Tools.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : folding function for propositional formulas extended with QBFs
Copyright : (c) Jonathan von Schroeder, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : <>
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
folding and simplification of propositional formulas
module QBF.Tools where
import Common.Id
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (nub, (\\))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data FoldRecord a = FoldRecord
{ foldNegation :: a -> Range -> a
, foldConjunction :: [a] -> Range -> a
, foldDisjunction :: [a] -> Range -> a
, foldImplication :: a -> a -> Range -> a
, foldEquivalence :: a -> a -> Range -> a
, foldTrueAtom :: Range -> a
, foldFalseAtom :: Range -> a
, foldPredication :: Token -> a
, foldForAll :: [Token] -> a -> Range -> a
, foldExists :: [Token] -> a -> Range -> a }
foldFormula :: FoldRecord a -> FORMULA -> a
foldFormula r frm = case frm of
Negation f n -> foldNegation r (foldFormula r f) n
Conjunction xs n -> foldConjunction r (map (foldFormula r) xs) n
Disjunction xs n -> foldDisjunction r (map (foldFormula r) xs) n
Implication x y n -> foldImplication r (foldFormula r x) (foldFormula r y) n
Equivalence x y n -> foldEquivalence r (foldFormula r x) (foldFormula r y) n
TrueAtom n -> foldTrueAtom r n
FalseAtom n -> foldFalseAtom r n
Predication x -> foldPredication r x
ForAll xs f n -> foldForAll r xs (foldFormula r f) n
Exists xs f n -> foldExists r xs (foldFormula r f) n
mapRecord :: FoldRecord FORMULA
mapRecord = FoldRecord
{ foldNegation = Negation
, foldConjunction = Conjunction
, foldDisjunction = Disjunction
, foldImplication = Implication
, foldEquivalence = Equivalence
, foldTrueAtom = TrueAtom
, foldFalseAtom = FalseAtom
, foldPredication = Predication
, foldForAll = ForAll
, foldExists = Exists }
isNeg :: FORMULA -> Bool
isNeg f = case f of
Negation _ _ -> True
ForAll _ x _ -> isNeg x
Exists _ x _ -> isNeg x
_ -> False
isQuantified :: FORMULA -> Bool
isQuantified f = case f of
FalseAtom _ -> False
TrueAtom _ -> False
Predication _ -> False
Negation f1 _ -> isQuantified f1
Conjunction xs _ -> any isQuantified xs
Disjunction xs _ -> any isQuantified xs
Implication x y _ -> any isQuantified [x, y]
Equivalence x y _ -> any isQuantified [x, y]
ForAll {} -> True
Exists {} -> True
getLits :: Set.Set FORMULA -> Set.Set FORMULA
getLits = Set.fold (\ f -> case f of
Negation x _ -> Set.insert x
ForAll ts f1 n -> case f1 of
Negation x _ -> Set.insert (ForAll ts x n)
_ -> Set.insert (ForAll ts f n)
_ -> Set.insert f) Set.empty
bothLits :: Set.Set FORMULA -> Bool
bothLits fs = let
(ns, ps) = Set.partition isNeg fs
in not $ Set.null $ Set.intersection (getLits ns) (getLits ps)
getConj :: FORMULA -> [FORMULA]
getConj f = case f of
Conjunction xs _ -> xs
_ -> [f]
getDisj :: FORMULA -> [FORMULA]
getDisj f = case f of
Disjunction xs _ -> xs
_ -> [f]
flatConj :: [FORMULA] -> Set.Set FORMULA
flatConj = Set.fromList
. concatMap (\ f -> case f of
TrueAtom _ -> []
Conjunction fs _ -> fs
_ -> [f])
mkConj :: [FORMULA] -> Range -> FORMULA
mkConj fs n = let s = flatConj fs in
if Set.member (FalseAtom nullRange) s || bothLits s then FalseAtom n else
case Set.toList s of
[] -> TrueAtom n
[x] -> x
ls -> Conjunction (map (flip mkDisj n . Set.toList)
$ foldr ((\ l ll ->
if any (`Set.isSubsetOf` l) ll then ll else
l : filter (not . Set.isSubsetOf l) ll)
. Set.fromList . getConj)
[] ls) n
flatDisj :: [FORMULA] -> Set.Set FORMULA
flatDisj = Set.fromList
. concatMap (\ f -> case f of
FalseAtom _ -> []
Disjunction fs _ -> fs
_ -> [f])
mkDisj :: [FORMULA] -> Range -> FORMULA
mkDisj fs n = let s = flatDisj fs in
if Set.member (TrueAtom nullRange) s || bothLits s then TrueAtom n else
case Set.toList s of
[] -> FalseAtom n
[x] -> x
ls -> Disjunction (map (flip mkConj n . Set.toList)
$ foldr ((\ l ll ->
