Function.hs revision 19e01e1a7e319063434bd86c8ecbc5f241ef9993
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Instances for some of the functions used in RDF
module RDF.Function where
import OWL2.AS
import RDF.AS
import RDF.Sign
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
{- | this class contains general functions which operate on the ontology
document, such as prefix renaming, IRI expansion or Morphism mapping -}
class Function a where
function :: Action -> AMap -> a -> a
data Action = Rename | Expand
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type StringMap = Map.Map String String
type MorphMap = Map.Map RDFEntity IRI
data AMap =
StringMap StringMap
| MorphMap MorphMap
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
maybeDo :: (Function a) => Action -> AMap -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
maybeDo t mp = fmap $ function t mp
instance Function IRI where
function a m qn = case m of
StringMap pm -> case a of
Rename -> let pre = namePrefix qn in
qn { namePrefix = Map.findWithDefault pre pre pm}
Expand ->
let np = namePrefix qn
lp = localPart qn
in case iriType qn of
Abbreviated -> qn
_ -> qn {expandedIRI = np ++ ":" ++ lp}
_ -> qn
getIri :: RDFEntityType -> IRI -> Map.Map RDFEntity IRI -> IRI
getIri ty u = fromMaybe u . Map.lookup (RDFEntity ty u)
instance Function Sign where
function t mp (Sign p1 p2 p3) = case mp of
StringMap _ ->
Sign ( (function t mp) p1)
( (function t mp) p2)
( (function t mp) p3)
_ -> error "cannot perform operation"
instance Function RDFEntity where
function t pm (RDFEntity ty ent) = case pm of
StringMap _ -> RDFEntity ty $ function t pm ent
MorphMap m -> RDFEntity ty $ getIri ty ent m
instance Function Literal where
function _ _ l = l
instance Function Object where
function t pm obj = case obj of
Left iri -> Left $ function t pm iri
Right lit -> Right $ function t pm lit
valueOfKey :: RDFEntityType -> IRI -> MorphMap -> IRI
valueOfKey ty iri mm =
let ent = RDFEntity ty iri
in fromMaybe iri $ Map.lookup ent mm
instance Function Axiom where
function t mp (Axiom sub pre obj) = case mp of
StringMap _ -> Axiom (function t mp sub) (function t mp pre)
(function t mp obj)
MorphMap mm ->
let nsub = valueOfKey Subject sub mm
npre = valueOfKey Predicate pre mm
in Axiom nsub npre $ case obj of
Left iri -> Left $ valueOfKey Object iri mm
_ -> obj
instance Function RDFGraph where
function t mp (RDFGraph l) = RDFGraph $ map (function t mp) l