README revision 63f101eea51c833ecf28ec5b1ff509595c9cc54e
Information not contained in this file can usually be found in the
Hets user guide (doc/UserGuide.pdf), on the Hets web page
or within the source itself.
Unless you know what you are doing you should always install the prepared
system packages for your OS, instead of compiling it by yourself:
# add the hets PPA site to your system unless already done
apt-add-repository ppa:hets/hets
apt-add-repository -s \
"deb trusty main
# update the system's package catalog and install hets incl. dependencies
apt-get update
apt-get install hets
# to update your installation to a recent version do from time to time:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade [hets]
Solaris 11+:
# add the package publisher info of the Uni Magedeburg to your system
# if not already done (see "pkg publisher" output)
pkg set-publisher --add-origin lnf
# install hets incl. dependencies
pkg install hets
# to update your installation to a recent version do from time to time:
pkg update [hets]
To get optional TeX/PDF support, you also need to install the related pdflatex
packages (Ubuntu: texlive-latex-base, texlive-latex-extra, texlive-pictures,
texlive-fonts-recommended; Solaris 11+: tl-latex, tl-fonts, tl-utils).
Adding packages to the system usually requires additional privileges.
So sudo, pfexec or similar tools might be needed to be able to execute the
commands mentioned above successfully.
In non-desktop environments like servers, where no GUI is needed or hets is
running as a service, you may prefer to install the package 'hets-server'
instead. This one gets compiled without GTK+/Glade/TclTk support and thus
reduces the number of dependencies and required ressources noteworthy.
Building from source
hets sources can be obtained using the following command:
git clone
For compilation we use the Glasgow Haskell Compiler "ghc" version 7.6.x and
above as well as Java for some helper tools. So you need to install these tools
as well as all haskell modules required by hets.
Having a look at utils/ as well as may help to find
out, what is missing on your system. On debianized systems the following
command may automatically install all dependencies:
DISTRO=`lsb_release -cs`
apt-add-repository \
-s "deb ${DISTRO} main"
apt-get update
apt-get build-dep hets
For Solaris 11+ have a look at or
the output of e.g. "pkg list -a 'library/haskell/*'".
For anything else have a look at the file 'debian/control' - watch out for
To build the un-optimized versions of hets and the hets server, use:
make all
To build the optimized versions incl. everything else needed for our debian
packages, use:
make build
This is basically the same as 'make hets-opt hets_server-opt docs'.
Omitting the suffix '-opt' from a target creates the un-optimized versions of
the related binary. For more details study the Makefile (GNU style, so on
Solaris use 'gmake' instead of 'make').
NOTE that since version 0.99.10 programatica support is disabled by default.
If you want programatica support you need to extract the sources first into
programatica/tools (this folder should than contain the Setup.hs file). One
may try 'make get-programatica' as an alternative - it tries to fetch the
source[s] defined in and extract them to the right place. On Ubuntu you
should also install the package 'libghc-programatica-dev'. To compile
without programatica support again, just rename or delete ./programatica/
and do a 'make distclean' before building the new binaries. 'make realclean'
is almost the same, but it leaves the derived aka generated sources untouched
and thus may cause problems. For more information wrt. programatica see
On debian based system one may even use the following or similar command, to
create the all *.deb packages out of the box in the parent directory of Hets:
fakeroot make binary
For more details consult the Makefile. The resulting packages can be installed
as usual using something like 'dpkg -i ../hets-*.deb'. But make sure, you have
read and understood the 'Package-Versioning:' section below first!
On other systems, when the desired targets were made, you may install the
binary/docs into your own local directory by setting the PREFIX environment
variable to a corresponding value first and calling the appropriate target
(default is /usr). E.g.:
PREFIX=/home/foo/bar/hets make install
Instead of 'install' one may use the targets 'install-common', 'install-hets'
and 'install-hets_server' as well. Installing to a system directory like /usr
or /local/usr is strongly discouraged. Only Distro conform packages should be
installed there (and can thus can be removed in a clean and easy way)!
To install to a virtual root, one may set the environment variable DESTDIR to
the desired directory. Per default it is unset and thus equivalent to / .
Last but not least one may set the environment variable DEB_BUILD_ARCH to a
non-null value (as dpkg-buildpackage automatically does). In this case the
PREFIX gets effectively prefixed packagewise by another one, which makes
packageing easier and uniform across different OS.
One should NEVER make _any_ target as user 'root' or as a user with
additional privileges, which allow one to overwrite/delete system files!
When you want to create debian binary packages, use the fakeroot variant
shown above instead.
