Print.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : pretty printing for QVTR
Copyright : (c) Daniel Calegari Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay 2013
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module QVTR.Print where
import QVTR.As
import CSMOF.Print ()
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
printCol :: Pretty a => [a] -> Doc
printCol a = space <+> space <+> foldr (($+$) . pretty) empty a
instance Pretty Transformation where
pretty (Transformation nam (souNam, souMet, souAS) (tarNam, tarMet, tarAS) keS rels) =
text "-- Source Metamodel" <> colon <+> text souMet
pretty souAS
text "-- Target Metamodel" <> colon <+> text tarMet
$++$ pretty tarAS
$++$ text "transformation" <+> text nam <> lparen
<> text souNam <> colon <> text souMet <> comma
<+> text tarNam <> colon <> text tarMet <> rparen
$+$ lbrace $++$
(if not (null keS) && not (null rels) then
printCol keS $++$ printCol rels $++$ rbrace
else if not (null keS) then
printCol keS $++$ rbrace
else if not (null rels) then
printCol rels $++$ rbrace
else rbrace)
instance Show Transformation where
show m = show $ pretty m
instance Pretty Key where
pretty (Key met typN pro) =
text "key" <+> text met <> colon <> colon <> text typN
<+> lbrace <> foldr ((<+>) . pretty) empty pro <> rbrace
instance Show Key where
show m = show $ pretty m
instance Pretty PropKey where
pretty (SimpleProp nam) = text nam
pretty (OppositeProp typ nam) = text "opposite" <> lparen <> text typ <> dot
<> text nam <> rparen
instance Show PropKey where
show m = show $ pretty m
instance Pretty Relation where
pretty (Relation to reln vars primD souD tarD whenC whereC) =
text (if to then "top relation" else "relation") <+> text reln <+>
lbrace $++$ (if not (null vars) && not (null primD) then
printCol vars $++$ printCol primD
else if not (null vars) then
printCol vars
else if not (null primD) then
printCol primD
else space)
$++$ space <+> space <+> pretty souD
$++$ space <+> space <+> pretty tarD
(case whenC of
Nothing -> case whereC of
Nothing -> rbrace
Just whereCon -> space <+> space <+> text "Where" <+> lbrace
$+$ space <+> space <+> pretty whereCon
$+$ space <+> space <+> rbrace $++$ rbrace
Just whenCon -> case whereC of
Nothing -> space <+> space <+> text "When" <+> lbrace
$+$ space <+> space <+> pretty whenCon
$+$ space <+> space <+> rbrace
$++$ rbrace
Just whereCon -> space <+> space <+> text "When" <+> lbrace
$+$ space <+> space <+> pretty whenCon
$+$ space <+> space <+> rbrace
$++$ space <+> space <+> text "Where" <+> lbrace
$+$ space <+> space <+> pretty whereCon
$+$ space <+> space <+> rbrace
$++$ rbrace)
instance Show Relation where
show m = show $ pretty m
instance Pretty PrimitiveDomain where
pretty (PrimitiveDomain nam typ) = text "primitive domain" <+> text nam
<> colon <> text typ
instance Show PrimitiveDomain where
show m = show $ pretty m
instance Pretty RelVar where
pretty (RelVar typ nam) = text nam <> colon <> text typ
instance Show RelVar where
show m = show $ pretty m
instance Pretty Domain where
pretty (Domain dom tem) =
text "domain" <+> text dom
$+$ space <+> space <+> pretty tem
instance Show Domain where
show m = show $ pretty m
instance Pretty ObjectTemplate where
pretty (ObjectTemplate var met typ temL) =
text var <+> colon <+> text met <> colon <> colon <> text typ <+> lbrace
$+$ space <+> space <+> foldr (($+$) . pretty) empty temL
$+$ rbrace
instance Show ObjectTemplate where
show m = show $ pretty m
instance Pretty PropertyTemplate where
pretty (PropertyTemplate nam expr tem) =
text nam <+> text "="
<+> (case expr of
Nothing -> case tem of
Nothing -> empty
Just t -> pretty t
Just e -> case tem of
Nothing -> pretty e
Just t -> pretty e <+> pretty t
instance Show PropertyTemplate where
show m = show $ pretty m
instance Pretty WhenWhere where
pretty (WhenWhere inv ocl)
| null inv =
if null ocl
then space
else space <+> space <+> foldr (($+$) . pretty) empty ocl
| null ocl = space <+> space <+> foldr (($+$) . pretty) empty inv
| otherwise = space <+> space <+> foldr (($+$) . pretty) empty inv
$+$ space <+> space <+> foldr (($+$) . pretty) empty ocl
instance Show WhenWhere where
show m = show $ pretty m
instance Pretty RelInvok where
pretty (RelInvok nam par) = text nam <> lparen <> foldr ((<+>) . pretty)
empty par <> rparen
instance Show RelInvok where
show m = show $ pretty m
-- Print Fake OCL expressions
instance Pretty OCL where
pretty (Paren ex) = lparen <+> pretty ex <+> rparen
pretty (StringExp strE) = pretty strE
pretty (BExp e) = text $ if e then "TRUE" else "FALSE"
pretty (NotB e) = text "NOT" <+> lparen <+> pretty e <+> rparen
pretty (AndB lE rE) = lparen <+> pretty lE <+> rparen <+> text "AND" <+>
lparen <+> pretty rE <+> rparen
pretty (OrB lE rE) = lparen <+> pretty lE <+> rparen <+> text "OR" <+>
lparen <+> pretty rE <+> rparen
pretty (Equal lE rE) = lparen <+> pretty lE <+> rparen <+> text "=" <+>
lparen <+> pretty rE <+> rparen
instance Show OCL where
show m = show $ pretty m
instance Pretty STRING where
pretty (Str e) = text "'" <> text e <> text "'"
pretty (ConcatExp lE rE) = pretty lE <+> text "+" <+> pretty rE
pretty (VarExp varE) = pretty varE
instance Show STRING where
show m = show $ pretty m