Parse_AS_Basic.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Parser for basic specs
Copyright : (c) Jonathan von Schroeder, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : <>
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Parser for abstract syntax for propositional logic
module QBF.Parse_AS_Basic
( basicSpec -- Parser for basic specs
, symbItems
, symbMapItems
) where
import qualified Common.AnnoState as AnnoState
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as Annotation
import Common.Id as Id
import Common.Keywords as Keywords
import Common.Lexer as Lexer
import Common.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
propKeywords :: [String]
propKeywords =
[ Keywords.propS
, Keywords.notS
, Keywords.trueS
, Keywords.falseS
, Keywords.forallS
, Keywords.existsS ]
-- | Toplevel parser for basic specs
basicSpec :: AnnoState.AParser st AS_BASIC.BASICSPEC
basicSpec =
fmap AS_BASIC.BasicSpec (AnnoState.annosParser parseBasicItems)
<|> (Lexer.oBraceT >> Lexer.cBraceT >> return (AS_BASIC.BasicSpec []))
-- | Parser for basic items
parseBasicItems :: AnnoState.AParser st AS_BASIC.BASICITEMS
parseBasicItems = parsePredDecl <|> parseAxItems
-- | parser for predicate declarations
parsePredDecl :: AnnoState.AParser st AS_BASIC.BASICITEMS
parsePredDecl = fmap AS_BASIC.PredDecl predItem
-- | parser for AxiomItems
parseAxItems :: AnnoState.AParser st AS_BASIC.BASICITEMS
parseAxItems = do
d <- AnnoState.dotT
(fs, ds) <- aFormula `Lexer.separatedBy` AnnoState.dotT
(_, an) <- AnnoState.optSemi
let _ = Id.catRange (d : ds)
ns = init fs ++ [Annotation.appendAnno (last fs) an]
return $ AS_BASIC.AxiomItems ns
-- | Any word to token
propId :: GenParser Char st Id.Token
propId = Lexer.pToken $ reserved propKeywords Lexer.scanAnyWords
-- | parser for predicates = propositions
predItem :: AnnoState.AParser st AS_BASIC.PREDITEM
predItem = do
v <- AnnoState.asKey (Keywords.propS ++ Keywords.sS) <|>
AnnoState.asKey Keywords.propS
(ps, cs) <- propId `Lexer.separatedBy` AnnoState.anComma
return $ AS_BASIC.PredItem ps $ Id.catRange $ v : cs
-- | Parser for implies @=>@
implKey :: AnnoState.AParser st Id.Token
implKey = AnnoState.asKey Keywords.implS
-- | Parser for and @\/\ @
andKey :: AnnoState.AParser st Id.Token
andKey = AnnoState.asKey Keywords.lAnd
-- | Parser for or @\\\/@
orKey :: AnnoState.AParser st Id.Token
orKey = AnnoState.asKey Keywords.lOr
-- | Parser for true
trueKey :: AnnoState.AParser st Id.Token
trueKey = AnnoState.asKey Keywords.trueS
-- | Parser for false
falseKey :: AnnoState.AParser st Id.Token
falseKey = AnnoState.asKey Keywords.falseS
-- | Parser for not
notKey :: AnnoState.AParser st Id.Token
notKey = AnnoState.asKey Keywords.notS
-- | Parser for negation
negKey :: AnnoState.AParser st Id.Token
negKey = AnnoState.asKey Keywords.negS
-- | Parser for equivalence @<=>@
equivKey :: AnnoState.AParser st Id.Token
equivKey = AnnoState.asKey Keywords.equivS
-- | Parser for quantifier forall
forallKey :: AnnoState.AParser st Id.Token
forallKey = AnnoState.asKey Keywords.forallS
-- | Parser for quantifier forall
