StaticAnalysis.hs revision 8dd62da91d8ac7cfa80cfaff34dc87bb4c2c855b
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Static analysis for RDF
module RDF.StaticAnalysis where
import OWL2.AS
import RDF.AS
import RDF.Sign
import RDF.Function
import RDF.Morphism
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.AS_Annotation hiding (Annotation)
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Lib.State
-- | takes an entity and modifies the sign according to the given function
modEntity :: (IRI -> Set.Set IRI -> Set.Set IRI) -> RDFEntity -> State Sign ()
modEntity f (RDFEntity ty u) = do
s <- get
let chg = f u
put $ case ty of
Subject -> s { subjects = chg $ subjects s }
Predicate -> s { predicates = chg $ predicates s }
Object -> s { objects = chg $ objects s }
-- | adding entities to the signature
addEntity :: RDFEntity -> State Sign ()
addEntity = modEntity Set.insert
collectEntities :: Axiom -> State Sign ()
collectEntities (Axiom sub pre obj) = do
addEntity (RDFEntity Subject sub)
addEntity (RDFEntity Predicate pre)
case obj of
Left iri -> addEntity (RDFEntity Object iri)
_ -> return ()
-- | collects all entites from the graph
createSign :: RDFGraph -> State Sign ()
createSign (RDFGraph gr) = do
mapM_ (collectEntities . function Expand (StringMap Map.empty)) gr
-- | corrects the axioms according to the signature
createAxioms :: Sign -> RDFGraph -> Result ([Named Axiom], RDFGraph)
createAxioms _ (RDFGraph gr) = do
let cf = map (function Expand $ StringMap Map.empty) gr
return (map anaAxiom cf, RDFGraph cf)
-- | adding annotations for theorems
anaAxiom :: Axiom -> Named Axiom
anaAxiom ax = findImplied ax $ makeNamed "" ax
findImplied :: Axiom -> Named Axiom -> Named Axiom
findImplied ax sent =
if prove ax then sent
{ isAxiom = False
, isDef = False
, wasTheorem = False }
else sent { isAxiom = True }
prove :: Axiom -> Bool
prove _ = False
-- | static analysis of graph with incoming sign.
basicRDFAnalysis :: (RDFGraph, Sign, GlobalAnnos)
-> Result (RDFGraph, ExtSign Sign RDFEntity, [Named Axiom])
basicRDFAnalysis (gr, inSign, _) = do
let syms = Set.difference (symOf accSign) $ symOf inSign
accSign = execState (createSign gr) inSign
(axl, newgraph) <- createAxioms accSign gr
return (newgraph, ExtSign accSign syms, axl)