On MacOSX building the GUI supporting binaries may not work because of missing
GTK2/Glade and Tcl/Tk support.
Testing the build
To run all available tests against the hets binary, simply type:
make check
It is recommended to have 'spass' and 'darwin' installed to avoid skipping
related tests.
Running Hets
Examples for testing can be obtained from
Example specifications can be found under:
If you have installed hets using the packaging system of your OS distribution,
it should already be installed (package name hets-libs or something like that).
Hets assumes that it has a copy in ../lib/hets/hets-lib relative to the bin/
directory with the hets/het-server script or the HETS_LIB is set to the folder,
which contains it.
Try out e.g. "hets -g Basic/Numbers.casl" to see if the graphical interface
pops up. If this does not work, maybe "uDrawGraph" (Version 3.1.1) from is not properly installed. Make
sure "uDrawGraph" can be found in your PATH.
hets and het-server usually installed in the bin/ folder are shell script
wrappers around the corresponding binaries in lib/hets/, which just set certain
environment variables to more or less meaningful values, if not yet done and
needed. So have a look at it, if you need to know where hets is looking for
its libraries and helpers by default.
Prover related environment variables are:
In addition, proving users may set HETS_ISABELLE, if "isabelle emacs" is
not the right call for their system. Isabelle version 2014 is supported.
Another typical call is 'hets -v2 -g -A Calculi/Space/RCCVerification.het'.
You may then try to prove the red nodes using SPASS or Isabelle. Isabelle is
only needed for the single red node that is not supported by other provers.
The used Isabelle example proof is stored in the file
If you install the emacs casl-mode you can also run hets from within emacs on a
specification file with C-c C-r or C-c C-g (to get the graphical interface).
Note that hets uses the "patch" program before calling Isabelle. It assumes,
that this is the GNU version of it. So especially on Solaris 11+ make sure,
that the 'gnu-patch' package is installed.
For convenience you may use 'make archive' to export the HEAD of your _local_
hets repository to an xz compressed tar archive (see git-archive(1) for more
information). HEAD refers usually to the last commited version of your current
branch (see "git branch"). Such an archive is e.g. needed for uploading a
source package to an Ubuntu Personal Package Archive (PPA). For this in
addition some minor things get pre-compiled/build, minimal git infos exported
to related files, redundant or unneeded data get deleted and programatica gets
bundled as is, because Ubuntu PPAs do not allow to download required
pre-requisites on-the-fly. But remember, the Ubuntu PPA is really picky about
archive names, so for each release one should choose a different filename,
otherwise be prepared for getting it rejected. Therefore you may set the
environment variable ARC_NAME to get out of the box you need, e.g.:
ARC_NAME=/tmp/foobar-1.2.3.tar.xz make archive
If there is already an archive with the same name, it will be overwritten
The make targets 'clean', 'build', 'build-arch', 'build-indep' as well as
'binary', 'binary-arch' and 'binary-indep' are reserved in the sense of
and basically do, what the document says they should do.
Package-Versioning: A.B.C-n.m.r[.c]*
Actually for each intended package publication on the PPA, the related commit
should be either propperly tagged OR ./version_nr should be updated using
a number tripple with no leading zero[s] (see semantic versioning). For now it
is a twin pack only and thus we always add a '.1' and get "A.B.1" as our first
part (in debian terms the "upstream_version").
The second part (in debian terms the "debian_revision") is made of the string
n.m.r[.c] whereby n denotes number of pkg build modification count wrt. the
upstream_version. With each new upstream_version it starts again with 1 and
gets increased, if the source didn't change, but the way, how the package gets
build/structured. m.r is the LSB_RELEASE of the intended OS.
The last optional part [.c]* is used (simply incremented by 1 on demand), if
neither source nor pkg build procedure has been changed, but a new version is
needed to be able to overwrite old stuff, e.g. if the PPA goes mad again.
So e.g. to be able to overwrite the current installed hets package with your
own version without getting into trouble, and getting this in turn automatically
replaced on e.g. 'apt-get update; apt-get upgrade' when a new version arrived,
one should just set FULL_DEBVERS to the same of the latest or installed package,
append a '.1' and increment it on demand. If it is not set, make deduces it from
the running system.
We use neither the debian epoch nonsense, nor lsb release names or other
questionable stuff - just A.B.C-n.m.r[.c]* and none of them zero padded!
If you have any problems, please ask via our mailing list or file an issue on
The heterogeneous tool set (Hets) is mainly maintained by
Christian Maeder ( and
Till Mossakowski (