Sublogic.hs revision 1b5b696aa3bc2a6747a4eeac777f850788482c98
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Instance of class Logic for propositional logic
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, Uni Bremen 2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
Sublogics for Propositional Logic
Till Mossakowski, Joseph Goguen, Razvan Diaconescu, Andrzej Tarlecki.
What is a Logic?.
In Jean-Yves Beziau (Ed.), Logica Universalis, pp. 113-@133. Birkh�user.
module Propositional.Sublogic
sl_basic_spec -- determine sublogic for basic spec
, PropFormulae (..) -- types of propositional formulae
, PropSL (..) -- sublogics for propositional logic
, sublogics_max -- join of sublogics
, top -- Propositional
, bottom -- CNF
, sublogics_all -- all sublogics
, sublogics_name -- name of sublogics
, sl_sig -- sublogic for a signature
, sl_form -- sublogic for a formula
, sl_sym -- sublogic for symbols
, sl_symit -- sublogic for symbol items
, sl_mor -- sublogic for morphisms
, sl_symmap -- sublogic for symbol map items
import qualified Propositional.Tools as Tools
import qualified Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional as AS_BASIC
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Propositional.Sign as Sign
import qualified Propositional.Symbol as Symbol
import qualified Propositional.Morphism as Morphism
class (Eq l, Show l) => Lattice l where
cjoin :: l -> l -> l
ctop :: l
bot :: l
instance Lattice () where
cjoin _ _ = ()
ctop = ()
bot = ()
instance Lattice Bool where
cjoin = (||)
ctop = True
bot = False
-- datatyper --
-- | types of propositional formulae
data PropFormulae = PlainFormula -- Formula without structural constraints
| CNF -- CNF (implies restriction on ops)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | sublogics for propositional logic
data PropSL = PropSL
format :: PropFormulae -- Structural restrictions
, has_imp :: Bool -- Implication ?
, has_equiv :: Bool -- Equivalence ?
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Special elements in the Lattice of logics --
top :: PropSL
top = PropSL PlainFormula True True
bottom :: PropSL
bottom = PropSL CNF False False
need_PF :: PropSL
need_PF = bottom { format = PlainFormula }
need_imp :: PropSL
need_imp = bottom { has_imp = True }
need_equiv :: PropSL
need_equiv = bottom { has_equiv = True }
-- join and max --
sublogics_join :: (PropFormulae -> PropFormulae -> PropFormulae)
-> (Bool -> Bool -> Bool)
-> (Bool -> Bool -> Bool)
-> PropSL -> PropSL -> PropSL
sublogics_join pfF imF eqF a b = PropSL
format = pfF (format a) (format b)
, has_imp = imF (has_imp a) (has_imp b)
, has_equiv = eqF (has_equiv a) (has_equiv b)
joinType :: PropFormulae -> PropFormulae -> PropFormulae
joinType CNF CNF = CNF
joinType _ _ = PlainFormula
sublogics_max :: PropSL -> PropSL -> PropSL
sublogics_max = sublogics_join joinType max max
-- Helpers --
-- compute sublogics from a list of sublogics
comp_list :: [PropSL] -> PropSL
comp_list l = foldl sublogics_max bottom l
-- Functions to compute minimal sublogic for a given element, these work --
-- by recursing into all subelements --
-- | determines the sublogic for symbol map items
sl_symmap :: PropSL -> AS_BASIC.SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -> PropSL
sl_symmap ps _ = ps
-- | determines the sublogic for a morphism
sl_mor :: PropSL -> Morphism.Morphism -> PropSL
sl_mor ps _ = ps
-- | determines the sublogic for a Signature
sl_sig :: PropSL -> Sign.Sign -> PropSL
sl_sig ps _ = ps
-- | determines the sublogic for Symbol items
sl_symit :: PropSL -> AS_BASIC.SYMB_ITEMS -> PropSL
sl_symit ps _ = ps
-- | determines the sublogic for symbols
sl_sym :: PropSL -> Symbol.Symbol -> PropSL
sl_sym ps _ = ps
-- | determines sublogic for formula
sl_form :: PropSL -> AS_BASIC.FORMULA -> PropSL
sl_form ps f = sl_fl_form ps $ Tools.flatten f
-- | determines sublogic for flattened formula
sl_fl_form :: PropSL -> [AS_BASIC.FORMULA] -> PropSL
sl_fl_form ps f = foldl (sublogics_max) ps $ map (ana_form ps) f
-- analysis of single "clauses"
ana_form :: PropSL -> AS_BASIC.FORMULA -> PropSL
ana_form ps f =
case f of
AS_BASIC.Conjunction l _ -> sublogics_max need_PF
(comp_list $ map (ana_form ps) l)
AS_BASIC.Implication l m _ -> sublogics_max need_imp $
sublogics_max need_PF $
sublogics_max (ana_form ps l)
(ana_form ps m)
AS_BASIC.Equivalence l m _ -> sublogics_max need_equiv $
sublogics_max need_PF $
sublogics_max (ana_form ps l)
(ana_form ps m)
AS_BASIC.Negation l _ -> ana_negation ps l
AS_BASIC.Disjunction _ _ -> ps
AS_BASIC.True_atom _ -> ps
AS_BASIC.False_atom _ -> ps
AS_BASIC.Predication _ -> ps
-- nagation needs extra treatment for CNF
ana_negation :: PropSL -> AS_BASIC.FORMULA -> PropSL
ana_negation ps f =
case f of
AS_BASIC.Predication _ -> ps
AS_BASIC.True_atom _ -> ps
AS_BASIC.False_atom _ -> ps
AS_BASIC.Conjunction l _ -> sublogics_max need_PF
(comp_list $ map (ana_form ps) l)
AS_BASIC.Disjunction _ _ -> ps
AS_BASIC.Implication l m _ -> sublogics_max need_imp $
sublogics_max need_PF $
sublogics_max (ana_form ps l)
(ana_form ps m)
AS_BASIC.Equivalence l m _ -> sublogics_max need_equiv $
sublogics_max need_PF $
sublogics_max (ana_form ps l)
(ana_form ps m)
AS_BASIC.Negation l _ -> sublogics_max need_PF $
(ana_form ps l)
-- | determines subloig for basic items
sl_basic_items :: PropSL -> AS_BASIC.BASIC_ITEMS -> PropSL
sl_basic_items ps bi =
case bi of
AS_BASIC.Pred_decl _ -> ps
AS_BASIC.Axiom_items xs -> comp_list $ map (sl_form ps) $
map AS_Anno.item xs
-- | determines sublogic for basic spec
sl_basic_spec :: PropSL -> AS_BASIC.BASIC_SPEC -> PropSL
sl_basic_spec ps (AS_BASIC.Basic_spec spec) =
comp_list $ map (sl_basic_items ps) $
map AS_Anno.item spec
-- | all sublogics
sublogics_all :: [PropSL]
sublogics_all = let bools = [True, False] in
format = CNF
, has_imp = False
, has_equiv = False
] ++ [ PropSL
format = PlainFormula
, has_imp = imps
, has_equiv = equivs
| imps <- bools
, equivs <- bools
-- Conversion functions to String --
sublogics_name :: PropSL -> [String]
sublogics_name f =
case formType of
CNF -> ["CNF"]
PlainFormula -> ["Prop" ++
if (imp) then "I" else ""
) ++
if (equ) then "E" else ""
where formType = format f
imp = has_imp f
equ = has_equiv f