Parse.hs revision ed1b8e97e72b2e3e92edaf2eb22a4b5373d705f1
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
RDF syntax parser, based on rdf4h library
module RDF.Parse where
import OWL2.Parse
import OWL2.AS
import RDF.AS
import Text.RDF.Core
import Text.RDF.TriplesGraph
import Text.RDF.NTriplesParser
import System.Process
import GHC.IO.Exception
import System.IO.Unsafe
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
{- | takes an input file and outputs the n-triples
representation in the output file -}
convertRDF2Ntriples :: String -> String -> IO GHC.IO.Exception.ExitCode
convertRDF2Ntriples fileIn fileOut =
system $ "cwm --rdf " ++ fileIn ++ " --ntriples > " ++ fileOut
-- | takes a filename containing n-triples and returns the list of triples
getNtriples :: Monad m => String -> m [Triple]
getNtriples fileIn = do
let graph = unsafePerformIO $ parseFile NTriplesParser fileIn
:: Either ParseFailure TriplesGraph
case graph of
Right g -> return $ triplesOf g
Left _ -> fail $ "cannot parse " ++ fileIn
bs2s :: ByteString -> String
bs2s = B.unpack
f2s :: FastString -> String
f2s = reverse . B.unpack . value
-- | converts an IRI from the rdf4h library into our IRIs
parseIRI :: FastString -> IRI
parseIRI fs = let s = f2s fs in case parse uriP "" s of
Right iri -> if namePrefix iri == "http" then setFull iri else iri
Left _ -> error $ s ++ ": invalid IRI"
convertNode :: Node -> Either IRI Literal
convertNode node = case node of
LNode lv -> Right $ case lv of
PlainL bs -> Literal (bs2s bs) $ Untyped Nothing
PlainLL bs1 bs2 -> Literal (bs2s bs1) $ Untyped $ Just $ bs2s bs2
TypedL bs fs ->
let l = "\"" ++ bs2s bs ++ "\"^^<" ++ f2s fs ++ ">"
in case parse literal "" l of
Right lit -> lit
Left _ -> error $ l ++ ": invalid literal"
UNode fs -> Left $ parseIRI fs
BNode fs -> Left $ (parseIRI fs) {iriType = NodeID}
_ -> Left nullQName
-- | converts a rdf4h triple into our triples
convertTriple :: Triple -> Sentence
convertTriple (Triple s p o) =
let Left subj = convertNode s
Left pre = convertNode p
in Sentence subj pre $ convertNode o
-- | takes a file with n-triples and returns the rdf graph in our syntax
parseNtriples :: Monad m => String -> m RDFGraph
parseNtriples fileIn = do
gr <- getNtriples fileIn
return $ RDFGraph $ map convertTriple gr
basicSpec = undefined