameS]
-- reserved variables
cardnoS :: String
cardnoS = "cardno"
eS :: String
eS = "e"
evalmodeS :: String
evalmodeS = "evalmode"
fortwidthS :: String
fortwidthS = "fortwidth"
highpowS :: String
highpowS = "highpow"
iS :: String
iS = "i"
infinityS :: String
infinityS = "infinity"
kexlamS :: String
kexlamS = "k!*"
lowpowS :: String
lowpowS = "lowpow"
nilS :: String
nilS = "nil"
piS :: String
piS = "pi"
rootmultS :: String
rootmultS = "rootmult"
tS :: String
tS = "t"
varKeywords :: [String]
varKeywords = [cardnoS, eS, evalmodeS, fortwidthS, highpowS, iS, infinityS, kexlamS, lowpowS, nilS, piS, rootmultS, tS]
-- switches
adjprecS :: String
adjprecS = "adjprec"
algintS :: String
algintS = "algint"
allbranchS :: String
allbranchS = "allbranch"
allfacS :: String
allfacS = "allfac"
balancemodS :: String
balancemodS = "balancemod"
bfspaceS :: String
bfspaceS = "bfspace"
combineexptS :: String
combineexptS = "comineexpt"
defnS :: String
defnS = "defn"
demoS :: String
demoS = "demo"
divS :: String
divS = "div"
echoS :: String
echoS = "echo"
errcontS :: String
errcontS = "errcont"
evallhseqpS :: String
evallhseqpS = "evallhseqp"
expandlogsS :: String
expandlogsS = "expandlogs"
ezgcdS :: String
ezgcdS = "ezgcd"
fortS :: String
fortS = "fort"
fullrootsS :: String
fullrootsS = "fullroots"
ifactorS :: String
ifactorS = "ifactor"
intstrS :: String
intstrS = "intstr"
listS :: String
listS = "list"
listargsS :: String
listargsS = "listargs"
mcdS :: String
mcdS = "mcd"
modularS :: String
modularS = "modular"
msgS :: String
msgS = "msg"
multiplicitiesS :: String
multiplicitiesS = "multiplicities"
natS :: String
natS = "nat"
neroS :: String
neroS = "nero"
nosplitS :: String
nosplitS = "nosplit"
outputS :: String
outputS = "output"
periodS :: String
periodS = "period"
preciseS :: String
preciseS = "precise"
pretS :: String
pretS = "pret"
priS :: String
priS = "pri"
ratS :: String
ratS = "rat"
ratargS :: String
ratargS = "ratargs"
rationalS :: String
rationalS = "rational"
rationalizeS :: String
rationalizeS = "rationalize"
ratrpiS :: String
ratrpiS = "ratrpi"
revpriS :: String
revpriS = "repvpri"
rlisp88S :: String
rlisp88S = "rlisp88"
roundallS :: String
roundallS = "roundall"
roundbdS :: String
roundbdS = "roundbd"
roundedS :: String
roundedS = "rounded"
savestructrS :: String
savestructrS = "savestructr"
solvesingularS :: String
solvesingularS = "solvesingular"
timeS :: String
timeS = "times"
traS ::String
traS = "tra"
trfacS :: String
trfacS = "trafac"
trigformS :: String
trigformS = "trigform"
trintS :: String
trintS = "trint"
switchKeywords :: [String]
switchKeywords = [adjprecS, algintS, allbranchS, allfacS, balancemodS, bfspaceS, combineexptS, defnS, demoS, divS, echoS, errcontS, evallhseqpS, expS, expandlogsS, ezgcdS, factorS, fortS, fullrootsS, gcdS, ifactorS, intS, intstrS, lcmS, listS, listargsS, mcdS, modularS, msgS, multiplicitiesS, natS, neroS, nosplitS, outputS, periodS, preciseS, pretS, priS, ratS, ratargS, rationalS, rationalizeS, ratrpiS, revpriS, rlisp88S, roundallS, roundbdS, roundedS, savestructrS, solvesingularS, timeS, traS, trfacS, trigformS, trintS]
-- others
beginS :: String
beginS = "begin"
doS :: String
doS = "do"
exprS :: String
exprS = "expr"
fexprS :: String
fexprS = "fexpr"
lambdaS :: String
lambdaS = "lambda"
macroS :: String
macroS = "macro"
productS :: String
productS = "product"
repeatS :: String
repeatS = "repeat"
smacroS :: String
smacroS = "scmacro"
untilS :: String
untilS = "until"
whenS :: String
whenS = "when"
whileS :: String
whileS = "while"
wsS :: String
wsS = "ws"
otherKeywords :: [String]
otherKeywords = [beginS, doS, exprS, fexprS, inputS, lambdaS, lispS, macroS, productS, repeatS, smacroS, sumS, untilS, whenS, whileS, wsS]
allKeywords :: [String]
allKeywords = commandKeywords ++ booleanKeywords ++ infixKeywords ++ numericalKeywords ++ prefixKeywords ++ varKeywords ++ switchKeywords ++ otherKeywords