existsKey :: AnnoState.AParser st Id.Token
existsKey = AnnoState.asKey Keywords.existsS
-- | Parser for primitive formulae
primFormula :: AnnoState.AParser st AS_BASIC.FORMULA
primFormula = do
c <- trueKey
return $ AS_BASIC.TrueAtom $ Id.tokPos c
<|> do
c <- falseKey
return $ AS_BASIC.FalseAtom $ Id.tokPos c
<|> do
c <- notKey <|> negKey <?> "\"not\""
k <- primFormula
return $ AS_BASIC.Negation k $ Id.tokPos c
<|> parenFormula
<|> do
(c, q) <- pair forallKey (return AS_BASIC.ForAll)
<|> pair existsKey (return AS_BASIC.Exists)
(l, _) <- propId `Lexer.separatedBy` AnnoState.anComma
_ <- AnnoState.dotT
f <- impFormula
return $ if length l < 1 then error "nothing quantified"
else q l f $ Id.tokPos c
<|> fmap AS_BASIC.Predication propId
-- | Parser for formulae containing 'and' and 'or'
andOrFormula :: AnnoState.AParser st AS_BASIC.FORMULA
andOrFormula = do
f <- primFormula
do c <- andKey
(fs, ps) <- primFormula `Lexer.separatedBy` andKey
return (AS_BASIC.Conjunction (f : fs)
(Id.catRange (c : ps)))
do c <- orKey
(fs, ps) <- primFormula `Lexer.separatedBy` orKey
return (AS_BASIC.Disjunction (f : fs)
(Id.catRange (c : ps)))
<|> return f
-- | Parser for formulae with implications
impFormula :: AnnoState.AParser st AS_BASIC.FORMULA
impFormula = do
f <- andOrFormula
do c <- implKey
(fs, ps) <- andOrFormula `Lexer.separatedBy` implKey
return (makeImpl (f : fs) (Id.catPosAux (c : ps)))
do c <- equivKey
g <- andOrFormula
return (AS_BASIC.Equivalence f g $ Id.tokPos c)
<|> return f
where makeImpl [f, g] p =
AS_BASIC.Implication f g (Id.Range p)
makeImpl (f : r) (c : p) = AS_BASIC.Implication f
(makeImpl r p) (Id.Range [c])
makeImpl _ _ =
error "makeImpl got illegal argument"
-- | Parser for formulae with parentheses
parenFormula :: AnnoState.AParser st AS_BASIC.FORMULA
parenFormula = do
Lexer.oParenT << AnnoState.addAnnos
f <- impFormula << AnnoState.addAnnos
Lexer.cParenT >> return f
-- | Toplevel parser for formulae
aFormula :: AnnoState.AParser st (Annotation.Annoted AS_BASIC.FORMULA)
aFormula = AnnoState.allAnnoParser impFormula
-- | parsing a prop symbol
symb :: GenParser Char st SYMB
symb = fmap SymbId propId
-- | parsing one symbol or a mapping of one to a second symbol
symbMap :: GenParser Char st SYMBORMAP
symbMap = do
s <- symb
do f <- pToken $ toKey mapsTo
t <- symb
return (SymbMap s t $ tokPos f)
<|> return (Symb s)
-- | Parse a list of comma separated symbols.
symbItems :: GenParser Char st SYMBITEMS
symbItems = do
(is, ps) <- symbs
return (SymbItems is $ catRange ps)
-- | parse a comma separated list of symbols
symbs :: GenParser Char st ([SYMB], [Token])
symbs = do
s <- symb
do c <- commaT `followedWith` symb
(is, ps) <- symbs
return (s : is, c : ps)
<|> return ([s], [])
-- | parse a list of symbol mappings
symbMapItems :: GenParser Char st SYMBMAPITEMS
symbMapItems = do
(is, ps) <- symbMaps
return (SymbMapItems is $ catRange ps)
-- | parse a comma separated list of symbol mappings
symbMaps :: GenParser Char st ([SYMBORMAP], [Token])
symbMaps = do
s <- symbMap
do c <- commaT `followedWith` symb
(is, ps) <- symbMaps
return (s : is, c : ps)
<|> return ([s], [])