ProveWithTruthTable.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
5645e0c82a55b05abb975bd91b9566823dc5efb0Evan Hunt{- |
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark AndrewsModule : $Header$
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark AndrewsDescription : Provers for propositional logic
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark AndrewsCopyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2008
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark AndrewsLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark Andrews
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark AndrewsMaintainer :
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark AndrewsStability : experimental
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark AndrewsPortability : portable
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark Andrews
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark AndrewsA truth table prover for propositional logic.
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark AndrewsInefficient, but useful for learning purposes.
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark Andrews-}
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark Andrews
c19cfefe7e345c37ef3bb98b0db2d14fe7b1d583Evan Huntmodule Propositional.ProveWithTruthTable
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark Andrews ( ttProver
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark Andrews , ttConsistencyChecker
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver , ttConservativityChecker
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver , allModels
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver ) where
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryverimport Common.Lib.Tabular
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark Andrews
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark Andrewsimport Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryverimport Propositional.Sign
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryverimport qualified Propositional.Morphism as PMorphism
475b1ed9cced1f92ce34bc2e59b3065dae48f366Mark Andrewsimport qualified Propositional.ProverState as PState
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryverimport qualified Propositional.Sign as Sig
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark Andrewsimport Propositional.Sublogic (PropSL, top)
475b1ed9cced1f92ce34bc2e59b3065dae48f366Mark Andrews
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryverimport qualified Logic.Prover as LP
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryverimport qualified Interfaces.GenericATPState as ATPState
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryverimport GUI.GenericATP
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryverimport GUI.Utils (infoDialog, createTextSaveDisplay)
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryverimport Common.ProofTree
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryverimport qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryverimport qualified Common.Id as Id
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryverimport qualified Data.Set as Set
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryverimport qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryverimport Common.Consistency
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryverimport qualified Common.Result as Result
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryverimport Data.Time (midnight)
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver-- * Prover implementation
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver-- | the name of the prover
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon SchryverttS :: String
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon SchryverttS = "truth tables"
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver-- maximal size of the signature
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon SchryvermaxSigSize :: Int
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon SchryvermaxSigSize = 17
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver-- display error message when signature is too large
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon SchryversigTooLarge :: Int -> String
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon SchryversigTooLarge sigSize = unlines
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryver [ "Signature is too large."
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryver , "It should contain < " ++ show maxSigSize ++ " symbols,"
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryver , "but it contains " ++ show sigSize ++ " symbols." ]
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon SchryverttHelpText :: String
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon SchryverttHelpText = "An implementation of the truth table method.\n"
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryver ++ "Very inefficient, but useful for learning and teaching\n"
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver ++ "Works well for signatures with less than " ++ show maxSigSize
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryver ++ " symbols."
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryver{- |
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryver Models and evaluation of sentences
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryver-}
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryver
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon Schryvertype Model = Set.Set Id.Id -- a model specifies which propositions are true
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryver
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryver-- | show Bools in truth table
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon SchryvershowBool :: Bool -> String
9fee08f655527a5dd849b171daeeee1dbbccca76Vernon SchryvershowBool True = "T"
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon SchryvershowBool False = "F"
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryver
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryver-- | evaluation of sentences in a model
7b4b6f361b2fb2291c2019b377a9c0c8e80cfd6bMark Andrewseval :: Model -> FORMULA -> Bool
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryvereval m (Negation phi _) = not $ eval m phi
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryvereval m (Conjunction phis _) = all (eval m) phis
afaa290bb6acc504e93a0adbf20b6dd6c64e6d63Vernon Schryvereval m (Disjunction phis _) = any (eval m) phis
87708bde16713bc02ff2598f4a82f98c699a2f2dMark Andrewseval m (Implication phi1 phi2 _) = not (eval m phi1) || eval m phi2
eval m (Equivalence phi1 phi2 _) = eval m phi1 == eval m phi2
eval _ (True_atom _) = True
eval _ (False_atom _) = False
eval m (Predication ident) = Id.simpleIdToId ident `Set.member` m
evalNamed :: Model -> AS_Anno.Named FORMULA -> Bool
evalNamed m = eval m . AS_Anno.sentence
{- |
Evaluation of (co)freeness constraints
-- | amalgamation of models
amalg :: Model -> Model -> Model
amalg = Set.union
data FormulaOrFree =
| FreeConstraint (LP.FreeDefMorphism FORMULA PMorphism.Morphism)
evalNamedFormulaOrFree :: Model -> AS_Anno.Named FormulaOrFree -> Bool
evalNamedFormulaOrFree m = evalFormulaOrFree m . AS_Anno.sentence
evalFormulaOrFree :: Model -> FormulaOrFree -> Bool
evalFormulaOrFree m (Formula phi) = eval m phi
evalFormulaOrFree m (FreeConstraint freedef) = evalFree m freedef
reduceModel :: Sig.Sign -> Model -> Model
reduceModel sig m = Set.intersection m (items sig)
leq :: Model -> Model -> Bool
leq = Set.isSubsetOf
isMin :: Bool -> Model -> [Model] -> Bool
isMin isCo m = all (\m' -> if isCo then leq m' m else leq m m')
evalFree :: Model
-> LP.FreeDefMorphism FORMULA PMorphism.Morphism
-> Bool
evalFree m freedef =
let diffsig = Sign (items freetar `Set.difference` items freesrc)
mred = reduceModel freesrc m
modelsOverMred = map (mred `amalg`) (allModels diffsig)
modelClass = foldr (filter . flip eval) modelsOverMred freeth
in all (eval m) freeth -- the model satisfies the axioms ...
