Prop2CNF.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Helper functions for CNF translation
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, Uni Bremen 2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
Helper functions for the translation of propositional formulae to CNF. We are
using SPASS -Flotter=1 here
Till Mossakowski, Joseph Goguen, Razvan Diaconescu, Andrzej Tarlecki.
What is a Logic?.
In Jean-Yves Beziau (Ed.), Logica Universalis, pp. 113-@133. Birkhaeuser.
ToDo: clause formula relation to SPASS Parser + AS
add analysis for clause formula
put the stuff together
module Propositional.Prop2CNF
translateToCNF -- CNF conversion via SPASS
import Common.UniUtils as CP
import qualified Comorphisms.SuleCFOL2SoftFOL as C2S
import qualified Logic.Coerce as LC
import qualified Logic.Comorphism as Com
import Propositional.ChildMessage
import qualified Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional as PBasic
import qualified Propositional.Prop2CASLHelpers as P2C
import qualified Propositional.Sign as PSign
import qualified SoftFOL.Conversions as Conv
import qualified SoftFOL.DFGParser as SParse
import qualified SoftFOL.ProverState as PState
import qualified SoftFOL.Sign as Sig
import qualified SoftFOL.Translate as Translate
import qualified CASL.Logic_CASL as CLogic
import Common.DocUtils
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Common.Id as Id
import qualified Common.Result as Result
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
getTheory :: (PSign.Sign, [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA])
-> Result.Result (Sig.Sign, [AS_Anno.Named Sig.SPTerm])
getTheory ti1 = do
ti2 <- P2C.mapTheory ti1
ti2' <- LC.coerceBasicTheory CLogic.CASL
(Com.sourceLogic C2S.SuleCFOL2SoftFOL)
"Mapping theory along comorphism" ti2
Com.wrapMapTheory C2S.SuleCFOL2SoftFOL ti2'
{- | forget the internal settings for a while
this is no loss, since we have to restore them
anyways -}
dementia :: [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA] -> [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA]
dementia = map $ \ xv -> xv
{ AS_Anno.isAxiom = True
, AS_Anno.isDef = False
, AS_Anno.wasTheorem = False }
-- | Initial ProverState for Spass
createInitProverState :: PSign.Sign
-> [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA]
-> PState.SoftFOLProverState
createInitProverState sign nForms =
let (osig, oth) =
case Result.maybeResult $ getTheory (sign, dementia nForms) of
Just (xs, ys) -> (xs, ys)
Nothing -> error "Should not happen... Error in Prop2CNF"
PState.spassProverState osig oth []
{- |
Runs SPASS. SPASS is assumed to reside in PATH.
runSpass :: PState.SoftFOLProverState -- Spass Prover state... Theory + Sig
-> Bool -- ^ True means save DFG file
-> IO String -- Placeholder
runSpass sps saveDFG = do
let filteredOptions =
[ "-Auto=0", "-Flotter=1", "-Stdin=1", "-CNFOptSkolem=0"
, "-CNFStrSkolem=0" ]
spass <- newChildProcess "SPASS" [CP.arguments filteredOptions]
let runSpassReal = do
e <- getToolStatus spass
if isJust e
then error "Something is wrong"
else do
prob <- showDFGProblem "Translation" sps filteredOptions
when saveDFG $ writeFile "FlotterIn.dfg" prob
sendMsg spass prob
flotterOut <- parseIt spass $ isPrefixOf "FLOTTER needed"
when saveDFG $ writeFile "FlotterOut.dfg" flotterOut
return flotterOut
Exception.catch runSpassReal $ \ excep -> do
-- kill spass process
destroy spass
_ <- waitForChildProcess spass
return $ "SPASS not found... Bailing out!!! Cause was: "
++ show (excep :: Exception.SomeException)
{- |
Pretty printing SPASS goal in DFG format.
