Conversions.hs revision 9a5fda85e9eaf0e6a18d0dd2b8535805c5135e9a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Instance of class Logic for propositional logic
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, Uni Bremen 2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Helper functions for printing of Theories in DIMACS-CNF Format
module Propositional.Conversions
import qualified Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional as AS
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Propositional.Prop2CNF as P2C
import qualified Propositional.Sign as Sig
import qualified Common.Id as Id
import qualified Common.Result as Res
import qualified Propositional.Tools as PT
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Propositional.ProverState as PState
-- | make a DIMACS Problem for SAT-Solvers
goalDIMACSProblem :: String -- name of the theory
-> PState.PropProverState -- initial Prover state
-> AS_Anno.Named AS.FORMULA -- goal to prove
-> [String] -- Options (ignored)
-> IO String
goalDIMACSProblem thName pState conjec _ =
sign = PState.initialSignature pState
axs = PState.initialAxioms pState
ioDIMACSProblem thName sign axs [conjec]
-- | IO output of DIMACS Problem
ioDIMACSProblem :: String -- name of the theory
-> Sig.Sign -- Signature
-> [AS_Anno.Named AS.FORMULA] -- Axioms
-> [AS_Anno.Named AS.FORMULA] -- Conjectures
-> IO String -- Output
ioDIMACSProblem name sig axs cons = return $ showDIMACSProblem name sig axs cons
-- | Translation of a Propositional Formula to a String in DIMACS Format
showDIMACSProblem :: String -- name of the theory
-> Sig.Sign -- Signature
-> [AS_Anno.Named AS.FORMULA] -- Axioms
-> [AS_Anno.Named AS.FORMULA] -- Conjectures
-> String -- Output
showDIMACSProblem name sig axs cons =
nakedCons = map (AS_Anno.sentence) cons
negatedCons = (\ncons ->
case ncons of
[] -> []
_ ->
[(AS_Anno.makeNamed "myCons" $
AS_Anno.isAxiom = True
, AS_Anno.isDef = False
, AS_Anno.wasTheorem = False
) nakedCons
transAx = P2C.translateToCNF (sig, axs)
transCon = P2C.translateToCNF (sig, negatedCons)
resAx = Res.diags transAx
resCon = Res.diags transCon
errors = Res.hasErrors resAx || Res.hasErrors resCon
case errors of
True -> "Translation failed... sorry"
False ->
(tSig,tAxs) = unwrapMaybe $ Res.maybeResult transAx
(tpSig,tCon) = unwrapMaybe $ Res.maybeResult transCon
fSig = Sig.unite tSig tpSig
tfAxs = concat $ map PT.flatten $
map AS_Anno.sentence tAxs
tfCon = concat $ map PT.flatten $
map AS_Anno.sentence tCon
numVars = Set.size $ Sig.items fSig
numClauses = length tfAxs + length tfCon
sigMap = createSignMap fSig 1 Map.empty
"c " ++ name ++ "\n" ++
"p cnf " ++ show numVars ++ " " ++ show numClauses ++ "\n"++
(\tflAxs ->
case tflAxs of
[] -> ""
_ -> "c Axioms\n" ++
(foldl (\sr xv -> sr ++ mapClause xv sigMap) "" tflAxs)
) tfAxs ++
(\tflCon ->
case tflCon of
[] -> ""
_ -> "c Conjectures\n" ++
(foldl (\sr xv -> sr ++ mapClause xv sigMap) ""
-- | Helper to get out of the Maybe Monad
unwrapMaybe :: Maybe a -> a
unwrapMaybe (Just yv) = yv
unwrapMaybe Nothing = error "Cannot unwrap Nothing"
-- | Create signature map
createSignMap :: Sig.Sign
-> Integer
-> Map.Map Id.Token Integer
-> Map.Map Id.Token Integer
createSignMap sig inNum inMap =
it = Sig.items sig
min = Set.findMin it
nSig = Sig.Sign {Sig.items = Set.deleteMin it}
case (Set.null it) of
True -> inMap
False -> createSignMap
(inNum + 1)
(Map.insert (head $ getSimpleId min) inNum inMap)
-- | gets simple Id
getSimpleId :: Id.Id -> [Id.Token]
getSimpleId (Id.Id toks _ _) = toks
-- | Mapping of a single Clause
mapClause :: AS.FORMULA
-> Map.Map Id.Token Integer
-> String
mapClause form map =
case form of
AS.Disjunction ts _ -> (foldl
(\sr xv -> sr ++ (mapLiteral xv map) ++ " ")
"" ts
++ "0\n"
AS.Negation (AS.Predication _) _ -> mapLiteral form map ++ " 0\n"
AS.Predication _ -> mapLiteral form map ++ " 0\n"
_ -> error "Impossible Case alternative"
-- | Mapping of a single literal
mapLiteral :: AS.FORMULA
-> Map.Map Id.Token Integer
-> String
mapLiteral form map =
case form of
AS.Negation (AS.Predication tok) _ -> "-" ++
show (Map.findWithDefault 0 tok map)
AS.Predication tok -> show (Map.findWithDefault 0 tok map)
_ -> error "Impossible Case"