Sign.hs revision 9f226cec9f978edaba67aee4c4e04e3d3b994b87
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : QVTR signature and sentences
Copyright : (c) Daniel Calegari Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay 2013
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module QVTR.Sign where
import QVTR.As
import QVTR.Print ()
import qualified CSMOF.Sign as CSMOF
import CSMOF.Print ()
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data RuleDef = RuleDef { name :: String
, top :: Bool
, parameters :: [CSMOF.TypeClass]
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Pretty RuleDef where
pretty (RuleDef nam to pars) =
let t = case to of
True -> text "top relation"
False -> text "relation"
in t <+> text nam <> lparen
<> foldr ((<+>) . pretty) empty pars
<> rparen
data Sign = Sign { sourceSign :: CSMOF.Sign
, targetSign :: CSMOF.Sign
, nonTopRelations :: Map.Map String RuleDef
, topRelations :: Map.Map String RuleDef
, keyDefs :: [(String,String)]
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance GetRange Sign where
getRange _ = nullRange
rangeSpan _ = []
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty (Sign souS tarS nonRel topRel keyD) =
text "-- Source Metamodel"
pretty souS
text "-- Target Metamodel"
pretty tarS
text "-- Model Transformation"
text "Definition of Relations"
Map.fold (($+$) . pretty) empty topRel
Map.fold (($+$) . pretty) empty nonRel
text "Definition of Keys"
foldr (($+$) . pretty) empty keyD
emptySign :: Sign
emptySign = Sign { sourceSign = CSMOF.emptySign
, targetSign = CSMOF.emptySign
, nonTopRelations = Map.empty
, topRelations = Map.empty
, keyDefs = []
data Sen = KeyConstr { keyConst :: Key }
| QVTSen { rule :: Relation }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance GetRange Sen where
getRange _ = nullRange
rangeSpan _ = []
instance Pretty Sen where
pretty (KeyConstr con) = pretty con
pretty (QVTSen rel) = pretty rel