showDFGProblem :: String -- ^ theory name
-> PState.SoftFOLProverState {- ^ prover state containing
initial logical part -}
-> [String] -- ^ extra options
-> IO String -- ^ formatted output of the goal
showDFGProblem thName pst opts = do
prob <- Conv.genSoftFOLProblem thName (PState.initialLogicalPart pst) Nothing
-- add SPASS command line settings and extra options
let prob' = prob { Sig.settings = Sig.settings prob ++
PState.parseSPASSCommands opts }
return $ showDoc prob' ""
-- | Main function for run SPASS and Parse
:: PState.SoftFOLProverState -- ^ Spass Prover state: Theory + Sig
-> Bool -- ^ True means save DFG file
-> IO Sig.SPProblem -- ^ Output AS
runSPASSandParseDFG pstate save =
fmap parseDFG $ runSpass pstate save
-- | run the DFG Parser
parseDFG :: String -> Sig.SPProblem
parseDFG input = case parse SParse.parseSPASS "" input of
Left err -> error $ "parse error at " ++ show err
Right xv -> xv
-- | Restore the values of the named fields in Formulae
restoreContext :: [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA] -- Input Formulae
-> [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA] -- Translated Formula
-> [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA] -- Output
restoreContext xs@(_ : _) (yv : ys) =
trName = AS_Anno.senAttr yv
trNm = Translate.transSenName
f : _ = filter ((== trName) . trNm . AS_Anno.senAttr) xs
in f { AS_Anno.sentence = AS_Anno.sentence yv }
: restoreContext xs ys
restoreContext _ _ = []
-- | Join different clauses to a single CNF-Formula
joinClause :: Sig.SPClauseType
-> Sig.SPSettingBody
-> [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA]
-> [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA]
joinClause inCt inSetting inFrm = case inFrm of
[] -> []
_ -> joinClauseHelper inCt (determineClauseNames inSetting) inSetting inFrm
-- | Join Clauses according to the Clause-Formula-Relation
joinClauseHelper :: Sig.SPClauseType
-> Set.Set String
-> Sig.SPSettingBody
-> [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA]
-> [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA]
joinClauseHelper inCt inSet inSetting inFrm =
if Set.null inSet then [] else let
(inName, newSet) = Set.deleteFindMin inSet
clauses@(f : _) =
filterClauseNames inName inSetting inFrm
nakedForms = map AS_Anno.sentence clauses
mk c = [(AS_Anno.makeNamed inName $ c nakedForms Id.nullRange)
{ AS_Anno.isAxiom = AS_Anno.isAxiom f
, AS_Anno.isDef = AS_Anno.isDef f
, AS_Anno.wasTheorem = AS_Anno.wasTheorem f }]
case inCt of
Sig.SPCNF -> mk PBasic.Conjunction
++ joinClauseHelper inCt newSet inSetting inFrm
Sig.SPDNF -> mk PBasic.Disjunction
++ joinClauseHelper inCt newSet inSetting inFrm
-- | get Clauses with a particular name
:: String
-> Sig.SPSettingBody
-> [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA]
-> [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA]
filterClauseNames name setting frms =
let clrel =
(\ xy -> case xy of
Sig.SPClauseRelation cls -> cls
_ -> error "Wrong type"
) setting
thisNames = map Sig.clauseSPR
$ filter ((== name) . Sig.formulaSPR) clrel
namesSet = foldl (flip Set.insert) Set.empty thisNames
filter ((`Set.member` namesSet) . AS_Anno.senAttr) frms
-- | determine all names for clauses that occur
determineClauseNames :: Sig.SPSettingBody -> Set.Set String
determineClauseNames xs =
foldl (\ yv xv -> Set.insert (Sig.formulaSPR xv) yv) Set.empty
(\ xy -> case xy of
Sig.SPClauseRelation cls -> cls
_ -> error "Wrong type"
-- | Translation of named clauses
translateSPClause :: Sig.SPClauseType -- Clause Type is needed
-> Sig.SPClause
-> Result.Result (AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA)
translateSPClause ct nspc = do
cla' <- case AS_Anno.sentence nspc of
Sig.SimpleClause sc -> return sc
Sig.QuanClause _ sc -> return sc