if any (`Set.isSubsetOf` l) ll then ll else
l : filter (not . Set.isSubsetOf l) ll)
. Set.fromList . getConj)
[] ls) n
simplify :: FORMULA -> FORMULA
simplify = foldFormula mapRecord
{ foldNegation = \ f n -> case f of
TrueAtom p -> FalseAtom p
FalseAtom p -> TrueAtom p
Negation g _ -> g
s -> Negation s n
, foldConjunction = mkConj
, foldDisjunction = mkDisj
, foldImplication = \ x y n -> case x of
FalseAtom p -> TrueAtom p
_ -> if x == y then TrueAtom n else case x of
TrueAtom _ -> y
FalseAtom _ -> TrueAtom n
Negation z _ | z == y -> x
_ -> case y of
Negation z _ | z == x -> x
_ -> Implication x y n
, foldEquivalence = \ x y n -> case compare x y of
LT -> case y of
Negation z _ | x == z -> FalseAtom n
_ -> Equivalence x y n
EQ -> TrueAtom n
GT -> case x of
Negation z _ | z == y -> FalseAtom n
_ -> Equivalence y x n }
elimEquiv :: FORMULA -> FORMULA
elimEquiv = foldFormula mapRecord
{ foldEquivalence = \ x y n ->
Conjunction [Implication x y n, Implication y x n] n }
elimImpl :: FORMULA -> FORMULA
elimImpl = foldFormula mapRecord
{ foldImplication = \ x y n ->
Disjunction [Negation x n, y] n }
negForm :: Range -> FORMULA -> FORMULA
negForm r frm = case frm of
Negation f _ -> f
Conjunction xs n -> Disjunction (map (negForm r) xs) n
Disjunction xs n -> Conjunction (map (negForm r) xs) n
TrueAtom n -> FalseAtom n
FalseAtom n -> TrueAtom n
ForAll ts f n -> ForAll ts (negForm r f) n
Exists ts f n -> Exists ts (negForm r f) n
_ -> Negation frm r
moveNegIn frm = case frm of
Negation f n -> negForm n f
Conjunction xs n -> Conjunction (map moveNegIn xs) n
Disjunction xs n -> Disjunction (map moveNegIn xs) n
ForAll ts f n -> ForAll ts (moveNegIn f) n
Exists ts f n -> Exists ts (moveNegIn f) n
_ -> frm
distributeAndOverOr :: FORMULA -> FORMULA
distributeAndOverOr f = case f of
Conjunction xs n -> mkConj (map distributeAndOverOr xs) n
Disjunction xs n -> if all isPrimForm xs then mkDisj xs n else
$ mkConj (map (`mkDisj` n) . combine $ map getConj xs) n
ForAll ts x n -> ForAll ts (distributeAndOverOr x) n
Exists ts x n -> Exists ts (distributeAndOverOr x) n
_ -> f
{- note: won't work fully if the formula is quantified because
it can't distribute through quantifications -}
cnf = distributeAndOverOr . moveNegIn . elimImpl . elimEquiv
distributeOrOverAnd :: FORMULA -> FORMULA
distributeOrOverAnd f = case f of
Disjunction xs n -> mkDisj (map distributeOrOverAnd xs) n
Conjunction xs n -> if all isPrimForm xs then mkConj xs n else
$ mkDisj (map (`mkConj` n) . combine $ map getDisj xs) n
_ -> f
{- note: won't work fully if the formula is quantified because
it can't distribute through quantifications -}
dnf = distributeOrOverAnd . moveNegIn . elimImpl . elimEquiv
combine :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
combine l = case l of
[] -> [[]]
h : t -> concatMap (flip map h . flip (:)) (combine t)
containsAtoms :: FORMULA -> (Bool, Bool)
containsAtoms f = let
join (x, y) (x1, y1) = (x && x1, y && y1)
case f of
(Negation x _ ) -> containsAtoms x
(Conjunction fs _ ) -> foldl join (False, False) (map containsAtoms fs)
(Disjunction fs _ ) -> foldl join (False, False) (map containsAtoms fs)
(Implication f1 f2 _ ) -> join (containsAtoms f1) (containsAtoms f2)
(Equivalence f1 f2 _ ) -> join (containsAtoms f1) (containsAtoms f2)
(TrueAtom _) -> (True, False)
(FalseAtom _) -> (False, True)
(Predication _) -> (False, False)
(ForAll _ x _) -> containsAtoms x
(Exists _ x _) -> containsAtoms x
getVars :: FORMULA -> [Token]
getVars (Negation x _) = getVars x
getVars (Conjunction xs _) = nub (concatMap getVars xs)
getVars (Disjunction xs _) = nub (concatMap getVars xs)
getVars (Implication x1 x2 _) = nub (getVars x1 ++ getVars x2)
getVars (Equivalence x1 x2 _) = nub (getVars x1 ++ getVars x2)
getVars (Predication t) = [t]
getVars (ForAll _ x _) = getVars x
getVars (Exists _ x _) = getVars x
getVars _ = []