&& isMin isCo m modelClass -- ... and is the minimal one that does so
where freemor = LP.freeDefMorphism freedef
freesrc = PMorphism.source freemor
freetar = freemor
freeth = map AS_Anno.sentence $ LP.freeTheory freedef
isCo = LP.isCofree freedef
-- | generate all models for a signature
allModels :: Sign -> [Model]
allModels sig = allModels1 $ Set.toList $ items sig
where allModels1 [] = [Set.empty]
allModels1 (p:rest) =
let models = allModels1 rest
in models ++ map (Set.insert p) models
data TTExtRow =
TTExtRow { rextprops, rextaxioms :: [Bool]
, rextIsModel :: Bool
data TTRow =
TTRow { rprops, raxioms :: [Bool]
, rgoal :: Maybe Bool
, rextrows :: [TTExtRow]
, rIsModel :: Bool
, rIsOK :: Bool
data TTHead =
TTHead { hprops, haxioms, hextprops, hextaxioms :: [String]
, hgoal :: Maybe String
data TruthTable =
TruthTable { thead :: TTHead
, trows :: [TTRow]
renderTT :: TruthTable -> Table String String String
renderTT tt = Table rowHeaders header table
hextpropsTT = hextprops (thead tt)
hextaxiomsTT = hextaxioms (thead tt)
rowsTT = trows tt
header = Group DoubleLine
( [ Group SingleLine (map Header (hprops (thead tt)))
, Group SingleLine (map Header (haxioms (thead tt)))]
++ (if null hextpropsTT && null hextaxiomsTT then []
else [ Header ""
, Group SingleLine (map Header hextpropsTT)
, Group SingleLine (map Header hextaxiomsTT)])
++ case hgoal (thead tt) of
Nothing -> []
Just g -> [Group DoubleLine [Header g]])
rowtype r = (if rIsModel r then "M" else " ")
++(if rIsOK r then (if rIsModel r then "+" else "o")
else "-")
rowHeader r = Group NoLine
$ Header (rowtype r) : map (const (Header "")) [2..length (rextrows r)]
rowHeaders = if all (null . rextrows) rowsTT
then Group NoLine (map (Header . rowtype) rowsTT)
else Group SingleLine (map rowHeader rowsTT)
makeExtRow e = (if rextIsModel e then "M" else "") :
map showBool (rextprops e) ++ map showBool (rextaxioms e)
makeRow r =
let common = map showBool (rprops r) ++ map showBool (raxioms r) ++
case (rgoal r) of
Nothing -> []
Just g -> [showBool g]
emptyPrefix = map (const "") [1..length common]
in case map makeExtRow (rextrows r) of
[] -> [common]
e : extrows -> (common ++ e) : map (emptyPrefix ++) extrows
table = concatMap makeRow rowsTT
{- |
The Prover implementation.