Sig.BriefClause _ (Sig.TWL l1 _) (Sig.TWL l2 _) -> do
s1 <- mapM Sig.toLiteral l1
s2 <- mapM Sig.toLiteral l2
let s3 = map (\ (Sig.SPLiteral b s) -> Sig.SPLiteral (not b) s) s2
return $ Sig.NSPClauseBody Sig.SPCNF $ s1 ++ s3
transL <- translateNSPClause ct cla'
return nspc { AS_Anno.sentence = transL }
-- | the simple translation of Literals
translateLiteral :: Sig.SPLiteral -> PBasic.FORMULA
translateLiteral (Sig.SPLiteral b l) =
(if b then id else flip PBasic.Negation Id.nullRange)
$ case l of
Sig.SPTrue -> PBasic.True_atom Id.nullRange
Sig.SPFalse -> PBasic.False_atom Id.nullRange
Sig.SPCustomSymbol idF -> PBasic.Predication idF
_ -> PBasic.Predication $ Id.mkSimpleId $ Sig.showSPSymbol l
-- | translation of clauses
translateNSPClause :: Sig.SPClauseType -> Sig.NSPClauseBody
-> Result.Result PBasic.FORMULA
translateNSPClause ct frm =
case frm of
Sig.NSPClauseBody ct2 lits | ct == ct2 ->
Result.maybeToResult Id.nullRange "All fine" $ Just $ case lits of
[hd] -> translateLiteral hd
_ -> (case ct of
Sig.SPCNF -> PBasic.Disjunction
Sig.SPDNF -> PBasic.Conjunction)
(map translateLiteral lits) Id.nullRange
_ -> Result.fatal_error "Translation impossible" Id.nullRange
:: Sig.SPClauseList
-> Sig.SPSettingBody
-> Result.Result [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA]
translateClauseList clist inSetting =
clauseType = Sig.clauseType clist
clauses = Sig.clauses clist
tclauses = map (translateSPClause clauseType) clauses
nclauses = map Result.maybeResult tclauses
hasErrors = any (Result.hasErrors . Result.diags) tclauses
if hasErrors
then if null clauses
Result.maybeToResult Id.nullRange "All fine" $ Just $
joinClause clauseType inSetting []
("Cannot translate clause list" ++ show clist) Id.nullRange
else Result.maybeToResult Id.nullRange "All fine" . Just
. joinClause clauseType inSetting
$ map (fromMaybe $ error "Bailing out in translateClauseList...")
-- | Translation of the logical part of SPASS to Propositional
:: Sig.SPLogicalPart
-> Sig.SPSettingBody
-> IO [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA]
translateLogicalPart spLog inSetting =
clauseLists = filter (not . null . Sig.clauses) $ Sig.clauseLists spLog
outLists = map (`translateClauseList` inSetting) clauseLists
outForm = map Result.maybeResult outLists
hasErrors = any (Result.hasErrors . Result.diags) outLists
if null clauseLists
then return []
else if hasErrors
then fail ("Cannot translate logical part" ++ show spLog)
else return $ concatMap
$ error "Bailing out in translateLogicalPart...")
-- | Determines the output signature
getOutputSign :: Sig.SPSymbolList -> PSign.Sign
getOutputSign inList =
PSign.items =
foldl (flip Set.insert) Set.empty $
map translateSymbol $ Sig.predicates inList
translateSymbol :: Sig.SPSignSym -> Id.Id
translateSymbol inSym = case inSym of
Sig.SPSignSym name _ -> Id.simpleIdToId name
Sig.SPSimpleSignSym name -> Id.simpleIdToId name
-- | Translation of a SPASS Problem to propositional
translateProblem :: Sig.SPProblem -> IO [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA]
translateProblem spProb = case Sig.settings spProb of
Sig.SPSettings _ (sb : _) : _ ->
translateLogicalPart (Sig.logicalPart spProb) sb
_ -> error "clause formula relation is not set."
-- | Translation of Propositional theories to CNF
translateToCNF :: (PSign.Sign, [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA])
-> IO (PSign.Sign, [AS_Anno.Named PBasic.FORMULA])
translateToCNF (sig, forms) = case forms of
[] -> return (sig, [])
_ -> do
let pState = createInitProverState sig forms
outProb <- runSPASSandParseDFG pState False
let mSymList = Sig.symbolList $ Sig.logicalPart outProb
outSymList = case mSymList of
Just xsym -> getOutputSign xsym
_ -> sig
re <- translateProblem outProb
return (outSymList, restoreContext forms re)