uniqueQuantifiedVars :: Int -> String -> FORMULA -> (Int, FORMULA)
uniqueQuantifiedVars c = uniqueQuantifiedVars' c Map.empty
uniqueQuantifiedVars' :: Int -> Map.Map Token Token
-> String -> FORMULA -> (Int, FORMULA)
uniqueQuantifiedVars' c m p f = let
u = uniqueQuantifiedVars' c m p
handleQuantified ts x = let
c1 = c + length ts
(m1, ts1) = foldr (\ i (m', ts') ->
(Map.insert (ts !! (i - c)) (Token (p ++ show i) nullRange) m',
Token (p ++ show i) nullRange : ts')) (m, []) [c .. (c1 - 1)]
in (uniqueQuantifiedVars' c1 m1 p x, ts1)
case f of
(Negation x n) -> let (c1, x1) = u x in (c1, Negation x1 n)
(Conjunction fs n) -> let
(c1, fs1) = foldr (\ x (cx1, xs) -> let
(cx2, fx) = uniqueQuantifiedVars' cx1 m p x in (cx2, fx : xs))
(0, []) fs
in (c1, Conjunction fs1 n)
(Disjunction fs n) -> let
(c1, fs1) = foldr (\ x (cx1, xs) -> let
(cx2, fx) = uniqueQuantifiedVars' cx1 m p x in (cx2, fx : xs))
(0, []) fs
in (c1, Disjunction fs1 n)
(Implication x1 x2 n) -> let
(c1, x1') = u x1
(c2, x2') = uniqueQuantifiedVars' c1 m p x2
in (c2, Implication x1' x2' n)
(Equivalence x1 x2 n) -> let
(c1, x1') = u x1
(c2, x2') = uniqueQuantifiedVars' c1 m p x2
in (c2, Equivalence x1' x2' n)
a@(TrueAtom _) -> (c, a)
a@(FalseAtom _) -> (c, a)
(Predication t) -> case Map.lookup t m of
Nothing -> (c, Predication t)
Just t1 -> (c, Predication t1)
(ForAll ts x n) -> let
((c2, x'), ts1) = handleQuantified ts x
(c2, ForAll ts1 x' n)
(Exists ts x n) -> let
((c2, x'), ts1) = handleQuantified ts x
(c2, Exists ts1 x' n)
removeQuantifiers :: FORMULA -> FORMULA
removeQuantifiers = foldFormula mapRecord
{ foldForAll = \ _ x _ -> x
, foldExists = \ _ x _ -> x }
data QuantifiedVars = QuantifiedVars
{ universallyQ :: [Token]
, existentiallyQ :: [Token]
, notQ :: [Token] } deriving (Show)
quantifiedVars :: QuantifiedVars
quantifiedVars = QuantifiedVars
{ universallyQ = []
, existentiallyQ = []
, notQ = [] }
joinQuantifiedVars :: QuantifiedVars -> QuantifiedVars -> QuantifiedVars
joinQuantifiedVars q1 q2 = let
u = nub (universallyQ q1 ++ universallyQ q2)
e = nub (existentiallyQ q1 ++ existentiallyQ q2) \\ u
n = nub (notQ q1 ++ notQ q2) \\ (u ++ e) {- if all formulas have been
sanitized properly (NotQ q1) \\ (u++e) == (NotQ q1) and
(NotQ q2) \\ (u++e) == (NotQ q2) should hold -
see ProverState.hs - showQDIMACSProblem for an example on how
to use uniqueQuantifiedVars to achieve that -}
{ universallyQ = u
, existentiallyQ = e
, notQ = n }
getQuantifiedVars :: FORMULA -> QuantifiedVars
getQuantifiedVars f = case f of
(Negation x _) -> getQuantifiedVars x
(Conjunction xs _) -> foldr (joinQuantifiedVars . getQuantifiedVars)
quantifiedVars xs
(Disjunction xs _) -> foldr (joinQuantifiedVars . getQuantifiedVars)
quantifiedVars xs
(Implication x1 x2 _) -> joinQuantifiedVars (getQuantifiedVars x1)
(getQuantifiedVars x2)
(Equivalence x1 x2 _) -> joinQuantifiedVars (getQuantifiedVars x1)
(getQuantifiedVars x2)
(Predication t) -> quantifiedVars { notQ = [t] }
(ForAll ts x _) -> joinQuantifiedVars
(quantifiedVars { universallyQ = ts }) (getQuantifiedVars x)
(Exists ts x _) -> joinQuantifiedVars
(quantifiedVars { existentiallyQ = ts }) (getQuantifiedVars x)
_ -> quantifiedVars
{- | the flatten functions use associtivity to "flatten" the syntax
tree of the formulae -}
{- | flatten \"flattens\" formulae under the assumption of the
semantics of basic specs, this means that we put each
\"clause\" into a single formula for CNF we really will obtain
clauses -}
flatten :: FORMULA -> [FORMULA]
flatten f = case f of
Conjunction fs _ -> concatMap flatten fs
_ -> [f]
-- | "flattening" for disjunctions
flattenDis :: FORMULA -> [FORMULA]
flattenDis f = case f of
Disjunction fs _ -> concatMap flattenDis fs
_ -> [f]
-- | negate a formula
negateFormula :: FORMULA -> FORMULA
negateFormula f = case f of
FalseAtom ps -> TrueAtom ps
TrueAtom ps -> FalseAtom ps
Negation nf _ -> nf
_ -> Negation f nullRange