Implemented are: a prover GUI.
ttProver :: LP.Prover Sig.Sign FORMULA PMorphism.Morphism PropSL ProofTree
ttProver = LP.mkProverTemplate ttS top ttProveGUI
{- |
The Consistency Cheker.
ttConsistencyChecker :: LP.ConsChecker Sig.Sign FORMULA PropSL
PMorphism.Morphism ProofTree
ttConsistencyChecker = LP.mkConsChecker ttS top consCheck
consCheck :: String -> LP.TacticScript
-> LP.TheoryMorphism Sig.Sign FORMULA PMorphism.Morphism ProofTree
-> [LP.FreeDefMorphism FORMULA PMorphism.Morphism]
-- ^ free definitions
-> IO (LP.CCStatus ProofTree)
consCheck _ _ tm _freedefs = case LP.tTarget tm of
LP.Theory sig nSens ->
let sigSize = Set.size (items sig) in
if sigSize >= maxSigSize then
return $ LP.CCStatus (ProofTree $ sigTooLarge sigSize) midnight Nothing
else do
let axs = filter (AS_Anno.isAxiom . snd) $ OMap.toList nSens
models = allModels sig
sigList = Set.toList $ items sig
heading = TTHead { hprops = map show sigList
, haxioms = map fst axs
, hextprops = [], hextaxioms = []
, hgoal = Nothing
mkRow m =
let evalAx = map (eval m . AS_Anno.sentence . snd) axs
isModel = and evalAx
in TTRow { rprops = map (`Set.member` m) sigList
, raxioms = evalAx
, rextrows = []
, rgoal = Nothing
, rIsModel = isModel
, rIsOK = isModel
rows = map mkRow models
isOK = any rIsOK rows
table = TruthTable { thead = heading
, trows = rows
legend = "Legend:\nM+ = model of the axioms\n"
++ " - = not a model of the axioms\n"
body = legend ++ "\n" ++ render id id id (renderTT table)
return $ LP.CCStatus (ProofTree body) midnight $ Just isOK
-- ** prover GUI
{- |
Invokes the generic prover GUI.
ttProveGUI :: String -- ^ theory name
-> LP.Theory Sig.Sign FORMULA ProofTree
-> [LP.FreeDefMorphism FORMULA PMorphism.Morphism]
-- ^ free definitions
-> IO([LP.ProofStatus ProofTree]) -- ^ proof status for each goal
ttProveGUI thName th freedefs =
genericATPgui (atpFun thName) True (LP.proverName ttProver) thName th
freedefs emptyProofTree
{- |
Record for prover specific functions. This is used by both GUI and command
line interface.
atpFun :: String -- ^ Theory name
-> ATPState.ATPFunctions Sig.Sign FORMULA PMorphism.Morphism ProofTree
atpFun thName = ATPState.ATPFunctions
{ ATPState.initialProverState = PState.propProverState
, ATPState.goalOutput = goalProblem thName
, ATPState.atpTransSenName = PState.transSenName
, ATPState.atpInsertSentence = PState.insertSentence
, ATPState.proverHelpText = ttHelpText
, ATPState.runProver = runTt
, ATPState.batchTimeEnv = ""
, ATPState.fileExtensions = ATPState.FileExtensions
{ ATPState.problemOutput = ".tt"
, ATPState.proverOutput = ".tt"
, ATPState.theoryConfiguration = ".tt"}
, ATPState.createProverOptions = createTtOptions
defaultProofStatus :: AS_Anno.Named FORMULA -> LP.ProofStatus ProofTree
defaultProofStatus nGoal =
LP.openProofStatus (AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal) (LP.proverName ttProver)
{- |
Runs tt.
runTt :: PState.PropProverState
-- ^ logical part containing the input Sign and
-- axioms and possibly goals that have been proved
-- earlier as additional axioms
-> ATPState.GenericConfig ProofTree
-- ^ configuration to use
-> Bool
-- ^ True means save DIMACS file
-> String
-- ^ Name of the theory
-> AS_Anno.Named FORMULA
-- ^ Goal to prove
-> IO (ATPState.ATPRetval, ATPState.GenericConfig ProofTree)
-- ^ (retval, configuration with proof status and complete output)
runTt pState cfg _ _thName nGoal =
let sig = PState.initialSignature pState
sigSize = Set.size $ items sig
in if sigSize >= maxSigSize then do
infoDialog "Signature too large" $ sigTooLarge sigSize
return (ATPState.ATPTLimitExceeded,
cfg { ATPState.proofStatus = defaultProofStatus nGoal })
else do
let axs = PState.initialAxioms pState
freedefs = PState.freeDefs pState
nameFree fd =
AS_Anno.makeNamed (if LP.isCofree fd then "cofree" else "free")
(FreeConstraint fd)
sens = map (AS_Anno.mapNamed Formula) axs ++ map nameFree freedefs
models = allModels sig
sigList = Set.toList $ items sig
heading =
TTHead { hprops = map show sigList
, haxioms = map AS_Anno.senAttr sens
, hextprops = [], hextaxioms = []
, hgoal = Just $ AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal
mkRow m =
let evalAx = map (evalNamedFormulaOrFree m) sens
evalGoal = evalNamed m nGoal
isModel = and evalAx
in TTRow { rprops = map (`Set.member` m) sigList
, raxioms = evalAx
, rextrows = []
, rgoal = Just evalGoal
, rIsModel = isModel
, rIsOK = not isModel || evalGoal
rows = map mkRow models
isOK = all rIsOK rows
consistent = any rIsModel rows
table = TruthTable { thead = heading
, trows = rows
legend = "Legend:\nM = model of the premises\n"++
"+ = OK, model fulfills conclusion\n"++
"- = not OK, counterexample for logical consequence\n"++
"o = OK, premises are not fulfilled, hence conclusion is "
++ "irrelevant\n"
body = legend++"\n"++render id id id (renderTT table)
let status = (defaultProofStatus nGoal)
{ LP.goalStatus = if isOK then LP.Proved consistent
else LP.Disproved
,LP.usedAxioms = map AS_Anno.senAttr sens
return (ATPState.ATPSuccess,
cfg { ATPState.proofStatus = status
, ATPState.resultOutput = [body] })
{- |
Creates a list of all options the truth table prover runs with.
Only Option is the timelimit
createTtOptions :: ATPState.GenericConfig ProofTree -> [String]
createTtOptions _cfg = [] -- [(show $ configTimeLimit cfg)]
goalProblem :: String -- ^ name of the theory
-> PState.PropProverState -- ^ initial Prover state
-> AS_Anno.Named FORMULA -- ^ goal to prove
-> [String] -- ^ Options (ignored)
-> IO String
goalProblem _ _ _ _ = return ""
{- |
Conservativity check
-- | Conservativity Check via truth table
-- TODO: check for injectivity!
ttConservativityChecker ::
(Sign, [AS_Anno.Named FORMULA]) -- ^ Initial sign and formulas
-> PMorphism.Morphism -- ^ morhpism between specs
-> [AS_Anno.Named FORMULA] -- ^ Formulas of extended spec
-> IO (Result.Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA])))
ttConservativityChecker (_, srcSens) mor tarSens =
let srcAxs = filter AS_Anno.isAxiom srcSens
tarAxs = filter AS_Anno.isAxiom tarSens
srcSig = items $ PMorphism.source mor
imageSig = (PMorphism.applyMorphism mor) srcSig
imageSigList = Set.toList imageSig
tarSig = items $ mor
newSig = Set.difference tarSig imageSig
sigSize = Set.size tarSig
in if sigSize >= maxSigSize then return $ return Nothing
else do
let imageAxs = map (AS_Anno.mapNamed (PMorphism.mapSentenceH mor)) srcAxs
models = allModels (Sign imageSig)
newSigList = Set.toList newSig
heading =
TTHead { hprops = map show imageSigList,
haxioms = map AS_Anno.senAttr srcAxs,
hextprops = map show newSigList,
hextaxioms = map AS_Anno.senAttr tarAxs,
hgoal = Nothing
mkRow m =
let evalAx = map (evalNamed m) imageAxs
isModel = and evalAx
extmodels = allModels (Sign newSig)
extrow m' =
let evalExtAx = map (evalNamed (m `amalg` m')) tarAxs
isExtModel = and evalExtAx
in TTExtRow { rextprops = map (`Set.member` m') newSigList,
rextaxioms = evalExtAx,
rextIsModel = isExtModel
extrows = map extrow extmodels
in TTRow { rprops = map (`Set.member` m) imageSigList,
raxioms = evalAx,
rgoal = Nothing,
rextrows = if isModel then extrows else [],
rIsModel = isModel,
rIsOK = not isModel || any rextIsModel extrows
rows = map mkRow models
isOK = all rIsOK rows
table = TruthTable { thead = heading,
trows = rows
title = "The extension is "++ (if isOK then "" else "not ")
++ "conservative"
legend = "Legend:\n"
++ "M = model of the axioms\n"
++ "+ = OK, has expansion\n"
++ "- = not OK, has no expansion, hence conservativity fails\n"
++ "o = OK, not a model of the axioms, hence no expansion needed\n"
body = legend++"\n"++render id id id (renderTT table)
res = if isOK then Cons else Inconsistent
createTextSaveDisplay title "unnamed" body
return $ return $ Just (res, [])